abstain 88.135 accelerator 70.36 accept 12.351 acceptable 97.567 accidentally 97.911 according to 93.42 account, reckoning 63.2 accountant 63.53 accused 87.61 acid 46.53 Opp: BASE acne 85.112 acorn 4.015 acquaintance 11.517 acquit 87.674 acre 90.802 BV acreage 21.06 act [v] 82.41 actinium, Ac 46.689 Chemical element #089 actor 82.42 actress 82.43 acupuncture 85.77 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO AGE 97.1 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO COLOR 97.3 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO SPEED 97.2 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO DIMENSION 97.4 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO HUMAN PROPENSITY 13.001 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO PHYSICAL PROPERTY 97.6 ADJECTIVES RELATING TO VALUE JUDGMENTS 97.5 ADJUSTMENT PROCESSES 13.9 adobe 50.045 ADOLESCENCE, ADULTHOOD, AND OLD AGE 10.95 adolescent female, young woman 10.963 adolescent male, young man 10.962 adopt 11.092 ADORNMENT 42 advance [v] 54.41 ADVERBIAL NUMBERS 90.22 ADVERBIALS 97.9 adze 50.807 Different from AXE (09.250) ? afraid; fear, fright 13.545 v vs n; HF after 92.612 afternoon 92.036 HF against 93.435 age [noun] 97.101 number of years, not EPOCH, TIME PERIOD aggression 53.9 aggressor 53.905 agree 82.26 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE tba on original list AGRICULTURAL TOOLS 21.2 AGRICULTURE 21 ahead 92.59 ahead of; lead 93.275 LEAD = BE AHEAD OF AIDS 85.105 aim [v vs n] 22.12 air 1.002 BV air pump 50.93 AIR TRANSPORT 73 airforce 54.8 airman 54.81 airplane 73.01 airport 73.11 albino 85.49 alibi 87.58 all / every 90.301 HF alliance 54.085 ally 54.08 almost 97.991 alms, offering 88.256 alone 97.965 Contrast: ONLY along 93.33 altar 88.21 altogether 97.961 aluminum, Al 46.613 Chemical element #013 always 92.539 ambassador 53.772 ambitious 13.172 ambush 54.33 v & n americium, Am 46.695 Chemical element #095 ammunition 54.555 among 93.34 amputate 85.795 ANATOMY 10.001 ancestors 11.005 anchor 72.38 ancient 97.135 and 99.401 anesthetic 85.785 anesthetize 85.78 angel 88.32 angry, anger 13.551 HF animal (generic) 3.501 HF ANIMAL BY-PRODUCTS tba on original list ANIMAL HUSBANDRY 24 ankle 10.331 HF announce 15.062 answer 15.032 n vs v; HF ant 3.003 Several species may be differentiated antenna (for communications) 84.11 antenna (of insect) 3.092 anti-aircraft gun 54.83 anticipate 12.361 antimony, Sb 46.651 Chemical element #051 antiseptic 85.84 anus 10.144 anvil 45.595 anxiety, worry 13.541 Orig: WORRIED any 94.403 anyone 94.404 apartment 51.029 apology 87.11 appeal 87.72 n vs v apple 4.211 apprentice 63.77 approach 70.024 April 92.304 arch 10.334 archipelago 2.253 area (unit of area) 90.8 area, locale 52.105 arena 51.71 See 83.1xx entries; moved from 83.110; closed roof structure; contrast: stadium arf! (sound of a dog barking) 99.514 argon, Ar 46.618 Chemical element #018 argue 82.265 ARM 10.201 Different from HAND (04.330)? ARMED FORCES, MILITARY TECHNOLOGY AND WAR 54 armor, defensive armor 54.12 armored car 54.51 armored force 54.52 armpit 10.202 army 54.5 around 93.35 arrange 12.371 arrest 87.4 arrow 22.152 HF arrowfeathers 22.154 arrowhead 22.155 arsenic, As 46.633 Chemical element #033 arson 87.12 art 82.01 ARTICLE (GRAMMATICAL) 95.21 Cf: the article (prose composition) 84.735 artillery 54.53 artist 82.02 ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT 82 Orig: FINE ARTS as 99.402 as soon as possible 92.525 ash(es) 31.007 HF ashamed 13.011 ask (a question) 15.031 HF ask (for), request 15.041 aspirin 85.83 assassination 53.97 assault 54.333 n vs v assets 63.25 assignment 81.21 astatine, At 46.685 Chemical element #085 asteroid / planetoid 2.12 BV asthma 85.114 astrology 88.7 at 93.249 at ease 13.187 atheist 88.01 athlete 83.14 atoll 2.255 attack 54.336 v & n attend church 88.115 attend school 81.092 attic 50.351 attractive 97.515 auction 62.29 auditor 63.54 August 92.308 aunt, father's sister 11.062 BV aunt, mother's sister 11.064 BV author 82.31 autumn 92.471 Culturally relevant? avalanche 2.331 awaken, get up, wake up [intr] 13.98 v-intr; contrast WAKE UP (v-tr) award 14.419 away from 93.31 awl 50.833 axe 50.806 Different from ADZE?; deleted CL #252 duplicate axle 70.305 baby 10.911 with INFANT on IDS; BV baby-sitter 10.913 bachelor 11.101 back (anatomic) 10.121 HF back (position) 93.281 backbone (spine) 10.122 bad 97.502 Opp: GOOD (generic). Distinguish UNSUITABLE?; HF bad luck, misfortune 88.82 MISFORTUNE on IDS bad, evil 88.496 Of bad moral character; not generic baggage 70.09 bail 87.43 n vs v bait (a hook) 23.105 bait [n] 23.104 bake (in oven) 31.111 baker 51.365 bakery 51.36 bald 85.495 ball / sphere 97.776 bamboo 4.611 Distinguish SPINY vs THIN vs THICK species? banana 4.231 Distinguish PLANT vs FRUIT?; HF bandage 85.852 bandit 87.28 Different from THIEF? bangs 10.025 bank 63.51 banker 63.52 BANKING 63.5 bankrupt 63.33 banyan tree 4.021 Associated with evil spirits or gnomes? bar (of metal), ingot 45.598 bar / saloon 51.44 barb 3.195 barbed wire 54.61 barber 51.395 barbershop 51.39 barge 72.194 barium, Ba 46.656 Chemical element #056 bark (of tree) 4.702 Often the same as SKIN (OF TREE); HF barley 4.161 barn 24.255 barracks 54.62 base [opp: acid] 46.54 base, military installation 54.995 basement 50.361 bashful, shy 13.015 BASIC MATHEMATICAL OPERATIONS 90.4 basket 45.15 Distinguish type(s) if not generic basketful 90.722 bat, flying fox 3.513 bath 43.01 bathe 43.011 BV bathroom 50.371 battalion 54.968 battle 54.18 With WAR on IDS battlefield 54.175 battleship 54.73 bay / gulf 2.243 bay leaves, laurel 32.151 be "high" 34.409 be a soldier 54.2 be absent 81.094 be an enemy of 11.531 be drafted 54.215 be employed 63.73 be friends with 11.511 be in mourning 18.105 be in pain 85.022 be lucky 88.815 be named 14.101 be partial 13.61 be related to 11.001 be unable to sleep 13.94 beach 2.215 beads (for jewelry) 42.211 beak 3.391 beam (of wood) 50.027 beam (on ship) 72.25 bean, beans 4.301 Several types or species possible bear 3.531 beard / facial hair 10.064 bearings 50.905 beat [v] 31.251 beautiful 97.511 Opposite of: UGLY; HF because (of), since 99.403 become (sexually) excited 10.835 become engaged 11.113 bed 50.451 bedbug 3.005 bedroom 50.321 bedspread 50.519 bee 3.01 Several species may be differentiated beech 4.012 beehive 3.011 beer 33.121 before 92.611 beg 15.042 beget (of father) 10.853 beggar 63.737 begin, commence 92.72 BEHAVIOR PROCESSES AND PERSONALITY 12 behind 93.285 believe [intr] 12.311 BV bellows 45.593 belly 10.131 Contrast STOMACH, ABDOMEN, INTESTINES; HF below 93.234 Contrast UNDER and BOTTOM belt 41.911 with GIRDLE on IDS bench 50.415 bend 50.063 Specify if TR or INTR beriberi 85.116 berkelium, Bk 46.697 Chemical element #097 berry 4.201 berth 72.28 beryllium, Be 46.604 Chemical element #004 beside, next to 93.247 best 97.507 best man 11.142 bet [v] 83.21 betel (areca nut) 4.591 Replaces BEECH (TREE) on IDS betel chew (preparation) 34.315 Added to IDS betel leaf 34.311 Added to IDS betray 54.255 better 97.504 between 93.261 beyond 93.3 bib 41.105 bicycle 70.25 bid [v] 62.295 big, large 97.404 HF billion 90.173 billy goat (he-goat) 3.641 biography 82.38 birch (tree) 4.013 bird (generic) 3.301 HF BIRDS 3.3 birthday 10.901 birthmark 10.611 bismuth, Bi 46.683 Chemical element #083 bite [v] 30.015 HF bite (of food) 30.017 bitter 30.231 HF black 97.32 HF black magic 88.85 blackboard 81.25 blackmail 87.23 blacksmith 45.56 Contrast: SMITH? bladder 10.471 blame 15.098 n vs v bland, tasteless 30.212 Opp: DELICIOUS, TASTY blanket 50.517 HF blast 45.695 n vs v bleed 10.703 bless 88.14 Opp: CURSE blessed 88.62 blind 85.22 HF blink 15.504 blister 85.462 blizzard 1.225 blood 10.701 HF blood flow, circulation 10.702 bloodbrother 11.095 blouse 41.311 blow (on fire) 31.013 HF blow nose 10.733 blowgun 22.171 blue 97.34 blunt 97.695 blurred, obscure 97.645 blush 15.506 boa 3.213 boar (male pig) 3.631 board 50.023 board a ship 72.5 boast, brag 15.071 boat 72.15 Different from SHIP? body 10.002 HF BODY MARKING(S) 10.6 boil [v-intr] 31.121 Be boiling as water; not causative/transitive; HF boil, abscess 85.478 HF boiler 46.07 bolt 50.823 bomb 54.84 bonds 63.11 bone 10.52 HF bone marrow 10.521 BONES AND SINEW 10.5 bonus 63.83 book 84.71 bookkeeper 63.535 bookstore 51.33 boot 41.629 booty, spoils of war 54.48 bore, drill 50.835 v boring 97.582 born, be given in birth 10.858 boron, B 46.605 Chemical element #005 borrow 62.3 BV borrow money 62.31 botanical garden 51.62 both 94.405 bottlesful 90.724 bottom 93.239 Opp: TOP boulder 2.317 boundary 52.165 bow 22.151 weapon; counterpart of arrow; BV bow (down) 88.125 bow (of a boat) 72.31 bowl 31.359 BV boxesful 90.731 boy 10.925 brace and bit 50.837 bracelet 42.221 brackish 30.245 Contrast: SALTY braid 40.35 braid the hair 43.531 brain 10.401 HF brake 70.365 branch (of tree) 4.703 brandy 33.143 brassiere 41.221 brave 13.021 brawl 87.185 bread 32.015 Generic, but may distinguish various types break [v-tr vs intr] 50.081 Many possibilities; indicate semantics break (as arm, leg or neck) 85.452 break (diplomatic) relations 53.74 break a contract 87.2 break a law 87.105 break down [v] 70.51 break wind (fart, flatulence) 10.775 breakfast 30.111 HF breast(s) 10.112 HF breastfeed 10.916 breath; breathe 10.781 n vs v; HF breeze 1.003 brew 33.127 brew (coffee) 33.015 brewery 33.129 bribe 61.19 n vs v brick 50.039 bride 11.124 bride price 11.126 bride service 11.144 bridesmaid 11.143 bridge 70.46 BV bridge (of a ship) 72.21 bridle 24.413 bright 97.641 bring 70.05 Different from CARRY? broadaxe, battle axe 54.11 Contrast: AXE vs ADZE vs PICKAXE broadcast 84.12 v vs n; RADIO TRANSMISSION; Cf: SOW broil 31.131 broken (not working) 97.656 broken in pieces 97.655 Added to IDS list bromine, Br 46.635 Chemical element #035 bronze 45.535 With COPPER on IDS broom 50.643 May need to distinguish type (hard vs soft) brother (generic) 11.034 See: SIBLING; BV brother (older) 11.035 brother (younger) 11.036 brother-in-law 11.165 Added to IDS; BV bruise 85.464 n vs v brush 43.311 n brush the hair 43.521 brush the teeth 43.315 bubble(s) 2.232 bubonic plague 85.118 bud 4.713 Buddhism 88.02 Buddhist 88.025 build 50.001 Same as MAKE, DO or WORK? builder 50.741 building 51.001 BUILDING & CONSTRUCTION 50 BUILDINGS & STRUCTURES 51 Orig: STRUCTURES BUILDINGS IN SETTLEMENTS 51.1 Orig: SETTLEMENTS bull 3.614 bulldozer 70.67 bullet 54.55 bumper 71.3 bunch (of fruit) 4.721 buoy 72.39 bureau 53.26 burglary 87.27 burial mound 18.18 burn [n] 85.46 burn [v-intr] 31.016 HF burn [v-tr] 31.015 BV burp, belch 10.785 bury, inter 18.17 HF bus 70.63 bushel 90.721 BUSINESS 63 business 63.001 businessman 63.41 busy signal 84.375 but 99.404 butcher 51.345 butcher shop, meat store 51.34 butler 50.711 butter 32.029 butterfly 3.021 buttocks 10.143 HF button [n] 41.771 button up [v] 41.811 buy 62.2 HF by 93.246 by chance 97.912 cabbage 4.311 cabinet 50.431 cabinet (political advisory body) 53.24 caboose 71.5 cadmium, Cd 46.648 Chemical element #048 cake 32.093 calcium, Ca 46.62 Chemical element #020 calculate 12.381 calendar 92.011 calf 3.615 baby cow calf (of leg) 10.321 californium, Cf 46.698 Chemical element #098 call (loudly) 15.064 call (someone), summon 15.063 HF call, name 15.061 BV calm 2.227 Distinguish SEA vs WEATHER? calm 13.181 emotionally; Opp: UPSET cam 50.91 camel 3.68 camera 84.91 camp 54.17 camshaft 50.915 can [v] 32.251 cancer 85.12 candle 88.25 cane 41.945 canine 10.072 cannon 54.533 canoe 72.02 Is BOAT separate?; HF canteen 54.63 capital 63.1 capitalism 53.61 captain 54.95 captain (of a ship) 72.71 capture, catch 54.46 car, automobile 70.3 carbon, C 46.606 Chemical element #006 carburetor 70.385 CARDINAL NUMBERS 90.101 carpenter 50.751 carpet 50.531 carry, bear 70.052 HF carry, transport 70.054 Added to IDS list; BV carry-in-hand 70.06 carry-on-head 70.064 carry-on-shoulder 70.062 carry-underarm 70.066 carsful 90.733 cart 70.22 Also CARRIAGE and WAGON on IDS cartsful 90.732 cartwright 50.791 carve 31.225 CARVE (AS WOOD) case 87.51 cash a check 63.595 cash box 63.44 cash register 63.45 cassava 4.431 Cf: TAPIOCA cast (a line) 23.109 cast (metals) 45.58 v cast net 23.307 caste / social standing 14.6 castle / palace 51.009 cat 3.602 BV catch (as ball) 83.165 Counterpart of THROW caterpillar 3.023 catfish 3.152 cattle 3.611 BOVINE CAUSATIVE SYSTEM / cause 98.401 verb form or affix? cauterize 85.76 cave 2.307 ceasefire 54.44 ceiling 50.141 cell 87.758 cement 50.043 cemetery 18.19 center, middle 93.263 distinguished from HALF? centimeter 90.611 centipede 3.061 CERAMICS AND POTTERY 45.2 cereal 32.041 CEREAL AGRICULTURE 21.5 CEREALS (grain) [Also see AGRICULTURE] 4.1 cerium, Ce 46.658 Chemical element #058 certainly 97.955 certificate 81.42 cesium, Cs 46.655 Chemical element #055 chaff 21.513 chain 50.894 n vs v chair 50.421 BV chalk 81.255 change (money) 62.14 change, become different 98.421 change, exchange 61.01 n vs v chapel (small house of worship) 88.063 charcoal 31.025 HF charm 88.826 chase away (an animal) 24.241 Added to IDS chassis 70.301 cheap 62.274 Opp: EXPENSIVE, DEAR cheat 87.22 check 63.59 cheek 10.062 HF cheese 32.025 chemical 46.51 CHEMICAL INDUSTRIES 46.5 chemist 46.52 cherish 13.503 chernozem (rich black topsoil) 21.172 chest (of a body) 10.111 HF chest, trunk 70.096 chew / masticate 30.019 CHEW FOOD (WHEN EATING); not CHEW BETEL chewy 30.271 chick (baby fowl) 3.404 chicken / fowl 3.401 FOWL on IDS; HF chicken pox 85.122 chief of police 52.19 chief, chieftain, headman 52.04 BV child 10.923 Age between INFANT and YOUTH; BV child (as kin) 11.022 Contrast: OFFSPRING; HF chile 32.129 chill 85.24 chimney 50.477 chin 10.063 HF CHINESE, RUSSIAN, ARABIC) 15.015 chirp! (sound of a cricket) 99.513 chisel 50.831 chlorine, Cl 46.617 Chemical element #017 choir 82.159 choke (mechanical part) 70.38 choke (on food) 30.051 Different if CHOKE ON FISHBONE? cholera 85.124 chop (down tree) 45.31 chop (up soil) 21.105 chop firewood 50.692 chop, hew [v] 31.227 chopper 21.201 chopsticks 31.379 Christian 88.055 Christianity 88.05 chromium, Cr 46.624 Chemical element #024 church 88.061 with TEMPLE on IDS; BV cigar 34.221 cigarette 34.211 cinnamon 32.153 circle 97.775 circus 51.64 citizen / subject 53.01 citrus fruit 4.22 Species: ORANGE, GRAPEFUIT, CALAMONDIN, etc. city 52.15 with TOWN on IDS; BV city hall 51.11 clan 52.02 with TRIBE on IDS clap, applaud 83.19 clasp 41.791 class 81.11 classifier for books or volumes 91.01 classifier for buildings 91.02 classifier for copies 91.03 classifier for domestic animals 91.04 classifier for dwellings 91.05 classifier for flat objects 91.06 classifier for fruits 91.07 classifier for long, thin, rigid objects 91.08 classifier for mechanical devices 91.09 classifier for one of a pair 91.1 classifier for pairs 91.11 classifier for people 91.12 classifier for rope-like objects 91.13 classifier for sheets of paper 91.14 classifier for small round objects 91.15 classifier for yokes of animals 91.16 CLASSIFIERS 91 classroom 81.12 claw 3.721 Same as: FINGERNAIL in some languages clay 45.24 BV clean [adj] 97.631 Opp: DIRTY; BV clean [v] 50.62 cleaning person 50.715 clear 1.011 with PLAIN on IDS clear table 50.652 clear the land [v] 21.101 clerk 63.42 client 63.435 client of prostitute ("john") 10.892 cliff 2.304 With PRECIPICE on IDS CLIMATE IN GENERAL 1 climb (up) 70.013 Contrast GO UP / ASCEND; HF clinic 85.62 clip the nails 43.411 clitoris 10.822 cloak, cape 41.531 clock, timepiece 92.021 close to 93.212 close, shut 50.252 closet 50.327 cloth 40.2 CLOTHING ACTIVITIES 41.8 clothing store 51.37 clothing, clothes 41.001 Difficult generic in some languages; BV CLOTHING, GARB 41 cloud 1.014 Generic vs specific?; Is RAINCLOUD different?; HF cloudburst, downpour 1.016 cloudy 1.013 club 51.43 n (WEAPON) vs v (CLUB SOMEONE) cluck! (sound of a hen laying) 99.515 clutch 70.37 coach 71.6 coast 2.211 Contrast: SHORE coat 41.571 cobalt, Co 46.627 Chemical element #027 cobra 3.214 cocaine 34.421 Contrast: COCA cockadoodledoo! (sound of a rooster crowing) 99.516 cockfight 24.8 cockpit 73.05 cockroach 3.031 BV cockspur 24.805 coconut 4.042 Generic vs RIPE vs YOUNG/UNRIPE; HF coconut cream / milk 32.149 Not: COCONUT WATER coconut heart 4.043 cocoon 3.022 code of laws 87.01 coffee 33.011 coffin 18.075 COGNITIVE NEGATIVE / don't know 98.502 coin, metal money 62.13 cola (Coca Cola, Pepsi) 33.035 cold 97.764 Distinguish COLD TO TOUCH vs COLD (OF WEATHER); HF cold (emotionally) 13.192 cold (of food) 30.262 cold (respiratory infection) 85.126 Also CATARRH on IDS COLD CLIMATE 1.2 cold season 92.474 collapse 50.083 collar 41.731 collarbone 10.103 collect 20.121 BV college 81.06 colonel 54.954 colonialism 53.63 colony 53.646 color [noun] 97.301 comb (generic) 43.511 Generic vs other types; HF comb (for textiles) 40.251 comb the hair 43.51 come (here!) 70.02 Do not confuse with ARRIVE; HF come back, return 70.026 come, arrive, reach one's destination 70.022 HF comedian 82.44 comet 2.114 BV comfortable 97.571 command, order 53.16 BV commandment 88.298 commit adultery 87.13 commit incest 10.876 commit suicide 18.05 commit treason 87.91 committee 53.284 common 97.552 common law 87.02 communications network 84.1 communism 53.62 community 52.11 COMMUNITY & TERRITORIAL ORGANIZATION 52 companion, comrade 11.515 With FRIEND on IDS; HF company (business) 63.02 company (military) 54.964 compass 72.22 compete, be in competition 63.04 complete 97.651 complicated 97.544 conceive (a child) 10.852 concert 82.12 concubine 11.172 condemn 87.678 CONDIMENTS 32.1 CONDITIONS 85.2 conductor 71.65 cone 4.707 confess, admit 87.42 congregation 88.595 congressman 53.293 CONJUNCTIONS 99.4 conscience 88.47 conservation / conserve [v] 45.41 consider 12.385 conspiracy, plot 53.93 constellation 2.117 constipation 85.32 constitution 53.46 contraband 87.96 contraceptive 10.841 convict 87.672 v cook [n] 50.731 cook [v] 31.1 No generic in some lgs; see BAKE, BOIL, ROAST; HF cooked 30.282 cook-house 50.347 Also called "DIRTY KITCHEN" cooking oil 32.111 COOKING UTENSILS 31.3 cool 97.765 coop 24.711 cooperative 63.05 co-pilot 73.22 copper, Cu 46.629 Chemical element #029; with BRONZE on IDS copying machine, "xerox" 84.82 cord 44.115 CORDAGE, KNOTS, AND LASHINGS 44 cormorant 3.311 corn, maize 4.131 corner 93.241 corporation 63.03 corpse 18.07 corral 24.221 correct 97.525 cot 50.453 cotton 40.021 couch 50.419 cough 85.25 BV council 52.18 council of ministers 53.258 count, enumerate 90.401 HF counter 63.47 counterfeit [v] 87.14 counterpoint 82.114 country (generic) 53.03 country, fatherland 53.02 one's native land countryman, fellow national 53.05 countryside 2.011 Also: SETTLEMENT(S) coup d'etat 53.96 court (of law) 87.5 courthouse 51.13 cousin (e.g., first cousin) 11.071 BV cove 2.244 cover 50.057 v vs n; various types cow 3.613 female bovine cowardly 13.022 cowboy 24.511 crab 3.111 Generic and/or various species crack (as urn) 45.29 Different from SPLIT and BREAK crane 50.943 crash [v] 70.52 crawl 10.942 with CREEP on IDS crayfish 3.122 creation 88.41 credit 63.26 cremate 18.16 crew (on airplane) 73.24 crew (on ship) 72.72 crib 21.575 for storing corn, also a cattle stall crib 50.455 for baby cricket 3.032 crime 87.1 crippled 85.435 crisis 53.92 crisp 30.273 crochet [v] 40.32 crocodile 3.205 with ALLIGATOR on IDS crooked 97.712 Opp: STRAIGHT crop, harvest [n] 21.162 cross 97.779 geometric design vs religious symbol cross cousin 11.074 crossbow 22.159 cross-eyed 85.222 crossroads 70.45 crotch 10.141 crouch 10.938 crow 3.325 crow-bar 50.871 crowded 97.442 crow's nest 72.26 cruel 13.122 crunchy 30.275 crush lice (with fingernail) 3.055 crush, grind, pulverize 31.241 CRUSTACEANS & MOLLUSKS 3.1 cry, weep 13.515 BV cubits 90.634 cuckold 10.888 cuff 41.745 cultivate 21.111 with TILL THE SOIL on IDS cup 31.355 drinking vessel; BV cupboard 50.435 cupping 85.75 cupsful 90.723 curb 70.41 curious 13.101 curium, Cm 46.696 Chemical element #096 curly hair 10.023 currency 62.12 current 2.22 current account 63.58 curry powder 32.155 curse 15.211 n vs v curse (calling for supernatural harm) 88.828 curtain 50.521 custard 32.097 custom 87.03 Contrast: LAW customer 63.43 customs 70.18 cut [n] 85.458 cut (down), fell 45.315 E.g: CUT DOWN BANANAS, FELL TIMBER, etc. cut (off) 31.223 Specify type of CUTTING; many are possible; HF cut (up), slice (as meat) 31.221 BV cut grass 50.695 cut the hair 43.541 cylinder 50.92 dam 46.06 damn! (curse) 99.504 dance [n] 82.173 dance [v] 82.17 Difficult generic in some languages dancehall 51.4 dancer 82.175 dandruff 10.711 danger 53.925 dare 13.65 dark 97.642 DARK [adj] vs DARKNESS [n] dark (in color) 97.385 date 4.281 daughter 11.024 daughter-in-law 11.163 IDS distinguishes OF A WOMAN vs OF A MAN dawn 92.033 day 92.031 HF day after tomorrow 92.15 Compound phrase or complex morphology? day before yesterday 92.16 Compound phrase or complex morphology? day dream 85.93 dead 18.025 HF deaf 85.21 HF dean 81.31 DEATH 18 debits 63.27 debt 62.34 HF deceit 15.082 December 92.312 deck 72.27 decorate 82.07 decoration 82.08 deed 60.23 deep 97.421 Opp: SHALLOW; HF deer 3.522 HF defecate 10.772 Verbal counterpart of EXCREMENT; HF defend (in battle) 54.05 defend (in court) 87.62 defendant 87.63 defense 87.635 degree (BA, MA, PhD) 81.44 DEICTIC PRONOUNS OR DEMONSTRATIVE WORDS 94.001 delegation 53.775 deliberately 97.914 delicious, tasty, savory 30.211 delouse 3.056 Added to IDS democracy 53.43 demon 88.34 with EVIL SPIRIT on IDS demon possession 88.345 dentist 85.56 dentist's office 85.565 deny 15.083 department store 51.38 deposit 63.56 depot 70.59 derrick 50.946 descendants 11.006 DESCRIPTIVES 97 adjectivals desert 2.022 waterless place desert [v] 54.25 design 82.09 desk 81.24 dessert 30.161 destroy 54.37 develop [v] 84.94 dew 1.031 diagnose 85.707 diagnosis 85.708 dial tone 84.37 diamond 42.119 diaper 41.101 diarrhea 85.325 dibble stick 21.241 dice 83.24 dice [v] 31.229 dictatorship 53.65 die 18.02 Cf: DEAD on Rd, WA; DEATH (noun counterpart); HF DIET 32 different (not the same kind) 97.532 Contrast OTHER (another of the same kind); HF difficult, hard 97.542 Opp: EASY; HF dig 21.107 HF dig up 20.141 digest 10.761 dike 21.05 dimple 10.621 dining room 50.341 dinner 30.141 BV dip net 23.309 diploma 81.43 diplomat 53.77 diplomatic relations 53.73 DIRECTIONS OR LOCATIONS 93.1 director 53.27 directorate 53.275 dirty, soiled 97.632 HF disagree 87.16 disappear 88.18 verbal form of NONE, NOTHING? disciple 88.54 discount 62.23 DISEASES 85.1 disgusted 13.63 dish 31.351 different from PLATE?; BV dishonest 13.164 disloyal 13.036 disobey 53.166 dispensary 85.686 distill 33.147 distillery 33.149 distinct, clear 97.644 distribute 84.76 distributor (in automobile) 70.39 distributor (of merchandise) 63.65 district 52.12 district chief 52.124 district headquarters, seat 52.126 ditch 21.108 dive 72.004 divide 90.405 DIVIDE (as a catch) vs MATHEMATICAL DIVISION divine 88.61 division 54.969 divorce 11.181 n vs v; BV dizzy 85.27 do business 63.01 dock [n vs v] 72.96 doctor, physician 85.54 BV doctor's office 85.61 dog 3.601 HF DOMESTIC ANIMALS [Also see HUSBANDRY] 3.6 domestic trade 63.66 DOMESTICATED FOWL 3.4 DOMESTICATING ANIMALS AND DAIRYING 24.101 donation 61.15 donkey, ass 3.66 door 50.213 with GATE on IDS; BV door-bolt, latch 50.221 doorknob 50.217 doorpost, jamb 50.215 double 90.231 doubt 12.341 v vs n dough 32.013 dove 3.326 down 93.233 dowry 11.125 draft [v] 54.21 draft animal 70.21 drama 82.34 draw 82.03 dream 13.95 n vs v; HF dredge 50.95 dress 41.331 n = WOMAN'S DRESS vs v dribble (drool) 10.752 drift with current 2.262 Also: CARRIED BY CURRENT drill bit 50.839 drink [v] 33.007 HF DRINK AND INDULGENCE 33.1 drink too much (of an alcoholic beverage) 33.101 drink, beverage 33.005 drip 72.007 Contrast: DROP drip! (sound of water dripping) 99.522 drive (a vehicle) 70.105 drive (as a herd) 24.235 DRIVES & EMOTIONS 13.5 drop [n] 60.17 Contrast: DRIP drought 1.021 drown(ed) 72.002 drug 34.4 drug store 85.684 drum 82.144 drunk 33.105 dry 97.742 Distinguish LACK OF MOISTURE from DRIED; HF dry [v] 32.221 dry dock 72.95 dry field, swidden 21.015 HF dry season 92.465 duck 3.411 dull 97.562 dull (of a blade) 97.692 HF dun 62.4 during 92.615 dusk, twilight 92.038 dust 2.003 Difficult to obtain in some languages; HF dusting of snow 1.224 dye 40.261 dynamite 45.69 dysentery 85.13 dysprosium, Dy 46.666 Chemical element #066 eagle 3.321 ear 10.031 HF earlobe 10.032 early 92.541 earn 63.13 earphone(s) 84.17 earring 42.231 Earth 2.133 planet earth (soil, dirt) 2.002 Same as LAND?; HF earth, land 2.01 Same as 02.002 (SOIL)?; Contrast: LAND (PARCEL OF PROPERTY), EARTH (planet) earthquake 1.09 BV earwax 10.715 BV east 93.16 WIND DIRECTION vs PLACE OF SUNRISE; HF easy 97.541 Opp: DIFFICULT; BV eat 30.011 HF EATING & CONSUMPTION 30 eaves 50.125 eclipse: lunar 2.121 eclipse: solar 2.122 edge 93.245 editor 84.74 editorial 84.73 EDUCATION & SCHOOLING 81 eel 3.171 FRESHWATER vs SALTWATER species?; BV egg 3.405 HF egg white(s) 32.165 eggplant 4.351 eight (8) 90.111 HF eight hundred (800) 90.157 eighteen (18) 90.121 eighth (8th) 90.208 eighth (1/8) 90.244 eighty (80) 90.142 eighty-five (85) 90.143 Replaces: EIGHTY-ONE on original list einsteinium, Es 46.699 Chemical element #099 ejaculate 10.816 elbow 10.205 HF elder [n] 52.05 elder [adj] 97.129 elect 53.53 elections 53.5 electrical generator 46.02 electrical outlet 50.383 electrical power company 46.1 electrician 50.781 electricity 46.01 elephant 3.67 eleven (11) 90.114 elimination 10.77 embers 31.009 embezzle 87.225 embrace, caress, hug 10.833 v vs n embroider [v] 40.33 emergency room 85.66 BV emperor 53.642 empire 53.644 employee 63.75 empty 97.659 Sometimes not one word, i.e., NOTHING INSIDE enact (a law) 87.04 end (spatial) 93.283 Physical END POINT; distinguish other meanings end (temporal) 92.729 Distinguish physical END POINT (93.283) end of the world 88.43 enemy 54.07 BV energy 46.001 ENERGY AND POWER 46 engage in intercourse [v] 10.837 engine (locomotive) 71.4 engineer 71.45 engineers 54.99 enlarge 84.96 enlist 54.23 enough 90.306 enter, go in 70.018 entertain 11.569 entire, whole 97.654 envelope 84.63 epilepsy 85.132 EQUIPMENT AND BUILDING MAINTENANCE 50.4 eraser 84.86 erbium, Er 46.668 Chemical element #068 eruption 2.322 esophagus 10.092 especially 97.931 espionage 87.92 establish (diplomatic) relations 53.735 estimate 12.389 eulogy 18.125 europium, Eu 46.663 Chemical element #063 evening 92.037 BV everyone, everybody 94.406 evidence 87.59 evil spirit 88.347 with DEMON on IDS ewe 3.622 exactly 97.981 excavate [v] 50.01 EXCHANGE 61 excited 13.186 excrement 10.773 HUMAN vs ANIMAL, e.g., MANURE, GUANO execute 87.74 executioner 87.743 exempt 87.07 exhausted 13.214 exhibition 51.66 exorcise 88.15 expenses 63.15 expensive, costly, dear 62.272 Opp: CHEAP; BV explain 15.053 exploitation / exploit [v] 45.42 explosion 45.697 export [v] 63.67 extinguish, put out 31.019 eye 10.041 HF eyeball 10.045 eyebrow 10.042 HF eye-doctor 85.55 eyelash(es) 10.044 HF eyelid 10.043 face 10.011 HF factory 51.21 fade 50.619 fail an exam 81.236 fairy / elf 88.36 faithful 13.031 TRUE TO ONE'S WORD vs FAITHFUL (IN MARRIAGE) fall (down) 10.948 HF false 97.522 Opp: TRUE family (extended = includes cousins) 11.004 family (nuclear = parents and children) 11.003 FAMILY AND KIN GROUPS 11 family name, surname 14.105 famine 30.008 i.e., TIME OF HUNGER famous 14.411 fan 70.396 n vs v fang 3.211 fantasize 13.97 fantasy 85.94 far 93.215 adjective vs adverb; HF fare 70.175 farm 21.001 n vs v farmer 21.005 BV farmland 21.01 farsighted 85.224 fast 97.211 i.e., SWIFT, QUICK; Opp: SLOW; HF fast [v] 88.13 i.e., ABSTAIN FROM FOOD fat 97.625 Opp: SKINNY, THIN; Contrast: FAT, GREASE; BV fat, grease 32.115 noun; contrast: FAT (OF PERSON) (adj); HF fate 88.81 father 11.014 HF father-in-law 11.162 Contrast: OF A MAN vs OF A WOMAN; BV fathom 90.633 span of measure of outstretched arms faucet 50.377 fault 88.492 Contrast: WRONG and MISTAKE FAUNA 3 feather 3.393 Sometimes the same as HAIR (OF BODY); HF February 92.302 feel 13.501 fellatio 10.871 felt (cloth) 40.215 female [adj] 10.805 female [n] 10.804 femur 10.524 fence 50.393 HF fender 70.303 ferment [v] 31.295 fermented drink, toddy 33.111 fermium, Fm 46.7 Chemical element #100 fern 4.601 ferry 72.16 fetish 10.863 feud 53.91 n vs v fever 85.28 BV few, some, a little 90.305 i.e., LITTLE IN QUANTITY; HF fiance 11.114 fiancee 11.115 fibula 10.525 field 2.012 Contrast: OPEN FIELD vs FIELD FOR CULTIVATION fifteen (15) 90.118 fifteenth (15th) 90.211 fifth (5th) 90.205 fifty (50) 90.136 fifty percent (50%) 90.252 fifty thousand (50,000) 90.169 fifty-one (51) 90.137 fig 4.285 fight [n] 87.18 fight [v] 54.001 Not always generic; see BOX, HIT, etc.; HF file 50.841 film 84.93 fin 3.193 Contrast: DORSAL FIN vs others finally 92.595 finance 53.3 find 60.19 Result of: SEEK, LOOK FOR fine (cash penalty) 87.73 n vs v fine tooth comb 43.515 finger 10.22 HF fingernail 10.226 Not different from CLAW in some languages; HF fingerprint 10.641 finish 92.73 Differentiate from: CEASE, STOP fir 4.014 Different from PINE? fire 31.001 HF fire (a pot) 45.25 fire station 51.125 firefly 3.033 fireplace (built-in) 50.471 FOR WARMTH fireplace, hearth (in kitchen) 50.461 FOR COOKING firewood 31.021 firm 97.614 first (1st) 90.201 ordinal numeral fish (generic) 3.151 HF FISH ANATOMY 3.19 FISH AND SEALIFE [Also see FISHING] 3.15 fish hook 23.103 fish net 23.301 Contrast: NET (generic) fish poison 23.011 e.g., made from DERRIS ROOT?, plant? or chemical? fish sauce 32.145 fish spear, gig 23.411 fish trap 23.201 fisherman 23.005 FISHING 23 fishing line 23.102 Also: FISH WITH A LINE [v], if different fist 10.212 five (5) 90.108 HF five hundred (500) 90.154 fix, repair 50.085 flabby 97.615 flaccid 97.725 flail 21.521 flame 31.002 flashlight 50.899 flat 97.771 flat land 2.316 flavor 30.2 same as TASTE? flay, skin [v] 40.405 flea 3.034 flee, run away 87.79 flesh 10.005 Different from MEAT? float 23.106 Counterpart of SINK; BV flock 24.315 flood 1.08 BV floor 50.151 HF FLORA 4 flounder 3.153 fish flow 2.261 AS RIVER; difficult to get in some languages; BV flower 4.714 HF fluorine, F 46.609 Chemical element #009 flute 82.145 fly 3.035 the insect; HF fly [intr - as a bird] 3.399 HF fly [tr - a plane] 73.001 flywheel 50.925 foal (colt vs filly) 3.653 foam 2.23 similar to BUBBLE(S) fodder 24.125 foetus 10.854 fog 1.032 HF fold 50.065 fold the arms 10.932 folk-healer 85.51 follow a (trail) 22.025 follow a religion 88.1 following 92.613 fondle 10.834 food 30.01 BV food (for poultry) 24.715 FOOD PREPARATION 31 FOOD PROCESSING 32.2 FOOD QUEST 20 foolish 13.086 with STUPID on IDS foot, feet 10.33 Same as LEG in some languages; HF foot; feet 90.622 unit of measure = 12 inches footprint 10.642 for 93.43 forbid, prohibit 15.085 Also: FORBIDDEN [adj] forearm 10.207 forehead 10.012 foreign trade 63.665 foreskin 10.814 forest (woods) 2.014 HF forge, work metal 45.55 v vs n forget 12.236 HF forgive 13.581 fork (branching) 4.704 Contrast: OF TREE vs OF TRAIL or ROAD fork (eating utensil) 31.373 fork, pitchfork (for planting) 21.251 formal wear / attire 41.361 as culturally determined formation 54.31 formerly 92.58 fort, fortress 54.19 fortnight (14-day period) 92.215 fortunately 97.921 forty (40) 90.134 forty-one (41) 90.135 forward, brazen 13.016 foundation 50.101 four (4) 90.107 HF four hundred (400) 90.153 fourteen (14) 90.117 fourth (4th) 90.204 fox 3.532 fraction 90.249 FRACTIONS 90.24 francium, Fr 46.687 Chemical element #087 freckle 10.612 free, at liberty 53.454 FREE-MAN [n] on IDS; BV free, no charge 62.276 freedom 53.45 freeze 1.212 Irrelevant in tropics = BECOME SOLID or HARD freezing 97.767 freighter 72.196 fresh 30.291 Friday 92.206 friend 11.51 Contrast: COMPANION; BV friendly 13.041 frog 3.221 HF from 93.315 front, in front 93.271 frost 1.211 frown 15.508 FRUIT 4.2 HF fry 31.141 with ROAST on IDS frying pan 31.311 full (to the brim) 97.658 HF full, sated 30.003 BV FUNCTION & GRAMMAR WORDS OR PARTICLES 90 funeral 18.11 funeral parlor 18.14 funeral procession 18.15 fungus (edible vs inedible) 4.502 funnel 31.349 funny 83.85 fur, pelt 40.407 furnace 50.475 furniture 50.401 furrow 21.109 FUTURE / will 98.021 FUTURE VERBAL NEGATIVE / will not 98.553 HF gadolinium, Gd 46.664 Chemical element #064 galaxy 2.118 BV gall, bile 10.432 gallium, Ga 46.631 Chemical element #031 gallon; gallons 90.713 gamble 83.2 game 83.155 gang plank 72.36 garage 70.56 garden 21.02 gardener 50.721 gargle [v] 43.319 garlic 4.533 gas (natural) 46.21 gas company 46.22 gas pump 70.58 gas station 70.57 gate 50.394 with DOOR on IDS gather 20.125 with COLLECT on IDS GATHERING ECONOMY 20.1 gauge 70.34 gears 50.929 gearshift 70.377 gecko 3.203 gender or noun class markers, sg & pl 95.3 general 54.959 GENERAL TOPOGRAPHY 2 generating station 46.03 generous 13.135 Opp: STINGY gentle rain 1.056 germ 85.11 germanium, Ge 46.632 Chemical element #032 GESTURES & SIGNS 15.5 get dressed 41.825 get married (of a man) 11.121 get married (of a woman) 11.123 get off a ship 72.52 get undressed 41.826 get, obtain 61.05 ghetto / slum 52.155 ghost, phantom 88.35 gift 61.14 gill net 23.305 gill, gills 3.191 gin (machine) 50.96 ginger 4.361 girdle 41.225 with BELT on IDS girl 10.926 give 61.1 HF give absolution 88.145 give back, return 61.11 give birth 10.857 give injection 85.732 given name 14.102 glacier 1.24 glance 12.117 glass 31.361 glove(s) 41.581 glue 50.828 gnat / midge 3.037 with SANDFLY on IDS go 70.01 I.e., BE GOING, BE IN MOTION go away, depart 70.03 go bankrupt 63.34 go down, descend 70.015 go out of business 63.35 go out, exit 70.017 go to school 81.09 go to the hospital 85.65 go to work 63.715 go up, ascend 70.012 Contrast: CLIMB (UP) goat 3.64 go-between 11.111 God 88.3 SUPREME DEITY; contrast: LESSER GOD(S) god, gods 88.31 with GOD on IDS goddess 88.315 goiter 85.134 gold ore 45.531 See also: GOLD (46.679) gold, Au 46.679 Chemical element #079 gonorrhea 85.136 good (generic) 97.501 Distinguish GOOD WEATHER, HEALTH, PERFORMANCE; HF goose 3.412 goose bumps 85.246 gourd 4.373 government 53.42 BV GOVERNMENT & POLITICS 53 governor 52.22 grader 70.675 graduate 81.4 v vs n graduation 81.41 grain 21.511 generic for BARLEY, OATS, etc. gram; grams 90.511 granary / garden-house 21.571 GARDEN-HOUSE on IDS grandchildren 11.046 granddaughter 11.048 grandfather, father's father 11.042 grandfather, mother's father 11.044 grandmother, father's mother 11.043 grandmother, mother's mother 11.045 grandparents 11.041 grandson 11.047 grape 4.271 grass 4.641 HF grasshopper 3.038 grassland 2.013 grateful 13.051 grave / tomb 18.175 gravel 2.004 gray hair (white hair) 10.022 graze [tr vs intr] 24.113 great grandfather 11.051 FaFaFa great grandmother 11.052 greedy 13.136 green 97.35 Not a universal color term; Contrast: RAW, UNRIPE; HF green pepper 4.552 greet 11.565 grief, sorrow, sadness 13.511 grindstone 21.555 Orig also: grinding stone groan 85.05 grocer 51.355 grocery store 51.35 groom 11.122 groom [v] 24.431 group 52.01 grow (get bigger) 4.699 grow [v-tr, e.g., rice, fruit] 21.139 Contrast: GROW (UP), GROW = GET BIGGER; BV grow (up) 10.921 grumble 15.141 guard, sentinel 87.76 guava 4.241 guess 12.331 BV guest 11.551 guest room 50.325 guilty 87.643 gulp [v] 30.039 gums 10.07 gun 22.201 with CANNON on IDS; BV guts / intestines (large vs small) 10.451 HF gym 81.14 HABITUAL / usually, used to 98.032 hafnium, Hf 46.672 Chemical element #072 hahnium, Ha 46.705 Chemical element #105 hail 1.221 hair (of body) 10.006 Sometimes the same as FEATHER hair (of head) 10.021 HF half (1/2) 90.241 BV hall 50.331 hallucinogen (mushroom, plant) 34.441 hamlet 52.13 hammer 50.811 hammock 50.51 hand 10.21 Not different from ARM in some languages; HF hand grenade 54.56 handful 90.701 handkerchief 41.931 with RAG on IDS handspan (i.e., the full outstretched hand) 90.632 hang 87.746 I.e., DEATH BY HANGING hang up 50.689 Specify semantics happy / joyful / glad 13.061 HF hard (not soft) 97.611 HF hard-working 13.071 harem 11.173 harm, injure, damage 54.27 harmony 82.112 harness 24.415 harpoon 23.415 harrow 21.211 BV harvest [v] 21.161 Cf: CROP / HARVEST harvest rice (or other grains) 21.501 hat / cap 41.511 hatch 72.24 hatchet 50.808 hate 13.504 haul 70.056 have a hangover 33.109 have a miscarriage 10.855 have a vision 88.175 have an erection 10.815 have extramarital sex 10.881 have homosexual relations 10.867 have one's period 10.828 have premarital sex 10.88 have to defecate 10.771 have to urinate 10.779 have, own, possess 60.1 Could be an EXISTENTIAL MARKER instead of a verb, i.e., THERE IS; BV hawk 3.322 hawker 62.219 hay 24.121 he (3rd person sg.-intimate, male) 94.131 HF he (3rd person sg.-polite, male) 94.132 head 10.01 HF headache 85.138 headband, head-dress 41.921 headland / point 2.213 headlight 70.31 headwind 1.006 heal (by magic or prayer) 88.16 heal, cure 85.72 health department 85.67 health; healthy, well 85.015 n & adj; Opp: SICK(NESS); BV hear 12.121 HF heart 10.411 HF heart attack 85.14 heat wave 1.11 heaven 88.44 Contrast: SKY = HEAVENS heavy 97.621 Opp: LIGHT (in weight); HF hectare 90.801 BV heel 10.332 HF heel (of shoe) 41.627 height [noun] 97.451 heir 62.51 helicopter 73.41 helium, He 46.602 Chemical element #002 hell 88.445 helmet 54.15 help, aid, assist 13.571 v vs n; BV hem 41.711 hemophilia 85.142 hemorrhoids 85.144 hemp, abaca fibers 40.011 Replaces OATS on IDS (08.460) hen 3.403 adult female chicken her 94.206 possessive her 94.304 object herbalist 85.515 herd 24.311 n vs v herder, herdsman 24.521 here 94.06 Not different from THIS in some languages; HF hernia 85.146 heron 3.323 hers 94.207 hex 88.822 hey! (drawing attention) 99.506 hiccough 10.783 hide, conceal 60.16 BV high 93.221 Opp: LOW high school 81.045 high tide 2.222 highway 70.407 hill 2.305 with MOUNTAIN on IDS hilly land 2.306 him 94.303 hinder, prevent 54.338 hinge 50.231 hip 10.301 hire 63.72 hired-hand 63.76 his 94.205 historian 82.375 history 82.37 hit 54.01 Not always generic; see FIGHT, HIT WITH WEAPON hit the mark, be on target 54.34 hoarse 85.48 hobby 83.61 hoe (for cutting) 21.233 hoe (for weeding) 21.235 n vs v hoist 50.94 hold (in hand) / grasp 60.11 Distinguish: KEEP / RETAIN; HF hold elections 53.51 hole 2.051 Distinguish: HOLE IN GROUND vs IN CLOTHING? holiday 92.495 moved from 83.670 hollow out 45.325 holmium, Ho 46.667 Chemical element #067 holy 88.63 Also SACRED on IDS holy book 88.23 holy man 88.52 holy woman 88.525 home 51.005 homesick 13.64 homework 81.22 homosexual female 10.865 homosexual male 10.866 honest 13.161 honey 3.012 honeymoon 11.153 honor 14.415 hoof 3.735 hook 20.195 Indicate which type or for what purpose hop 70.044 hope 12.312 v vs n hops 33.123 horizon 2.102 horn (of animal) 3.715 HF horn / trumpet 82.146 E.g: native CONCH SHELL HORN (if known) hornet 3.016 horoscope 88.71 horse 3.65 = EQUINE; BV hospital 85.64 HOSPITAL AND CLINIC 85.6 host 11.555 n vs v hot 97.761 HF hot (of temperature) 30.261 hot season 92.479 hot, spicy 30.251 hotel 51.46 hotplate 31.325 hour 92.027 BV house 51.003 HF house carpenter 50.755 house for men 51.031 I.e: PLACE WHERE BACHELORS STAY house of prostitution 10.899 HOUSEHOLD ACTIVITIES 50.6 how ? 96.011 Distinguish HOW--MANNER vs DEGREE)?, etc. how many? 96.021 HF how much? 96.022 however 99.406 howl 15.571 HUMAN BIOLOGY 10 HUMAN COMMUNICATION 15 humble 13.171 hummingbird 3.331 hundred (100) 90.146 HF hundred thousand (100,000) 90.171 hundredth (100th) 90.213 hungry, hunger 30.001 v vs adj vs n; HF hunt 22.011 HF hunt (using dogs) 22.013 HUNTING, TRAPPING, AND FOWLING 22 hurricane 1.12 hurry, hasten 92.71 BV hurt 85.024 husband 11.133 HF husk [n] 21.515 husk [v, e.g., rice] 21.517 hut 51.071 hydraulic press 50.99 hydrogen, H 46.601 Chemical element #001 hymen 10.823 hypodermic needle 85.734 I (1st person sg.-intimate) 94.111 HF I (1st person sg.-polite) 94.113 I (1st person-superior to inferior) 94.115 ice 1.213 HF icicle 1.214 idea, notion 12.219 BV identify 12.207 ideology 53.4 idol 88.24 if 99.405 SENTENCE EXAMPLE: "If you go, I will too."; HF ignition 70.33 ignorant 13.083 illegal 87.054 illegitimate child, bastard 10.886 ill-repute 14.501 imitate 12.395 immediately 92.529 IMPERATIVE / do it! 98.011 imperialism 53.64 impolite, rude 13.112 import [v] 63.675 important 97.564 in / into 93.36 Difficult concept, e.g., INSIDE vs WITHIN in front of 93.273 in stock 63.49 in the black 63.31 in the middle of 93.264 in the red 63.32 in, inside, within 93.365 Opp: OUTSIDE incense 88.252 incest 10.875 inch; inches 90.621 incisor 10.073 income tax 53.316 incomplete 97.652 indeed 97.941 independence 53.458 independent 53.56 index finger 10.222 indictment 87.44 indigestion 85.31 indigo 97.39 indium, In 46.649 Chemical element #049 INDIVIDUATION AND SOCIAL MOBILITY 14 induce vomiting 85.74 INFANCY, CHILDHOOD, AND SOCIALIZATION 10.9 infant 10.912 Different from BABY? infantry 54.66 infected 85.476 inferior 97.591 infirmary 85.63 infuse tea [v] 33.025 inherit 62.52 inheritance 62.53 initiation ceremony (to female adulthood) 10.964 initiation ceremony (to male adulthood) 10.965 ink 84.88 in-law "cousin" 11.167 E.g: wife's sister's husband inn 51.465 innocent, not guilty 87.646 insane, crazy, mentally ill 13.088 BV insect (generic) 3.002 INSECT ANATOMY 3.09 INSECTS AND SIMILAR CREATURES 3.001 insignia of rank or unit 54.906 insomnia 85.95 instead of 93.44 instep 10.335 INTENSIFIER / very 98.201 intentionally 97.915 interest 62.36 interest rate 62.37 interesting 97.581 INTERJECTIONS AND PHONESTHEMES 99.5 INTERNAL ORGANS 10.4 international 53.705 INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS 11.5 INTERROGATIVE VERB) did do? 98.301 Orig: INTERROGATIVE PARTICLES INTERROGATIVES OR QUESTION WORDS 96 invade 54.36 investment 63.12 invite 11.55 iodine (medical) 85.832 Contrast: IODINE (46.653) iodine, I 46.653 Chemical element #053 iridium, Ir 46.677 Chemical element #077 iris (of eye) 10.047 iron (clothes) 50.671 iron ore 45.539 See: IRON (46.626) iron, Fe 46.626 Chemical element #026 irrigate 21.055 Islam 88.07 island 2.252 it 94.305 object it (3rd person sg.-inanimate) 94.151 itch 85.41 n vs v; BV itinerary 70.13 its 94.208 jack 50.875 jacket 41.551 January 92.301 jaundice 85.148 jaw 10.061 jealous; jealousy / envy 13.561 n vs adj; ENVY on IDS jeep 54.57 jet 73.42 Jew 88.035 jewel, gem 42.111 jewelry 42.2 jinx 88.824 job 63.71 join, unite 50.053 joint 10.522 joist (beam supporting the floor or ceiling) 50.131 joke 83.8 n vs v journey 70.125 Judaism 88.03 judge [n] 87.65 judge [v] 87.653 judgement, decision 87.656 judicial 87.08 juice 33.041 July 92.307 jump, leap 70.048 June 92.306 jungle 2.016 junior high school 81.035 Jupiter 2.135 planet jurisdiction 87.085 jury 87.66 just 13.091 justify 87.06 keel 72.33 keep accounts [v] 63.21 keep, retain 61.06 Distinguish from HOLD IN HAND ketchup 32.131 kettle 31.319 Distinguish from POT, PAN? key 50.225 kick 54.016 BV kid (baby goat) 3.643 kidnap 87.15 kidney 10.461 kill 22.001 HF kiln 45.26 kilo, kilogram; kilos 90.512 kilometer 90.615 BV kind [adj] 13.121 king 53.12 with RULER on IDS; BV kingdom 53.11 kiss 10.832 v vs n kitchen 50.345 knead 31.271 Distinguish from: KNEAD DOUGH? knead dough 31.275 knee 10.311 HF kneecap 10.312 kneel 88.12 knife (as part of dinner set) 31.371 knife (generic) 50.803 BV knife (kitchen utensil) 31.331 Also other types: BOLO, MACHETE, etc. knit [v] 40.34 knock down 20.161 knock! (sound of knocking) 99.531 knot (in wood) 4.705 knot (on rope) 44.121 know (a fact / something) 12.201 HF know (how to do something) 12.203 know (someone) 12.204 knuckle 10.213 krypton, Kr 46.636 Chemical element #036 LABOR 63.7 labor 63.74 labor union 63.9 laborer 63.745 ladder / staircase 50.201 ladle - native 31.342 E.g: half coconut used to pour lagoon 2.241 lake 2.039 HF lamb (baby sheep) 3.623 lame 85.44 lamp (electric) 50.591 lamp (oil-kerosene) 50.581 land leech 3.041 land, go to shore 72.51 Contrast: LAND = EARTH land, parcel of property 60.21 landslide 2.332 lane (of a road) 70.409 language 15.012 BV language names of groups 15.014 E.g: CHINESE, JAPANESE, RUSSIAN (major groups) or local groups language of the group 15.013 lanthanum, La 46.657 Chemical element #057 lard 32.117 last (in order) 90.214 last month 92.321 last week 92.231 last year 92.42 last, endure 92.725 late 92.542 lathing 50.191 laugh 13.521 n vs v; not generic in some languages; HF law 87.05 LAW, OFFENSES, SANCTIONS, AND JUSTICE 87 lawn 50.391 lawrencium, Lw 46.703 Chemical element #103 lawsuit 87.8 lawyer 87.82 lazy 13.072 lead, Pb 46.682 Chemical element #082 leader 52.06 leaf, leaves 4.712 HF leaflet 84.77 lean 97.627 learn 81.38 BV learn by experience 12.209 lease 62.42 leather 40.409 LEATHER INDUSTRY (Working with Skins) 40.4 lecture [v] 82.23 ledger 63.22 left (direction) 93.12 Difference between LEFT HAND and LEFT SIDE; HF LEG 10.3 HF legal 87.052 legalize 87.045 legatee 62.54 lemon 4.221 lend 62.32 length [noun] 97.461 leopard / panther 3.561 leprosy 85.15 let, permit 53.175 letter 84.62 lettuce 4.321 levee 72.91 level 50.865 liable 87.83 liberty 53.456 library 51.655 license 53.32 lick 10.753 lie down 13.91 HF lie, deceive 15.081 HF lieutenant 54.956 light [n] 2.041 BV light (a fire), kindle, ignite 31.011 BV light (in color) 97.38 light (weight) 97.622 Opp: HEAVY; BV light drizzle 1.054 light switch 50.385 lighter 34.105 lightning 1.057 HF lightning (as striking) 1.058 like (to) 13.509 like, similar 97.534 LIMBS 10.2 lime 34.319 E.g: substance mixed with betel chew limp 85.441 line {geometric} 97.78 Differentiate LINE (DRAWN, ETCHED) vs ROW linen / flax 40.211 with FLAX on IDS lion 3.562 lip(s) 10.067 HF lipstick 43.621 listen 12.125 literature 82.32 lithium, Li 46.603 Chemical element #003 litre; litres 90.702 little finger, pinky 10.225 liturgy 88.293 live, be alive 18.01 v vs adj; HF live, dwell 51.011 BV lively 97.561 liver 10.431 HF livestock 3.61 BV living room 50.315 lizard 3.201 Generic vs species (GECKO, GOANNA, etc.) load 70.07 loan 62.33 lobby 51.415 Moved from 82.460 lobster 3.123 lock [n vs v] 50.226 locust 3.039 log 45.35 logger 45.36 logs 50.025 loincloth, g-string 41.011 lonely 13.064 Distinguish from SAD; BV long 97.464 Opp: SHORT; Contrast: TALL; LONG (TIME); HF long (time) 97.151 long distance call 84.34 look (at) 12.113 look after, care for 10.919 loom 40.153 loose 97.722 lose (at gambling) 83.23 lose face 14.302 lose in business 63.16 lose, be defeated 54.06 BE SURPASSED; HF lose, misplace 60.18 HF lotion 43.661 lotus 4.511 loud 97.671 Opp: SOFT loud speaker 84.18 louse (body lice) 3.052 louse (chicken lice) 3.053 louse (head lice) 3.051 HF love 13.502 v vs n; BV low 93.231 Opp: HIGH low tide 2.223 loyal 13.035 luck, good fortune 88.814 Opp: BAD LUCK LUMBERING AND FOREST PRODUCTS 45.3 lumberman 45.37 lunch 30.131 lungs 10.421 lutetium, Lu 46.671 Chemical element #071 lyrics 82.156 machinegun 54.546 MACHINES 50.9 magazine 84.725 magic 88.8 with WITCHCRAFT and SORCERY on IDS magic potion 88.802 magic spell 88.804 magician 88.806 magnesium, Mg 46.612 Chemical element #012 mail 84.61 mail a letter 84.65 mail box 84.69 main room 50.311 mainland 2.251 major 54.958 make (as a table) 50.005 Contrast: WORK, DO make a phone call 84.33 make a speech 82.24 make bed 50.63 make restitution 87.85 make soup [v] 31.281 make-up 43.61 malaria 85.152 male [adj] 10.803 male [n] 10.802 mallet 21.205 malnutrition 85.154 malt 33.122 man, adult male 10.971 As opposed to WOMAN; HF manager 63.78 manganese, Mn 46.625 Chemical element #025 mango 4.251 manioc 4.435 mansion 51.007 mantis 3.04 manufacture [v] 63.615 manufacturer 63.62 many, much 90.303 HF map 70.16 March 92.303 march [v] 54.355 mare 3.652 FEMALE HORSE margarine 32.031 marijuana 34.411 marinate 31.291 v; Contrast: MARINADE [n] mariner 72.73 market (place) 51.3 MARKETING 63.6 markettown 52.145 MARRIAGE 11.1 marriage 11.137 with WEDDING on IDS married man 11.151 married woman 11.152 marry (a child) off 11.135 marry (a woman / a man) 11.13 Mars 2.134 planet marsh 2.245 masochist 10.862 mason 50.761 massage 85.704 mast (of boat) 72.11 master 53.68 Counterpart of: SLAVE masturbation 10.87 mat 45.001 mat (for sleeping) 50.511 HF matches 34.103 matchmaker 11.112 maternal 11.018 MATS AND BASKETRY 45 mattress 50.512 mature 10.974 May 92.305 maybe 97.953 mayor 52.17 me 94.301 mead 33.115 meal 30.1 Generic for: BREAKFAST, LUNCH, DINNER meal (grain flour) 32.011 measles 85.156 measure [v] 90.6 v vs n meat 32.081 Generic; contrast with FLESH?; HF mechanic 70.55 medal 54.915 mediate 87.21 mediator 87.215 MEDICAL AIDS AND INSTRUMENTS 85.85 MEDICAL PRACTITIONERS 85.5 medical school 81.07 MEDICAL TREATMENTS 85.7 Orig: TREATMENT MEDICINE 85.8 medicine 85.801 HF medium 88.75 medium-sized 97.407 meet 83.135 meeting house 51.115 melody 82.11 melt [v] 45.57 mend 40.31 mendelevium, Md 46.701 Chemical element #101 menstruation 10.827 meow! (sound of a cat) 99.511 Mercantile Business, Wholesale / Retail 63.61 merchandise 63.48 merchant 63.4 Mercury 2.131 planet mercury, Hg 46.68 Chemical element #080 message 84.42 metal 45.52 Cf: GOLD, SILVER, COPPER, IRON, etc. METALLURGY 45.5 meteor 2.115 meter; meters 90.613 microgram 90.516 BV microphone 84.16 microscope 85.885 middle age 10.981 middle class 14.621 middle finger 10.223 middle name 14.106 BV middle school 81.04 middleman 63.655 midnight 92.039 BV midwife 85.52 mile 90.624 military police 54.97 military position 54.9 milk (an animal) 24.601 v milk [n] 32.021 milky way 2.116 mill (house) 51.23 mill (machine for grinding) 21.551 mill, grind 31.245 Different from: CRUSH? miller 51.235 millet 4.151 milligram 90.514 BV millimeter; millimeters 90.612 million 90.172 mind 85.904 SEAT OF THOUGHT mine 45.61 n vs v mine 94.201 possessive pronoun mine (explosive) 54.59 mine shaft 45.62 miner 45.63 minerals 45.51 MINING AND WELLS 45.6 minister 53.25 ministry 53.255 mint (money factory) 62.19 minute 92.025 = 60 seconds miracle 88.48 mirror 50.541 MISCELLANEOUS PRONOUNS 94.4 miserly 13.138 miss (target) 54.345 missile 54.86 mission 53.777 missionary 88.55 mist 1.033 mistake, error 88.494 mix [v] 31.201 mobilize 54.35 modern 97.131 molar 10.074 mold (mould, as clay) 45.23 mole 10.613 molybdenum, Mo 46.642 Chemical element #042 monarchy 53.1 monastery 88.599 Monday 92.202 money 62.1 generic; COIN(S) vs PAPER MONEY; BV money changer 62.15 money lender 62.16 monitor lizard 3.204 monk 88.584 monkey 3.55 monsoon (wind) 1.13 month 92.3 often the same as MOON; BV moo! (sound of a cow) 99.512 moon 2.111 Often the same as MONTH; HF mop [n vs v] 50.645 morale 54.32 more (in quantity) 90.304 morning 92.034 HF morse code 84.44 mortar (for bricks) 50.041 mortar (for pulverizing grain) 21.561 mortar (type of cannon) 54.536 mortar (used in memory) 81.28 Moslem 88.075 mosque 88.069 mosquito 3.006 BV moss / algae 4.651 mote in eye 10.723 moth 3.024 mother 11.017 HF mother-in-law 11.161 Contrast: OF A MAN and OF A WOMAN; BV motion picture 82.51 motion sickness 85.158 motorcycle 70.26 mountain 2.301 With HILL on IDS; HF mountain range 2.302 mountain top, summit, peak 2.303 BV MOUNTAIN TOPOGRAPHY 2.3 mourning 18.1 mouse 3.511 With RAT on IDS moustache 10.065 mouth 10.066 HF mouthful 30.041 move (be in motion) 70.001 various other senses: MOVE AWAY, etc. move to another location 51.013 movie theater 51.41 See: 82.5xx entries mow 21.165 with REAP on IDS mower 50.97 mucus 10.731 NASAL vs other excretions mud 2.006 HF muddy 97.634 muffler 70.32 mulberry 4.291 mule 3.665 multiply 90.404 MATHEMATICAL OPERATION vs other senses multitude, crowd 90.302 mumble 15.121 mumps 85.16 murder 87.19 v vs n; BV murmur 15.131 museum 51.65 mushroom 4.501 differentiate various species mushy 30.279 music 82.1 musical instrument 82.13 musician 82.105 mussel 3.132 mustard 32.133 mute, dumb 85.23 DUMB on IDS my 94.202 myth 88.73 nail 50.812 what is hammered naked, bare 41.801 Some lgs distinguish TOP vs BOTTOM of body name (personal, private or secret) 14.103 HF NAMES of all known cities 52.151 E.g: CHICAGO, LONDON, NEW YORK, MOSCOW, etc. NAMES of all known countries 53.031 E.g: AUSTRALIA, CHINA, RUSSIA, SPAIN, etc. NAMES of known CHEMICAL ELEMENTS 46.56 NAMES of nationalities 53.041 E.g: CHINESE, FRENCH, SPANISH, etc. NAMES of the cards (e.g., ACE, DEUCE, KING, JACK) 83.255 nanny goat (she-goat) 3.642 nape of neck 10.082 narcotic, dope 34.405 BV NARCOTICS & STIMULANTS 34 narrow 97.412 Opp: WIDE; HF nation 53.04 national 53.7 national assembly, parliament 53.29 nausea 85.162 navel 10.132 navy 54.7 near 93.21 adv; HF nearsighted 85.226 neat 97.636 neck 10.081 HF necklace 42.241 need 13.508 with NECESSITY on IDS; BV need sex 10.831 needle 40.315 HF negative (photographic) 84.95 NEGATIVE IMPERATIVE / don't! 98.551 NEGATIVE OF DESIRE / don't like 98.503 NEGATIVE PREDICATIVE / is not (so) 98.521 NEGATIVE WORDS OR PARTICLES 98.5 neighbor 11.52 neighborhood 52.115 neodymium, Nd 46.66 Chemical element #060 neon, Ne 46.61 Chemical element #010 nephew 11.065 Neptune 2.138 planet neptunium, Np 46.693 Chemical element #093 nerve 10.511 nest 3.395 OF BIRD or FOWL, not LAIR net (generic) 22.191 net / netbag 22.193 nettle 4.521 neurosis 85.99 neutral 53.725 never 92.531 new 97.11 HF new year 92.41 = New Year's Day NEWS AND INFORMATION DISSEMINATION 84.7 newspaper 84.72 next month 92.325 next week 92.232 next year 92.43 nibble [v] 30.018 nick name 14.104 nickel, Ni 46.628 Chemical element #028 niece 11.066 night 92.032 HF night club 51.435 nightgown 41.411 nightmare 13.96 nine (9) 90.112 HF nine hundred (900) 90.158 nineteen (19) 90.122 nineteen eighty five (1985) 90.161 nineteen eighty six (1986) 90.162 ninety (90) 90.144 ninety-nine (99) 90.145 replaces: ninety-one on original list ninety-nine thousand (99,000) 90.17 ninth (9th) 90.209 niobium, Nb 46.641 Chemical element #041 nipa (palm) 4.041 nipple / teat 10.113 nit (louse egg) 3.055 nitrogen, N 46.607 Chemical element #007 no / NEGATIVE AFFIRMATIVE 98.501 Opp: YES (99.501) nobelium, No 46.702 Chemical element #102 noble(man) 53.14 nod 15.545 noisy 97.675 Opp: QUIET NOMINALS 95.1 nominate 53.52 non-commissioned officer 54.94 none, nothing / NEGATIVE EXISTENTIAL 98.511 With ZERO on IDS; HF noodles 32.043 noon, midday 92.035 BV normally 92.571 north 93.14 BV northeast 93.142 northwest 93.144 nose 10.051 HF nostril 10.052 notebook 81.275 noun 95.101 NOUNS 95 novel 82.33 November 92.311 now 92.11 = present time; Cf: TODAY; BV nuclear power plant 46.08 numb 85.42 NUMBERS AND MEASURES 90.1 NUMERICAL QUANTIFIERS 90.3 nun 88.586 nurse 85.53 nurse [tr & intr] 10.914 nursing home 10.995 nut (as paired with bolt) 50.821 nut (off tree) 4.706 Generic vs species (e.g: CASHEW, ALMOND, etc.) oak 4.011 oar 72.045 oath 87.565 oats 4.141 obesity 85.33 obey 53.163 object markers - direct and indirect) 95.4 OBJECT PRONOUNS 94.3 occasionally 92.575 ocean (deep sea) 2.201 OCEAN TOPOGRAPHY 2.2 oceanliner 72.19 October 92.31 octopus 3.142 of 93.45 of (possessive markers) 95.45 of the same generation 11.029 off 93.37 office 53.28 officer 54.945 official 53.282 adj vs n official who performs the wedding ceremony 11.141 offspring 11.021 I.e: one's child often 92.537 oh! (recognition) 99.508 oil (crude) 45.68 oil (vegetable) 32.113 Distinguish: OLIVE OIL, COCONUT OIL, etc. oil tanker 72.198 oil well 45.685 ointment 43.651 old (object) 97.115 Different from OLD (of people); HF old (person) 97.12 Different from OLD (object); HF old age 10.991 old man 10.992 old woman 10.993 olive 4.341 omen, portent 88.485 on 93.226 on time 92.51 on top of 93.229 once, one time 90.221 one (unit of X) 90.103 one (in counting) (1) 90.104 HF one hundred and one (101) 90.147 one thousand five hundred 90.16 onion 4.531 only 97.971 Contrast: ALONE open [adj] 97.557 Opp: CLOSED open [v] 50.25 open an account 63.55 operate (on) 85.79 operator 84.35 opium 34.431 opossum 3.542 oppress 53.675 oppression 53.67 or / either ... or 99.407 orange (color) 97.365 orange (fruit) 4.222 orator 82.25 oratory 82.255 orchard 21.03 orchestra 82.14 ORDERING OF TIME 92 ORDINAL NUMBERS 90.2 orgasm 10.838 ornament, adornment 42.1 orphan 11.091 osmium, Os 46.676 Chemical element #076 OTHER PLANTS 4.6 OTHER USEFUL PLANTS [Also see CONDIMENTS] 4.5 other, another (of the same kind) 97.535 HF ouch! (expression of pain) 99.503 ounce; ounces 90.521 our (exclusive) 94.21 our (inclusive) 94.212 our, my and your (dual) 94.209 ours (exclusive) 94.211 ours (inclusive) 94.213 out of stock 63.495 outhouse 50.379 outrigger 72.03 outside 93.367 outstanding account 63.23 ovary 10.824 oven 31.329 over 93.225 overeat [v] 30.061 owe 62.35 owl 3.351 own a house 51.015 ox 3.612 oxygen, O 46.608 Chemical element #008 oyster 3.133 paddle (for canoe) 72.04 page 84.78 pain 85.02 BV paint [v] 50.616 contrast noun; BV paint [n] 50.615 contrast v; BV paintbrush 50.617 pair 90.34 pajamas 41.421 palate 10.068 pale 97.37 palladium, Pd 46.646 Chemical element #046 palm (of hand) 10.211 HF palm tree 4.04 pan 31.313 pants, trousers 41.351 HF papaya 4.261 paper 84.84 BV paper money 62.11 parallel cousin 11.073 paralyzed 85.43 paramilitary unit 54.96 PARAPHERNALIA 41.9 parboil [v] 31.127 parents 11.011 park 51.61 parochial school 81.026 parole 87.78 parrot 3.341 part, piece 90.32 PARTS OF CLOTHING 41.7 PARTS OF VARIOUS FLORA 4.7 pass an exam 81.235 passenger 70.11 PASSIVE VOICE MARKER) 98.151 passport 70.19 PAST ACTION / did do 98.041 completed action marker PAST VERBAL NEGATIVE / did not 98.552 pasture 24.111 paternal 11.015 path / trail 70.401 Distinguish from ROAD, STREET; HF patrol 54.962 pay 62.24 v vs n; HF pay ransom 87.155 pay taxes 53.314 peace 54.025 Opp: WAR peacock 3.414 peanut(s) 4.541 pearl 42.115 peck 90.729 peddlar 62.215 peddle one's wares 62.21 peek 12.114 peel 31.211 v vs n pelvis 10.142 pen (for animals) 24.211 pen (for writing) 84.85 BV penalty 87.84 with PUNISHMENT on IDS pencil 84.87 BV peninsula 2.254 penis 10.813 HF penitent 88.53 pentel pen 81.265 people, populace 10.952 pepper 32.123 I.e: from PEPPERCORN pepper (plants) 4.55 E.g: CHILLI, GREEN, RED, etc. perceive 12.212 percent 90.255 PERCENTAGES 90.25 perfume 43.641 perhaps 97.951 perjury 87.596 permit 53.325 n vs v person of another group, alien 53.06 person, human being 10.951 HF PERSONAL HYGIENE 43 PERSONAL PRONOUNS 94.1 PERSONALITY TRAITS 13 Orig: SOCIAL & PERSONALITY TRAITS perspire, sweat [v] 10.708 persuade 15.091 pestle 21.563 HF pharmacist 85.68 pharmacy 85.682 phlegm 10.755 phone book, directory 84.36 phone call 84.32 phosphorus, P 46.615 Chemical element #015 photograph 84.98 photographer 84.99 PHOTOGRAPHY 84.9 physical examination 85.701 piano 82.142 pick (as fruit) 20.131 pick up 60.175 pickaxe 21.209 pickle [v] 32.241 picture 82.04 pie 32.091 pier 72.93 pierce the ears 42.031 pig 3.63 DOMESTICATED vs WILD; HF piglet 3.633 pigtails 10.024 pile driver 50.955 pile up 50.051 pillar, post, housepole 50.111 pillow 50.514 HF pillowcase 50.515 pilot 73.21 pimp 10.891 pin (safety) 41.781 pin (straight) 41.785 pincer(s) 3.125 pinch 85.03 pinchers 3.093 pine (tree) 4.03 pint; pints 90.711 pipe 50.381 pipe (for smoking) 34.231 pistol 54.54 piston 50.901 pitcher / jug 31.363 pitchfork 21.271 pitter-patter! (sound of rain falling) 99.521 pity 13.51 n vs v place, location 52.1 BV plain [n] 2.312 with FIELD on IDS plaintiff 87.54 plan 12.215 plane 50.861 planet 2.113 plank 50.021 with BOARD on IDS plant [n] 21.133 contrast verb plant [v] 21.131 contrast noun plaque 10.742 plate 31.352 Different from DISH? plateau 2.313 platinum, Pt 46.678 Chemical element #078 platoon 54.966 play 83.15 No generic in some languages; HF play (a musical instrument) 82.135 playground 81.13 playing cards 83.25 plead 87.64 pleasant (of smell) 97.752 please! (entreaty) 99.502 pliers 50.851 plop! (something falling) 99.533 plow (plough) 21.261 v vs n; BV plow handle 21.267 plow mould board 21.265 plow share 21.263 plumber 50.771 plunder 54.375 pluralizers 95.6 Pluto 2.139 planet plutonium, Pu 46.694 Chemical element #094 pneumonia 85.164 pocket 41.761 poem 82.35 poet 82.353 poetry 82.355 pointed 97.694 poison (as chemical) 22.157 Contrast: SNAKE POISON (03.212) poison (of snake) 3.212 Contrast: CHEMICAL POISON (22.157) pole 23.101 type, e.g., PUNT POLE, BRACE, FLAG POLE, etc. police station 51.12 police(man) 52.195 policy 53.72 polite 13.111 political party 53.55 politics 53.41 polonium, Po 46.684 Chemical element #084 polyandry (more than one husband) 11.175 polygamy (more than one wife) 11.171 poncho 41.541 ponder 12.223 poor 14.615 Opp: RICH pore 10.004 porpoise / dolphin 3.162 are they differentiated? port / harbor 72.94 porthole 72.23 POSSESSIVE PRONOUNS 94.2 post office 84.68 POSTAL SERVICES 84.6 posture 10.93 pot (cooking) 31.315 potassium, K 46.619 Chemical element #019 potato 4.411 POTENTIAL NEGATIVE) cannot 98.182 POTENTIAL) can / be able to 98.181 potter 45.21 potters wheel 45.27 pottery 45.22 POULTRY RAISING 24.7 pound (rice) 31.261 pound with fist 54.012 pound; pounds 90.522 pour 31.207 poverty 14.611 powder 43.631 power plant 46.04 praise 15.099 n vs v praseodymium, Pr 46.659 Chemical element #059 pray 88.28 prayer 88.283 prayer leader 88.56 preach 88.575 preacher 88.57 pregnant 10.851 Also: BECOME PREGNANT premier 53.23 premier (of a movie) 82.52 prenuptial party 11.129 prepare 12.365 PREPOSITIONS OR OTHER SPACE RELATORS 93.2 prescribe medicine 85.815 prescription 85.81 PRESENT / is now doing 98.031 Preservation, Storage of Food 32.21 preserve [v] 32.211 president 53.21 press 50.675 v-tr Press, Printing, Publishing 84.701 prestige 14.401 pretty 97.513 price 62.25 BV prickly heat 85.166 priest 88.58 Different term if different religion? primary / elementary school 81.03 prime minister 53.22 prince 53.124 princess 53.126 principal 81.32 print (a book) 84.705 print (a photograph) 84.97 printing press 84.81 prison, jail 87.75 BV prisoner, captive 54.47 private 54.93 private first class 54.935 private school 81.023 product 63.63 production 63.64 professor 81.33 profit 63.14 PROGRESSIVE / in process of 98.033 prohibition 88.299 projector 82.53 promethium, Pm 46.661 Chemical element #061 promise 15.093 v vs n PRONOUNS 94 propeller 73.04 PROPERTY 60 property 60.2 property tax 53.318 prophecy 88.515 prophesy 88.517 prophet 88.51 propitiate 88.27 prosecute 87.45 prostitute 10.89 BV prostitution 10.895 protactinium, Pa 46.691 Chemical element #091 protruding 97.663 proud 13.174 province / state 52.21 province chief 52.214 provincial headquarters, capitol 52.216 provisions (for journey) 30.181 prow 72.34 PSYCHOLOGICAL OR MENTAL TREATMENT 85.9 psychology 85.91 psychosis 85.995 psychotherapy 85.92 puberty 10.961 pubic hair 10.811 public school 81.02 publish 84.79 publishing company 84.795 pudding 32.099 pull 70.544 Problematic; cf: PULL WITH ROPE vs HANDS, etc.; HF pull up 20.151 pulley 50.885 pump 45.67 n vs v punish 87.71 punishment 87.715 with PENALTY on IDS pupil (of eye) 10.048 puppet 82.6 puppetshow 82.61 purify 88.26 purlin (horizontal support of rafters) 50.129 purpose, intention 12.217 purse 41.965 pursue 87.795 pus 10.705 BV push 70.542 Cf: PUSH VEHICLE, WITH HANDS, SHOVE, etc.; HF put (away) 60.15 Contrast: HIDE put (into) 60.14 put condiment on, spice up 32.12 put in prison 87.752 put on (shirt / clothes) 41.851 Cf: WEAR CLOTHES put on a hat 41.831 put on pants 41.841 put on shoes 41.861 put, place 60.13 python 3.215 quarrel, strife 54.005 Cf: ARGUE quarry 45.64 quart; quarts 90.712 quarter (1/4) 90.242 queen 53.122 quickly 92.551 quiet (of a place) 97.674 Opp: NOISY quiet, silent 13.152 Opp: TALKATIVE quinine 85.834 rabbit 3.669 rabies 85.168 radar 84.5 radio 84.13 radio set 84.135 radio station 84.14 radium, Ra 46.688 Chemical element #088 radon, Rn 46.686 Chemical element #086 raft 72.01 BV rafter(s) 50.127 raid 54.365 v vs n RAIL TRANSPORT 71 railroad 71.01 railroad station 71.8 rain [n] 1.051 n vs v; HF rainbow 1.06 HF raincloud (rain cloud) 1.015 Contrast: CLOUD; HF raincoat 41.591 raindrop 1.053 rainy season 92.461 rainy, be raining 1.052 raise (in salary) 63.82 raise, lift 50.015 causative of RISE rake 21.281 n vs v ram (male sheep) 3.621 rank 54.904 rape 87.132 v vs n rapids 2.035 rare 97.551 rash 85.17 rat 3.512 with MOUSE on IDS; HF rattan 4.051 rattle [n] 82.149 contrast verb raw (as meat) 30.281 raw (as fruit), unripe, green 30.285 Contrast GREEN (color term); HF razor 43.221 read 84.757 BV reader 84.755 ready, prepared 92.74 real estate 60.22 reason 87.585 rebel 53.94 n vs v receipt 63.24 receive 61.13 receive a letter 84.67 receive a message 84.46 receive guests 11.56 receiver 84.15 RECENT PAST / have just 98.042 reception 11.145 RECIPROCAL / to each other 98.111 recite prayers 88.285 recognize 12.205 recognize (a nation) 53.75 RECREATION AND SPORTS 83 Orig: RECREATION & ENTERTAINMENT recruit [v] 54.22 red 97.33 HF red peppers 4.551 reef 2.242 REFLEXIVE / to oneself 98.101 refreshed 13.211 refuse, reject 15.089 regiment 54.965 region 52.23 regret, be sorry 12.301 reincarnation 88.42 reins 24.419 REITERATION / too 98.202 RELATIVE PARTICLE(S): who, which, that 95.9 RELATIVE PRONOUNS 94.35 relative(s), kin(smen) 11.002 relaxed 13.185 release from prison 87.775 release, let go 87.77 religion 88.001 RELIGION AND SPIRITUAL BELIEFS 88 religious school 81.025 relish 32.135 remain, stay 51.012 remains, left overs 30.171 remedy 85.729 remember 12.235 remind 12.231 rent 62.41 rent a house 51.017 repeat, do (X) again 92.76 REPEAT [v] vs AGAIN [adv, particle] on IDS reporter 84.745 REPTILES, AMPHIBIANS 3.2 republic 53.44 reputation 14.201 resent 13.505 reservoir 51.5 rest, relax 83.6 BV restaurant 51.45 retard, delay 92.715 retreat [v] 54.42 BV return (home) 70.028 HF revolution 53.98 rhenium, Re 46.675 Chemical element #075 rhinoceros 3.564 rhodium, Rh 46.645 Chemical element #045 rhythm 82.116 rib(s) 10.523 HF rice 4.101 generic vs RICE PLANT rice (cooked) 32.045 HF rice (growing in the paddy) 21.581 rice (husked, milled) 21.583 rich 14.631 Opp: POOR; BV ride 70.115 ridge pole of roof 50.123 Also: RIDGE BEAM rifle 54.543 right 97.527 Opp: WRONG; HF right (direction) 93.11 Difference between RIGHT HAND and RIGHT SIDE?; HF rigid 97.727 ring (for finger) 42.251 Also: FOR EAR, NOSE, etc.; HF ring finger 10.224 ringworm / herpes 85.172 rinse 50.656 Contrast: WASH? riot 53.99 n vs v ripe 30.286 Opp: RAW, UNRIPE, GREEN rise (of celestial body) 2.106 as sun, moon, etc. rite 88.29 ritual 88.291 river 2.034 With BROOK and STREAM on IDS; HF river bank 2.037 river mouth 2.038 road 70.405 With STREET on IDS; different from PATH?; HF roast 31.115 v vs n; with FRY on IDS rob 87.26 robbery 87.265 rocket 54.85 rocky land 2.04 roll [v-intr] 70.007 roof 50.121 HF room 50.3 GENERIC vs ROOM (OF HOUSE) rooster (cock) 3.402 root 4.711 HF ROOT CROP(S) 4.4 rope 44.119 Contrast STRING and CORD; HF rotten 30.295 Distinguish for MEAT, WOOD, EGGS, MILK; HF rough 97.681 Opp: SMOOTH rough, wavy 2.226 Opp: CALM round 97.774 Geometric shape; contrast CIRCLE and SPHERE; HF round house 71.9 round up 24.231 route 70.14 row (a boat) 72.05 royal family 53.13 rub 85.703 Is there confusion with SCOUR, MASSAGE, etc?; HF rubidium, Rb 46.637 Chemical element #037 rudder 72.35 rug 50.535 rule, govern 53.17 ruler 84.89 with KING on IDS run 70.042 HF runway 73.13 ruthenium, Ru 46.644 Chemical element #044 rutherfordium, Rf 46.704 Chemical element #104 rye 4.171 sacred 88.64 with HOLY on IDS sacred object 88.22 sacrifice, offering (of life) 88.254 n vs v saddle 24.421 sadist 10.861 sail [n] 72.105 contrast v; separate on IDS sail [v] 72.106 contrast n; separate on IDS sail boat 72.1 sailor 54.71 saint 88.33 salamander 3.202 salary 63.81 sale 62.22 sale price 62.26 saliva 10.751 salt 32.121 HF salty 30.241 salute 54.908 samarium, Sm 46.662 Chemical element #062 same, identical 97.531 sanction 87.09 sand 2.235 HF sandfly 3.036 sandwich 32.019 sandy land 2.236 sane 13.087 Santa Claus, Father Christmas 88.39 sap 4.708 BV sarong 41.371 satan 88.349 Saturday 92.207 Saturn 2.136 planet sauce 32.051 saucer 31.356 set with CUP sausage 32.085 saute [v] 31.145 save, rescue 54.26 saw (the tool) 50.809 n vs v sawdust 45.39 sawmill 45.38 say, said 15.017 HF scabies 85.174 scale (of fish) 3.192 scale (of reptile) 3.241 scales 63.46 scandium, Sc 46.621 Chemical element #021 scar 10.631 scarf 41.925 scarify 42.011 schedule 70.15 school (as a building) 81.1 school (as institution) 81.01 scissors / shears 50.805 scold, rebuke 15.097 with REBUKE on IDS score 83.18 scorpion 3.062 scrape 85.456 scratch (an itch) 85.411 HF screen 50.551 screen (for a movie) 82.54 screw 50.825 screwdriver 50.826 sculptor / wood-carver 50.799 sculpture 82.05 scurvy 85.176 scythe 21.505 with SICKLE on IDS sea 2.202 Same as OCEAN; irrelevant in inland areas; HF seagull 3.312 seam 41.721 seamstress 40.304 search for 20.111 season 92.45 Related to WEATHER? seat 10.935 moved from 83.125 second 92.023 unit of time = 60th part of a minute second (2nd) 90.202 second cousin 11.072 second wife / husband 11.191 secret 97.556 secret police 53.66 secretary 53.286 SECRETIONS & ACTIVITIES 10.7 sect 88.08 secure, fasten, batten down 60.29 seduce 87.134 see 12.11 HF see a doctor 85.545 seed 4.715 Difference of LARGE vs SMALL, FRUIT vs GRAIN?; HF seed (for planting) 21.135 seedling 21.137 seek, look for 60.185 BV seem, appear to be so 98.411 possibly only an adverbial construction seine 23.203 seize / grasp 60.12 distinguish from HOLD select, choose, pick 61.03 HF selenium, Se 46.634 Chemical element #034 selfish 13.132 sell 62.205 HF sell - retail 63.68 sell - wholesale 63.685 semen 10.817 semester 81.29 senator 53.296 send (a letter) 84.66 may be a causative form of BRING or CARRY send a message 84.45 send on errand 54.24 Cf: COMMAND / ORDER Sensation, Perception 12.1 sentence 87.7 judicial, not grammatical separate 50.055 v vs adj; KEEP APART, DIVIDE UP, etc. September 92.309 sergeant 54.952 sermon 88.295 servant 50.71 Contrast: SLAVE sesame 4.561 sesame oil 32.119 set (of celestial body) 2.107 set a trap 22.183 set table 50.65 seven (7) 90.11 HF seven hundred (700) 90.156 seventeen (17) 90.12 seventh (7th) 90.207 seventy (70) 90.14 seventy-three (73) 90.141 sew 40.3 HF sewer 51.55 sex (gender) 10.801 SEX & REPRODUCTION 10.8 sex appeal, sexual attraction 10.83 sexton 88.59 sexual intercourse 10.836 n and v SEXUALITY 10.86 shade 2.045 with SHADOW on IDS shadow 2.043 with SHADE on IDS shake 54.018 Many semantic possibilities shake (tree to get fruit off) 20.171 shake the head 15.547 shallow 97.422 Opp: DEEP; BV shame 14.301 Cf: BE ASHAMED / SHY shampoo [v] 43.505 shape [noun] 97.77 share, distribute 61.12 shark 3.161 sharp (as of blade) 97.691 Opp: DULL; HF shave 43.211 v vs n she (3rd person sg-intimate, female) 94.141 she (3rd person sg-polite, female) 94.143 sheath (for knife or sword) 31.339 sheep 3.62 sheet 50.518 shelf 50.437 FOR FOOD STORAGE vs other kinds of storing shell (of insect) 3.091 shell / cockle / whelk 3.131 Many species, types & colors possible shell of turtle 3.233 shelter 51.025 shepherd 24.531 sherry 33.135 shield 54.13 Difference if ROUND vs RECTANGULAR? shine 2.109 of SUN, DIAMOND, other light source? shingle 50.031 ship 72.17 different from BOAT? shirt 41.341 BV shiver 85.243 shoe 41.621 Is there a NATIVE FOOTWEAR term? shoemaker, cobbler 40.44 shoot (a gun) 22.204 HF shop 51.32 n vs v; with STORE on IDS shore 2.212 Same as BEACH?; Contrast: COAST; BV short (object) 97.465 Opp: LONG; HF short (person) 97.455 Opp: TALL; HF short (time) 97.155 shoulder 10.101 HF shoulder blade 10.102 shout, cry out 15.065 shovel 21.221 show 12.112 v; often = LET (someone) SEE shower 43.015 v vs n (as alternate to BATH) shower (rain) 1.055 shred [v] 31.231 shriek, screech 15.561 shrimp 3.121 Several species, e.g: LARGE PRAWN, SMALL, etc. shrine 88.215 shuttle 40.155 sibling (generic) 11.031 HF sibling (older) 11.033 sibling (younger) 11.032 sick, sickness 85.01 Opp: HEALTH(Y); missing from most lists!; HF sickle 21.507 with SCYTHE on IDS SICKNESS & HEALTH 85 side 93.243 sideburns 10.027 sidewalk 70.42 sieve, strainer 31.347 n vs v signal 15.501 signal [v] 15.502 silicon, Si 46.614 Chemical element #014 silk 40.031 silkworm 3.081 silver ore 45.533 See: SILVER (46.647) silver, Ag 46.647 Chemical element #047 simmer 31.123 v = COOK FOOD SLOWLY simple 97.545 sin 88.49 n vs v since (temporal) 92.65 sing 82.15 HF singer 82.153 sink [v] 50.373 GO UNDER WATER (as boat, person) sinker 23.107 sip / slurp 30.035 sister (generic) 11.037 Cf: SIBLING; BV sister (older) 11.038 sister (younger) 11.039 sister-in-law 11.166 Added to IDS; BV sit 10.934 HF six (6) 90.109 HF six hundred (600) 90.155 sixteen (16) 90.119 sixth (6th) 90.206 sixty (60) 90.138 sixty-two (62) 90.139 Replaces sixty-one on original list size [noun] 97.401 skin 10.003 Generic or of humans; HF skin, hide (of animal) 40.401 undifferentiated on IDS skinny, thin (person) 97.626 Opp: FAT; BV skip 70.046 skirt 41.321 Contrast: GRASS vs CLOTH SKIRT? skull 10.013 sky 2.101 With HEAVENS on IDS; HF slap 54.014 slave 53.69 Counterpart of MASTER; HF sleep 13.92 v vs n; HF sleep (that forms in the eyes) 10.722 sleeve 41.741 sleigh 70.24 slide / slip 10.944 sling shot 22.101 sling, slingshot 54.14 slope 2.333 BV slow 97.215 Opp: FAST; BV slowly 92.553 slush 1.23 small, little 97.405 LITTLE IN SIZE; Opp: LARGE / BIG; HF smallpox 85.178 smart, clever, intelligent 13.081 distinguish from WISE? smell [v] 12.131 Contrast V-INTR (exude aroma) vs V-TR (sniff); HF smell bad, stink [v] 97.755 BV smell good, be fragrant [v] 97.751 HF smell, aroma [noun] 97.75 smile 15.531 v vs n smith 45.56 Contrast: BLACKSMITH? smoke [n] 31.005 HF smoke [v] 32.231 e.g: TOBACCO PRODUCTS smoke [v] 34.1 smooth 97.682 Opp: ROUGH; problematic in some lgs; HF smuggle 87.95 snack 30.121 snail 3.101 snake 3.21 HF sneeze 85.26 sniff 30.013 Contrast: SMELL snore 13.93 v vs n snot 10.732 snow 1.222 Culturally irrelevant in tropical areas snow plow 70.69 snowflake 1.223 snuff 34.241 soap 43.111 BV sock, stocking 41.611 sodium, Na 46.611 Chemical element #011 sodomy 10.872 soft (of sound) 97.672 Opp: LOUD soft (of texture) 97.612 Opp: HARD; HF soft drinks 33.031 soldier 54.92 BV sole (of shoe) 41.625 sole (of the foot) 10.333 solid 97.777 some 94.401 With A FEW on IDS; HF someone 94.402 sometimes 92.535 son 11.023 song 82.155 son-in-law 11.164 IDS distinguishes OF A WOMAN vs OF A MAN soon 92.521 sorcerer 88.875 with WITCH on IDS sorcery, witchcraft 88.87 with MAGIC and WITCHCRAFT on IDS sore throat 85.18 soul 88.46 with SPIRIT on IDS sound, noise [generic noun] 97.67 soup / broth 32.061 HF sour / acidic 30.222 Opp: SWEET; HF south 93.15 Specify if WIND DIRECTION or other basis; HF southeast 93.152 southwest 93.154 sow (female pig) 3.632 sow (seeds), broadcast 21.121 soy sauce 32.141 SPACE AND VARIOUS SPATIAL RELATIONSHIPS 93 space under house 50.399 spacious 97.441 spade 21.225 counterpart of HOE or SHOVEL span (from thumb to middle finger) 90.631 vs measurement of OUTSTRETCHED FINGERS spark plug 70.393 sparrow 3.332 spatula 31.344 speak (a language) 15.011 BV speak, talk 82.2 Also: MAKE A SPEECH, LECTURE spear 22.111 HF speech 82.245 SPEECH AND HEARING 15.01 speed [noun] 97.201 spice (generic) 32.15 spider 3.071 HF spiderweb 3.072 spin, make cloth 40.1 spin, turn around 70.005 spindle 40.105 spinster 11.102 spirit 88.465 E.g: Austronesian ANITO; with SOUL on IDS spit [v] 10.754 n vs v; Contrast: SPIT OUT vs SPIT ON? spit out 30.021 HF splash 72.005 spleen 10.481 splint 85.86 split (wood) 45.32 HF sponge 85.856 spoon 31.341 NATIVE SPOON vs TEASPOON vs TABLESPOON, etc. sport 83.13 spouse 11.131 sprain 85.454 spread out (to dry) 50.685 E.g: DRY (grains) IN THE SUN spring 50.881 mechanical device spring 92.475 or: WET SEASON spring (of water) 2.031 with WELL on IDS spur 24.425 spy 87.93 n vs v square 97.772 adj = geometric shape, having four equal sides square [unit of area] 90.805 square kilometer 90.803 square mile 90.804 squash 4.371 Species, e.g: PUMPKIN, ZUCCHINI, etc. squat 10.936 squeeze 50.663 Many possibilities, e.g: WRING; HF squid 3.141 squint 12.119 stab, pierce 54.165 HF stable 24.251 Also STALL on IDS stadium 51.72 See 83.1xx entries; moved from 83.120; open roof structure; contrast: arena staff, personnel 63.79 staff, walking stick 41.941 stairway 50.203 stale 30.292 stalk 22.027 stallion 3.651 stamp 84.64 used for postage stand 10.94 HF standard of living 63.84 star 2.112 HF stare 12.115 start 70.501 v vs n starter 70.335 startled 13.184 statement 87.575 station wagon 70.62 statue 82.06 status 14.602 steal 87.25 BV steam 31.125 n vs v steam roller 70.68 steel 45.541 steer 70.355 steering wheel 70.35 step 50.205 stepbrother 11.085 stepdaughter 11.084 stepfather 11.081 stepmother 11.082 steppe 2.315 stepsister 11.086 stepson 11.083 stern 72.32 stethoscope 85.88 stew 32.089 n vs v steward(ess) 73.23 stick (of wood) 20.191 Not different from WOOD in many languages stick out the tongue 15.511 stick to, adhere 50.829 stiff 97.724 sting [v] 3.095 as an insect stinger 3.094 stingray 3.164 stingy, avaricious 13.137 Opp: GENEROUS stir fry 31.147 stir, mix together 31.205 v stomach 10.441 with BELLY on IDS and some other lists stomachache 85.182 stone cutter 50.797 stone, rock 2.005 HF stool 50.411 stop, cease 70.503 Special senses, e.g: CEASE OF RAIN (or WIND)? store 51.31 with SHOP on IDS store [v] 70.08 storm 1.07 story 15.051 story teller 82.22 stove 31.321 straight (as a stick) 97.711 Opp: CROOKED; HF strand 44.1 stranger 11.525 straw [cf: hay] 50.047 specific, e.g.: RICE STRAW, HAY stream 2.033 with RIVER and BROOK on IDS street 70.403 with ROAD on IDS streetcar 71.7 stretch (as cloth) 50.681 stretch (when yawning) 10.795 stretcher 85.87 strike [v] 63.925 with HIT and BEAT on IDS strike (organized by union) 63.92 string 44.111 BV string figures 82.65 strong 97.731 Also: MIGHTY, POWERFULL; Opp: WEAK; HF strontium, Sr 46.638 Chemical element #038 stubborn 13.142 stuck 97.667 student, pupil 81.35 with PUPIL on IDS study 81.37 BV stump 4.709 stupid 13.082 with FOOLISH on IDS stutter / stammer 15.111 style 82.21 subconscious 85.985 subject marker(s) 95.7 subtract 90.403 suck 30.031 E.g: AS A NURSING CHILD; HF sue 87.81 suffocating 85.29 sugar 32.125 Contrast: WHITE (REFINED) vs BROWN (raw), etc. sugarcane 4.571 BV suit 41.365 suitcase 70.093 sulfur, S 46.616 Chemical element #016 sulphur 46.55 summer 92.478 or HOT SEASON summer solstice 92.48 summons 87.53 sun 2.103 HF Sunday 92.201 sunrise 2.104 sunset 2.105 sunstroke 85.184 superior 97.592 supper 30.151 Different from DINNER? supply depot 54.64 supply services 54.65 sure, certain 97.524 surprise 13.531 surprised, astonished 13.182 surrender 54.45 v vs n surround 54.38 suspect 87.41 v vs n swab 85.854 swallow 30.025 BV swallow (bird) 3.333 swamp 2.246 swear, make an oath 87.56 sweat [n] 10.707 PERSPIRE [v] vs PERSPIRATION [n]; BV sweater 41.561 sweep 50.64 sweet 30.221 Opp: SOUR; HF sweet potato 4.421 Species such as: YAM, CAMOTE; HF swell (up) 85.47 Problematic swelling 85.474 n counterpart of SWELL (UP) swim 72.001 HF swollen 85.472 sword 54.16 syphilis 85.186 syringe 85.736 table 50.425 tablespoon 31.376 taboo 88.65 tack 50.814 tactics, strategy 54.3 tadpole 3.222 TAG QUESTION MARKER / is it so? 96.08 tail (generic) 3.711 HF tail (of airplane) 73.06 tail (of fish) 3.194 tailor 40.302 tailwind 1.007 take 61.04 Distinguish from: GET / OBTAIN take a bath 43.013 take a photograph 84.92 take a trip 70.12 take a vacation 83.66 take an exam 81.23 take blood pressure 85.71 take inventory 63.69 take medicine 85.82 take pulse 85.715 talk [n] 15.021 talk, converse 15.022 reciprocal verb talk, lecture, make a speech 82.235 v vs n talkative 13.151 Opp: QUIET, SILENT tall 97.454 Opp: SHORT; BV tan [v, as leather] 40.42 tank 54.58 tanner 40.422 tannery 40.425 tantalum, Ta 46.673 Chemical element #073 tapioca 4.432 Cf: CASSAVA taro 4.422 tartar 10.741 taste 12.141 n (FLAVOR) vs v (TRY) tattoo 42.021 n vs v tax [v] 53.31 taxes, tribute 53.312 tea 33.021 teach 81.36 sometimes POINT (OUT / AT); BV teacher 81.34 BV tear(s) 10.721 from crying tear, rip 40.39 BV teaspoon 31.377 technetium, Tc 46.643 Chemical element #043 technical school 81.055 TELECOMMUNICATIONS (TV & RADIO) 84 telegraph 84.4 v vs n telegraph key 84.41 telephone 84.3 BV telephone number 84.31 television set 84.2 tell 15.052 tell stories 82.225 verbal counterpart of STORY? tell the truth 87.593 teller 63.545 tellurium, Te 46.652 Chemical element #052 temper (metal) 45.59 v temper / tantrum 13.552 temperature [noun] 97.76 temple 88.065 with CHURCH on IDS temple(s) / side of head 10.026 TEMPORAL NEGATIVE / not yet 98.531 See: NEGATIVE for other categories of NOT ten (10) 90.113 HF ten percent (10%) 90.251 ten thousand (10,000) 90.167 tendon 10.502 tent 51.061 tenth (10th) 90.21 terbium, Tb 46.665 Chemical element #065 terminal (as at airport) 73.12 terminal, end of the line 71.85 stopping place for vehicles termite, white ant 3.004 BV terrace 2.314 territory 53.648 terrorism 53.955 terrorist 53.95 testicle(s) 10.812 BV testimony 87.57 textbook 81.27 TEXTILES AND FABRIC PRODUCTION 40 Orig: WOVEN FABRICS, TEXTILE INDUSTRIES thallium, Tl 46.681 Chemical element #081 thank 13.575 that 94.353 relative pronoun that (far away or invisible) 94.02 HF that (near) 94.03 thatch 50.049 n vs v; different from ROOF? the (definite article, sg/pl, masc/fem) 95.212 theater (for stage shows) 51.42 See: 82.4xx entries theatrical play (legitimate) 82.4 their 94.216 theirs 94.217 them 94.308 there (not far) 94.07 there (far), yonder 94.08 Not different from THAT in some languages; HF they (3rd person - animate) 94.195 they (3rd person plural) 94.193 HF they two (3rd person dual) 94.191 thick (as paper or bark) 97.431 Opp: THIN; HF thief 87.255 Different from BANDIT and/or ROBBER? thigh 10.302 thimble 40.319 thin 97.432 Opp: THICK; HF thing 50.802 think 12.221 BE OF THE OPINION vs REFLECT ~ DWELL ON; HF thinness 85.335 third (3rd) 90.203 THIRST AND BEVERAGES 33 Orig: WATER, THIRST, BEVERAGES thirst, thirsty 33.001 n vs adj; HF thirteen (13) 90.116 thirty (30) 90.129 thirty-four (34) 90.133 thirty-one (31) 90.13 thirty-three (33) 90.132 thirty-two (32) 90.131 this 94.01 HF thorium, Th 46.69 Chemical element #090 thorn 4.716 thought 85.906 thousand (1,000) 90.159 HF thread 40.317 threat 15.096 threaten 15.095 three (3) 90.106 HF three hundred (300) 90.151 three hundred and three (303) 90.152 three thousand (3000) 90.165 three thousand nine hundred eighty-two 90.166 three times, thrice 90.224 three-quarters (3/4) 90.243 thresh 21.531 threshing floor 21.535 threshold 50.211 throat 10.091 HF throttle, strangle 54.019 through 93.38 throw 83.16 Not generic in some lgs; Cf: THROW AWAY; HF throw away, discard 50.699 HF thulium, Tm 46.669 Chemical element #069 thumb 10.221 thump! (sound of hitting) 99.532 thunder 1.059 HF Thursday 92.205 thyme 32.157 tibia 10.526 ticket 70.17 tidal wave 2.224 tide 2.221 tie (as a knot) 44.151 tie (up), tether an animal 24.417 HF tie together / bundle (up) 50.071 tie, bind (up) 87.755 tie, necktie 41.929 tiger 3.563 tight, taut 97.721 tile 50.035 TILLAGE 21.1 time 92.001 generic sense vs specifics TIME EXPRESSIONS 92.5 TIME-RELATED WORDS AND ACTIONS 92.7 tin, Sn 46.65 Chemical element #050; metal vs TIN-PLATE, etc. tired, weary 13.212 titanium, Ti 46.622 Chemical element #022 title (to property) 60.25 to / toward 93.325 toad 3.223 tobacco 34.201 BV today 92.12 Contrast: NOW; HF toddler 10.922 toe 10.34 Different from FINGER or DIGIT? toenail 10.341 together 92.56 toilet 50.378 tomato 4.331 tomorrow 92.13 HF ton; tons 90.531 tongs 31.345 tongue 10.069 HF tool 50.801 TOOLS AND APPLIANCES 50.8 tooth, teeth 10.071 HF toothache 85.188 toothpaste 43.317 top 93.228 Opp: BOTTOM topsoil 21.17 torch 50.897 with LAMP on IDS tortoise 3.232 touch 12.151 tow 70.54 towel 43.121 tower 54.192 town 52.14 with CITY on IDS; BV toy 83.7 track 71.2 track [n] 22.021 tractor 70.66 BV tractor-trailer (semi-trailer) 70.65 trade, barter 61.02 with BARTER on IDS; BV traffic 70.43 traffic light 70.44 train 71.1 train, drill 54.235 trance 88.76 transfer 62.43 n vs v transmission 70.375 transmitter 84.145 transplant 21.141 transvestite 10.864 trap 22.181 n vs v travel 70.127 TRAVEL & TRANSPORTATION 70 Also Orig: LAND TRANSPORT treason 87.9 treat 85.725 treatment 85.727 treaty 53.76 tree (generic) 4.05 Also IDS 08.600; HF TREES 4.01 trench 54.195 trespass 87.24 trial 87.52 tribe 52.03 with CLAN on IDS trip 10.946 triple 90.232 triplet(s) 11.027 TROPICAL CLIMATE 1.1 trouble-maker 87.17 trough 50.439 trowel 50.889 truce 54.03 truck 70.64 true 97.521 Opp: FALSE TRUNK (body minus limbs) 10.1 trunk (of tree) 4.701 truthful 13.163 try (a case) 87.525 try, attempt 12.391 tub 50.375 tuberculosis 85.19 Tuesday 92.203 tungsten, W 46.674 Chemical element #074 turkey 3.413 turn (around), revolve [v-intr] 70.003 Difficult to isolate a single concept; HF turn (in a direction) 70.505 turn over 50.061 v-tr turtle 3.231 Distinguish TORTOISE, LAND-TURTLE, other sp?; HF twelve (12) 90.115 twelve thousand five hundred 90.168 twentieth (20th) 90.212 twenty (20) 90.123 HF twenty-four (24) 90.127 twenty-one (21) 90.124 twenty-six (26) 90.128 twenty-three (23) 90.126 twenty-two (22) 90.125 twice, two times 90.222 twin, twins 11.026 twist 40.36 two (2) 90.105 HF two hundred (200) 90.148 two hundred and six (206) 90.15 two hundred and two (202) 90.149 two months ago 92.323 two thousand (2000) 90.163 two thousand one hundred sixty 90.164 two years ago 92.44 typewriter 84.83 typhoid fever 85.192 tyrant 53.655 udder 3.731 ugly 97.517 BV umbrella 41.951 unashamed 13.012 unbutton 41.812 uncle, father's brother 11.061 uncle, mother's brother 11.063 uncomfortable 97.572 unconscious 85.98 under 93.235 contrast: BOTTOM underpants 41.211 undershirt 41.215 understand 12.321 undertaker 18.13 underwear 41.2 unemployed 63.735 unfaithful 13.032 unfortunately 97.922 unfriendly 13.042 ungrateful 13.052 unhappy, sad 13.062 Opp: HAPPY / HAPPINESS uniform 54.91 unit 54.961 unit of length 90.61 unit of volume 90.7 unit of weight 90.5 United Nations 53.79 universe 88.45 university 81.065 unjust 13.092 unload 70.072 unlock 50.229 unpleasant (of smell) 97.754 unselfish / altruistic 13.131 untidy 97.637 untie, undo 44.152 until 92.62 unusual 97.555 up; upper 93.223 upper arm 10.203 UPPER WORLD 2.1 uranium, U 46.692 Chemical element #092 Uranus 2.137 planet urinate 10.777 urine 10.778 us 94.306 uterus 10.825 uvula 10.093 vacation 92.497 moved from 83.650 vaccinate 85.73 vacuum 50.648 vagina 10.821 HF vain 13.176 valley 2.311 BV value 62.27 van 70.61 vanadium, V 46.623 Chemical element #023 vegetable 32.071 VEGETABLES 4.3 vehicle 70.1 veil 41.521 vein, artery 10.501 HF Venus 2.132 planet verb [part of speech] 98.001 VERBAL AFFIXES OR FORMS 98 VERBAL NUMBERS 90.23 verdict 87.67 vice-president 53.215 viceroy 53.15 victory 54.045 video camera 84.25 village 52.135 BV vindicate 87.676 vine 4.621 Differentiation of species?; BV vinegar 32.127 vineyard 21.04 BV violet 97.395 color violin 82.143 virgin boy 10.807 virgin girl 10.808 virginity 10.809 visa 70.195 vise 50.859 vision 88.17 visit 11.54 v vs n visitor 11.541 vocal cords 10.095 vocational school 81.05 voice 82.205 volcano 2.321 volume 90.735 vomit 10.762 n vs v; HF vote 53.54 v vs n vow 15.201 n vs v vulture 3.324 wages 63.8 wagon 70.23 waist 10.133 wait 92.75 HF waiter 51.452 waitress 51.454 wake up (someone) 13.99 v-tr; Contrast: AWAKEN / GET UP [v-intr] walk 70.04 GO ON FOOT (rather than RIDE); HF walkie-talkie 84.55 wall 50.161 HF wall paper 50.611 wallet 41.961 want, desire 13.507 Ex: What do you want?; BV war 54.02 With BATTLE on IDS; BV wardrobe 50.433 warehouse 51.22 warm 97.762 Contrast: HOT; HF warm (emotionally) 13.191 warm by fire, heat 50.479 warp thread 40.157 warplane 54.82 warrant officer 54.98 warship 54.72 wart 10.614 wash (generic) 50.655 No generic in some languages; BV wash (vegetables) 31.209 wash clothes, launder 50.66 BV wash dishes 50.658 wash the body 43.021 wash the face 43.023 wash the hair 43.501 wash the hands 43.025 wasp 3.017 watch 42.261 watch out! (warning) 99.505 water 2.03 HF water buffalo (carabao) 3.69 Replaces CAMEL on IDS list; HF water container 31.365 Type, e.g: made of bamboo, steel, etc. water jar 31.366 water leech 3.042 WATER TRANSPORT 72 water wheel 46.05 waterfall 2.032 HF waterless place 2.025 watersnake 3.216 wave 15.541 Cf: ROUGH / WAVY wavy 2.225 wax (beeswax) 3.013 way, manner [a noun in ADVERBIAL clauses] 97.901 we (1st person plural exclusive) 94.17 HF we (1st person plural inclusive) 94.16 HF weak 97.732 Opp: STRONG / POWERFUL; HF wealth 62 wean 10.917 weapon(s), arms 54.1 wear a hat 41.835 wear a ring 42.255 wear a shirt 41.855 wear clothes 41.821 Cf: PUT ON (CLOTHES/SHIRT) wear pants 41.845 weasel 3.541 weather 1.001 weave 40.15 v vs n; HF weave a mat, plait 45.1 I.e: wickerwork, making baskets, etc. weaver 40.159 wedding 11.14 With MARRIAGE on IDS wedding gifts 11.147 Wednesday 92.204 weed 4.631 Contrast: 21.151 [v] REMOVE WEEDS weed, remove weeds 21.151 Contrast: 04.631 [n] week 92.2 BV weekend 92.211 weft thread 40.158 weigh 90.51 weir 23.205 welding machine 50.98 well 45.65 well-driller 45.66 west 93.17 WIND DIRECTION vs PLACE OF SUNSET; HF wet 97.741 Opp: DRY; HF wet field 21.013 wet-nurse 10.915 whale 3.163 wharf 72.92 what ? 96.001 HF whatchamacallit (hesitation word) 96.07 Filler when one doesn't know the right word wheat 4.121 wheel 70.307 wheelwright 50.795 when ? 96.03 PAST vs FUTURE may be distinguished; HF where ? 96.04 HF whet, sharpen 31.335 which 94.351 which ? 96.002 while 92.63 whip 24.429 v vs n whip (as in beating eggs) 31.255 whirlpool 2.036 whiskey 33.141 whisper 15.301 whistle 15.551 white 97.31 HF white magic 88.86 white of the eye 10.046 whiteboard 81.26 who 94.352 relative pronoun who ? 96.003 HF whom ? 96.004 whoosh! (sound of wind) 99.523 why ? 96.05 wide, broad 97.411 Opp: NARROW; HF widow / widower 11.099 HF wife 11.132 HF WILD ANIMALS 3.5 wilderness 2.021 will 62.5 win (at gambling) 83.22 win (game) 83.17 win (war) 54.04 wind 1.004 Distinguish WIND DIRECTIONS; HF wind / wrap (up) 50.073 window 50.241 windowpane 50.245 windowsill 50.247 windy 1.005 wine 33.131 Distinguish varieties?, native vs imported? winery 33.139 wing (of airplane) 73.02 wing (of bird) 3.392 HF wing (of insect) 3.096 wink 15.521 winnow 21.541 v; HF winnowing basket 21.545 winter 92.473 winter solstice 92.49 wipe 50.653 E.g: WIPE OFF; difficult generic in some lgs.; HF wire (metallic substance) 45.599 wire, telegraphic message 84.43 wise 13.085 Distinguish from SMART? witch 88.88 with 93.46 BV withdraw (from a battle) 54.43 withdraw (from an account) 63.57 without 93.465 witness 87.55 wok 31.317 wolf 3.533 woman, adult female 10.972 HF womb 10.826 wood, lumber (processed) 45.34 wood, timber (unprocessed) 45.33 woodpecker 3.334 wool 40.041 word 15.016 work 63.91 v vs n; contrast: MAKE (as a table) vs DO; HF world 2.001 worm, earthworm 3.085 HF worse 97.505 worship 88.11 worst 97.509 wound, injury 85.45 with SORE on IDS wow! (disbelief or admiration) 99.507 wreck 70.53 n vs v wrench 50.855 wring 50.665 wrinkled 97.684 E.g: skin of old person vs cloth wrist 10.209 write 82.3 BV writer 84.75 WRITING AND PRINTING SUPPLIES 84.8 wrong 97.529 Opp: RIGHT; Contrast: MISTAKE and FAULT; BV xenon, Xe 46.654 Chemical element #054 x-ray machine 85.88 yam 4.423 Distinguish species yard 90.623 unit of measure = 3 feet yard / court 50.39 Distinguish FRONT vs BACK YARD yawn 10.791 with GAPE on IDS year 92.4 HF yellow 97.36 HF yes! (agreement or approval) 99.501 Affirmative marker yesterday 92.14 HF yet 99.408 yoke 24.411 as on work animal yolk (of egg) 32.161 you (2nd person sg-intimate) 94.123 you (2nd person sg-polite) 94.125 you (2nd person sg-polite, to female) 94.127 you (2nd person sg-polite, to male) 94.129 you and I (1st person dual) 94.181 you two (2nd person dual) 94.183 you, thee 94.302 you, thou 94.121 HF you, ye 94.307 you, ye (2nd person plural) 94.185 HF young 97.125 Opp: OLD (of person); BV younger 97.127 your (plural) 94.214 your, thy 94.203 yours (plural) 94.215 yours, thine 94.204 youth 10.924 ytterbium, Yb 46.67 Chemical element #070 yttrium, Y 46.639 Chemical element #039 yuck! (revulsion or repugnance) 99.509 zero (0) 90.102 Contrast: NONE, NOTHING zinc, Zn 46.63 Chemical element #030 zipper 41.751 zirconium, Zr 46.64 Chemical element #040 zoo 51.63