moon lunar month LUNAR PHASES new moon waxing crescent moon first quarter moon waxing gibbous moon full moon waning gibbous moon third quarter moon moon | BLUST ACD affected by the moon, mentally or emotionally unstable - PWMP *bulan bulan-en affected by the moon, mentally or emotionally unstable - PWMP *bulan-en die; dead; eclipse of sun or moon - PAN *ma-aCay die; dead; sick; tired (of); faint, lose consciousness; eclipse; new moon; extinguished; blocked (path); paralyzed; numb, asleep (limbs); die down (wind); waterless (springs, rivers); dry up (plants); beaten (in a game); fixed (price); terminate a matter, reach an agreement; disaster; intensive, superlative; desire intensely, be deeply in love - PMP *m-atay moon, month - PAN-F *qiNaS moon, month - POC *pulan moon, month; menstruation - PAN *bulaN moon, month; menstruation; shell disk collar piece - PMP *bulan new moon, eclipse (lit. 'dead moon') - PMP *bulan matay to rise, of the sun, moon or stars - PPH *sebang moonlight | walk in the moonlight - PWMP *bulan