Rd#001 "abaca, hemp, abaca fibers" Z-DPW#7-001 Rd#002 afternoon "Lob-Bor#C03, , Z-DPW#7-004" Rd#003 all "Lob-Bor#005, SW100-009, Z-DPW#7-005" Rd#004 anger "Lob-Bor#007, , Z-DPW#7-006" Rd#005 ankle "Lob-Bor#008, , Z-DPW#7-008" Rd#006 answer "Lob-Bor#009#006, Z-DPW#4-02" Rd#007 anus Z-DPW#7-009 Rd#008 areca nut ~ betel "Lob-Bor#031, Z-DPW#3-" Rd#009 ashamed Z-DPW#6-004 Rd#010 ashes "Lob-Bor#014, SW100-083, Z-DPW#3-" Rd#011 back (anatomic ~ of body) "Lob-Bor#019, , Z-DPW#7-013" Rd#012 bad "Lob-Bor#020, Z-DPW#6-006" Rd#013 banana "Lob-Bor#022, Z-DPW#5-" Rd#014 bark (of tree) "SW100-027, Z-DPW#7-015" Rd#015 "bathe, take a bath" "CL=dupe, Lob-Bor#025" Rd#016 belly SW100-049 Rd#017 betel leaf Lob-Bor#030# Rd#018 betel chew (preparation) Rd#019 "big, large" "Lob-Bor#032#, SW100-013" Rd#020 bird (generic) "Lob-Bor#033#, SW100-020, Z1" Rd#021 bite [v] "Lob-Bor#034#, SW100-056" Rd#022 bitter "Lob-Bor#035#, Z-DPW#1-02" Rd#023 black "Lob-Bor#036, SW100-091" Rd#024 blanket Lob-Bor#038# Rd#025 blind Lob-Bor#039# Rd#026 blood "Lob-Bor#040, SW100-030" Rd#027 blow (on fire) "Lob-Bor#041+, Z1" Rd#028 body Lob-Bor#044# Rd#029 "boil, abscess" Lob-Bor#045[abscess]# Rd#030 boil [v] "Lob-Bor#046, Z1" Rd#031 bone "Lob-Bor#047, SW100-031" Rd#032 brain "Lob-Bor#049#, Z-DPW#1-03" Rd#033 breakfast# Rd#034 breast ~ breasts "Lob-Bor#051, SW100-051+" Rd#035 burn [v-intr]; be burning "Lob-Bor#057, SW100-084+" Rd#036 "bury, inter [v]" Lob-Bor#058# Rd#037 butterfly Lob-Bor#060# Rd#038 buttocks Lob-Bor#059# Rd#039 buy [v] Lob-Bor#061# Rd#040 call (someone) [v] Lob-Bor#063[call out (w/ voice)# Rd#041 canoe Lob-Bor#043[boat (canoe)]# Rd#042 paddle (for canoe) Lob-Bor#310 Rd#043 carabao = water buffalo Lob-Bor#064 Rd#044 charcoal Rd#045 cheek Lob-Bor#070 Rd#046 chest (of a body) "Lob-Bor#071, Z1" Rd#047 chicken / fowl "Lob-Bor#073, Z-DPW#1-05" Rd#048 child (as kin) Rd#049 chin "Lob-Bor#075, Z1" Rd#050 "choose, select, pick" Lob-Bor#076 Rd#051 "climb (up, as a tree)" "Lob-Bor#078, Z1" Rd#052 cloud "Lob-Bor#080, SW100-080" Rd#053 coconut(young) "Lob-Bor#083, PIx2x2" RD#054 coconut(old) Rd#055 cold "Lob-Bor#085[cold (of obj.)], SW100-094, Z1" Rd#056 comb (generic) Lob-Bor#086 Rd#057 "companion, comrade, Z1" Rd#058 cook [v] "Lob-Bor#088, S2" Rd#059 pot:cooking pot Rd#060 cotton Lob-Bor#089 Rd#061 cough Lob-Bor#090 Rd#062 "count, enumerate" Lob-Bor#091+ Rd#063 crocodile "Lob-Bor#095, Z-DPW#1-06" Rd#064 crow Lob-Bor#096 Rd#065 "cry, weep [v]" Lob-Bor#097 Rd#066 "cut (up), slice (as meat)" "Lob-Bor#098[cut, as rope], Z1" Rd#067 day Lob-Bor#C06# Rd#068 dead Lob-Bor#100# Rd#069 deaf Lob-Bor#101# Rd#070 debt Lob-Bor#102# Rd#071 deep Lob-Bor#103# Rd#072 deer Lob-Bor#104# Rd#073 defecate Lob-Bor#105# Rd#074 delouse [v] Rd#075 "difficult, hard#, Z1" Rd#076 dig (a hole) [v] Lob-Bor#108# Rd#077 "dirty, soiled" "Lob-Bor#109#, Z1" Rd#078 dog "Lob-Bor#111, SW100-021" Rd#079 dream Lob-Bor#114 Rd#080 drink [v] "Lob-Bor#114, SW100-054, Z-DPW#1-08" Rd#081 "dry [adj], not wet" "Lob-Bor#117, SW100-099+" Rd#082 dry [v]# Rd#083 dull (of a blade) Lob-Bor#119 Rd#084 "dust#, Z1" Rd#085 ear "Lob-Bor#124, SW100-039" Rd#086 "earth (soil, dirt)" "Lob-Bor#126, SW100-079, Z1" Rd#087 earthquake Rd#088 east Lob-Bor#127 Rd#089 eat "Lob-Bor#128, SW100-055, Z-DPW#1-09" Rd#090 eel Lob-Bor#129 Rd#091 egg "Lob-Bor#130, SW100-033" Rd#092 eggplant Lob-Bor#131 Rd#093 eight (8) "Lob-Bor#A08, Z-DPW#1-10" Rd#094 elbow "Lob-Bor#132, Z-DPW#1-11" Rd#095 "excrement, feces" "Lob-Bor#145, Z-DPW#1-13" Rd#096 eye "Lob-Bor#136, SW100-040, Z-DPW#1-14" Rd#097 "eyebrow, eyebrows" Lob-Bor#137 Rd#098 "eyelash, eyelashes" Lob-Bor#138 Rd#099 face Lob-Bor#139 Rd#100 fall (down) [v] "Lob-Bor#140+, Z1" Rd#101 "far, distant" Lob-Bor#141 Rd#102 "fast, quick" "Lob-Bor#142, Z1" Rd#103 fat [adj] Lob-Bor#143 Rd#104 "fat, grease" SW100-032+ Rd#105 father Lob-Bor#144 Rd#106 fear [v]; afraid; fright "Lob-Bor#003, , Z-DPW#4-" Rd#107 feather SW100-036+ Rd#108 fence Rd#109 "fight, quarrel [v]" "Lob-Bor#147, Z1" Rd#110 finger "Lob-Bor#148, Z1" Rd#111 fingernail "Lob-Bor#149, SW100-045+" Rd#112 fire "Lob-Bor#150, SW100-082+" Rd#113 fish (generic) "Lob-Bor#152, SW100-019, Z1" Rd#114 five (5) "Lob-Bor#A05, Z-DPW#1-16" Rd#115 floor Lob-Bor#157 Rd#116 flower Lob-Bor#158 Rd#117 "fly, housefly" Lob-Bor#159 Rd#118 fly [v-intr - as a bird] "Lob-Bor#160, SW100-064+" Rd#119 forehead Lob-Bor#163 Rd#120 forget "Lob-Bor#165, Z1" Rd#121 four (4) "Lob-Bor#A04, Z-DPW#1-18" Rd#122 fragrant; smell good "Lob-Bor#166, Z1" Rd#123 frog {generic} Lob-Bor#168 Rd#124 fruit (generic); FRUIT (as category) Lob-Bor#169+ Rd#125 "full, sated" Lob-Bor#172 Rd#126 full (to the brim) "Lob-Bor#171, SW100-095+, Z-DPW#1-19" Rd#127 ginger Rd#128 give [v] SW100-070 Rd#129 good (generic) "SW100-097, Z1" Rd#130 green "SW100-088, S2" Rd#131 hair (of head) SW100-037 Rd#132 hand SW100-048 Rd#133 "hard (not soft), Z1" Rd#134 head SW100-038 Rd#135 hear [v] "SW100-058+, Z-DPW#5-" Rd#136 heart SW100-052 Rd#137 heavy+ Rd#138 heel Rd#139 "hide [v], conceal" Rd#140 hold (in hand) [v] / grasp Z1 Rd#141 hot "SW100-093, (Zb)" Rd#142 house Rd#143 how many? [qw] Rd#144 hundred (100) Rd#145 "hunger, hungry" Rd#146 hunt [v] Rd#147 husband Rd#148 husk (of rice) [n] Rd#149 if [conj] Rd#150 "intestines (large vs small), guts" Rd#151 itch Rd#152 kick [v] Rd#153 kill [v] SW100-062 Rd#154 knee SW100-047+ Rd#155 know (someone) [v] Rd#156 ladle (native) Rd#157 "lake, Z1" Rd#158 "laugh, S2" Rd#159 "leaf, leaves" SW100-025+ Rd#160 learn Rd#161 "left (hand,direction)" Rd#162 leg (and foot) Rd#163 lice = louse (head) "Lob-Bor#246, SW100-022+, Z-DPW#1-35" Rd#164 lice = louse (chicken) Lob-Bor#074 Rd#165 "lie, deceive [v] Z1" Rd#166 lightning Rd#167 lime Rd#168 lip(s) Rd#169 "live, dwell [v]" Rd#170 liver SW100-053+ Rd#171 "loincloth, g-string" Rd#172 "lonely, Z1" Rd#173 long (object) SW100-014 Rd#174 "lose, misplace, Z1" Rd#175 lungs Rd#176 "man, adult male" SW100-017+ Rd#177 "many, much" "SW100-010, Z1" Rd#178 mat (for sleeping) Rd#179 medicine Rd#180 monkey Rd#181 moon SW100-073 Rd#182 "morning, Z1" Rd#183 mortar (for pulverizing grain) Rd#184 mosquito Rd#185 mother Rd#186 mountain SW100-086 Rd#187 mouth SW100-042 Rd#188 "mud, Z1" Rd#189 name (personal) SW100-100+ Rd#190 "narrow+, Z1" Rd#191 "near, Z1" Rd#192 neck SW100-050+ Rd#193 needle Rd#194 new SW100-096 Rd#195 night SW100-092 Rd#196 nine (9) Rd#197 nipa (palm) Rd#198 "none, nothing [NEGATIVE EXISTENTIAL], Z1" Rd#199 "noon, midday" Rd#200 nose SW100-041 Rd#201 is not (so) [neg-atr] Rd#201 "now, already [dp]" Rd#202 not = will not [FUTURE VERBAL NEGATIVE] "SW100-008, Z1" Rd#204 old (object) Rd#205 old (person)+ Rd#206 offspring Rd#207 one (in counting) (1) "SW100-011, Z1" Rd#208 "other, another (different)+" Rd#209 pain Rd#210 palm (of hand) Rd#211 pay Rd#212 peanut(s) Rd#213 penis Rd#214 "person, human being" SW100-018+ Rd#215 pestle Rd#216 pig Rd#217 pillow Rd#218 plant [v] Rd#218 plant [v] Rd#219 play [v] Z1 Rd#220 pound (rice) Rd#221 pull Rd#222 push Rd#223 raft Rd#224 rain [n] SW100-076 Rd#225 rainbow Rd#226 raincloud (rain cloud) Rd#227 rat Rd#228 rattan Rd#229 red SW100-087 Rd#230 "repeat, do (X) again" Rd#231 return (home) Rd#232 "rib, ribs" Rd#233 rice (growing in the paddy) Rd#234 "rice (husked, milled)" Rd#235 rice (cooked) Lob-Bor#350 Rd#236 right (direction) Rd#237 ring (for finger) Rd#238 river Lob-Bor#362 Rd#239 roof Rd#240 root SW100-026 Rd#241 rope Rd#242 rotten Rd#243 rub Rd#244 run Rd#245 salt Rd#246 sand SW100-078+ Rd#247 "say, said" "SW100-071, Z1" Rd#248 scar Rd#249 scratch (an itch)+ Rd#250 sea Rd#251 see "SW100-057, Z-DPW#6-080" Rd#252 sell Rd#253 seven (7) Rd#254 sew Rd#255 shadow Rd#256 sharp (as of blade) Rd#257 sheath (for knife or sword) Rd#258 shore Rd#259 short (person) Rd#260 short (object) Rd#261 shoulder Rd#262 sibling (generic) Z1 Rd#263 sit "SW100-068+, Z1" Rd#264 six (6) Rd#265 skin SW100-028 Rd#266 "skinny, thin (person)" Rd#267 sky Rd#268 slave Rd#269 sleep SW100-060+ Rd#270 "small (obj), little" "SW100-015, Z1" Rd#271 "smell [v], Z1" Rd#272 smoke [n] SW100-081+ Rd#273 "smooth, S2" Rd#274 "snake, Z-DPW#7-223" Rd#275 sole (of the foot) Rd#276 "soup, broth" Rd#277 "sour, acidic, Z-DPW#5-" Rd#278 "space under house, Z1" Rd#279 span (from thumb to middle finger) Rd#280 "spider, Z-DPW#7-226" Rd#281 spit out+ Rd#282 "squeeze, S2" Rd#283 "stab, pierce, S2" Rd#284 stand SW100-069+ Rd#285 star SW100-074+ Rd#286 steal Rd#287 "stick to, adhere, Z-DPW#3-" Rd#288 "stone, rock" SW100-077+ Rd#289 story Rd#290 straight (as a stick)+ Rd#291 string Rd#292 strong Rd#293 suck+ Rd#294 sugarcane Rd#295 summit Rd#296 swallow Rd#297 sweat [n] Rd#298 sweet Rd#299 sweet potato Rd#300 swidden =dry field Rd#301 swim SW100-063+ Rd#302 tail (generic) SW100-035 Rd#303 "tear, tears, teardrop, Z-DPW#1-" Rd#304 teeth = tooth "Lob-Bor#464, SW100-043, Z-DPW#4-26" Rd#305 tell Rd#306 ten (10) Rd#307 "termite, white ant" Rd#308 "thick (as paper or bark), Z-DPW#6-090" Rd#309 thigh Rd#310 thin (object) Rd#311 "thirst, thirsty" Rd#312 thorn Rd#313 "thousand (1,000) " Rd#314 three (3) Rd#315 "throat, Z1" Rd#316 "throw, toss [v] Z1" Rd#317 "throw away, discard, Z1" Rd#318 thunder Rd#319 "tie (up), tether an animal" Rd#320 today Rd#321 toe Rd#322 tomorrow "Lob-Bor#B05, Z1" Rd#323 tongue "Lob-Bor#463, SW100-044, Z-DPW#1-71" Rd#324 path / trail SW100-085 Rd#325 tree (generic) "IDS+, SW100-023, Z-DPW#1-72" Rd#326 "pants, trousers" Rd#327 "turn (around), revolve [v-intr] Z1" Rd#328 turtle PI+ Rd#329 twenty (20) Rd#330 two (2) SW100-012 Rd#331 under Rd#332 "urine, Z-DPW#5-42" Rd#333 "vagina, Z1, Z-DPW#7-262" Rd#334 "vein, artery Z-DPW#1-76" Rd#335 vomit Rd#336 wait ", Z1" Rd#337 walk SW100-065 Rd#338 wall Rd#339 "wash clothes, launder" ", Z-DPW#7-267" Rd#340 wash the hands Rd#341 water SW100-075 Rd#342 water container Rd#342 water jar Rd#344 waterfall ", Z1" Rd#345 weak ", Z1, Z-DPW#7-273" Rd#346 weave (cloth) Rd#347 "weave (a mat), plait" Rd#348 west Rd#349 wet Rd#350 what? "SW100-007, Z-DPW#6-098" Rd#351 whatchamacallit (hesitation word) Rd#352 when? ", Z1 [past vs. future]" Rd#353 where? Rd#354 white "SW100-090, Z-DPW#4-" Rd#355 who? SW100-006 Rd#356 "wide, broad" ", Z1" Rd#357 "widow, widower" ", Z-DPW#1-79" Rd#358 wife Rd#359 "wind, breeze" ", Z-DPW#7-280" Rd#360 wine [rice wine] Rd#361 wing (of bird) "Lob-Bor#493, , Z-DPW#5-44" Rd#362 winnow ", Z-DPW#2-49" Rd#363 wipe ", Z-DPW#7-283" Rd#364 "woman, adult female" "Lob-Bor#495, SW100-016+, Z-DPW#4-32" Rd#365 "wood, timber (unprocessed)" "Lob-Bor#496," Rd#366 woods = forest "Lob-Bor#164, Z-DPW#7-284" Rd#367 word "Lob-Bor#497," Rd#368 work ", Z-DPW#7-285" Rd#369 "worm, earthworm" ", Z-DPW#6-104" Rd#370 year ", Z-DPW#6-106" Rd#371 yellow "SW100-089+, Z-DPW#7-290, Zb" Rd#372 yesterday "Lob-Bor#B02, , Z-DPW#6-108" Rd-grm "he (3rd person sg.-intimate, male)+" Rd-grm "here+, Z1" Rd-grm his Rd-grm I (1st person sg.-intimate)+ SW100-001 Rd-grm my+ Rd-grm our (exclusive)+ Rd-grm our (inclusive)+ Rd-grm "our, my and your (dual)+" Rd-grm that (far away or invisible)+ "SW100-005, Z1" Rd-grm that (near)+ Rd-grm their+ Rd-grm there (not far)+ Rd-grm "there (far), yonder+, Z1" Rd-grm they (3rd person plural)+ Rd-grm this+ "SW100-004, Z1" Rd-grm we (1st person plural exclusive)+ Rd-grm we (1st person plural inclusive) IDS++ SW100-003 Rd-grm you and I (1st person dual)+ Rd-grm "you, thou+" SW100-002 Rd-grm "you, ye (2nd person plural)+, Z-DPW#2-" Rd-grm "your, thy+" Rd-grm "yours (plural)+, Z-DPW#6-110"