My Thoughts on Ted Llamzon Foremost, Ted was my sponsor in so many ways. We became friends long ago. He welcomed me within the Ateneo and broader Filipino linguistic community during my fieldwork in 1970-71. Later, when he had moved to Singapore and was at the RELC (Regional English Language Centre), and we Zorcs were in Australia (1976-86). Every time we flew from Darwin to Manila, we had to pass through Singapore, and he and Betty welcomed us into their home for the overnight stay. They took us around, introduced us to the best shopping areas and food courts, and always proved to be splendid hosts. On one of his offprints, Ted wrote: "To David, Front runner in Philippine linguists and friend, Ted Llamzon 28/1/77 Singapore Given this, I do not wish to "speak ill of the dead", and in some way be thought to have betrayed his friendship. However, it is possible to be objective and see his shortcomings. Ted filled an important gap in the time when Filipinos had to take control of their linguistic heritage. No longer should authorities like Dempwolff, Dyen, Reid, Blust be the only voices heard with regard to the nation's polyglot heritage. Within his "generation" were Cecilio Lopez, Ernesto Constantino, Consuelo Paz. Each of these, including Ted, made important steps to a better understanding of the complex linguistic landscape the Philippines provided. And each, like all of us humans, had their shortcomings. But each has provided us with important documents upon which our studies can progress.