YA ABAHA:went down YA ABAJA:lowered YA ABANDONA:abandoned YA ABANICA:fanned YA ABANIKA:fanned YA ABANTYA:carried on YA ABARKA:took a responsibility upon onself YA ABENTA:had flatulence YA ABERIGWA:inquired YA ABISA:reported YA ABLA:told YA ABONA:fertilized/paid YA ABORESE:were bored YA ABRASA:to embraced YA ABRAZA:embraced YA ABRE:opened YA ABRI:opened YA ABUSA:abused YA ABUYA:emerged suddenly YA ACABA:finished YA ACAPARA:cornered the supply YA ACCEPTA:accepted YA ACCIDENTA:had an accident YA ACCOMMODA:accommodated YA ACCORDA:reminded YA ACEITE:oiled YA ACEPTA:accepted YA ACERCA:approached YA ACERTA:guessed right YA ACLARA:clarified YA ACOMODA:accommodated YA ACOMPANA:accompanied YA ACONSEJA:advised YA ACORDA:reminded YA ACOSTA:lay down YA ACOSTUMBRA:accustomed YA ACTITUD:attitude YA ACTUA:acted YA ACUDI:assisted YA ACUSTA:went to bed YA ADAPTA:adapted YA ADELANTA:advanced YA ADIBINA:guessed YA ADMINISTRA:administered YA ADMIRA:admired YA ADMIT:admitted/allowed YA ADMITI:admitted/allowed YA ADOPTA:adopted YA ADORA:adored/worshipped YA ADORNA:decorated YA AFECTA:affected YA AFRENDE:learned YA AGACHA:bent forward/ducked YA AGARA:grasped YA AGARRA:got YA AGASAHA:honored someone with a feast YA AGONISA:agonized YA AGRABYA:felt resentful YA AGRIYA:became sour YA AGUHERA:bored a hole YA AGUSA:sharpened by whittling YA AGWANTA:endured YA AHUNTA:gathered YA AKABA:finished YA AKLARA:clarified YA AKOMODA:accommodated YA AKOMPAņA:accompanied YA AKORDA:remembered YA AKOSTUMBRA:were accustomed YA AKSEPTA:accepted YA AKUDI:went to the rescue YA AKURDA:remembered YA AKUSA:accused YA AKUSTA:lay down YA ALABA:praised YA ALARGA:lengthened YA ALBOROKYA:made noise YA ALEGRA:happy YA ALERTA:alerted YA ALIBYA:alleviated YA ALKANSA:reached YA ALKILA:rented YA ALMARYA:were dizzy YA ALMURSA:ate breakfast YA ALSA:lifted YA ALUMBRA:lit with a lamp YA AMANESE:dawned YA AMARA:tied with a rope or string YA AMENASA:threatened YA AMIENDA:amended YA AMONESTA:advised YA AMULA:sharpened blades YA ANALIZA:analzyed YA ANDA:went YA ANGGA:showed a desire to be petted YA ANGKAS:hitched a ride YA ANGKASAN:hitched a ride YA ANIMA:animated YA ANUD:drifted YA ANUNSYA:announced YA ANUT:drifted YA APACIGUA:appeased YA APAGA:turned off a switch YA APARECE:appeared YA APARESE:appeared YA APARTA:set apart YA APAS:ran after YA APASAN:chased YA APASIGWA:appeased YA APAYTA:shaved YA APELA:appealed YA APESTEA:reeked YA APEYTA:shaved YA APILA:sharpened with the use of a file YA APINA:tuned an instrument YA APLAKA:appeased YA APLASTA:laid face down YA APLICA:applied YA APOYO:supported YA APPROVA:approved YA APRECIA:appreciated YA APRENDE:learned/studied YA APRESYA:appreciated YA APRETA:tightened YA APROBA:approved YA APROBECHA:took advantage of YA APROPIA:appropriated YA APROVA:approved YA APROVECHA:profited YA APUNTA:pointed out YA APURA:hurried YA ARA:ploughed YA ARANGKA:uprooted YA ARASTRA:dragged YA AREGLA:arranged YA ARESTA:arrested YA ARIMA:moved towards the speaker YA ARIPINTI:repented YA ARMA:armed YA ARQUILA:rented YA ARRANCA:pulled out YA ARRASTRA:dragged along YA ARREA:drove away YA ARREBATA:snatched or seize YA ARREGLA:arranged YA ARREST:arrested YA ARRESTA:arrested YA ARRIA:lowered as as a sail YA ARRIMA:approached YA ARRINQUIN:got pushed aside YA ARRIPINTI:repented YA ARTYA:acted with affectation YA ARUNSA:moved away YA ARYA:dismissed/fired YA ASA:roasted/ broiled YA ASE KASO:minded YA ASE PAYPAY:fanned YA ASE:made YA ASEGURA:assured YA ASEKA:approached YA ASEMEHA:looked alike YA ASENSO:advanced YA ASENTA:letted sediment settle YA ASEPTA:accepted YA ASERKA:approached YA ASERTA:ascertained YA ASI PAYPAY:fanned YA ASISTI:assisted YA ASKYA:felt disgusting YA ASOMA:viewed through a window YA ASQUIA:loathed YA ASSIGNA:assigned YA ASUMA:sum upped YA ASUSTA:frightened YA ATACA:attacked YA ATAHA:intercepted YA ATAJA:closed the way YA ATAKA:attacked YA ATARANTA:lost direction YA ATRACA:approached YA ATRAE:attracted attention YA ATRAKA:approached YA ATRASA:were late YA ATREBE:attempted YA ATREVE:dared/attempted YA ATTENDE:attended YA ATUBANG:faced another YA AUMENTA:increased YA AUTORIZA:authorized YA AUXILIA:helped YA AVISA:informed YA AWMENTA:added YA AYAG:sifted grains YA AYUDA:helped YA AYUNA:fasted from food YA AYUSTA:adjusted YA BABA:rode piggyback YA BABAD:soaked YA BABAT:marinated YA BAGSAK:dropped heavily YA BAHA:went down YA BAILA:danced YA BAKSAK:dropped abruptly YA BAKUL:surrounded YA BALABAK:blocked YA BALANCEA:balanced YA BALANCIA:balanced YA BALANSYA:balanced YA BALDA:sprained YA BALDYA:washed the floor YA BALISCAT:turned over YA BALUT:wrapped YA BANA:bathed YA BAņA:took a bath YA BANGGAH:collided YA BANKIA:banked in gambling YA BANQUETIA:beat YA BARA-BARA:wandered aimlessly YA BARAJA:shuffled cards YA BARE:swept with a broom YA BARIA:got mentally disturbed YA BARNISA:varnished YA BARRE:swept YA BARYA:became confused YA BASIA:emptied YA BASYA:poured YA BAT:hit the ball YA BATE:beat in cooking YA BAUTISA:baptized YA BAWI:recovered YA BAWTISA:baptized YA BAYLA:danced YA BELA:stayed awake YA BENDE:sold YA BENDICI:blessed YA BENDISI:blessed YA BENGGA:revenged YA BERIPIKA:verified YA BIBI:drank/lived YA BIDBID:tied up for carrying YA BIENE:came YA BIGA:flirted openly YA BIKA:sat with legs apart YA BIKTI:committed suicide YA BINTUT:showed off provocatively YA BIRA:turned YA BISIA:watched YA BISTI:wore YA BISYA:watched YA BITAY:hung from a hook YA BITBIT:carried YA BITIN:hung YA BITING:hung YA BOBOTIA:hit in the mouth YA BOLBE:went home YA BOLEO:mixed numbers YA BOMBARDEA:bombed YA BOMBYA:bombed YA BORA:erased YA BORDA:embroidered YA BORRA:erased YA BOSTESA:yawned YA BOTA:voted YA BRILLA:shone brilliantly YA BRINCA:jumped YA BRINDA:served food or snacks to visitors YA BRINGKA:jumped YA BRODKAS:broadcast YA BROMA:joked YA BUGBUG:beat up YA BUGSAY:paddled YA BULCHA:bulged YA BULICAT:disarranged while seeking something YA BULTIA:searched YA BULTYA:made the rounds YA BUMITA:vomited YA BUNGGU:collided YA BUNGKA:ripped YA BUNGU:bumped YA BURLA:mocked YA BUSCA:looked for YA BUSKA:looked for YA BUTA:threw away YA BUTAPUNG:fell heavily YA BUUD:fruited ripens artificially YA BUYA:emerged suddenly YA BYAHA:travelled YA CACAP:grabbed suddenly YA CAE:fell to the ground YA CAGUT:gnawed at a bone YA CAHIG:raked the ground YA CALCULA:calculated YA CAMOTEA:strove hard with little result YA CANCELA:cancelled YA CANSA:tired YA CANTA:sang YA CAPA:pruned YA CAPAH:caught with hands YA CARCULA:calculated YA CARRIA:carried away YA CASAH:married YA CASTEA:bred YA CEDE:gave away YA CELA:were jealous YA CELEBRA:celebrated YA CEMENTA:cemented YA CENAH:had supper YA CEPILLA:brushed YA CERNE:sifted grains YA CERRA:closed YA CERTIFICA:certified YA CHAPUY-LAGUY:ate and went without asking permission YA CHATCHAT:tattled YA CHECKIA:checked YA CHEPERDE:breakdown YA CHEQUIA:checked YA CHILLA:shrieked YA CHINGGA:had sex YA CHIPLA:whistled YA CHIT:cheated YA CHOKA:shook hands YA CHORREA:gushed YA CHUCHA:pierced/poke YA CHUKA:hatched eggs YA CHULYA:stuck out the tongue/teased YA CHUPA:sucked YA CHUPLA:whistled YA CHURYA:spurted YA CINDIDO:locked up YA CITA:cited YA CIVILISA:civilized YA CLABA:nailed YA CLARIFICA:clarified YA COGE:caught YA COLAPSIA:collapsed YA COLECTA:collected YA COLLECTA:collected YA COLOCA:put in place YA COMBERZA:conversed YA COMETE:committed YA COMPARA:compared YA COMPETI:competed YA COMPIA:trusted YA COMPLACE:pleased YA COMPLETA:completed YA COMPLI:complied YA COMPONE:repaired YA COMPORMA:conformed YA COMPRENDE:understood YA CONCENTRA:concentrated YA CONCIERNE:concerned YA CONCLUI:concluded YA CONDUCI:drove YA CONECTA:connected YA CONFESA:confessed YA CONFIA:trusted YA CONFISCA:confiscated YA CONFORMA:agreed YA CONFRONTA:confronted YA CONPIRMA:confirmed YA CONSEJA:advised YA CONSIDERA:considered YA CONSIGUI:attained YA CONSINTI:consented YA CONSTRUHI:constructed YA CONSTRUI:constructed YA CONSULTA:consulted YA CONSUMI:wore out YA CONTEMPLA:contemplated YA CONTENE:contained YA CONTINUA:continued YA CONTRAVINI:went against YA CONTRIBUI:contributed YA CONTROLA:controlled YA CONVENCE:convinced YA CONVERSA:talked YA CONVERTI:converted YA CONVIDA:invided YA CONVIENE:serves right YA CONVINCI:convinced YA COOPERA:cooperated YA COPIA:copied YA COPYA:copied YA CORRE:ran YA CORREJI:corrected YA COSE:sewed YA CREA:created YA CRECE:grew YA CREE:believed YA CRITICAH:criticized YA CRUZA:crossed YA CUBRI:covered YA CUIDA:cared YA CUJI:caught YA CULIJIH:discovered YA CULTIVA:cultivated YA CULUMBRA:single outed YA CUMBERSA:conversed YA CUNTA:told YA CURA:cured YA CURTA:cut YA CUSU:rubbed YA DAGIT:swept YA DALAH:willed not to do YA DALDAL:chattered YA DALE:gave YA DALIH:hurried YA DAņA:harmed or cast spells YA DAYAW:went forth and sought contests YA DEBE:owed YA DECAE:declined YA DECIDE:decided YA DECIDI:decided YA DECLAMA:declaimed YA DECLARA:declared YA DECORA:decorated YA DEDICA:dedicated YA DEFENDE:defended YA DEHA:left behind YA DEJA:left YA DEKLARA:declared YA DEKORA:decorated YA DELETREYA:spelt YA DELIREA:raved YA DELIRYA:were delirious YA DEMONSTRA:demonstrated YA DEMORALISA:demoralized YA DEMOSTRA:demonstrated YA DENUNCIA:denounced YA DEPENDE:defended YA DEPORTA:deported YA DEPOSITA:deposited YA DERAMA:overflowed/spilled YA DERIHI:directed YA DESAGUA:drained YA DESAIRE:rebuffed YA DESAPARECE:disappeared YA DESAPARESE:disappeared YA DESAPROBA:disapproved YA DESARMA:disarmed YA DESARREGLA:disarranged YA DESATA:detached YA DESAYUNA:ate breakfast YA DESBELA:kept vigil through the night YA DESBIYA:avoided YA DESBRONA:crumbled YA DESCANSA:rested YA DESCONECTA:disconnected YA DESCONFIA:mistrusted YA DESCONOCE:disowned YA DESCUBRI:discovered YA DESEMBARCA:disembarked YA DESESPERA:despaired YA DESFALCA:defalcated YA DESGRASYA:were disgraced YA DESIDI:decided YA DESIGNA:designed YA DESKANSA:rested YA DESKARGA:unloaded YA DESKOMPASA:overacted/overdid YA DESKOMPYA:distrusted YA DESKWIDA:were careless YA DESLISA:sprained a part of the body YA DESMAYA:fainted YA DESNUDA:undressed YA DESPACHA:dispatched YA DESPEDI:took leave YA DESPERTA:woke up YA DESPIDI:said goodbye YA DESPRECIA:despised YA DESQUITA:retaliated YA DESTINA:assigned YA DESTORBA:disturbed YA DESTRAE:amused YA DESTRONGKA:dismantled YA DESTROZA:destroyed YA DESVIA:avoided YA DETENE:detained YA DETERMINA:determined YA DEVIA:strayed YA DEVOLVE:returned something YA DIBIDI:divided YA DIBUHA:designed YA DICIDE:decided YA DIKTA:dictated YA DILIRYA:were delirious YA DIMITI:resigned YA DINIGRI:became discolored YA DIREHI:directed YA DIRIGI:directed YA DIRIHI:directed YA DIRITI:melted YA DISARMA:disarmed YA DISBIA:avoided YA DISCARGA:unloaded YA DISCOBRI:discovered YA DISCUTI:discussed YA DISENTONA:were out of tune YA DISILACHA:unravelled YA DISIMULA:concealed one's real intention YA DISIPLINA:disciplined YA DISKANSA:rested YA DISKUBRI:discovered YA DISKUTI:discussed YA DISPENSE:excused YA DISPIERTA:woke YA DISPONE:disposed of YA DISTINGUI:distinguished YA DISTORBA:disturbed YA DISTORNILLA:unscrewed YA DISTRAE:distracted YA DISTRIBUI:distribted YA DISTRIBUNI:distributed YA DISTRIBWI:distributed YA DISTRUWI:destroyed YA DISTURNADA:sneezed YA DISVIA:avoided YA DIVERTI:made merry YA DIVIDI:divided YA DIYALO:disregarded YA DOBLA:folded YA DOKUMENTA:documented YA DOMINA:dominated YA DONA:donated YA DORA:plated with gold YA DORMI:slept YA DRIL:drilled YA DRUGAS:cheated at games YA DUBLA:folded YA DUDA:doubted YA DUGTUNG:joined end to end YA DULUG:lingered or delay YA DULUN:swallowed whole YA DUNGGLAN:choked YA DUPLICA:duplicated YA DURA:took a long time YA DURMI:slept YA DU-UN:pressed down heavily YA DYALO:disregarded YA EBACUA:evacuated YA EBITA:avoided YA ECHA:put YA EDUKA:educated YA EJERCE:performed duties YA EKIBOKA:made a mistake YA EKSPLIKA:explained YA ELEBA:elevated YA ELIMINA:eliminated YA EMBALSAMA:embalmed YA EMBARAZA:embarrassed YA EMBARCA:embarked YA EMBARKA:embarked YA EMBENENA:poisoned YA EMBIYA:sent through YA EMBLANDA:softened YA EMBOLBE:wrapped YA EMBORACHA:became drunk YA EMPACHA:had stomach indigestion YA EMPAKA:packed up YA EMPASTA:filled a tooth cavity YA EMPEņA:hocked YA EMPERMA:got sick YA EMPESA:began YA EMPLASTA:flattened YA EMPLEYA:hired YA EMPOLLA:blistered YA EMPOLVA:covered with powder YA ENAMORA:wooed YA ENCEDE:lit YA ENCOGE:contracted YA ENCUENTRA:found YA ENDEREZA:rectified YA ENDIABLA:were furious YA ENDOMOņA:were deviled YA ENDORSA:endorced YA ENFORSA:forced YA ENFRENTA:confronted YA ENFRIA:cooled YA ENGGANCHA:hooked/connected YA ENGGORDA:fattened YA ENGKANGGRENA:were infected YA ENGKANTA:enchanted YA ENGKARGA:took charge of YA ENGKONTRA:found YA ENGKUHI:shrank YA ENGKUNTRA:encounter YA ENMENDA:reformed YA ENROL:enrolled YA ENSANCHA:widened YA ENSAYA:rehearsed YA ENSEņA:taught YA ENSERA:enclosed YA ENSUSYA:soiled YA ENTABLA:got away fast YA ENTENDE:understood YA ENTERA:buried YA ENTERBERI:intervened YA ENTERPRETA:interpreted YA ENTOHA:conceived YA ENTRA:entered YA ENTREGA:delivered YA ENTREGADA:delivered YA ENTREMETE:interfered YA ENTRETENE:entertained YA ENVENENA:poisoned YA ENVIA:sent YA ENVIDIA:envied YA ENVISTI:stood up to a challenge YA ENVOLVE:wrapped up YA EREDA:inherited YA ESCAPA:escaped YA ESCRIBI:wrote YA ESCUHI:chose YA ESCUHIR:chose YA ESCUJI:chose YA ESCUPI:spitted YA ESKALDA:learned one's lesson as a result of a past experience YA ESKAMA:removed fish scales YA ESKAPA:escaped YA ESKOHE:chose YA ESKONDE:hid/kept YA ESKRIBI:wrote YA ESKUCHA:peeped YA ESPALTA:paved with asphalt YA ESPANTA:were surprised YA ESPEHYA:looked into a mirror YA ESPERA:waited YA ESPLICA:explained YA ESPONGHA:sponged YA ESPONGHYA:sponged YA ESTA:stayed YA ESTABA:was/had been YA ESTABLECE:established YA ESTABLESE:established YA ESTABLISA:established YA ESTANGKA:clogged YA ESTIRA:pulled YA ESTORBA:disturbed YA ESTRANIA:wondered YA ESTRANYA:wondered YA ESTUDIA:studied YA ESTUDYA:studied YA EVACUA:evacuated YA EVALUA:evaluated YA EVITA:avoided YA EXAMINA:examined YA EXPECTA:expected YA EXPORTA:exported YA EXPRESA:expressed YA EXPRESSA:expressed YA EXTENDE:extended YA FABRICA:fabricated YA FACILITA:facilitated YA FALSIFICA:falsified YA FALTA:failed YA FASTIDIA:got fed up YA FAVORECE:favored YA FELICITA:congratulated YA FERTILIZA:fertilized YA FINALIZA:finalized YA FIRMA:signed YA FONDEA:dropped anchor YA FORZA:forced/to raped YA FRACASA:failed YA FREI:fried YA FRENA:applied brakes YA FRI:fried YA FUSILA:killed by shooting YA GACHA:ducked YA GANA:won YA GANAH:won YA GANANCIA:profited YA GANCHILLA:crocheted YA GANGGA:teased YA GANGGYA:ganged up YA GARA:grasped YA GARANTIA:guaranteed YA GARANTISA:guaranteed YA GARGARYA:gargled YA GAROTYA:beat with a cudgel YA GARRUTA:beat with a club YA GASGAS:scraped the surface YA GASTA:spent YA GATUNG:started cooking fire YA GATYA:climbed in a crawling manner YA GAYA-GAYA:imitated YA GEMIQUIA:sobbed silentlt YA GERYA:hurled YA GIBA:harvested bananas by cutting the banana tree YA GIMIQUIA:sobbed silently YA GINDA:got somewhere aimlessly YA GISA:sauteed YA GIYA:guided YA GOBERNA:governed YA GOLE:became aware of YA GOLPYA:hit with a blow YA GOVERNA:governed YA GRABA:engraved YA GRAVA:engraved YA GREBATA:extracted YA GRITA:shouted YA GRUņI:growled YA GUARDA:kept YA GUHERA:bored a hole YA GUIDGUID:grated tubers YA GUINDA:got there YA GUISA:sauted YA GUMITA:vomited YA GUSTA:liked YA GUTYA:dripped YA GUYUD:dragged YA GWARDA:kept YA GWARDYA:guarded YA HABLA:spoke YA HABONA:soaped YA HABUG:cultivated YA HABUL:ran after YA HABULANG:chased YA HACE IMUT:made the most use of YA HACE LAGAS:chased YA HACE SEņAS:signalled YA HACE SIPA:played sipa YA HACE SUGSUG:forced one's way in YA HACE SUHBU:handfed YA HACE TECAS:cheated YA HACE:made/did YA HACHA:axed YA HACHI:sneezed YA HACHING:sneezed YA HACUT:gathered in armfuls YA HALA:pulled and drag YA HALABAS:cut grass YA HALAY:hung on the clothesline YA HAMBUG:bragged YA HAMPAS:swiped with the hand YA HANDAH:feinted YA HANGA:admired YA HANGAK:staring absentmindedly YA HANGGUL:intense longing YA HAPLUS:loosened the knot YA HAPU:panted YA HARANG:blocked the way YA HARTA:satiated beyond normal appetite YA HATUD:conveyed personally YA HAYA:wailed YA HAYAH:wailed YA HAYANG:lay flat on one's back YA HEDE:stank YA HERI:wounded YA HERVI:boiled YA HIBI:grimaced when one begins to cry YA HIKAB:yawned YA HILA:pulled YA HILAP:had pangs of hunger YA HIMAS:massaged YA HIMAY:shredded leafy vegetables YA HIMUS:tidied up YA HINCA:knelt YA HINCHA:swelled YA HINGKA:knelt YA HINLU:smoothed out laundry YA HIPA:panted for breath YA HITAD:stretched YA HITAT:stretched YA HIWI:stretched diagonally YA HODENTYA:cursed YA HUBAS:reduced liquid YA HUCAT:searched for something YA HUGA:played/gambled YA HUI:escaped YA HUKAY:dug into the ground YA HULA:guessed YA HULAU:sought shelter YA HULIP:patched a roof YA HULUM:soaked YA HUMBA:roared YA HURA:swore YA HURAMENTA:went berserk YA HUSGA:judged YA HUSTA:made fit so there will be enough YA HUTIK:whispered YA HUWI:escaped YA HUYAP:yawned YA IBITA:avoided YA ICHA:put YA IDENTIFICA:identified YA ILBANA:base in sewing YA ILUMINA:lit up YA ILUSTRA:illustrated YA IMAGINA:imagined YA IMAHINA:imagined YA IMBARKA:embarked YA IMBAY:walked with a sway YA IMBENTA:invented YA IMBENTO:invented YA IMBESTIGA:investigated YA IMBISTI:challenged YA IMBITA:invited YA IMBIYA:sent YA IMITA:imitated YA IMPEKTA:infected YA IMPIDI:impeded YA IMPLEMENTA:implemented YA IMPLORA:implored YA IMPONE:imposed tax YA IMPORMA:informed YA IMPORTA:imported YA IMPRENTA:printed YA IMPRIMI:printed YA IMPRIYA:cooled YA IMPROVISA:improvised YA IMUT:economized YA INAGWA:rinsed YA INAMORA:loved YA INAT:stretched YA INAUGURA:inaugurated YA INCENDIA:caused a large fire YA INCHA:swelled YA INCIMA:contracted YA INCINIA:showed YA INCINYA:showed YA INCLUHI:included YA INCLUI:included YA INCLUJI:included YA INCUJI:contracted YA INCUNTRA:encountered YA INCURRI:incurred YA INDICA:indicated YA INFECTA:infected YA INFORMA:informed YA INGKUNTRA:encountered YA INKLINA:inclined YA INKLUWI:included YA INSERTA:inserted YA INSINA:taught YA INSIŅA:taught YA INSINDI:lit YA INSISTI:insisted YA INSPECCIONA:inspected YA INSPECTA:inspected YA INSPEKTA:inspected YA INSPIRA:inspired YA INSTALA:installed YA INSTRUWI:instructed YA INSULTA:insulted YA INSUSIA:dirtied YA INSUSYA:soiled YA INTENDE:understood YA INTENSIFICA:intensified YA INTERPRETA:interpreted YA INTRODUCI:introduced YA INTUMI:became numb YA INVADI:invaded YA INVENTA:invented YA INVESTIGA:investigated YA INVIDIA:envied YA INVITA:invited YA IPIT:pressed down YA IRBI:boiled YA IRI:wounded YA ISCAPA:escaped YA ISCONDE:hid YA ISCRIBI:wrote YA ISCUHI:chose YA ISKAPA:escaped YA ISKONDE:hid YA ISKUHI:chose YA ISKUPI:spitted YA ISTUDIA:studied YA ISTUDYA:studied YA JALA:pulled YA JALA-JALA:dragged along YA JALO:disregarded YA JUGA:played YA JULU-JULU:groaned YA JURA:swore YA JUSGA:judged YA JUZGA:judged YA KABE:fit YA KABIT:connected YA KABIT-KABIT:connected or joined together YA KACAL:rapped the head with the knuckles YA KAGA:defecated YA KAHIG:raked YA KALABIT:called with the finger YA KALAM:tickled YA KALENTA:heated YA KALICAT:stirred cooking rice YA KALKULA:calculated YA KALLA:kept quiet YA KALYA:quieted YA KAMANG:crawled YA KAMBIYA:changed YA KAMBRUS:scratched as a cat does YA KAMBYA:changed YA KAMINA:walked YA KANSA:tired YA KANTA:sang YA KAPA:castrated/groped YA KAPKAP:groped YA KAPONA:castrated YA KARANG-KARANG:dare YA KARGA:carried YA KASA:married YA KASKA:peeled YA KASKAS:scraped ice/hurried YA KASTIGA:punished YA KATING-KATING:squatted YA KAWSA:caused YA KAY:fell YA KAYA:carried on YA KAYUG:grated YA KEBRA:broke YA KEBRANTA:broke up suddenly YA KIKIL:extort money from another YA KISAP:winked YA KISAP-KISAP:flickered YA KISKIS:scrubbed or scrape YA KITA:removed YA KITIG:tickled YA KITIK:tickled YA KLABA:nailed YA KLABADA:manner of nailing YA KOBRA:collected/charged YA KOLGA:hung YA KOLIHI:detected YA KOLORYA:became red YA KOMANDER:commandeered YA KOMBERSA:talked YA KOMBINA:combined YA KOME:ate YA KOMETE:committed YA KOMPAņA:accompanied YA KOMPARA:compared YA KOMPESA:confessed YA KOMPIRMA:confirmed YA KOMPLETA:completed YA KOMPONE:composed YA KOMPORMA:conformed YA KOMPRA:bought YA KOMPYA:trusted YA KONCHABA:prearranged YA KONDENA:condemned YA KONDUSI:led/guided YA KONEKTA:connected YA KONOSE:recognized YA KONSAGRA:consecrated YA KONSEHA:advised YA KONSENTI:consented YA KONSENTRA:concentrated YA KONSERBA:conserved YA KONSULTA:consulted YA KONTA:counted YA KONTAHYA:contaminated YA KONTAMINA:contaminated YA KONTENE:contained YA KONTENTA:were content YA KONTESTA:answered YA KONTINUA:continued YA KONTINWA:continued YA KONTRARYA:contracted YA KONTRATA:contracted YA KONTRIBWI:contributed YA KONTROLA:controlled YA KORE:ran YA KORTA:cut YA KORTYA:shaped by cutting out the desired form YA KOSTA:cost YA KRE:believed YA KRESE:grew YA KRUSA:crossed YA KUAPIT:pocketed someone's money YA KUBRE:covered YA KUDKUD:grated YA KUGA:choked someone with one's hands YA KUHI:caught YA KUHIT:held forefinger in shape of hook YA KUKINA:teased naggingly YA KULA:bleached YA KULAMBITAY:hung on YA KULGA:hung from a hook YA KULIPAT:tweaked the ears YA KULUB:turned face down YA KULUMBUT:kept warm by curling up YA KULUT:curled the hair YA KUMERSA:conversed YA KUMPLI:complied with YA KUMPORMA:conformed YA KUMU:crumpled with the fist YA KUMUH:crushed with the hand YA KUMULGA:received communion YA KUNDAY:waved the hand YA KUNDUSI:conducted YA KUNSI:prearranged winning in game YA KUNSUMI:worried YA KUNTA:counted YA KUNTADA:counted YA KUPUS:shrank YA KURA:cured YA KURBA:curved YA KURNYA:gored YA KURSYA:had loose bowel movements YA KURTA:cut YA KURTA-KURTA:cut into pieces YA KUSI:pinched/sewed YA KUSINA:cooked YA KUSKUS:scrubbed YA KUSMUT:made grimaces YA KUWIDA:cared YA KWIDA:took care YA KYERE:wanted YA LABA:laundered YA LABAG:cleaned coco tree YA LABRA:whittled YA LACUACHA:played hooky YA LADRA:barked YA LAGA:boiled YA LAGAS:chased YA LAGRIMYA:became tearful YA LAHYANG:sun-dry grains YA LAKANG:took big steps YA LAMBE:licked YA LAMENTA:lamented YA LAMITA:halved YA LAMITAD:half pieced YA LAMPAS:overtook and go beyond YA LAMPASEA:waxed the floor YA LAMPASYA:mopped YA LAMPUS:threw on the ground YA LANCIA:stabbed YA LANDUG:slipped YA LANSA:aimed/pierced YA LANSIA:thrust with a spear YA LANSYA:aimed or pierce with a lance YA LARGA:letted go YA LASA:caught with a lasso YA LASANG:told tall tales YA LASTIMA:inflict a wound YA LATAY:crossed a bridge YA LATE:throbbed YA LATIGA:whipped YA LAVA:washed YA LAYA-LAYA:shook hard YA LAYAS:wandered aimlessly YA LAYLAY:hung carelessly YA LEBANTA:rose from bed or a sitting position YA LEVANTA:raised YA LIBRA:liberated YA LIBUD:walked around perimeter YA LIEVA:took YA LIGID:sidled YA LIGID-LIGID:rolled around YA LIGUAT:upturn with crossbar YA LIGUIT:rolled YA LILIG:cleaned underbrush YA LIMAS:emptied a well of water YA LIMITA:limited YA LIMPIA:cleaned YA LIMPIYA:cleaned YA LIMPYA:cleaned YA LINGASA:were restless YA LIQUIDA:liquidated YA LISTA:listed YA LLAMA:called YA LLEBA:brought YA LLEGA:arrived YA LLENA:filled up YA LLEVA:carried YA LLIVA:take YA LLOBE:rained YA LLORA:cried YA LLORA-LLORA:pretended to cry YA LLOVE:rained YA LLUBISNA:drizzled YA LLUBYA:rained YA LLURA:cried YA LOGRA:availed oneself of YA LUBUG:sunk/drowned YA LUCHA:struggled against another YA LUGIT:pried meat off a shell YA LUGUD:rubbed off body grime YA LUMLUM:set hen to hatch eggs YA LUMPAGI:sat on floor or ground YA LUMUS:drowned YA LUNU:molted YA LUSI:shone or glow YA LUSLUS:slid down YA LUSUT:sneaked out YA LUTAW:floated YA LUTO:mourned YA LYIBA:took YA LYIGA:arived YA LYURA:cried YA MACHAKA:crumpled YA MACHUCA:crushed YA MACHUKA:hatched YA MADRUGA:got up at early dawn YA MADURA:ripened YA MALASA:boiled eggs until half cooked YA MALASADA:processed of preparing half cooked food YA MALBARATA:priced cheaply YA MALDECI:cursed YA MALDISI:cursed YA MALPARI:aborted YA MALTRATA:maltreated YA MALUNGKYA:mauled YA MAMA:suckled YA MAN CHAPA:squealed YA MAN GUERRA:made war YA MAN LAPIS:target a shot YA MAN MARIL:hunted YA MAN POSTURA:posturing YA MAN PUNA:mended a fishing net YA MAN SUGSUG:forced one's way in YA MAN SUHBU:fed oneself YA MAN UMIT:were unwittingly involved YA MAN WARAS:caused havoc YA MANCHA:stained YA MANDA:ordered/sent YA MANEHA:managed/drove YA MANEJA:managed YA MANIPULA:manipulated YA MANKWENTO:told YA MAņOSO:showed a desire to be petted YA MAņOSU:showed a desire to be petted YA MANTENE:maintained/supported YA MANUCIA:spoiled YA MANVISIT:visited YA MARCAH:marked YA MARCHA:marched YA MARCHAH:marched YA MARKA:marked YA MARTILLA:hammered YA MASA:kneaded YA MASAH:kneaded dough YA MASCUTIA:masticated YA MASKA:chewed betel nut YA MASKUCHA:chewed YA MASTIKA:masticated YA MATA:killed/winked YA MATERYA:became infected YA MEDI:measured YA MEHORA:improved YA MEJORAH:improved YA MEMORYA:memorized YA MENCIONA:mentioned YA MENEA:moved YA MENGGWA:lessened YA MENGUA:diminished YA MENSIONA:mention YA MENSYONA:mentioned YA MENTA:blamed YA MENTI:lay YA MENTIONA:mentioned YA MENYA:moved YA MERECE:deserved YA MERENDA:snacked YA MESCLA:mixed YA MESKLA:mixed YA METE:inserted YA METIDO:were involved YA MEZCLA:mixed YA MIDI:measured YA MINGAR:watched hungrily with mouth agape YA MINISTRA:administered YA MINTI:lay YA MIRA:looked/saw YA MIT:met YA MIYA:urinated YA MOBE:moved YA MODERA:moderated YA MOJA:wet YA MOLE:ground YA MOLESTA:bothered YA MOLESTIYA:molested YA MOMORAYS:memorized YA MONTA:mounted on a horse YA MORDE:bit YA MORI:died YA MOVE:moved YA MUDA:dressed up YA MUHA:wet YA MUHMUH:fell on one's face YA MUJA:wet YA MULTA:imposed a fine YA MUMUG:gargled YA MUNTA:mounted YA MURI:died YA MURMURA:murmured YA NADA:swam YA NADAH:swam YA NASE:were born YA NAVEGA:sail YA NECESITA:needed YA NEGA:denied YA NEGOCIA:traded YA NERBYA:became nervous YA NERVIA:were unsure YA NESESITA:needed YA NGANGA:chewed betel nut YA NGASA:acted as though wishing for the death of another YA NGAT-NGAT:gnawed YA NGILU:set the teeth on edge YA NGISI:grinned YA NGUL-NGUL:grumbled YA NICISITA:needed YA NOCHESE:were overtaken by night YA NOMBRA:nominated YA NOTA:noticed YA NOTADA:noticing YA NOTAH:noted YA NOTIFICA:notified YA NUSNUS:rubbed face against hard surface YA OBEDECE:obeyed YA OBEDESE:obeyed YA OBLIGA:obligated YA OBRA:took effect YA OBSERBA:observed YA OBSERVA:observed YA OCUPA:occupied YA OCURI:occurred YA ODYA:hated YA OFENDE:offended YA OFRECE:offered YA OI:heard YA OKUPA:occupied YA OLE:smelled YA OLESTYA:reeked YA OLVIDA:forgot YA OMENTA:added YA ONRA:honored YA OO:defecated YA OPERA:operated on YA OPONE:opposed YA OPRESE:offered YA ORDENA:ordained YA ORGANISA:organized YA ORGANIZA:organized YA ORIHINIA:originated YA OTORGA:took responsibility YA PACHA:kicked YA PAGA:paid YA PAGPAG:beat the dust off YA PAGUD:ground teeth while asleep YA PAHARYA:went bird hunting YA PAHID:wiped away with a swiping action YA PAHIT:spread with fingers or knife YA PAJAREA:hunted YA PAKAS:split open for salting YA PAKULUB:lay on one's stomach YA PAKYAW:bought wholesale YA PALAKPAK:applauded YA PALIPIT:twisted YA PALISO:beat YA PALLA:failed YA PALMADIA:slapped with palm YA PALMADYA:slapped with the hand YA PALPA:touched YA PALPITA:palpitated YA PALTA:lacked YA PALU:started trek YA PALUH YA:started trek YA PANGAS:sowed seeds YA PANUMBA:cut down trees YA PARESE:appeared YA PARI:gave birth YA PARTI:divided YA PARTICIPA:participated YA PAS:passed YA PASA:passed YA PASEA:took a walk YA PASIPALA:mistreated YA PASMA:became overly fatigued YA PASPAS:dusted off YA PATICALAS:made intense effort YA PATUNG:put over YA PAULUG:behaved in spoiled manner YA PAYNA:combed hair YA PAYPAY:fanned YA PECA:sinned YA PEDI:asked YA PEGA:whip YA PEINA:combed the hair YA PEKA:sinned YA PELEA:fought YA PELLA:fought YA PELYA:fought YA PENETRA:penetrated YA PENSA:thought YA PERDE:lost something YA PERDONA:pardoned YA PERJUDICA:caused damage YA PERMITI:permitted YA PERPORMA:performed YA PERSIGUI:persecuted YA PERSOGAH:pastured roped animals YA PESA:weighed YA PESKA:fished YA PEYNA:combed YA PICAH:pecked/chopped finely YA PICOTEA:struck with the beak YA PIHA:took a close look YA PIKA:stung/pecked YA PIKA-KARERA:dashed out YA PIKPIK:paid a baby to sleep YA PIKURA:tried YA PILA:pounded YA PILANTIK:hit lightly with a stick YA PINGGA:carried with a pole YA PINTA:painted YA PIPINA:picked up YA PIRMA:signed YA PISA:pricked/stepped YA PISIG:splattered YA PISIK:sprinkled water YA PISOTEA:trampled YA PISOTYA:stepped on YA PITA:blew a whistle YA PITIK:flicked YA PLANGKETYA:hurled YA PLANIA:planned YA PLANQUETIA:hurled YA PLANTA:built YA PLANTAH:set YA PLANYA:planned YA PLATIKA:told YA PLORYA:flowered YA POLVORIA:powdered YA PONE ATENSIYON:paid attention YA PONE ATENSYON:paid attention YA PONE CULPA:blamed YA PONE:put YA PORFIA:disputed YA PORMA:formed YA PORPYA:argued YA PORSA:forced YA PORSEGUI:pursued YA PORSIGUI:went ahead with YA PORTA:behaved well YA POSTA:bet YA POSTURYA:dressed up and groom oneself YA PRACTICAH:practice YA PRAKTIKA:practiced YA PRAKTIS:practiced YA PREDIKA:preached YA PREGUNTA:inquired YA PREMYA:awarded a prize YA PRENDAH:pledged YA PRENDI:learned/studied YA PREPARA:prepared YA PRESENTA:presented YA PRESERBA:preserved YA PRESERVA:preserved YA PRESTA:lent YA PRESYA:appraised YA PRETENDE:pretended YA PREVENI:prevented YA PRI:fried YA PRICURA:attempted YA PRIGUNTA:asked YA PRINCIPYA:started YA PRINSIPYA:began YA PROBA:tried/tasted YA PROBECHA:took advantage of YA PROCLAMA:proclaimed YA PROCURA:attempted YA PRODUCI:produced YA PROHIBI:prohibited YA PROKLAMA:proclaimed YA PROKURA:tried YA PROMETE:promised YA PRONUNCIA:pronounced YA PROPAGA:propagated YA PROPASA:went beyond YA PROPESA:professed YA PROPONE:proposed/suggested YA PROTEGE:protected YA PROTEHE:protected YA PROTEJE:protected YA PROTEKTA:protected YA PROTESTAH:protested YA PROVOCA:provoked YA PRUBA:tasted/tried YA PUBLICA:published YA PUBLIKA:published YA PUDRI:rot YA PUGA:wrung out YA PUGAH:squeezed dry YA PUGPUG:beat YA PUHPUH:shelled corn YA PUJA:pushed up the bid YA PUKLA:became pale or ashen YA PUKPUK:hammered YA PUKUT:fished with a net YA PULSEA:felt the pulse YA PULSYA:pulsated YA PULUN:retrieved a line YA PULUPUT:were curled around something YA PUMA:smoked YA PUNA:mended a fishing net YA PUNDIA:docked YA PUNSYONA:functioned YA PUNTA:pointed out YA PUNTERYA:ascertained YA PURFIA:disputed YA PURGAH:purged YA PURPIA:insisted YA PURSIGI:proceeded YA PURSIGUI:pursued YA PUSAK:disagreed/resisted YA PUSILA:shot with a gun YA PUSTURA:postured YA PUTAK:clucked YA PUTUG:burst YA QUEBRA:broke/failed YA QUEBRANTA:broke into pieces YA QUEDA:stayed YA QUEMAH:burnt YA QUESTIONA:questioned YA QUIDA:stayed YA QUIERE:desired YA QUITA:took away YA QUITIK:tickled YA RABIAH:raged YA RAHA:cracked something YA RAJA:cracked/split YA RALA:grated YA RANGKA:uprooted YA RASCAH:scratched off YA RASGUņA:scratched with a claw YA RASKA:scratched because of itchiness YA RASPA:scraped YA RASTRA:dragged YA RAYAH:drew lines YA REALISA:realized YA REALIZA:realized YA REBAHA:bargained YA REBAJA:reduced rates YA REBATA:grabbed YA REBISA:revised YA REBOLBE:returned YA REBUSA:prepared coating YA RECAE:relapsed YA RECEBI:received YA RECELA:had misgivings YA RECHAZA:rejected YA RECHINA:grated YA RECIVI:received YA RECLAMA:complained YA RECLASSIFICA:reclassified YA RECOGE:gathered YA RECOMENDA:recommended YA RECOMMENDA:recommended YA RECONCILIA:reconciled YA RECONOCE:recognized YA RECOSTA:lazed against YA RECUBRI:recovered YA RECUPERA:recovered YA REDOBLA:redoubled YA REDUCI:reduced YA REELIGI:reelected YA REFERI:refered YA REFINA:refined YA REFLEJA:reflected YA REFORMAH:reformed YA REFRESCA:refreshed YA REFRIGERA:refrigerated YA REGA:watered YA REGALA:gave as a gift YA REGAņA:were angry/scolded YA REGATYA:bargained YA REGISTRA:registered YA REGORDA:belched YA REGULA:regulated YA REHISTRA:registered YA REI:laughed YA REKAYE:had a relapse YA REKAYI:had a relapse YA REKLAMA:complained/reclaimed YA REKOHE:gathered YA REKONOSE:examined medically YA REKORDA:remembered YA REKUMBENE:reconvened YA RELEVA:relieved YA RELLENA:refilled YA REMACHA:riveted YA REMANGA:rolled up YA REMATA:foreclosed YA REMEDIA:remedied YA REMEDYA:remedied YA REMITI:remitted YA REMORKYA:towed YA REMPUJA:jostled YA REMUHA:soaked YA REMUJA:soaked YA RENDI:yielded YA REPASA:reviewed YA REPIKA:ringed the bell YA REPITI:repeated YA REPORTA:reported YA REPRESENTA:represented YA REPRESKA:refreshed/rested for a while YA REQUIRI:required YA REQUIZA:searched minutely YA RESA:prayed YA RESBALA:slipped YA RESCATA:redeemed YA RESECA:dried again YA RESELA:resented YA RESERVA:reserved YA RESIBI:received YA RESINTI:resented YA RESISTI:resisted YA RESKATA:redeemed YA RESOLVE:resolved YA RESPETA:respected YA RESPONDE:responded YA RESTORA:restored YA RESULLA:breathed YA RESULTA:resulted YA RESUSITA:resuscitated YA RETIRA:retired YA RETRATA:took a picture YA REUNI:reunited YA REVELA:showed YA REVENTA:burst YA REVISA:revised YA REZA:prayed YA RI:laughed YA RICHINA:grated YA RIKIRI:required YA RIMPUHA:pushed YA RIMPUJA:jostled/pushed YA RINDI:yielded YA RIPIKA:ringed church bells/let go YA RIPINTO:repented YA RIPITI:repeated YA RIQUISA:searched minutely YA RISA:curled the hair YA RISIBI:received YA RISULLA:breathed audibly YA ROBA:stole YA ROGA:prayed YA ROMPE:tore/broke YA RONCA:snored YA RUBA:stole YA RUKAY:called chickens YA RUNGKA:snored YA SABE:knew YA SABIT:snagged YA SABOREA:tasted YA SABORYA:tasted YA SABUT:scattered/got snagged YA SACA:took/got YA SACRIFICA:sacrificed YA SACUDI:beat YA SAGSAG:stabbed YA SAHBIT:sliced off end of coco bud YA SAHLA:strained YA SAHLUT:strained YA SAHUMA:applied medicated fumes to body YA SAJA:sliced YA SAKA:got YA SAKRIPIKA:sacrificed YA SAKUDI:helped someone who has fainted YA SAKUP:were inadvertently included YA SALA:salted/filtered YA SALAH:preserved with salt YA SALBA:saved YA SALE:went out/left YA SALI:got out YA SALIG:depended upon YA SALPICA:splashed YA SALPIKA:sprinkled with salt YA SALTA:jumped YA SALUDA:greeted YA SALVA:freed from danger YA SAMBULAT:scattered YA SAMBULLI:dived into water YA SAMPAY:hung from a clothesline YA SAMPULLA:blistered YA SAMUG:bothered YA SAMUK:pestered YA SANA:healed YA SANCUCHA:parboiled YA SANDIG:leant bodily on a wall YA SANGGRA:bled YA SANGKUCHA:blanched YA SANTIGUA:crossed oneself YA SANTIK:struck a match YA SAPA:were loosened YA SARSIA:saute with tomatoes YA SARSYA:sauted YA SASAH:separated parts of palm YA SAWAY:called for help YA SAWSAW:dipped YA SECA:dried YA SEGUI:followed YA SELA:were jealous YA SELEBRA:celebrated YA SEMBRA:planted YA SEMEHA:were similar YA SEMENTA:cemented YA SENA:took supper YA SEņALA:signalled YA SENTA:sat down YA SENTI:felt YA SEPARA:separated YA SEPARTA:separated YA SERBI:served YA SERKA:approached YA SERTIPIKA:certified YA SERVI:served YA SIBAK:cut wood YA SIGI:went with YA SIGUE:proceeded YA SIGUI:followed YA SIGURA:assured YA SIKSIK:felt for nits YA SILAW:were bothered by a glare YA SINDI:lit/turned on YA SINTA:felt YA SINTI:felt YA SIPILLA:brushed YA SIRU:hiccuped YA SIRUH:hiccuped YA SIRVE:served YA SIRVI:served YA SITSIT:hissed YA SITWA:situated YA SIYEMBRA:sowed YA SOFOCA:suffocated YA SOLB:solved a problem YA SOLDIA:soldiered YA SOLICITA:solicited YA SOLTA:loosened/freed YA SOLVA:solved YA SOMA:viewed through a window YA SOMETE:submitted YA SONA:sounded YA SOņA:sounded YA SONRI:smiled YA SONSAKA:took back YA SOPLA:blew/hit YA SOQUIA:hit with fist YA SUBA:massaged YA SUBI:went up YA SUCEDE:happened YA SUDA:perspired YA SUENA:dreamt YA SUFRI:suffered YA SUGERI:suggested YA SUHBA:went upstream YA SUHERI:suggested YA SUHETA:fastened YA SUHIRI:suggested YA SUHPUN:joined cords YA SUJETA:controlled YA SULSUL:argued YA SUMI:sank YA SUMPIT:squirted YA SUMPLICA:entreated YA SUMPLIKE:implored YA SUMUT:grew tired YA SUņA:dreamed/sounded YA SUNA:sounded YA SUNGCAL:dug YA SUNGGAB:grabbed YA SUNGGUD:were piqued YA SUNGGUT:were resentful YA SUNGKIT:picked fruits YA SUNTUG:bumped YA SUPERVISA:supervised YA SUPLA:blew YA SUPLUT:burst out YA SUPORTA:supported YA SUPPORTA:supported YA SUPRI:suffered YA SUPUKA:suffocated YA SURAMBAO:played to lose YA SURSI:darned YA SUSCRIBI:subscribed YA SUSEDE:happened YA SUSPECHA:suspected YA SUSPENDE:suspended YA SUSPIRA:sighed YA SUSTA:frightened YA SUSTENE:provided a living YA SUSTENTA:sustained YA SUSTITUI:substituted YA SUUD:crept in YA TABAS:cut grass YA TABIA:poured YA TADTAD:chopped to pieces YA TAGTAG:were battered traveling YA TAHA:intercepted YA TAHYA:wounded YA TAJIA:slashed YA TAKLAS:climbed YA TAKTAK:shook container YA TALABANG:challenged YA TALABANGAN:gang upped YA TALAMUKAN:choked YA TALING:were stunned YA TAMPA:pretended YA TANDAY:leant on YA TANGA:looked upward YA TANGAH:looked up YA TANTEA:felt YA TANTIA:felt YA TANTYA:palpated/felt with the palm YA TAPANG:contaminated YA TAPLAK:fell flat YA TARANTA:were excited YA TARARAN:malingered YA TARDA:delayed YA TASA:sharpened with a pencil YA TASTAS:ripped off YA TAYA:bet YA TECHA:roofed YA TEHE:wove YA TEJE:wove cloth YA TELEGRAPIA:telegraphed YA TELEPOņA:telephoned YA TELEPONEA:telephoned YA TEMBLA:trembled YA TEMBLADA:trembled YA TEMPLA:mixed/seasoned food YA TEMPLAW:mixed/blended YA TENDE:spread out YA TENE:had YA TEņI:dyes YA TENTA:tempted/teased YA TERMINA:terminated YA TESA:hit YA TESTIGWA:witnessed/testified YA TIIT:crept silently YA TIKA:played peekaboo YA TIKAS:cheated YA TILAM:tasted cooking food YA TILAM-TILAM:tasted YA TIMBANG:balanced YA TIMIH-TIMIH:ate perfunctorily YA TIMPAK:broke of piece of parapet YA TINGTING:tiptoed YA TINI:dyes YA TIņI:dyes YA TIPLAK:gave sudden scare YA TIRA:shot YA TIRIS:killed a louse YA TISUT:tripped over YA TOCA:touched/played YA TOKA:turned/touched YA TOLERA:tolerated YA TOMA:drank YA TORMENTA:suffered much YA TORNEA:worked a lathe YA TOSE:coughed YA TOSTA:toasted YA TRABAJA:worked YA TRABESA:crossed YA TRADUCI:translated YA TRADUSI:translated YA TRAGA:swallowed YA TRAMBULICA:disturbed YA TRANCAH:barred YA TRANSFERI:transferred YA TRANSFIRI:transferred YA TRANSPIRI:transpired YA TRANSPLANTA:transplanted YA TRATA:dealt with YA TRAVESA:crossed over YA TRILLA:threshed YA TRINCA:tied up YA TRIUNFA:triumphed YA TROMPESA:bumped into YA TRONA:thundered YA TRUNA:thundered YA TUBABA:rode piggyback YA TUBUG:wallowed in mud YA TUCA:touched/played YA TUCAP:patched YA TUHUG:strung up/threaded a needle YA TUHUGAN:skewered YA TUKA:pecked/played a musical instrument YA TUKTUK:knocked YA TULATUD:nodded off YA TULI:circumcised YA TULO:dripped YA TULU:let drip YA TUMBA:fell YA TUMBAHAN:fell YA TUNGAP:gulped YA TUNGTUNG:stepped on YA TUPA:hit YA TURUK:pricked a blister YA TURUS:killed lice YA TUSIK:nibbled YA TUSMUG:dipped for soaking YA TUSTA:toasted YA TUTUG:rapped with knuckles YA TUWAD:bent over YA TUYU:became very sleepy YA TYENE:had YA UCLAT:uprooted YA UGUT:aroused YA UKAY:stirred YA ULBIDA:forgot YA ULBIDAHAN:forgot YA ULTRAHA:offended YA ULTRAJA:insulted YA UL-UL:growled YA ULVIDA:forgot YA UMIT:were unwittingly involved YA UMPUG:bumped the head YA UMYA:became smokey YA UNDYA:sank in YA UNI:lived together YA UPUT:melted away YA URINA:urinated YA USA:used YA USANG:chewed YA USISA:were overly curious YA UTILIZA:utilized YA UWI:heard YA UYI:heard YA UYUG:shook an object YA UYUN:got along well YA VACIA:emptied/to poured YA VARA:ran aground YA VELA:had a vigil/sailed YA VENDE:sold YA VENE YA:came YA VENE:came YA VENGA:avenged YA VERIFICA:verified YA VERIJA:genital region YA VIAJA:travelled YA VINTIA:winnowed grains YA VIOLA:violated the law/raped YA VIRA:turned around YA VIRIJA:genital region YA VISITA:visited YA VIVI:lived YA VOLA:flew YA VOLCA:capsized YA VOLVE:went home YA VOMITA:vomited YA VOTA:voted YA VULA:flew YA WARAS:caused havoc YA YURA:cried YA ZAMBULLI:dived YA ZONA:closed for military search