2 you/2 GCA 2BOLBE you return GCA 2DAY today GCA 2DO all GCA 2GETHER together GCA 2LOG sleep GCA 2LOY go ahead GCA 2MA drink GCA 2MADA drinking GCA 2MIRA reside GCA 2MORO tomorrow GCA 2MOROW tomorrow GCA 2MORW tomorrow GCA 2MRO tomorrow GCA 2MROW tomorrow GCA 2MRW tomorrow GCA 2YO your GCA 4CGE pursue GCA 4CGI carry out GCA 4CIGI carry out GCA 4ESO therefore GCA 4KAWSA because GCA 4KE why GCA 4RCASO because GCA 4RESO therefore GCA 4SIGI carry out GCA 4WARD forward GCA A HORA now GCA A PESAR in spite GCA ABA wow GCA ABACA abaka GCA ABAHA go down GCA ABAHADA incline GCA ABAHADAW lowered GCA ABAHO below GCA ABAJA lower GCA ABAJADA DEL SOL sunset GCA ABAJAR lower GCA ABAJO under GCA ABAKA hemp GCA ABAL-ABAL choppy sea GCA ABALA hindrance GCA ABALORYO beads GCA ABANDONA abandon GCA ABANDONAD* abandoned GCA ABANDONAO abandoned GCA ABANDONO abandonment GCA ABANICA fan GCA ABANIKA fan GCA ABANIKAD* fanning GCA ABANIKAW fanned GCA ABANIKO fan GCA ABANIKU fan GCA ABANO cigar GCA ABANTAW gassy GCA ABANTE advanced/advance GCA ABANTI go ahead GCA ABANTYA carry on GCA ABANTYAD* carrying on GCA ABANTYAW carried on GCA ABARKA take responsibility GCA ABARKAD* taking responsibility GCA ABARKAW taken responsibility GCA ABELARDO ?ABERLARDO GCA ABELLANA almond/beige GCA ABENIDA flood GCA ABENTA have gas GCA ABENTAD* having gas GCA ABER show it GCA ABERIGUA find out GCA ABERIGWA inquire GCA ABERIGWAD* inquiring GCA ABERIGWAW inquired GCA ABERIYA breakdown GCA ABERTURA opening GCA ABHO below GCA ABIERTO open GCA ABILIDAD ability GCA ABIO packed food GCA ABISA report GCA ABISAD* notifying GCA ABISADOR reporter GCA ABISADORA reporter GCA ABISAW reported GCA ABISO notice GCA ABISU notice GCA ABITO clothes GCA ABITU clothes GCA ABIYO packed food GCA ABLA SILA they say GCA ABLA YO I say GCA ABLA tell GCA ABLAD* telling GCA ABLADAW talked about GCA ABLADOR talkative GCA ABLADORA talkative GCA ABLANDO speaking GCA ABNORMAL abnormal GCA ABOGADO lawyer GCA ABOGAGO dumb lawyer GCA ABOGAO lawyer GCA ABOGAU lawyer GCA ABOGAW lawyer GCA ABOKADO alligator pear GCA ABONA fertilize/treat GCA ABONAD* paying for someone GCA ABONANTE payer GCA ABONAW someone treated GCA ABONG ?ABONG GCA ABONO treat/fertilizer GCA ABORDO on board GCA ABORESE be bored GCA ABORESID* bored GCA ABORESIW bored GCA ABORID* bored GCA ABOROTO trouble GCA ABORRECIMIENTO hatred GCA ABRASA to embrace GCA ABRASAD* embracing GCA ABRASADOR pillow GCA ABRASAHAN hug GCA ABRASETE embracingly GCA ABRAZA embrace/clasp GCA ABRE open GCA ABRI open GCA ABRIDA opening GCA ABRIDOR opener GCA ABRIGO wrap GCA ABROD abroad GCA ABUELA grandmother GCA ABUELO grandfather GCA ABUGAO lawyer GCA ABUGAW lawyer GCA ABULTAO bulging GCA ABUNDANCIA abundance GCA ABUNDANTE abundant GCA ABURDO bored GCA ABURIDO bored GCA ABURRIDO annoyed GCA ABUSA abuse GCA ABUSAD* abusive GCA ABUSADOR abuser GCA ABUSAO abused GCA ABUSAU abusive GCA ABUSAW abusive/abused GCA ABUSION superstition GCA ABUSO abuse GCA ABUSU abuse GCA ABUYA emerge GCA ABUYAD* emergence GCA ABUYAO emerged GCA ABUYAW emerged GCA ABWELA grandmother GCA ABWELO grandfather GCA ABYADOR aviator GCA ABYERTO open GCA ABYERTU open GCA AC2UALI actually GCA ACABA DE after GCA ACABA finish GCA ACABAO finished GCA ACABAR finish GCA ACACIA acacia GCA ACADEMICO academic GCA ACAPARA buy up GCA ACASO perhaps GCA ACCEPTA accept GCA ACCIDENTA have accident GCA ACCIDENTE accident GCA ACCOMMODA accommodate GCA ACCOMPLESIMIENTO accomplishment GCA ACCORDA remind GCA ACCORDAO reminded GCA ACE CASA build a house GCA ACE CORTO shorten GCA ACE IMUT make use GCA ACE LAGAS chase GCA ACE LIOS mess GCA ACE PILIPIT wring GCA ACE SENYAS signal GCA ACE SE±AS signal GCA ACE SIPA game GCA ACE SUGSUG force one's way in GCA ACE SUHBU handfeed GCA ACE SUHPUN join GCA ACE TECAS cheat GCA ACE TRAPO wipe GCA ACE TUMPUK pile GCA ACE do GCA ACECLARO clarify GCA ACEITADA greasing GCA ACEITE oil GCA ACEKLARO clarify GCA ACEPTA accept GCA ACEPTAO accepted GCA ACERAS sidewalk GCA ACERCA approach GCA ACERO steel GCA ACERTA guess right GCA ACHA ax GCA ACHAGUE beg-off/avoidance GCA ACHAKE alibi GCA ACHARA pickle GCA ACHAY maid GCA ACHITA ax GCA ACHWETE tree GCA ACHWETI tree GCA ACIDENTE accident GCA ACIETE oil GCA ACLARA clarify GCA ACOMODA accommodate GCA ACOMODAO accommodated GCA ACOMPANA accompany GCA ACONSEJA advise GCA ACORDA remind GCA ACOSTA lie down GCA ACOSTUMBRA accustom GCA ACOSTUMBRADO accustomed GCA ACQUEL that GCA ACQUELLOS those GCA ACQUI here GCA ACRDA remind GCA ACTITUD attitude GCA ACTIVIDAD activity GCA ACTIVIDADES activities GCA ACTIVO active GCA ACTO DE TERRORISMO terrorist act GCA ACTO act GCA ACTUA act GCA ACTUADO acted GCA ACTUAL present GCA ACTUALMENTE at present GCA ACUDI assist GCA ACUERDO agreement GCA ACUSACION accusation GCA ACUSAO accused GCA ACUSTA lay down GCA ACUSTAO lying down GCA ADA fairy GCA ADAPTA adapt GCA ADAPTAO adapted GCA ADDICTO addict GCA ADELANTA advance GCA ADELANTAD* advanced GCA ADELANTAW forward GCA ADELANTE advanced/go ahead/front GCA ADEMAS besides GCA ADENTRO inside GCA ADENTRU besides GCA ADER other GCA ADIBINA guess GCA ADIBINADO* guesser GCA ADIBINANSA guess/puzzle GCA ADICTA addicted GCA ADICTO addict GCA ADIKTO addict GCA ADIOS good bye GCA ADIVINA guess GCA ADIVINANZA guess GCA ADMINISTRA administer GCA ADMINISTRACION administration GCA ADMINISTRADO* administrator GCA ADMINISTRASYON administration GCA ADMINISTRATIBO administrative GCA ADMIRA admire GCA ADMIRABLE admired GCA ADMIRAD* admiring GCA ADMIRAW admired GCA ADMIT admit GCA ADMITI admit GCA ADMITID* admitted GCA ADNTRO inside GCA ADOBADO adobadoed GCA ADOBAO marinated GCA ADOBAW adobado GCA ADOBO spiced meat GCA ADOPTA adopt GCA ADORA adore/worship GCA ADORABLE adorable GCA ADORANAW adorned GCA ADORASYON adoration GCA ADORAW adored GCA ADORNA adorn GCA ADORNAD* decorating GCA ADORNO adornment GCA ADORNU decoration GCA ADREDE intentional GCA ADREDI intentional GCA ADRENTO in GCA ADUANA customs GCA ADULTERO adulterous GCA ADVERTENCIA warning GCA ADVERTI warn GCA ADWANA customs GCA ADYOS goodbye GCA AEROPLANO airplane GCA AEROPUERTO airport GCA AFECTA affect GCA AFECTAO affected GCA AFFECTA affect GCA AFFECTAO affected GCA AFRENDE learn GCA AFUERA outside GCA AGA morning GCA AGACAHO bent forward GCA AGACHA bend forward/duck GCA AGACHAD* ducking GCA AGACHAW bent forward GCA AGAHRA grasp GCA AGAL ?AGAL GCA AGAN ?AGAN GCA AGAR ?AGAR GCA AGARA grasp GCA AGARAD* grasping GCA AGARAO catch GCA AGARAW grasped GCA AGARRA get GCA AGASAHA honor someone GCA AGAT ??AGAT GCA AGATYAW ??AGATYAW GCA AGAY ouch GCA AGENCIA agency GCA AGENT* agent GCA AGHAM science GCA AGILA eagle/hawk GCA AGLIPAY Philippine independent church GCA AGLIPAYANO aglipayanismfollower GCA AGONISA agonize GCA AGONISAND* agonizing GCA AGONISANTE agonizing person GCA AGONIYA agony GCA AGORA now/then/so GCA AGOSTO august GCA AGRABIO resentful GCA AGRABYA feel resentful GCA AGRABYAD* resentful GCA AGRABYAW resentful GCA AGRABYO resentment GCA AGRABYU resentment GCA AGRAVIADO resentful GCA AGRAVIAO resentful GCA AGRICULTURA agriculture GCA AGRIMENSOR surveyor GCA AGRIYA become sour GCA AGRIYAR sourness GCA AGUA water GCA AGUADA ??AGUADA GCA AGUANTA endure GCA AGUANTE ??AGUANTE GCA AGUASERO waterpipe GCA AGUDO sharp GCA AGUDU sharp GCA AGUELA eagle GCA AGUHA needle GCA AGUHERA bore a hole GCA AGUHERAD* boring a hole GCA AGUHERAW full of holes GCA AGUHERO hole GCA AGUHILLA hairpin GCA AGUI here GCA AGUJERO hole GCA AGUNG brass gong GCA AGUSA sharpen GCA AGUSAD* sharpening GCA AGUSADOR sharpener GCA AGUSAW sharpened GCA AGUSERU rain GCA AGWA BENDITA holy water GCA AGWA OLOR perfume GCA AGWA water GCA AGWADOR water carrier GCA AGWANTA endure GCA AGWANTAD* enduring GCA AGWANTAW endured GCA AGWASA watery GCA AGWASERO rain GCA AGWAW diluted GCA AGWE ?AGWE GCA AH ah GCA AHAT unripe GCA AHEDRES chess GCA AHENCIA agency GCA AHENCIAS agency GCA AHENSYA agency GCA AHENTE agent GCA AHENTI agent GCA AHITOS marigold GCA AHORA ESTE MAGA TIEMPO currently GCA AHORA now GCA AHOS garlic GCA AHREDEDOR around GCA AHREREDOR around GCA AHUNTA AHUNTA put together GCA AHUNTA gather GCA AHUNTAO gathered GCA AIRE air GCA AJOS garlic GCA AJUNTA gather GCA AKABA finish GCA AKABAD* finishing GCA AKABAO finished GCA AKABAR finish GCA AKABAW finished GCA AKABE finish GCA AKABO finish GCA AKANSA ?AKANSA GCA AKASYA acacia tree GCA AKBA finish GCA AKE here GCA AKEL that GCA AKELLOS those GCA AKELYOS those GCA AKI here GCA AKIEL that GCA AKIL that GCA AKLARA clarify GCA AKLARAD* clarifying GCA AKLARAW clarified GCA AKO I GCA AKOMOD* accommodating GCA AKOMODA accommodate GCA AKOMODAW accommodated GCA AKOMPANISTA accompanist GCA AKOMPANYA accompany GCA AKOMPANYAD* accompanying GCA AKOMPANYADOR accompanist GCA AKOMPANYADORA accompanist GCA AKOMPANYAW accompanied GCA AKOMPA±A accompany GCA AKOMPA±AD* accompanying GCA AKOMPA±ADOR accompanist GCA AKOMPA±ADORA accompanist GCA AKOMPA±AW accompanied GCA AKORDA remember GCA AKORDAD* remembering GCA AKORDAW remembered GCA AKOSTUMBRA be accustomed GCA AKOSTUMBRAD* accustomed GCA AKOSTUMBRAW accustomed GCA AKSENTO accent GCA AKSEPTA accept GCA AKSEPTAD* accepting GCA AKSEPTAW accepted GCA AKSIDENTE accident GCA AKSYON action GCA AKTIBISTA activist GCA AKTIBO active GCA AKUDI rescue GCA AKUDID* rescuing GCA AKURDA remember GCA AKUSA accuse GCA AKUSAD* accusing GCA AKUSADOR accuser GCA AKUSADORA accuser GCA AKUSAW accused GCA AKUSTA lie down GCA AKUSTAD* lying down GCA AKUSTAW lying position GCA AL when/as GCA ALABA praise GCA ALABAD* praised GCA ALABANSA praise GCA ALABANZA praise GCA ALABAW praised GCA ALADIN kerosene lamp GCA ALADING kerosene lamp GCA ALADINO kerosene lamp GCA ALADO beside GCA ALAHAD* jeweled GCA ALAHAS jewel/jewelry GCA ALAHS jewels GCA ALAKRAN scorpion GCA ALAM MO you know GCA ALAMAANA ?ALAMAANA GCA ALAMBRE wire GCA ALAMBRI wire GCA ALAMBRILLO plant GCA ALANG-ALANG hesitant GCA ALANGAN hesitation GCA ALANGKAT fanatics GCA ALARGA lengthen GCA ALARGAD* lengthening GCA ALARGAW lengthened GCA ALAS at GCA ALAT basket GCA ALAVADO praised GCA ALAVAO praised GCA ALAW beside GCA ALBOROKYA makenoise GCA ALBOROKYAD* makingnoise GCA ALBOROKYAW noise made GCA ALBOROKYENT* noisy person GCA ALBOROTO noisy GCA ALBOROTU noisy GCA ALBULARYO herb doctor GCA ALBUM picture album GCA ALCADEZA mayoress GCA ALCALDE mayor GCA ALCALDEZA mayor's office GCA ALCANSA reach GCA ALEGAO alleged GCA ALEGAOMENTE allegedly GCA ALEGRA happy GCA ALEGRE happy GCA ALEGRIA happiness GCA ALEGRIYA happiness GCA ALEGROTE happynatured GCA ALEMAN german GCA ALEMANA german GCA ALEMANYA germany GCA ALERTA alert GCA ALERTO alert GCA ALESON ?ALESON GCA ALGO something GCA ALGODON cotton GCA ALGUIEN somebody GCA ALGUN certain GCA ALGUNAS some GCA ALGUNDIYA some day GCA ALGUNOS somebody GCA ALGYEN someone GCA ALI there GCA ALIA there GCA ALIAS alias GCA ALIBIO lively/relief GCA ALIBYA alleviate GCA ALIBYAD* alleviating GCA ALIBYAW relieved GCA ALIBYO relief GCA ALIE there GCA ALIGAOMENTE ?ALIGAOMENTE GCA ALIKABOK dust GCA ALIKATE pliers GCA ALIMENTO light food GCA ALIPATO sparks GCA ALIPUNGA athlete's foot GCA ALIPUNGUY bad guy GCA ALIST* alert GCA ALIVIA relief GCA ALIVIO lively GCA ALJAKE ??ALJAKE GCA ALKABALA rental GCA ALKAGWETE matchmaker GCA ALKALDE mayor GCA ALKAMPOR camphor GCA ALKANSA reach GCA ALKANSAD* reaching GCA ALKANSAW overtaken GCA ALKANSE loss GCA ALKANSIYA savings bank GCA ALKETRAN tar GCA ALKILA rent GCA ALKILAD* renting GCA ALKILAW rented GCA ALKNSA reach GCA ALKOHOL alcohol GCA ALLA there GCA ALLEGAOMENTE allegedly GCA ALLI NA in GCA ALLI there GCA ALMA soul GCA ALMAGRE red ochre GCA ALMANAKE almanac GCA ALMAREYO dizziness GCA ALMARIA dizzy GCA ALMARYA be dizzy GCA ALMARYAD* dizziness GCA ALMARYAW dizzy GCA ALMAS soul GCA ALMENDRAS almond GCA ALMIDON starch GCA ALMIRIS mortar and pestle GCA ALMOHADA pillow GCA ALMOHADON cushion GCA ALMONDIGAS meat balls GCA ALMUERSO lunch GCA ALMUHADA pillow GCA ALMURSA eat breakfast GCA ALMURSAD* eating breakfast GCA ALMURSAW breakfasted GCA ALMWERSO breakfast GCA ALOMENOS at least GCA ALPABETO alphabet GCA ALPAHOR filipino delicacy GCA ALPILER pin GCA ALREBES reverse GCA ALREDEDOR surrounding GCA ALSA lift GCA ALSAD* consecration GCA ALSAW risen GCA ALTANERA arrogant GCA ALTAR altar GCA ALTERNATIBO alternative GCA ALTERNATIVA alternative GCA ALTO tall GCA ALTURA height GCA ALULUNG rain gutter GCA ALUMBRA light GCA ALUMBRAD* lighting up GCA ALUMBRAW lighted up GCA ALUMINUM aluminum GCA ALYA there GCA ALYE there GCA ALYI there GCA AM GCA AMABLE lovable GCA AMABLI lovable GCA AMADOR lover GCA AMADROGADA dawn GCA AMAG mold GCA AMAHRA tie GCA AMAKAN woven mat GCA AMANESE dawn GCA AMANTE lover GCA AMAPOLA flower GCA AMARA tie GCA AMARAD* tying GCA AMARAW tied up GCA AMARGO bitter GCA AMARGOSO bitter melon GCA AMARGURA bitterness GCA AMARILLENTO yellowish GCA AMARILLO yellow GCA AMARO rope GCA AMARYA tie GCA AMAS banana GCA AMBAR amber GCA AMBICION ambition GCA AMBIENTE environment GCA AMBISION ambition GCA AMBISIOSO ambitious GCA AMBISYON ambition GCA AMBISYONS* ambitious GCA AMBOS both GCA AMBRE hunger GCA AMBRIENTO famished GCA AMBRYENTO hungry GCA AMBULANCIA ambulance GCA AMBULANSYA ambulance GCA AMBULAO AMBULAO#?? GCA AMEDIANTE ?AMEDIANTE GCA AMEDYAO ??AMEDYAO GCA AMEN amen GCA AMENASA threaten GCA AMENASAO threatened GCA AMENASO threat GCA AMENAZO threat GCA AMERICA America GCA AMERICANO American GCA AMERIKA us GCA AMERIKAN* american GCA AMGA friend GCA AMGO friend GCA AMIENDA amend GCA AMIENDAO amended GCA AMIG* friend GCA AMISTAD affection GCA AMISTOSO affectionate GCA AMO GANE let's see GCA AMO GANEH let's see GCA AMO YA GANE let's see GCA AMO boss/the very one GCA AMOH right GCA AMON our GCA AMONESTA advise GCA AMONESTAD* advising GCA AMONESTAW advised GCA AMOR love GCA AMORIYOS love affairs GCA AMORSEKO grass GCA AMPARA ?AMPARA GCA AMPAW sweetened pop rice GCA AMU GANE let's see GCA AMU GCA AMUERSO lunch GCA AMULA sharpen GCA AMULAD* sharpening GCA AMULADOR sharpener GCA AMULAW sharpened GCA AMUN our GCA ANAD used to GCA ANAHAW palm GCA ANAK child GCA ANALIZA analyze GCA ANANTE before GCA ANANTES before GCA ANAT accustomed GCA ANAY yet/first GCA ANCENA really GCA ANCHADA ?ANCHADA GCA ANCHE last night GCA ANCHO wide GCA ANCHOR breadth GCA ANCHURA width GCA ANCHWELO rice grains GCA ANCIANO ancient GCA ANCIANOS old men GCA ANCINA really GCA ANCNA really GCA ANDA go GCA ANDAD* going GCA ANDADOR walker GCA ANDALYI go there GCA ANDAMYO boat ramp GCA ANDANSA ?ANDANSA GCA ANDAS stretcher GCA ANDAW started GCA ANEMIK* anemic GCA ANGAY deserving GCA ANGELITO angel GCA ANGGA want petting GCA ANGGAIN petter GCA ANGGILLA eel GCA ANGGLIKANO anglican GCA ANGHEL angel GCA ANGHELITU angel GCA ANGHELUS angelus GCA ANGHIL angel GCA ANGHIT underarm odor GCA ANGKAS hitch a ride GCA ANGKASAN riding tandem GCA ANGKLA anchor GCA ANGKOL uncle GCA ANIBERSARYO anniversary GCA ANILLO ring GCA ANILLU ring GCA ANIMA animate GCA ANIMAD* animating GCA ANIMAL animal GCA ANIMAW animated GCA ANIMO spirit GCA ANIMOSO enthusiastic GCA ANINIPUT firefly GCA ANIOS years GCA ANIS anise GCA ANIVERSARIO anniversary GCA ANO what GCA ANOCHE last night GCA ANOCHI last night GCA ANOMALIA anomaly GCA ANOMALIYA anomaly GCA ANONIMA anonymous GCA ANSINA BA really GCA ANSINA like this GCA ANSNA really GCA ANSYA anxiety/to worry GCA ANSYOSO anxious GCA ANTCHE last night GCA ANTE-ANOCHE night before last GCA ANTE-AYER day before yesterday GCA ANTE-OHOS eyeglasses GCA ANTE before GCA ANTEMANO beforehand GCA ANTEMANU beforehand GCA ANTENA antenna GCA ANTEPARA eyeglasses GCA ANTES-ANTES PA GAYOT a long time ago GCA ANTES before GCA ANTI auntie GCA ANTIGO old GCA ANTIGU old GCA ANTING-ANTING amulet GCA ANTIPARA eyeglasses GCA ANTIPARRA eyeglasses GCA ANTIPATIKO disagreeable GCA ANTIPATIKU disagreeable GCA ANTIS before GCA ANTISIPO down payment GCA ANTISIPU down payment GCA ANUD float away GCA ANUNANG tree GCA ANUNCIO announcement GCA ANUNSYA announce GCA ANUNSYADA announcement GCA ANUNSYASYON annunciation GCA ANUNSYAW announced GCA ANUNSYO announcement GCA ANUT float away GCA ANYIL indigo GCA ANYO year GCA ANYOS years GCA APA flour wafer GCA APABOR partial to GCA APACIGUA appease GCA APAGA turn off GCA APAGADA turning off light GCA APAGADOR puts out light GCA APAGADORA puts out light GCA APAGAW turned off GCA APAH unable to talk GCA APAN dragonfly GCA APARADOR cupboard GCA APARATISTA operator GCA APARATO apparatus GCA APARECE appear GCA APARESE appear GCA APARESIDA appearance GCA APARESIMYENTO appearance GCA APARISYON apparition GCA APARISYONG apparition GCA APARTA set apart GCA APARTADA setting apart GCA APARTAW set apart GCA APARTE set apart GCA APAS2 chase GCA APAS run after GCA APASAN run after the other GCA APASIGWA appease GCA APASIGWADA appeasing GCA APASIGWAW appeased GCA APAYTA shave GCA APAYTADA shaving GCA APAYTAW shaved GCA APECTA affect GCA APEKTA affect GCA APELA appeal GCA APELLIDO lastname GCA APELO appeal GCA APELYIDO last name GCA APENAS as soon as GCA APENDISITIS appendicitis GCA APESTEA cause bad smell GCA APESTOSO foul-smelling GCA APETITO appetite GCA APEYTA shave GCA APIDABIT affadavit GCA APIKE in tight situation GCA APIKI close by/in tight situation GCA APILA sharpen GCA APILADA sharpening GCA APILADOR file for sharpening GCA APILAW sharpened with a file GCA APILIDO last name GCA APILLIDO family name GCA APILLIW family name GCA APILYIDO last name GCA APINA tune an instrument GCA APINADA tuning an instrument GCA APINADOR tuner GCA APINASYON tuning an instrument GCA APINAW tuned GCA APIQUI chose/tight GCA APISYON aptitude GCA APISYONAD* one with aptitude GCA APISYONAW one with aptitude GCA APLAKA appease GCA APLAKADA appeasing GCA APLAKADOR appeaser GCA APLAKAW appeased GCA APLASTA lay face down GCA APLAY apply GCA APLAYA beach GCA APLICA apply GCA APLICANTE applicant GCA APO sir GCA APODERA ?APODERA GCA APORO interior lining GCA APOSENTO inner room GCA APOSTOL apostle GCA APOSTOLADO apostolate GCA APOYO support GCA APPLICANTE applicant GCA APPROVA approve GCA APPROVAO approved GCA APRECIA appreciate GCA APRECIADO appreciated GCA APRENDE learn GCA APRENDIDO learned GCA APRESYA appreciate GCA APRESYADA appreciation GCA APRESYAW appreciated GCA APRESYO appreciation GCA APRETA tighten GCA APRETADA tightening GCA APRETAO tightened GCA APRETAW tight GCA APRIL April GCA APRITADA meat dish GCA APROBA approve GCA APROBADA approving GCA APROBASYON approval GCA APROBAW approved GCA APROBECHA take advantage GCA APROBECHADA approving GCA APROBECHAW benefited GCA APROBETCHA take advantage GCA APROBETIAW take advantage GCA APROPIA appropriate GCA APROPOSITO for purpose GCA APROVA approve GCA APROVECHA profit GCA APRUBA approve GCA APRYETO tight situation GCA APU grandchild GCA APUERA DE ESTE besides this GCA APUERA outside GCA APUESTA wager GCA APUNTA point out GCA APUNTADA pointing out GCA APUNTADOR pointer GCA APUNTAW pointed out GCA APUNTO point GCA APURA hurry GCA APURAD* in a hurry GCA APURAO in a hurry GCA APURAW in a hurry GCA APURO hurry GCA APURRAO in a hurry GCA APURU hurry GCA APWERA outside GCA AQI here GCA AQUE here GCA AQUEL that GCA AQUELLO that GCA AQUELLOS those GCA AQUELOS those GCA AQUELYOS those GCA AQUI NA here in GCA AQUI here GCA AQUIEL that GCA ARA now GCA ARADA plowing GCA ARADO ploughshare GCA ARAMYENTAS tools GCA ARANGCA pull GCA ARANGKA pull GCA ARANGKADA uprooting GCA ARANGKAW uprooted GCA ARANYAS cobweb GCA ARAO plow GCA ARARO ploughshare GCA ARARU ploughshare GCA ARAS symbolic coins GCA ARASTRA drag GCA ARASTRADA dragging GCA ARASTRAW bad financial state GCA ARAW ploughed GCA ARAY ouch GCA ARA±AS cobweb GCA ARBOL tree GCA ARBOLES trees GCA ARCO arch/rainbow GCA ARDA ??ARDA GCA ARDE aflame GCA ARDIDO flaming GCA ARDIW flaming GCA ARDOR heat GCA AREDEDOR around GCA AREGLA arrange GCA AREGLADA arranging GCA AREGLADO arranged GCA AREGLAO arranged GCA AREGLAW arranged GCA AREGLO arrange GCA ARENA sand GCA ARENAL sandy ground GCA ARENOSO sandy GCA AREREDOR around GCA ARESGAD* reckless GCA ARESGAW reckless GCA ARESTA arrest/arrested GCA ARESTADO arrested GCA ARESTAO arrested GCA ARESTAW arrested GCA ARESTO arrest GCA ARETES earrings GCA ARGALLAS fish gills GCA ARGOLLA nose ring GCA ARIBA above GCA ARIGUE wooden post GCA ARIMA move towards GCA ARIMADA moving towards GCA ARIMAW moved towards GCA ARINA flour GCA ARIOLA ?ARIOLA GCA ARIPINTI repent GCA ARISTOKRATA snobbish GCA ARKELA rent GCA ARKILA rent GCA ARKO arch GCA ARKU arch GCA ARMA arm/armed GCA ARMADA navy GCA ARMADO armed GCA ARMALITE armalite GCA ARMAO armed GCA ARMAS weapons GCA ARMAW armed GCA ARMI army GCA ARMONIYA harmony GCA ARMONYO harmonium GCA ARNIBAL syrup GCA AROGANTE arrogant GCA AROS rice GCA AROZ rice GCA ARPA harp GCA ARQUILA rent GCA ARRANCA pull out GCA ARRASTRA drag along GCA ARRASTRAO dragged along GCA ARREA drive away GCA ARREBATA seize GCA ARREGLA arrange GCA ARREGLAO arranged GCA ARREGLO arrange GCA ARREST arrest GCA ARRESTA arrest GCA ARRESTAO arrested GCA ARRESTO arrest GCA ARRIA lower GCA ARRIBA above GCA ARRIMA approach GCA ARRINQUIN get pushed aside GCA ARRIOLA urinal GCA ARRIPINTI repent GCA ARROGANTE arrogant GCA ARROZ rice GCA ARSOBISPADO archbishop residence GCA ARSOBISPO archbishop GCA ARSOBISPU archbishop GCA ARTA filled GCA ARTADA having one's fill GCA ARTAW satiated GCA ARTE art GCA ARTI art GCA ARTICULO article GCA ARTIPISYAL artificial GCA ARTISTA artist/pretender GCA ARTISTIKO artistic GCA ARTYA act with affectation GCA ARTYADA acting with affectation GCA ARTYAW with affectation GCA ARUGAS wrinkles GCA ARUNSA move away GCA ARUNSADA moving away GCA ARUNSAW moved away GCA ARYA fire GCA ARYADA firing GCA ARYAW fired GCA ASA roast GCA ASADA roasting/hoe GCA ASADOR ??ASADOR GCA ASALTO assault GCA ASAPRAN ginger GCA ASARANTE annoy GCA ASAROL ax GCA ASAW roasted GCA ASAWA spouse GCA ASAYTE oil GCA ASBI ?ASBI GCA ASE CASA build a house GCA ASE CORTO shorten GCA ASE IMUT make use GCA ASE LAGAS chase GCA ASE LIOS mess GCA ASE PILIPIT wring GCA ASE SENYAS signal GCA ASE SE±AS signal GCA ASE SIPA game GCA ASE SUGSUG force one's way in GCA ASE SUHBU handfeed GCA ASE SUHPUN join GCA ASE TECAS cheat GCA ASE TRAPO wipe GCA ASE TUMPUK pile GCA ASE INEKSYON inject GCA ASE KASO mind GCA ASE PAYPAY fan GCA ASE do GCA ASECLARO clarify GCA ASEGUN CON according to GCA ASEGUN PA CON also according to GCA ASEGUN according to GCA ASEGURA assure GCA ASEGURADA assuring GCA ASEGURADO sure GCA ASEGURAMIENTO ensuring GCA ASEGURAO assured GCA ASEGURAW sure GCA ASEGURISTA sure of oneself GCA ASEKA approach GCA ASEKASO pay attention GCA ASEKLARO clarify GCA ASEMEHA look alike GCA ASEMEHADA looking alike GCA ASEMEHANSA similarity GCA ASEMEHAW similar GCA ASENSO progress GCA ASENTA let sediment settle GCA ASENTADA settling sediment GCA ASENTAW settled GCA ASEPTA accept GCA ASEPTADA accepting GCA ASEPTASYON acceptance GCA ASEPTAW accepted GCA ASER make/do GCA ASERA steel GCA ASERCA near GCA ASERKA about/approach GCA ASERKADA approaching GCA ASERKAW approached GCA ASERO steel GCA ASERTA ascertain GCA ASERTADA making sure GCA ASERTAW made sure GCA ASERU steel GCA ASET asset/soldier GCA ASEYTE oil GCA ASEYTI oil GCA ASI PAYPAY fan GCA ASI like so GCA ASIA Asia GCA ASIDA making/doing GCA ASIGNAO assigned GCA ASIGUN ensure GCA ASIGURA sure GCA ASIGURAO assured GCA ASIK money GCA ASIN salt GCA ASISTAN assistant GCA ASISTENCIA assistence GCA ASISTENSIYA attendance GCA ASISTENTE assistant GCA ASISTI attend GCA ASISTIDA assisting/repugnance GCA ASISTIDO repugnance GCA ASISTIW repugnance GCA ASKAL street dog#?? GCA ASKEROSO disgusting GCA ASKO disgust GCA ASKYA feel disgusting GCA ASKYADA feeling disgusting GCA ASKYAW felt repugnance GCA ASMA asthma GCA ASMAHIN asthmatic GCA ASMATIK* asthmatic GCA ASOGE soft metal GCA ASOLAS alone GCA ASOMA view through window GCA ASOMADA viewing through window GCA ASOMAW viewed through window GCA ASOSASCION association GCA ASOTEYA balcony GCA ASPECTO aspect GCA ASPETO aspect GCA ASPIRA aspire GCA ASQUIA loathe GCA ASSIGNA assign GCA ASTA LA VISTA goodbye GCA ASTA until GCA ASTILLAS kindling GCA ASUCAL sugar GCA ASUCAR sugar GCA ASUKAL sugar GCA ASUKAR sugar GCA ASUKARAW sugary GCA ASUKARERA sugar bowl GCA ASUKARERO sugar planter GCA ASUL blue GCA ASULAW bluish GCA ASULTO assault GCA ASUMA sum up GCA ASUMADA summing up GCA ASUMAW summed up GCA ASUNTO case GCA ASUNTOS affairs GCA ASUSENA lily GCA ASUSTA frighten GCA ASUSTADA frightening GCA ASUSTAO frightened GCA ASUSTAW scared GCA ASUSTO scare GCA ASUSTU scare GCA ASWAN supernatural creature GCA ASWANG witch GCA ASYENTO sediment GCA ASYENTU sediment GCA ATA-UT coffin GCA ATACA attack GCA ATAHA intercept GCA ATAHADA intercepting GCA ATAHAW intercepted GCA ATAJA stop GCA ATAKA attack GCA ATAKADA attacking GCA ATAKADOR attacker GCA ATAKADORA attacker GCA ATAKAW attacked GCA ATAQUE attack GCA ATAR lip cosmetic GCA ATARANTA lose direction GCA ATARANTAO confused GCA ATARANTAU confused GCA ATARANTO confuse GCA ATAU bundle GCA ATAUL coffin GCA ATAY-ATAY chicken epidemic GCA ATCHARA pickle GCA ATE elder sister GCA ATENCION attention GCA ATENDE serve GCA ATENSIYON attention GCA ATENSYON attention GCA ATENSYONG attention GCA ATENTA attentive GCA ATENTO attentive GCA ATIEMPO on time GCA ATIK ?money GCA ATIS sugar apple GCA ATLETA athlete GCA ATOLE rice porridge GCA ATOLI rice porridge GCA ATON our GCA ATONTAO foolish GCA ATRACA approach GCA ATRACCION attraction GCA ATRAE attract attention GCA ATRAKA approach GCA ATRAKADA approaching GCA ATRAKAW approached GCA ATRAKSYON attraction GCA ATRAS behind GCA ATRASA be late GCA ATRASADA late GCA ATRASADO late GCA ATRASAN ??ATRASAN GCA ATRASAO late GCA ATRASAW late GCA ATRASO delay GCA ATRASU delay GCA ATRAYE attract GCA ATREBE attempt GCA ATREBIDA daring GCA ATREBIDO daring GCA ATREBIMYENTO dare GCA ATREBIW daring GCA ATREVE dare GCA ATREVIDO daring GCA ATRIBUJI attribute GCA ATROCIDAD atrocity GCA ATRONAO stupefied GCA ATTENDE attend GCA ATTENSYON attention GCA ATTRACTIVO attractive GCA ATUBANG face another GCA ATUBANGAN front#Ceb GCA ATUN our GCA AUMENTA increase GCA AUMENTAO increased GCA AUNQUE although GCA AUQEL that GCA AURA now GCA AUTORIDAD authority GCA AUTORIZA authorize GCA AUXILIA help GCA AUXILIO aid GCA AVANTE forward GCA AVANTIA ahead GCA AVENIDA flood GCA AVERIA mechanical breakdown GCA AVION airplane GCA AVISA inform GCA AVISO notice GCA AVOCADO avocado GCA AW oh GCA AWLA cage GCA AWMENTA add GCA AWMENTADA adding GCA AWMENTAW added GCA AWNGKE although GCA AWRA now GCA AWSILYO help GCA AWTO car GCA AWTOMATIK snaps GCA AWTOMATIKO automatic GCA AWTOR author GCA AWTORIDAD authority GCA AWTU car GCA AY DIYALO will disregard GCA AY DYALO will disregard GCA AY JALO will disregard GCA AY LE will read GCA AY NAKU oh my GCA AY QUITA will take away GCA AY ULBIDAHAN will forget GCA AY VINI YO I'll be going now GCA AY oh GCA AYA there GCA AYAG sift grains GCA AYAGAN grain sifter GCA AYAW KO I don't want GCA AYER yesterday GCA AYI there GCA AYNA oh GCA AYOKO I don't want GCA AYRE air GCA AYUDA help GCA AYUDAHAN cooperative GCA AYUDANTE helper GCA AYUDANTI helper GCA AYUDAW helped GCA AYUDNTE helper GCA AYUN that GCA AYUNA fast from food GCA AYUNADA fasting GCA AYUNAW fasted GCA AYUNO fasting GCA AYUSTA adjust GCA AYUSTADA adjusting GCA AYUSTAW adjusted GCA AYUSTE adjustment GCA AZUCAR sugar GCA AZUL blue GCA A±IL indigo GCA AÑO year GCA AÑOS years GCA B4 before GCA BA-UL wardrobe trunk GCA BA GCA BA GCA BABA jaw GCA BABAD soak GCA BABAT marinate GCA BABERO bib GCA BABERU bib GCA BABOY pig GCA BABUY-BABUY dirty/epilepsy GCA BABUY pig GCA BACA maybe GCA BACANTE vacant GCA BACAYPATO pliers GCA BACHUKAN bumblebee GCA BACOCANG ulcerous sore GCA BACULAO male monkey GCA BADANG ?BADANG GCA BADUY out of fashion GCA BAGACAY bamboo GCA BAGAHE bags GCA BAGAKAY bamboo GCA BAGAMUNDU vagabond GCA BAGASO sugar cane pulp GCA BAGASU sugar cane pulp GCA BAGAY deserving GCA BAGAYBAY stem of coconut GCA BAGING wild vine GCA BAGON fermented fish GCA BAGONG fermented fish GCA BAGONGAN losing streak GCA BAGSAK drop abruptly GCA BAGU but/yet GCA BAGUING vine GCA BAGUIO hurricane GCA BAGUNG fermented fish GCA BAGYO windstorm GCA BAHA flood/go down GCA BAHADA downward incline GCA BAHAG g-string GCA BAHAL day old coconut liquor GCA BAHALA in charge GCA BAHALAH KAW it's up to you (Tausug) GCA BAHAO stale GCA BAHAW lowered GCA BAHILLA china set GCA BAHO low GCA BAILA dance GCA BAILE dance GCA BAILUHAN dance session GCA BAJA flood/go down GCA BAJAR down GCA BAJO low GCA BAKA HINDE maybe not GCA BAKA HNDE maybe not GCA BAKA cow/maybe GCA BAKAHAN cattle ranch GCA BAKANTE vacant GCA BAKASYON vacation GCA BAKASYONG vacation GCA BAKASYONISTA vacationist GCA BAKAWAN swamp tree GCA BAKAWANG swamp tree GCA BAKEL that GCA BAKIA wooden shoes GCA BAKIT why GCA BAKLA homosexual GCA BAKONA vaccination GCA BAKSAK drop abruptly GCA BAKUKANG tropical ulcer GCA BAKUL basket/surround GCA BAKULAW ape GCA BAKUNA vaccination GCA BAKUNADOR vaccinator GCA BAKUNO cattle GCA BAKYA wooden shoes GCA BALA bullet GCA BALABAG crosswise GCA BALABAK block GCA BALADA dislocation GCA BALADO dislocated GCA BALAE couple's parents GCA BALAGUN wild vine GCA BALAI couple's parents GCA BALANCEA balance GCA BALANCIA balance GCA BALANCIAO balanced GCA BALANGHAGAN undue worry GCA BALANSE balance GCA BALANSI balance GCA BALANSYA balance GCA BALANSYADA balancing GCA BALASA* shuffle GCA BALASUBAS useless GCA BALATUGAN chicken roost GCA BALBAKWA barbecue GCA BALBONG beard GCA BALCON balcony GCA BALDA dislocate/cripple GCA BALDADURA dislocation GCA BALDAO crippled/sprained GCA BALDAW dislocated GCA BALDE bucket GCA BALDEYU floor washing GCA BALDOSA tile GCA BALDYA wash floor GCA BALDYAW washed floor GCA BALE-BALE worth it GCA BALE valuable GCA BALENSYANA french seam/paella GCA BALENTIYA bravery GCA BALI-BALI worth it GCA BALI iounote GCA BALIBAT excuses GCA BALIENTE courageous GCA BALIKTAD inverted GCA BALIKUTUT crouched position GCA BALIMBING sour sweet fruit GCA BALINSUNGAY ?BALINSUNGAY GCA BALINTONG turned over GCA BALINTUNG turned over GCA BALISBIS hillside slope GCA BALISCAT turn over GCA BALISKAT inverted GCA BALITA news GCA BALLE valley GCA BALLENA whale GCA BALONG ?BALONG GCA BALOR value GCA BALOS revenge GCA BALOTA ballot GCA BALSA raft GCA BALSADA rafted logs GCA BALU spear fish GCA BALUKTOT crouched position GCA BALUNAN gizzard GCA BALUNBALUNAN gizzard GCA BALUS revenge GCA BALUT duck's egg/wrap GCA BALUTAN package/hidden pregnancy GCA BALUTANG package GCA BALYENTE brave/bravery GCA BALYENTERA bravery GCA BALYENTI brave GCA BAMBAWING herb GCA BAMBRAWN bum GCA BAMBUYO bumblebee GCA BAMPIRA vampire GCA BANA bathe GCA BANAGAN lobster GCA BANAYAD slow GCA BANAYAT mountain accent GCA BANCA dugout craft GCA BANDA band/somewhere GCA BANDANA kerchief GCA BANDE peanut brittle GCA BANDEHA platter GCA BANDEJAO serving platter GCA BANDERA flag GCA BANDIDO bandit GCA BANDIENG ??BANDIENG GCA BANDORYAL costumed band GCA BANDURRIA string instrument GCA BANDURYA string instrument GCA BANDYO stringed instrument GCA BANEGAS banana variety GCA BANGA earthen water jar GCA BANGCA boat GCA BANGGAAN collision GCA BANGGAH collide GCA BANGGAK dumbbell/listless GCA BANGGALE blouse GCA BANGGERA overhanging structure GCA BANGGUGOT nightmare GCA BANGKA sailboat GCA BANGKETA paved sidewalk GCA BANGKETE banquet GCA BANGKO bench/bank GCA BANGUAL wooden lever GCA BANGUERA dish shelf GCA BANGUI-BANGUI small crabs GCA BANGUS milkfish GCA BANIDAD vanity GCA BANIDOS* vain GCA BANKA gambling money GCA BANKIA gambling bank GCA BANKIL large teeth GCA BANKO bank GCA BANKRAP bankrupt GCA BANOS bathroom GCA BANQUETIA beat GCA BANSUT unripe GCA BANTA on alert GCA BANTAY guard GCA BANTAYANON folk song GCA BANTILAO half-cooked GCA BANTILAW half-cooked GCA BANYA take bath GCA BANYADA bathing GCA BANYAW bathed GCA BANYERA bathing basin GCA BANYO bathroom GCA BANYOMARIYA steaming GCA BAO turtle GCA BAON provision GCA BAPOR boat GCA BAR drinking bar GCA BARA-BARA wander aimlessly GCA BARA iron bar/unit of measurement GCA BARADA barring way GCA BARADERO dock GCA BARAHA cards GCA BARAJA playing cards GCA BARAKO boar GCA BARANGAY* village GCA BARAS-BARAS mangrove poles GCA BARAT cheapskate/rain GCA BARATILLO bargain sale GCA BARATO cheap GCA BARAW barred GCA BARBARIDAD barbarous GCA BARBARO barbarous GCA BARBAS beard GCA BARBASIN bearded GCA BARBERIYA barbershop GCA BARBERO barber GCA BARBON beard GCA BARBUDO bearded GCA BARCO boat GCA BARE sweep GCA BARENA drill GCA BARETA bar GCA BARIA get mentally disturbed GCA BARIGA stomach GCA BARIGON potbellied GCA BARIGONA potbellied GCA BARIL water barrel GCA BARILES edible fish GCA BARIO MILITAR military district GCA BARKADA friend GCA BARKILLOS wafer rolls GCA BARKO boat GCA BARKU boat GCA BARNIS varnish GCA BARNISA varnish GCA BARNISADA varnishing GCA BARNISAW varnished GCA BAROTE cross braces GCA BAROTO boat GCA BARRA iron crowbar GCA BARRE sweep GCA BARRENA boring bit GCA BARRIGA abdomen GCA BARRIGON pot bellied GCA BARRIL barrel GCA BARRILETE large fish GCA BARRIO neighborhood GCA BARRUMBAO reckless GCA BARUCAN bladder/balloon GCA BARUMBAW brutal GCA BARYA become confused GCA BARYADA becoming confused GCA BARYAW confused GCA BARYO barrio GCA BASA-BASA rice gruel GCA BASACAN rice paddies GCA BASAK rice paddies GCA BASAKAN rice paddies GCA BASE NA based on GCA BASI might GCA BASIA empty GCA BASIAO emptied GCA BASICO basic GCA BASIH could be GCA BASILIO ?BASILIO GCA BASIN toilet seat GCA BASIYO empty GCA BASKET basket GCA BASNIG outrigger GCA BASO drinking glass GCA BASTA as long as GCA BASTANTE sufficient GCA BASTARDO bastard GCA BASTEDAD course behavior GCA BASTIDOR embroidery frame GCA BASTON walking stick GCA BASTONERO stickuser GCA BASTONERU stickuser GCA BASTOS rough GCA BASTUS rough GCA BASTUSEDAD course behavior GCA BASUL blame GCA BASURA garbage GCA BASURAHAN dump GCA BASURERA waste can GCA BASURERO garbageman GCA BASYA pour GCA BASYADA pouring GCA BASYAW poured GCA BAT baseball bat GCA BATA child GCA BATACASO beating GCA BATAH child GCA BATALAN balcony GCA BATANG tree trunk GCA BATCHOY noodles GCA BATCHOYAN noodle house GCA BATE beat GCA BATEA laundry basin GCA BATERIA battery GCA BATERIYA battery GCA BATEYA laundry basin GCA BATIDA beating GCA BATIDO beaten GCA BATIDOR egg beater GCA BATITA beating GCA BATITI tiny GCA BATU stone GCA BATUTA baton GCA BAU land turtle GCA BAUL wardrobe trunk GCA BAUN packed lunch GCA BAUTISA baptize GCA BAUTISAO baptized GCA BAUTISMO baptism GCA BAWAL forbidden GCA BAWI get back GCA BAWTISA baptize GCA BAWTISADA baptizing GCA BAWTISAW baptized GCA BAWTISMO baptism GCA BAYAG meatball dish/scrotum GCA BAYANG ?BAYANG GCA BAYAWAK iguana GCA BAYLA dance GCA BAYLADA dancing GCA BAYLARIN dancer GCA BAYLARINA dancer GCA BAYLE dance GCA BAYLI dance GCA BAYNA knifesheath GCA BAYNIKA hemstitch GCA BAYON utility bag GCA BAYONETA bayonet GCA BAYONG utility bag GCA BAYOT homosexual GCA BAYUBAYU banana dish GCA BAYUT homosexual GCA BA±A take bath GCA BA±ADA bathing GCA BA±AW bathed GCA BA±ERA bathing basin GCA BA±O bathroom GCA BA±OMARIYA steaming GCA BCLAN Baslian GCA BDAY birthday GCA BEBERON nursing bottle GCA BECINOS neighbors GCA BEHES old age GCA BEINTE twenty GCA BEJUCO rattan GCA BEKE mumps GCA BEKI mumps GCA BELA sail/stay awake GCA BELADA entertainment program GCA BELARDO ?BELARDO GCA BELASYON night watch GCA BELAW nightwatched GCA BELEN christmas decoration GCA BELLO beautiful GCA BELO veil GCA BEN Ben/come GCA BENA vein GCA BENAW deer GCA BENDA bandage GCA BENDAHE bandage GCA BENDE sell GCA BENDEDOR seller GCA BENDEDORA seller GCA BENDIBLE salable GCA BENDICI bless GCA BENDIDA ?BENDIDA GCA BENDIDO sold GCA BENDISI bless GCA BENDISIDA blessed GCA BENDISIDO blessed GCA BENDISIW blessed GCA BENDISYON blessing GCA BENDISYONG blessing GCA BENE come GCA BENEDERO ?BENEDERO GCA BENEFICIO benefit GCA BENEFISYO benefit GCA BENENAW poisoned GCA BENENO poison GCA BENENU poison GCA BENEPISYO benefit GCA BENGGA revenge GCA BENGGADA revenge GCA BENGGADOR revenger GCA BENGGADORA revenger GCA BENGGANSA revenge GCA BENGGATIBA revengeful GCA BENGGATIBO revengeful GCA BENGGAW revenged GCA BENGOL huge GCA BENIDA flood GCA BENTA sell GCA BENTAHA advantage GCA BENTAHADA well advantaged GCA BENTAHOSA advantagetaker GCA BENTAJA advantage GCA BENTANA window GCA BENTAW gassy GCA BENTE twenty GCA BENTERA ?BENTERA GCA BENTILADOR ventilator GCA BERDAD truth GCA BERDADER* true GCA BERDADI truth GCA BERDAY truth GCA BERDE green GCA BERDUGO executioner GCA BERGONSOS* shy GCA BERGUENSA shame GCA BERGUENZA shame GCA BERGWENSA shame GCA BERIPIKA verify GCA BES time GCA BESA kiss GCA BESADA kissing GCA BESAMANO get blessing GCA BESAW kissed GCA BESES times GCA BESIN* neighbor GCA BESO kiss GCA BESTID* dressed GCA BESTIW dressed GCA BESUKYADA kissing bout GCA BETERANO veteran GCA BETERINARYO veterinarian GCA BEYNTE twenty GCA BGLA suddenly GCA BHALA up to GCA BIAHE trip GCA BIBI drink/live GCA BIBIDA drinking/living GCA BIBIDO drunk GCA BIBING ?BIBING GCA BIBINGKA rice cake GCA BIBLIA bible GCA BIBO alive GCA BICHANG pigname GCA BICHO insect GCA BICHUNG pet pig GCA BICHWELAS beans GCA BICIA vice GCA BIDA life GCA BIDBID tie up GCA BIDJU short spear GCA BIDON liquids container GCA BIDRYO glass splinters GCA BIEHA old GCA BIEHO old GCA BIEJA old woman GCA BIEJO old GCA BIEL ?BIEL GCA BIEN DISTANCIA far GCA BIEN good GCA BIENE come GCA BIENESTAR well GCA BIENHECHO well done GCA BIENTE twenty GCA BIENTO wind GCA BIENTRE insides GCA BIENVENIDO welcome GCA BIERNES Friday GCA BIGA flirt openly GCA BIGAAN flirt GCA BIGAUN flirtatous GCA BIGLA suddenly GCA BIGOTE moustache GCA BIGOTILLO moustache wearer GCA BIGUAS snap pull GCA BIGUELA native guitar GCA BIHUKU rattan GCA BIHUN ricenoodles GCA BIKA sit GCA BIKAKA sitting position GCA BIKI mumps GCA BIKIS produce bundle GCA BIKTI commit suicide GCA BIKTIMA victim GCA BILAO bamboo receptacle GCA BILAS sore eye GCA BILASIN sore eye sufferer GCA BILAW flat basket GCA BILIB impressed GCA BILOG piece GCA BILOK piece GCA BILUG piece GCA BILUK piece GCA BILYAR billiard GCA BINAGRE vinegar GCA BINANGRE vinegar GCA BINARAO ?BINARAO GCA BINAT relapse/to relapse GCA BINATA bachelor GCA BINGAW chipped-edged GCA BINGGLIT rice grains GCA BINGIT fishing hook GCA BINGWIT fishing hook GCA BINI seed GCA BINO wine GCA BINTA sailboat GCA BINTANA window GCA BINTI calf GCA BINTUT show off GCA BINU wine GCA BINUGCAN firewood GCA BINUTUNG diving style GCA BINWELOS banana fritters GCA BIOMBO movable partition GCA BIRA-BIRA turn around GCA BIRA turn GCA BIRADA corner GCA BIRAHAN turn GCA BIRANDO turning GCA BIRANDUNDI small tomatoes GCA BIRAO turned GCA BIRAW turned GCA BIRDA turning point GCA BIRGWELAS chicken pox GCA BIRIHA dividing thigh and torso GCA BIRINA glass case GCA BIRTUD virtue GCA BIRUTA sawdust GCA BISABUELA great grandmother GCA BISABUELO great grandfather GCA BISAGRA door hinge GCA BISAYA Visayan GCA BISIA watch GCA BISIAO watched GCA BISICLETA bicycle GCA BISIKLETA bicycle GCA BISINO neighbor GCA BISINOS neighbors GCA BISITA visit GCA BISITO small kiss GCA BISKWIT biscuit GCA BISPERA feast eve GCA BISPERAS eve GCA BISTA view GCA BISTI wear GCA BISTID* dressed GCA BISTIDA wearing clothes GCA BISTIDO clothes GCA BISTO seen GCA BISYA watch GCA BISYADA watching GCA BISYADOR nosy GCA BISYADORA nosy GCA BISYAW watched GCA BISYO vice GCA BISYOS* full of vice GCA BITAY-BITAY hanging GCA BITAY hang GCA BITBIT carry GCA BITI sty GCA BITIN hang GCA BITING hang GCA BITIUN person with sty GCA BITON large basket GCA BIUDA widow GCA BIUDO widower GCA BIYAHE trip GCA BIYEHA old GCA BIYEHO old GCA BIYERNES Friday GCA BIYODA widow GCA BIYUDA widow GCA BIYUDO widower GCA BK maybe GCA BKA maybe GCA BKANTE vacant GCA BKASYON vacation GCA BKIT why GCA BLAK black GCA BLAKBORD blackboard GCA BLAKS blocks GCA BLANCO white GCA BLANCURA whiteness GCA BLANDO soft/tender GCA BLANDU tender GCA BLANDUHIN flexible GCA BLANGKA white GCA BLANGKISKO whitish GCA BLANGKO white GCA BLANGKU white GCA BLANGKURA whiteness GCA BLANKO white GCA BLAWS blouse GCA BLBE return GCA BLITA news GCA BLOKE block GCA BLU blue GCA BLUSA blouse GCA BNAMENTE well GCA BNITO pretty GCA BNYAG baptism GCA BO you GCA BOBA stupid GCA BOBO stupid GCA BOBONG ?BOBONG GCA BOBOTIA hit GCA BOCA mouth GCA BOCACHON loudmouthed GCA BOCAYPATO pliers GCA BODA wedding GCA BODABIL vaudeville GCA BODEGA storehouse GCA BODEGERO storehousemanager GCA BODI broke GCA BOHO bamboo GCA BOKA-ABYERTA openmouthed GCA BOKA mouth GCA BOKADILLO mouthful GCA BOKADURA containeropenings GCA BOKANA river mouth GCA BOKAYPATO pliers GCA BOKILLA mouthpiece GCA BOKILLO mouthful GCA BOLA-BOLA meatball dish/scrotum GCA BOLA ball/fly GCA BOLADOR kite GCA BOLBE go back GCA BOLBER return GCA BOLBEYA go back there GCA BOLBIDA going home GCA BOLBILYA go back there GCA BOLEJO male carabao GCA BOLEO mixnumbers GCA BOLERET aperture GCA BOLERO fibbing/bragging GCA BOLO bolo GCA BOLPEN ballpoint pen GCA BOLSA pocket/bag GCA BOLUBLE fickle GCA BOLVDA going home GCA BOLVE return GCA BOMBA bomb GCA BOMBARDEA bomb GCA BOMBARDEYO bombardment GCA BOMBAY indiannational GCA BOMBERO firefighter GCA BOMBIA light GCA BOMBYA bomb/fight GCA BOMBYADA bombing GCA BOMBYADOR bomber/boxer GCA BOMBYAHAN bomb GCA BOMBYAW bombed GCA BONAMENTE good GCA BONBON water container GCA BONDADOS* generous GCA BONETA ?BONETA GCA BONGA betelnut GCA BONGGA betelnut GCA BONGOK dumbbell GCA BONITA beautiful GCA BONITAS pretty GCA BONITILLA beautiful GCA BONITO beautiful GCA BONOTE coconut husk GCA BONTON high pile GCA BONTONG high pile GCA BONWELOS banana fritters GCA BOPES animal lungs GCA BOPIS animal lungs GCA BORA erase GCA BORACHO drunk GCA BORACHON drunkard GCA BORADA erasing GCA BORADOR eraser GCA BORAKS facial powder GCA BORATSO drunk GCA BORAW erased GCA BORDA embroider GCA BORDADA embroidering GCA BORDADAW embroidered GCA BORDADOR embroiderer GCA BORDADORA embroiderer GCA BORLAS-BORLAS tassel-like GCA BORLAS tassel GCA BORO salted/pickled GCA BORRA erase GCA BORRACHO drunk GCA BORRACHON drunkard GCA BORROMEO ??BORROMEO GCA BOS boss/voice/you GCA BOSENGGAL smashed open GCA BOSES voice GCA BOSKE forest GCA BOSOTROS you GCA BOSTESA yawn GCA BOSTESADA yawning GCA BOSYO goiter GCA BOSYU goiter GCA BOT boat GCA BOTA vote/boot GCA BOTADA voting GCA BOTANTE voter GCA BOTAS boots GCA BOTASYON election GCA BOTAW voted GCA BOTE boat GCA BOTELIA bottle GCA BOTELLA bottle GCA BOTELYA bottle GCA BOTETE pot-bellied GCA BOTETI put-bellied GCA BOTI boat/bottle GCA BOTIKA drugstore GCA BOTO vote GCA BOTON button GCA BOTONES button GCA BOTONIS button GCA BOTONSILLO flower GCA BOTU vote GCA BOYA buoy GCA BRASA ember GCA BRASO arm GCA BRASU arm GCA BRAZA six feet GCA BRAZO arm GCA BRILLA shine brilliantly GCA BRILLADA shining GCA BRILLANTAO coconut macaroon GCA BRILLANTE diamond GCA BRILLAW shining GCA BRILLIANTAO coconut macaroons GCA BRILLO brilliance GCA BRILLOSO shiny GCA BRILLOSU shiny GCA BRILLU brilliance GCA BRINCA jump GCA BRINDA serve food GCA BRINDADA serving food GCA BRINDAW served GCA BRINGKA jump GCA BRINGKADA jumping GCA BRINGKAW jumped GCA BRINGKOS jumps GCA BRINKA jump GCA BRKADA friend GCA BRMA joke GCA BROCHA paintbrush GCA BRODKAS broadcast GCA BROMA joke GCA BROMADA joking GCA BROMADAS exchanges jokes GCA BROMAW joked GCA BROMISTA joker GCA BRONSE bronze GCA BRUHA witch GCA BRUMA joke GCA BRUNEI Brunei GCA BRUSKO brusque GCA BRUSKU brusque GCA BRUTALIDAD brutality GCA BRUTO brutal GCA BSETA visit/guest GCA BSITA visit GCA BSKA look for GCA BSTA enough/visit/guest GCA BSYA watch GCA BTA child GCA BUANG empty coconut GCA BUBAS water scabies GCA BUBINA bobbin GCA BUBUD seeds GCA BUBUK rotten GCA BUBUNG roof GCA BUBUT unripe GCA BUBUYUG bumblebee GCA BUCAYO coconut candy GCA BUCHI gullet/riceball GCA BUCUG bone GCA BUDI fish eggs GCA BUDUK head itches GCA BUDUKIN head soresvictim GCA BUEN good GCA BUENA good GCA BUENAMENTE well GCA BUENAS greeting GCA BUENMNTE well GCA BUENO good GCA BUENOS good GCA BUGA ?BUGA GCA BUGALON braggart GCA BUGAO pimp GCA BUGAW pimp GCA BUGBUG bruised/give beating GCA BUGIS skin disease GCA BUGISIN with bugis GCA BUGOK rotten GCA BUGSAY paddle GCA BUGUG infertile egg GCA BUGUK spoiled egg GCA BUGUY rascal#Ceb GCA BUHCA look for GCA BUHU bamboo GCA BUISIT unlucky GCA BUKAL water source GCA BUKAS tomorrow GCA BUKAYU caramelized coconut GCA BUKBUK wood dust GCA BUKING caught red handed#? GCA BUKLUG protruding eyes GCA BUKOK ??BUKOK GCA BUKOL body lump GCA BUKU knot GCA BUKUG bone GCA BUKUL bump GCA BUKUN ??BUKUN GCA BULA-BULA bubbly GCA BULA bubbles/fly GCA BULADA joking#? GCA BULADOR kite GCA BULAG blind GCA BULAGAW dreamy eyes GCA BULAK cotton GCA BULAKBUL idler GCA BULAN month GCA BULANSA ??BULANSA GCA BULAO gold#? GCA BULATI worm GCA BULBE return GCA BULBUG battered GCA BULCHA bulge GCA BULCHAO bulged GCA BULGAR vulgar GCA BULI buttocks GCA BULICAT disarrange GCA BULIK-BA chicken GCA BULIKAT disarrange GCA BULILYASO failure GCA BULING dirt GCA BULINGUN dirty GCA BULITIK tree resin GCA BULOK rotten GCA BULSA bag GCA BULTIA go searching GCA BULTIADA going searching GCA BULTO bulk GCA BULTYA make rounds GCA BULTYADA making rounds GCA BULTYADOR one making rounds GCA BULTYADORA one making rounds GCA BULTYAW made rounds GCA BULUG rotten GCA BULUK rotten GCA BULUTONG pox GCA BULUTUNG lumpy GCA BULUTUNGA pockmarked GCA BULUTUNGIN pockmarked GCA BULUTUNGO pockmarked GCA BUMBERO fireman GCA BUMBEROS firemen GCA BUMBILLA bulb GCA BUMITA vomit GCA BUMITADA vomiting GCA BUMITAW vomited GCA BUMITORYO vomit GCA BUNAMENTE good GCA BUNBONG water container GCA BUNCA demolish GCA BUNCADA topsy-turvy GCA BUNCAO disarranged GCA BUNGCA rip GCA BUNGCAO ripped GCA BUNGGU collide GCA BUNGGUAN collision GCA BUNGGUL deaf GCA BUNGKA rip GCA BUNGKADA ripping GCA BUNGKAW ripped GCA BUNGOL deaf GCA BUNGU bump/skull GCA BUNGUL deaf GCA BUNGULAN bananas GCA BUNITA beautiful GCA BUNITO pretty GCA BUNKAO disjointed GCA BUNOT coconut husk GCA BUNOTE coconut husk GCA BUNSOT ??BUNSOT GCA BUNSUT earthen mound GCA BUNTOT tail GCA BUNTUT tail GCA BUNUT game of chance GCA BUPETE office desk GCA BURACHO drunk GCA BURACHON drunkard GCA BURACHONA drunkard GCA BURAK rice cake GCA BURARA careless GCA BURARENGG* careless GCA BURAY ear infection GCA BURECHE ??BURECHE GCA BURERET festering GCA BURI large palm GCA BURIKAT prostitute GCA BURLA mock GCA BURLADA mocking GCA BURLAW mocked GCA BURO bureau GCA BURRUNCHUT useless person GCA BURUHA witch GCA BURUHU witch GCA BURUJA witch GCA BURUJU witch GCA BUS bus GCA BUSAW greedy GCA BUSAY waterfall GCA BUSCA look for GCA BUSCABIDA livelihood GCA BUSCADA search GCA BUSCAR look for GCA BUSCAVIDA livelihood GCA BUSINA car horn GCA BUSISER* curiousone GCA BUSISI be overly curious GCA BUSIT unlucky GCA BUSKA look for GCA BUSKABIDA livelihood GCA BUSKADA looking for GCA BUSKADOR searcher GCA BUSKADORA searcher GCA BUSKAW looked for GCA BUSOG full GCA BUSON mail box GCA BUSUG YA full GCA BUSUG satiated GCA BUSUNG curse/spell GCA BUTA throw away GCA BUTACA orchestra section GCA BUTACAL male pig GCA BUTADA throwing away GCA BUTAKA orchestra seats GCA BUTAKAL male pig GCA BUTAO not valuable GCA BUTAPUNG fall heavily GCA BUTAW thrown away GCA BUTIK sty GCA BUTIKA drugstore GCA BUTIKI house lizard GCA BUTIKIN medicine cabinet GCA BUTUNG young coconut GCA BUTUT inflated belly GCA BUTUY boil with pus#? GCA BUUD ripened artificially GCA BUUG forest GCA BUWA coconutinterior GCA BUWEN ??BUWEN GCA BUWENO good GCA BUWI ??BUWI GCA BUYA emerge GCA BUYAG jinx GCA BUYAW emerged GCA BUYO herbal leaf GCA BUYONG dizzy GCA BUYU pepper leaf GCA BUYUG bee GCA BUYUNG dizzy GCA BUZO diver GCA BWAYA crocodile GCA BWEN well GCA BWENAMENTE well GCA BWENISIMO very good GCA BWENO good GCA BWISET bad luck GCA BWISIT bad luckcause GCA BYAHA travel GCA BYAHADA traveling GCA BYAHADOR traveler GCA BYAHADORA traveler GCA BYAHAW traveled GCA BYAHE trip GCA BYAHERA traveler GCA BYAHERO traveler GCA BYAW brother-in-law GCA BYEHA old GCA BYEHO old GCA BYEN2 wind GCA BYEN good/very GCA BYENDO staring/dreaming GCA BYENE coming GCA BYENES wealth GCA BYENTO wind GCA BYENTRE abdomen/ovary GCA BYERNES friday GCA BYOLETA violet GCA BYOLIN violin GCA BYOLINISTA violinist GCA BYOMBO screen GCA BYUDA widow GCA BYUDO widow GCA BZ busy GCA C NECESITA if need GCA C0MPRA buy GCA C GCA CABA finish GCA CABADA palpitate GCA CABALLERO gentleman GCA CABALLO horse GCA CABALYO horse GCA CABAR finish GCA CABAYA ??CABAYA GCA CABESA head GCA CABEZA head GCA CABEZANTE ?CABEZANTE GCA CABONEGRO palm tree GCA CABRIAU angry GCA CABRITO small goat GCA CABUG bat GCA CABULAY small bee GCA CACAG chicken cackle GCA CACAL ??CACAL GCA CACAP grab suddenly GCA CACHAO rafters GCA CACHICHAS athlete's foot GCA CACUANAT accustomed to stealing GCA CADA each GCA CADAYCUALAN to each his own GCA CADECUAL each/divide equally GCA CADENITA chain GCA CADERA hip GCA CAE COLOR fade GCA CAE fall GCA CAGANERA diarrhea#? GCA CAGANG deep sea crab GCA CAGAO defecated#? GCA CAGAW dog lice GCA CAGUANG flying squirrel GCA CAGUT gnaw at a bone GCA CAHA box GCA CAHAH perhaps GCA CAHAS boxes GCA CAHIG rake ground GCA CAHIGAN rake GCA CAHON box GCA CAIDA fall/harvest GCA CAINGIN land GCA CAJA safe GCA CAJAH maybe GCA CAJERO cashier GCA CAJON wooden box GCA CALABASA squash GCA CALABERA skull GCA CALABOSO prison GCA CALAM ??CALAM GCA CALAMARES squid GCA CALAMIDAD calamity GCA CALANDRACAS hodge podge GCA CALAVERA skeleton GCA CALAWANG rust GCA CALAWANGIN rusty GCA CALAWISI broken GCA CALAYAT scattered GCA CALBO bald GCA CALCAG uncombed hair GCA CALCETIN socks GCA CALCONCILLO underpants GCA CALCULA calculate GCA CALDERA industrial boiler GCA CALDERETA meat stew GCA CALDERO kettle GCA CALDEZA ??CALDEZA GCA CALDILLO native dish GCA CALDO broth GCA CALENTURA fever GCA CALESA horse-drawn cab GCA CALIBRE caliber GCA CALIDAD quality GCA CALIENTE hot GCA CALLA quiet GCA CALLAO quiet GCA CALLE street GCA CALMA calmness GCA CALMAR calm GCA CALOR heat GCA CALSADA road GCA CALSON trousers GCA CALSONCILLO underpants GCA CALUG loose GCA CALVARIO Stations of the Cross GCA CALVO bald GCA CALYE street GCA CALYENTA heat GCA CAMA TIJERAS portable folding bed GCA CAMA bed GCA CAMADA orderly pile GCA CAMALI mistake GCA CAMANG crawl#? GCA CAMANTING cassava GCA CAMANYAN zahumerio powder GCA CAMARA camera/room GCA CAMARON shrimp GCA CAMAROTE ship cabin GCA CAMBALANCHA barter GCA CAMBIA change GCA CAMBIADA change GCA CAMBIAHAN change GCA CAMBIAJAN ??CAMBIAJAN GCA CAMBIAR change GCA CAMBIO change GCA CAMBYAHAN ??CAMBYAHAN GCA CAMINA walk GCA CAMINADA walk GCA CAMINANDO walking GCA CAMINAR walk GCA CAMINO road GCA CAMISA shirt GCA CAMISETA shirt GCA CAMO you guys GCA CAMOTE sweet potato GCA CAMOTEA strive GCA CAMOTIA ??CAMOTIA GCA CAMPANIA campaign GCA CAMPANILLA bell GCA CAMPANTE buoyant GCA CAMPANYA campaign GCA CAMPO camp GCA CAMPOR insecticide GCA CANALIA selfish GCA CANAMON us GCA CANAMUN us GCA CANATON us GCA CANATUN us GCA CANCELA cancel GCA CANCELACION cancelation GCA CANCELLA cancel GCA CANCION song GCA CANCIONES songs GCA CANDA et al GCA CANDAU padlock GCA CANDELA candle GCA CANDIDATO candidate GCA CANDIDATURA candidature GCA CANDIDO candid GCA CANDIIS dimple GCA CANDILEJA small lamp GCA CANELA cinnamon GCA CANGCANG akimbo GCA CANGGREJO crab GCA CANGREHO crab GCA CANGREJO crab GCA CANILA them GCA CANINYO you GCA CANJE rice broth GCA CANON cooked rice GCA CANSA tire GCA CANSANSIYA tire GCA CANSAO tired GCA CANSAU tired GCA CANSAW tired GCA CANSION song GCA CANTA sing GCA CANTAR sing GCA CANTIAO leaning GCA CANTIDAD quantity GCA CANTO song GCA CANTON ??CANTON GCA CANTOR singer GCA CANTOS songs GCA CANUN rice GCA CANYA bamboo GCA CANYAL bamboo clumps GCA CAPA prune GCA CAPABILIDAD capability GCA CAPACIDAD capacity GCA CAPADA castrating GCA CAPAH catch GCA CAPAS capable GCA CAPATAZ foreman GCA CAPAU castrated GCA CAPILLA chapel GCA CAPILYA chapel GCA CAPITAL capital GCA CAPITALISTA capitalist GCA CAPITAN captain GCA CAPOTE rain jacket GCA CAPRE monster GCA CAPTIVA captive GCA CARA face GCA CARABALLA female water buffalo GCA CARABAO water buffalo GCA CARABAW water buffalo GCA CARATULA poster GCA CARBON charcoal GCA CARBURO carbide GCA CARCULA calculate GCA CARCULAO calculated GCA CARGA carry GCA CARGADOR carrier GCA CARGAMENTO load GCA CARGANDO carrying GCA CARGAO loaded GCA CARGAR carry GCA CARIDAD charity GCA CARILLO cheek GCA CARINO affection GCA CARINYO caring GCA CARINYOSO caring GCA CARNE meat GCA CARNITA ?CARNITA GCA CARO expensive GCA CARPINTERO* carpinter GCA CARPINTRO carpenter GCA CARPIO ??CARPIO GCA CARRASPERA hoarseness GCA CARRERA race GCA CARRETILLA wheelbarrow GCA CARRETON pushcart GCA CARRIA carry away GCA CARRITON pushcart GCA CARTA letter GCA CARTERA wallet GCA CARTOLINA poster GCA CARTON carton GCA CASA home GCA CASADA married GCA CASAH marry GCA CASAHAN marriage GCA CASAMIENTO marriage GCA CASAO married GCA CASAW married GCA CASCA peel GCA CASERA landlady GCA CASERIA ??CASERIA GCA CASERIAS ?CASERIAS GCA CASI almost GCA CASILIAS toilet GCA CASILLAS toilet GCA CASILYAS toilet GCA CASKA peel GCA CASO case GCA CASPA dandruff GCA CASTEA breed GCA CASTELLANO Spanish GCA CASTILIANO Spanish GCA CASTILLO castle GCA CATECHISMO cathecism GCA CATEGORIA category GCA CATHOLICO catholic GCA CATOLICA Catholic GCA CATORSE fourteen GCA CATUBUHAN sugarcane field GCA CATURAY tree GCA CAUSA cause GCA CAUTIVO captive GCA CAWA cauldron GCA CAY because GCA CAYIDA fall GCA CAYOTE ??CAYOTE GCA CAYUMAN crocodile GCA CAYUT ??CAYUT GCA CEBO animal fat GCA CEBOLLAS green onions GCA CEBOLLON onion GCA CEDE give away GCA CEJAS eyebrows GCA CEL cell GCA CELA be jealous GCA CELEBRA celebrate GCA CELEBRACCION celebration GCA CELEBRACION celebration GCA CELEBRASYON celebration GCA CELOS jealousy GCA CELPN cell phone GCA CELPON cell phone GCA CEMENTA cement GCA CEMENTERA farm GCA CEMENTERIO cemetery GCA CEMENTERYO cemetery GCA CEMENTO cement GCA CEN money GCA CENA supper GCA CENAH have supper GCA CENCIA science GCA CENIZAS ashes GCA CENTIMO centavo GCA CENTRO center GCA CEPILLA brush GCA CEPILLO brush GCA CERA wax GCA CERCA near GCA CEREMONIA ceremony GCA CERKA near GCA CERNE sift grains GCA CERRA close GCA CERRADA closure GCA CERRAO enclosed GCA CERRUCHO small handsaw GCA CERTIFICA certify GCA CERTIFICO certificate GCA CERVEZA beer GCA CESANTE jobless GCA CESO brain GCA CGE go ahead GCA CGI okay/go ahead GCA CGUI follow GCA CGURADO surely GCA CGURAO surely GCA CGURAW sure GCA CGURO surely GCA CGURU sure GCA CHA chinese tea GCA CHABACANO chavacano GCA CHAGA ?CHAGA GCA CHAGUIS sideswipe GCA CHAKETA jacket GCA CHAMBA chance GCA CHAMPAN champagne GCA CHAMPAT flat-nosed GCA CHAMPURADO porridge GCA CHAMPURAW porridge GCA CHANCLA sandals GCA CHANDO ?CHANDO GCA CHANGGE market GCA CHANGUE market GCA CHAPA badge GCA CHAPAT flat-nosed GCA CHAPERO squealer GCA CHAPUY-LAGUY impose GCA CHARAT pug-nosed GCA CHATA bed pan GCA CHATCHAT tattle GCA CHATCHATERA tattletale GCA CHATCHATERO tattletale GCA CHAVACANO Chavacano GCA CHECKIA check GCA CHECKYA check GCA CHECQUIA check GCA CHEKE check GCA CHEKIA check GCA CHEKIADA check GCA CHEKYA check GCA CHEKYADA check GCA CHEMPO time GCA CHEN have GCA CHENDA store GCA CHENE2 you have GCA CHENE have GCA CHENEBE sometimes GCA CHENEBES sometimes GCA CHENGGOY ?CHENGGOY GCA CHEQUE check GCA CHEQUIA check GCA CHERA land GCA CHERRA land GCA CHICHARO sweet peas GCA CHICHARON crisy ind GCA CHICHI dirty GCA CHICHIRIA* junk food GCA CHICHIRIKA flirtatious GCA CHICHIUN ?CHICHIUN GCA CHICHOS hairdo GCA CHIEMPO time/weather GCA CHIENE have GCA CHIERA saw GCA CHIKA woman GCA CHIKALANG ??CHIKALANG GCA CHIKILLA child GCA CHIKILLADA childishness GCA CHIKILLO child GCA CHIKITO small GCA CHIKO sweet fruit GCA CHIKOY ??CHIKOY GCA CHILLA shriek GCA CHILLADA shreiking GCA CHILLAW shreiked GCA CHIMINEYA chimney GCA CHINA chinese GCA CHINCHES bedbug GCA CHINCHORRO fishnet GCA CHINELAS slippers GCA CHINGA have sex GCA CHINGAHAN have sex GCA CHINGGA have sex GCA CHINGGADA having sex GCA CHINGGAHAN have sex GCA CHINGGAW had sex GCA CHINGGE ??CHINGGE GCA CHINGGON over-sexed GCA CHINGGONA over-sexed GCA CHINGLA ??CHINGLA GCA CHINO chinese GCA CHIP chief/boss GCA CHIPLA whistle GCA CHIPLADA snobbish/whistling GCA CHIPLATE gosh GCA CHIPLAU swell-headed GCA CHIPLE disgust expression GCA CHIQUILLADAS childish acts GCA CHIRIPA lucky break GCA CHISGAW diagonal GCA CHISMES gossip GCA CHISMIS gossip GCA CHISMOSA gossipy GCA CHISMOSO gossipy GCA CHISPA spark GCA CHISPAS flying cinders GCA CHISTE joke GCA CHIT cheat GCA CHITER cheater GCA CHNE have GCA CHOCHA dotage GCA CHOCOLATE chocolate GCA CHOFER chauffeur GCA CHOK chalk GCA CHOKA shake hands/squid GCA CHOKARAN mutual friends GCA CHOKE collision GCA CHOKOLATE chocolate GCA CHONG ??CHONG GCA CHONGADAS monkey behavior GCA CHONGGA overly shy GCA CHONGGO-CHONGGO card game GCA CHONGGO monkey GCA CHONGKA game GCA CHONGO monkey GCA CHOPER driver GCA CHORISO sausage GCA CHORIZO sausage GCA CHORREA gush GCA CHRGE charge GCA CHRISTIANO* Christian GCA CHUBASO storm winds GCA CHUBIBO merry-go-round GCA CHUCHA pierce GCA CHUCHADA piercing GCA CHUCHADOR piercer GCA CHUCHADORA piercer GCA CHUCHAW pierced GCA CHUFER chauffeur GCA CHUGAW tall grass GCA CHUKA hatch eggs GCA CHUKADA hatching GCA CHUKAW hatched GCA CHULETA pork chop GCA CHULYA tease GCA CHULYADA teasing someone GCA CHULYADOR despiser GCA CHULYADORA despiser GCA CHULYAW despised GCA CHUPA suck GCA CHUPADA sucking GCA CHUPADERA mango GCA CHUPADOR rubbernipple GCA CHUPADORA sucker GCA CHUPAW sucked GCA CHUPETA nursing bottle GCA CHUPLA whistle GCA CHUPLADA whistling GCA CHUPLADOR whistler GCA CHUPLADORA whistler GCA CHUPLAW whistled GCA CHUPON rubbernipple GCA CHUPONG nursing bottle GCA CHURISO sausage GCA CHURYA spurt GCA CHURYADA spurting GCA CHURYAW spurted GCA CIELO sky/heaven GCA CIEMPRE always GCA CIEN hundred GCA CIENTO hundred GCA CIENTOS hundreds GCA CIERTAS certain GCA CIGARILLO cigarette GCA CIGE go ahead GCA CIGI go ahead GCA CIGURO sure GCA CIGURU maybe GCA CINCO five GCA CINDIDO lock up GCA CINE movie GCA CINTI feel GCA CINTURA waist GCA CINTURON belt GCA CIRCUMSTANCIA circumstance GCA CIRUJAN* surgeon GCA CITAO cited GCA CITICUERO catipillar GCA CIUDAD city GCA CIUDADANO citizen GCA CIUDADANOS citizens GCA CIUDAO beware GCA CIVILISA civilize GCA CIVILISAO civilized GCA CLA they GCA CLABA nailed GCA CLABAO nailed GCA CLARA clear GCA CLARIDAD clarity GCA CLARIFICA clarify GCA CLARO clear GCA CLASE class GCA CLASM8 classmate GCA CLIENTE client GCA CLIMA climate GCA CMBIA change GCA CME we GCA CMGO with me GCA CMIGO me GCA CMINA walk GCA CMMNCATE communicate GCA CMPRA buy GCA CMPRE buy GCA CMPROMISO meeting GCA CMPUTER computer GCA CMTIGO you GCA CN with/to GCA CNELE with him/her GCA CNESE that GCA CNIRA destroyed GCA CNMIGO me GCA CNO who GCA CNOSTED with you GCA CNTAK contact GCA CNTESTA answer GCA CNTGO you GCA CNTIG with you GCA CNTIGO you GCA CNTMENTO feeling GCA CNTRA against GCA CNVRSA talk GCA COBARDE coward GCA COBARDON coward GCA COBRA charge GCA COBRADA charged GCA COCHE car GCA COCHERO driver GCA COCIDO cooked GCA COCINA kitchen GCA COCINERO cook GCA COCO coconut GCA COGE catch GCA COGI get GCA COGIDA catch GCA COJOLLO vegetable bud GCA COL call GCA COLAPSIA collapse GCA COLAPSO collapse GCA COLECCTION collection GCA COLECTA collect GCA COLECTOR collector GCA COLEGIALA college student GCA COLEGIO college GCA COLEHIYO college GCA COLEKTA collect GCA COLLECCTION collection GCA COLLECTA collect GCA COLLEGIO college GCA COLOCA put in place GCA COLONEL colonel GCA COLOR color GCA COLORAO colored GCA COLORAW colored GCA COLORES colors GCA COLUMBRA perceive GCA COLUSYON ?COLUSYON GCA COMANDANTE commander GCA COMBERSA talk GCA COMBERZA converse GCA COMBIENE at your own risk GCA COMBO combo GCA COME eat GCA COMENTARIO comment GCA COMERCIANTE merchant GCA COMETE commit GCA COMETIBA committee GCA COMETIBAS committees GCA COMETIVA committee GCA COMETIVAS committees GCA COMGO me GCA COMIDA food GCA COMIDO ?COMIDO GCA COMIGO me GCA COMIQO me GCA COMITE committee GCA COMMANDANTE commander GCA COMMERCIANTE merchant GCA COMMUNICACION communication GCA COMMUNIDAD community GCA COMO DE like a GCA COMO like GCA COMPADRE buddy GCA COMPAERO ?COMPAERO GCA COMPAEROS companions GCA COMPANIA company GCA COMPANIYA company GCA COMPARA compare GCA COMPARANDO comparing GCA COMPARE compere GCA COMPARTI share GCA COMPETI compete GCA COMPETICCION competition GCA COMPETICION competition GCA COMPIA trust GCA COMPIANSA trust GCA COMPL2 complete GCA COMPLACE please GCA COMPLETA complete GCA COMPLETAO completed GCA COMPLETE complete GCA COMPLETO complete GCA COMPLI comply GCA COMPLIAO complied GCA COMPLICAO complicated GCA COMPLIHI ??COMPLIJI GCA COMPONE repair GCA COMPONIDA composed GCA COMPORMA conform GCA COMPORME conform GCA COMPOSITA composite GCA COMPRA buy GCA COMPRADA purchase GCA COMPRADOR buyer GCA COMPRE buy GCA COMPRENDE understand GCA COMPROMISO obligation GCA COMTGO you GCA COMUNICACION communication GCA COMUNIDAD community GCA COMUNISTA Communist GCA CON ELE him/her GCA CON ESTE this GCA CON with GCA CONAKEL with it/to it GCA CONAMUN us GCA CONAQUEL with it GCA CONCENTRA concentrate GCA CONCENTRAO concentrated GCA CONCEPTO concept GCA CONCHABA connivance GCA CONCHABAO connive GCA CONCHIS refereeing GCA CONCIENCIA conscience GCA CONCIERNE concern GCA CONCILIO ?CONCILIO GCA CONCLUI conclude GCA CONCRETO concrete GCA CONCUNYO in laws GCA CONCURSO ?CONCURSO GCA CONDICCION condition GCA CONDICION condition GCA CONDISYON condition GCA CONDOL canteloupe GCA CONDUCI drive GCA CONDUCTO conduct GCA CONDUSI conduct GCA CONECCION connection GCA CONECTA connect GCA CONEL with him GCA CONELE with him GCA CONESE that GCA CONESOS these GCA CONESTE this GCA CONESTOS these GCA CONFERENCIA conference GCA CONFESA confess GCA CONFIA trust GCA CONFIANSA trust GCA CONFIANZA confidence GCA CONFIAU trusting GCA CONFISCA confiscate GCA CONFISCAO confiscated GCA CONFLICTO conflict GCA CONFORMA agree GCA CONFORME agreeable GCA CONFRONTA confront GCA CONGRESISTA* Congressman GCA CONIO female genitalia GCA CONMIGO with me GCA CONNECCION connection GCA CONOCIDO known GCA CONOSE meet GCA CONOSIDO known GCA CONOSIHAN know each other GCA CONOSTEDES you GCA CONPIRMA confirm GCA CONQUIEN whoever GCA CONSEHAL counselor GCA CONSEJA advise GCA CONSEJAL counselor GCA CONSEJALA counselor GCA CONSEJALES counselors GCA CONSEJO advice GCA CONSERVATIVO conservative GCA CONSIDERA consider GCA CONSIDERANDO considering GCA CONSIENSIYA conscience GCA CONSIGUI get GCA CONSINTI consent GCA CONSTITUENTE constituent GCA CONSTRUHI construct GCA CONSTRUI construct GCA CONSTRUIDA built GCA CONSTRUJI construct GCA CONSUELO consolation GCA CONSULTA consult GCA CONSULTACION consultation GCA CONSUMI wear out GCA CONSUMICION worn out GCA CONSUMIDO worn out GCA CONSUMIDOR consumer GCA CONSUMIDORES consumers GCA CONTA tell GCA CONTEMPLA contemplate GCA CONTENE contain GCA CONTENTO content GCA CONTESTA answer GCA CONTESTACION answer GCA CONTGO you GCA CONTIGO to you/with you GCA CONTINUA continue GCA CONTINUANDO continuing GCA CONTODO with all GCA CONTRA against GCA CONTRABANDO contraband GCA CONTRARIO contrary GCA CONTRATA contract GCA CONTRATAO contracted GCA CONTRATISTA* contractor GCA CONTRAVINI go against GCA CONTRIBUCIONES contributions GCA CONTRIBUHI contribute GCA CONTRIBUI contribute GCA CONTROLA control GCA CONTROLAO controlled GCA CONTROVERSIA controversy GCA CONVENCE convince GCA CONVERSA talk GCA CONVERSANDO conversing GCA CONVERTI convert GCA CONVIDA invide GCA CONVIENE deserving GCA CONVINCI convince GCA COOPERA cooperate GCA COOPERATIVA cooperative GCA COORDINASYON coordination GCA COPIA copy GCA COPIARUL copycat GCA COPRA buy GCA COPRAS copra GCA COPYA copy GCA CORASN heart GCA CORAZON heart GCA CORDEL cord GCA CORENTA forty GCA CORIENTE current GCA CORONA Crown GCA CORPORACCION corporation GCA CORRAL fence GCA CORRE run GCA CORREJI correct GCA CORRIDA current GCA CORRIENTE current GCA CORTA cut GCA CORTAO cut GCA CORTE DEL PELO hair cut GCA CORTE court GCA CORTESIA courtesy GCA CORTO short GCA COSA BA what GCA COSA MAN what GCA COSA2 thing GCA COSA thing GCA COSAMAN what GCA COSAS things GCA COSE sew GCA COSECHA harvest GCA COSECHAR harvest GCA COSTA coast GCA COSTAW cost GCA COSTILLA rib GCA COSTIPAO headcold GCA COSTOSO expensive GCA COSTUMBRE PA GAJA ??COSTUMBRE PA GAJA GCA COSTUMBRE custom/attitude GCA COSTUMER customer GCA COYCOY ??COYCOY GCA CRE believe GCA CREA create GCA CREADOR creator GCA CRECE grow GCA CREE believe GCA CRGO cargo GCA CRICI crisis GCA CRIMEN crime GCA CRIMINALIDAD criminality GCA CRISIDA growth GCA CRISTAL crystal GCA CRISTIANO Christian GCA CRISTIANOS Christians GCA CRISTO Christ GCA CRITICA criticism GCA CRITICAH criticize GCA CRITICO critic GCA CRITICOS critics GCA CROQUIS plan GCA CRTN box GCA CRUDO fuel oil GCA CRUEL cruel GCA CRUELDAD cruelty GCA CRUZA cross GCA CSA what/thing GCA CUADA ?CUADA GCA CUADRO frame GCA CUAJAO curdled GCA CUAL which GCA CUALAN ?CUALAN GCA CUAN2 how many GCA CUAN GCA CUANDO when GCA CUANTO how much GCA CUANTOS how many GCA CUARENTA forty GCA CUARENTO fifty GCA CUARTO room/money GCA CUATRO four GCA CUBALAN inured GCA CUBARDE coward GCA CUBARDON coward GCA CUBICO cubic GCA CUBIERTOS silverware GCA CUBRA charge GCA CUBRI cover GCA CUBRIDO covered GCA CUCARACHA cockroach GCA CUCHARA spoon GCA CUCHARITA teaspoon GCA CUCHILLO knife GCA CUCHINADAS filth GCA CUEBA cave GCA CUEN2 tell/story GCA CUENTA account GCA CUENTO story/tell GCA CUERNO horn GCA CUERPO body GCA CUEVAS caves GCA CUGI ??CUGI GCA CUGIDA catch GCA CUHI catch GCA CUHIDA ?CUHIDA GCA CUIDA care GCA CUIDAD watch out GCA CUIDAO care GCA CUIDAW careful GCA CUJI catch GCA CULAHNIT small bat GCA CULATA rifle end GCA CULEBRA snake GCA CULICUT twisted GCA CULIJIH discover GCA CULISI edible fish GCA CULISUNG wrinkled GCA CULIUT last place GCA CULPA fault GCA CULPABLE guilty GCA CULPAO guilty GCA CULTIVA cultivate GCA CULTURA culture GCA CULUMBRA single out GCA CULUMPIO rocking chair GCA CULUP face down GCA CUMBER within the scope GCA CUMBERSA converse GCA CUMBIDA invited GCA CUMBO ?CUMBO GCA CUMBRE scope of concern GCA CUMIDA food GCA CUMIGO with me GCA CUMPLETO complete GCA CUMPLI fulfill GCA CUMPRA buy GCA CUMPRADA buy GCA CUN with/to GCA CUNA ?CUNA GCA CUNAKEL that GCA CUNAMBRE hungry GCA CUNAMON us GCA CUNAQUEL to that GCA CUNAQUELLOS those GCA CUNEL with GCA CUNELE him/her GCA CUNESE with thatS GCA CUNESOS these GCA CUNESTE this GCA CUNESTOS these GCA CUNILA them GCA CUNMIGO me GCA CUNSIGE get GCA CUNSUMI worry GCA CUNTA count GCA CUNTADA counting GCA CUNTGO you GCA CUNTIGO you GCA CUNYADA sister-in-law GCA CURA cure GCA CURACHA deep sea crab GCA CURADA cure GCA CURAMBUS sharing expense GCA CURANDERO quack doctor GCA CURAO cured GCA CURIOSO curious GCA CURNIAHAN ?CURNIAHAN GCA CURTA cut GCA CURTAO cut GCA CUSI sew GCA CUSIDA sewn GCA CUSIDO cooked GCA CUSINA kitchen GCA CUSTAO asleep GCA CUSTMBRE custom GCA CUSTOMBRE custom GCA CUSTUMBRE custom GCA CUSU rub GCA CUSUAN carry all GCA CUYUNTURA lower spine GCA CUÑADA sister-in-law GCA CUÑAO brother-in-law GCA CWERPO body GCA CYEMPRE of course GCA D AGA in the morning GCA D AMUN ours GCA D PUEDE cannot GCA D PUWEDE cannot GCA D PWDE cannot GCA D2 your GCA D2U your GCA D2YO your GCA D2YU your GCA D from GCA DA give GCA DAAN old GCA DABELYU double u GCA DABUNG bamboo shoot GCA DACTA tree sap GCA DAGAMI palay sticks GCA DAGAT sea GCA DAGIT sweep GCA DAGON ?DAGON GCA DAGTA tree sap GCA DAHILANG alibi GCA DAKEL that GCA DAKULA big GCA DALA send GCA DALAG mudfish GCA DALAGA unmarried woman GCA DALAGITA maiden GCA DALAGUINGUIN young girl GCA DALAH learned a lesson GCA DALASCUAN packed tight GCA DALASUKAN packed tight GCA DALDAL chatter GCA DALDALERA talkative person GCA DALDALERO talkative person GCA DALE give GCA DALI hurry GCA DALIDA give GCA DALIH hurry GCA DALYA dahlia GCA DAMA-HWANA demijohn GCA DAMA board game GCA DAMAY ?DAMAY GCA DAME give me GCA DAMUN ?DAMUN GCA DANAO pond GCA DANGA small green parrot GCA DANGGLE barge GCA DANGIN ?DANGIN GCA DANSA dance GCA DANYA cast spells GCA DANYADA casting spells GCA DANYAW sorcery GCA DANYO sorcery GCA DAO hardwood GCA DAPAT should GCA DAPAW rice bran GCA DAQUEL of that GCA DASAH dried leaves GCA DASUG packed tight GCA DASUK fill with force GCA DATU chieftain GCA DATUN our GCA DAVAO Davao GCA DAW supposedly GCA DAYAREYA diarrhea GCA DAYAW go forth GCA DAYN immediately GCA DAYON immediately GCA DAYUN2 immediately GCA DAYUN immediately GCA DAYUNAN ??DAYUNAN GCA DA±A cast spells GCA DA±ADA casting spells GCA DA±AW harmed by spells GCA DA±O harm from spells GCA DBE owe GCA DBERAS true GCA DBERASAN most definitely GCA DBERASN most definitely GCA DBERSAN most definitely GCA DBOLBE return GCA DCIDI decide GCA DCIR say GCA DCTOR doctor GCA DE ANTES before GCA DE MIYO my GCA DE MODA in fashion GCA DE OSTE your GCA DE REPENTE sudden GCA DE USTE your GCA DE of/from GCA DEANTES former GCA DEATON ours GCA DEBA ?DEBA GCA DEBAHO under GCA DEBATE debate GCA DEBE owe GCA DEBERA really GCA DEBERAS true GCA DEBERASAN most definitely GCA DEBERIYA should have been GCA DEBES you owe GCA DEBIL weak GCA DEBLURA joke GCA DEBO I should/owe GCA DEBOLBE return GCA DEBOS your GCA DEBOSYON devotion GCA DEBOTO devoted GCA DEBRASAN verify GCA DEBUENAS lucky GCA DECAE decline GCA DECIDE decide GCA DECIDI decide GCA DECIEMBRE December GCA DECIR say GCA DECLAMA declaim GCA DECLARA declare GCA DECORA decorate GCA DECORACION decoration GCA DEDAL thimble GCA DEDICA dedicate GCA DEDICAO dedicated GCA DEDMA disregard GCA DEDO finger GCA DEDONDE from there GCA DEFECTO defect GCA DEFENDE defend GCA DEFENSA defense GCA DEFERENTE different GCA DEFICIL difficult GCA DEFISIL difficult GCA DEFUNTO dead GCA DEHA KUMIGO leave me GCA DEHA leave behind GCA DEHADA leaving behind GCA DEHADES carelessness GCA DEHALO forget it GCA DEHAO left GCA DEHAW left behind GCA DEIS ten GCA DEJA leave GCA DEJALO leave it GCA DEKLARA declare GCA DEKLARADA declaring GCA DEKLARASYON declaration GCA DEKORA decorate GCA DEKORADA decorating GCA DEKORASYON decoration GCA DEKORAW decorated GCA DEL CIUDAD of the city GCA DEL MAGA of the GCA DEL MGA of the GCA DEL of GCA DELA of the GCA DELANTI in front GCA DELATA canned goods GCA DELEGADO delegate GCA DELETREYA spell GCA DELICADO serious GCA DELICAO serious GCA DELIKADA serious GCA DELIKADESA delicacy GCA DELIKADO serious GCA DELIKAW serious GCA DELINCUENTE guilty GCA DELIREA rave GCA DELIRYA be delirious GCA DELIRYADA being delirious GCA DELIRYAW delirious GCA DELIRYO delirium GCA DELITO guilt GCA DELOS of the GCA DEMALAS unlucky GCA DEMALASAN bad luck GCA DEMANDA accuse in court GCA DEMANDADA accusing in court GCA DEMANDAW accused in court GCA DEMAS more GCA DEMASYADA abusing GCA DEMASYADO overdone GCA DEMASYAW overdon GCA DEMITI ?DEMITI GCA DEMIYO my GCA DEMOCRACIA democracy GCA DEMODO in such a way GCA DEMOKRATIK* democratic GCA DEMONIO demon GCA DEMONSTRA demonstrate GCA DEMONSTRAO demonstrate GCA DEMONSTRES expletive GCA DEMONYO devil GCA DEMORA delay GCA DEMORALISA demoralize GCA DEMORALISAO demoralized GCA DEMOSTRA demonstrate GCA DENANTE a while ago GCA DENANTES before GCA DENENTONAO out of tune GCA DENOCHE nighttime GCA DENOTCHE at night GCA DENOTSE at night GCA DENTISTA dentist GCA DENTRE ??DENTRE GCA DENTRO in GCA DENTRODE within GCA DENUNCIA denounce GCA DEPARTAMENTO department GCA DEPE after GCA DEPEKTO defect GCA DEPENDE SE depends if GCA DEPENDE defend/depends upon GCA DEPENDIDA defended GCA DEPENDIDO defended GCA DEPERENSYA difference GCA DEPERENTE different GCA DEPES after GCA DEPIENDE depend GCA DEPORTA deport GCA DEPORTADO* deported GCA DEPORTAO deported GCA DEPORTEES deportees GCA DEPOSITA deposit GCA DEPOSITADA depositing GCA DEPOSITAW deposited GCA DEPOSITO deposit GCA DEPUE after GCA DEPUES after GCA DEPWE after GCA DEPWES after GCA DER there GCA DERAFINADA ?DERAFINADA GCA DERAMA overflow GCA DERAMADA overflowing GCA DERAMAW overflowed GCA DERECHA right side GCA DERECHO straight GCA DEREPENTE suddenly GCA DERETCHO straight/law GCA DERIHI direct GCA DERRAME leakage GCA DES ten GCA DESABRIDO tasteless GCA DESAGUA drain GCA DESAIRE rebuff GCA DESALEJA ?DESALEJA GCA DESANIMAU discouraged GCA DESAPARECE disappear GCA DESAPARESE to disappear GCA DESAPARESIDA disappeared GCA DESAPARESIDO disappeared GCA DESAPIA threaten GCA DESAPROBA disapprove GCA DESARMA disarm GCA DESAROLLO development GCA DESARREGLA disarrange GCA DESATA detach GCA DESATADA detaching from GCA DESATAW detached from GCA DESAYUNA eat breakfast GCA DESAYUNADA eating breakfast GCA DESAYUNAW breakfasted GCA DESAYUNO breakfast GCA DESBELA keep vigil GCA DESBELADA keeping vigil GCA DESBELAW weak GCA DESBELO vigil GCA DESBIYA avoid GCA DESBIYADA avoiding GCA DESBIYO avoidance GCA DESBRONA crumble GCA DESBRONADA crumbling GCA DESBRONAW crumbled GCA DESCANSA rest GCA DESCANSO rest GCA DESCONECTA disconnect GCA DESCONFIA mistrust GCA DESCONFIAO mistrusted GCA DESCONOCE disown GCA DESCONOCIDO unknown GCA DESCONSOLAO disconsolate GCA DESCUBRI discover GCA DESDE from GCA DESDEL from the GCA DESE this GCA DESEA desire GCA DESEDIDO decided GCA DESEMBARCA disembark GCA DESEO desire GCA DESESPERA despair GCA DESEYO desire GCA DESFALCA defalcate GCA DESFALCAO defalcated GCA DESFALCO defalcation GCA DESGRACIA disgrace GCA DESGRASYA accident GCA DESGRASYADA accident GCA DESGRASYADO disgraced GCA DESGRASYAW disgraced GCA DESIDI decide GCA DESIERTO desert GCA DESIGNA design GCA DESIGNAO designated/designed GCA DESIR mean GCA DESISYON decision GCA DESKANSA rest GCA DESKANSADA resting GCA DESKANSAW rested GCA DESKANSO rest GCA DESKARGA unload GCA DESKARGADA unloading GCA DESKARGADOR unloader GCA DESKARGADORA unloader GCA DESKARGAW unloaded GCA DESKARGO unloading GCA DESKOMPASA overdo GCA DESKOMPASADA overdoing GCA DESKOMPASAW overdone GCA DESKOMPYA distrust GCA DESKOMPYADA distrusting GCA DESKOMPYAW distrusting GCA DESKWIDA be careless GCA DESKWIDADA being careless GCA DESKWIDAW careless GCA DESKWIDO carelessness GCA DESLISA sprain GCA DESLISADA spraining GCA DESLISAW sprained GCA DESMAYA faint GCA DESMAYADA fainting GCA DESMAYAW fainted GCA DESMAYO fainting GCA DESNUDA undress GCA DESOS those GCA DESPACHA dispatch GCA DESPACHADA dispatching GCA DESPACHADOR discharger GCA DESPACHADORA discharger GCA DESPACHAW discharged GCA DESPACIO slowly GCA DESPALO ?DESPALO GCA DESPASYO slow GCA DESPEDI take leave GCA DESPENSA sorry GCA DESPERTA wake up GCA DESPERTADA waking up GCA DESPERTADOR alarm clock GCA DESPERTADORA waker GCA DESPERTAW awake GCA DESPIDI say goodbye GCA DESPIDIDA farewell party GCA DESPIER2 awake GCA DESPRECIA despise GCA DESPRECIO scorn GCA DESPUE after GCA DESPUES DE AQUEL SOCESO after that event GCA DESPUES DE TODO after everything GCA DESPUES after GCA DESPWES after GCA DESQUITA retaliate GCA DESQUITE revenge GCA DESTE this GCA DESTINA assign someone GCA DESTINADA assigned GCA DESTINADO assigned GCA DESTINASYON destination/appointment GCA DESTINAW destined/appointed GCA DESTINO destination/destiny/appointment GCA DESTORBA disturb GCA DESTRAE amuse GCA DESTRONGKA dismantle GCA DESTRONGKADA dismantling GCA DESTRONGKADOR dismantler GCA DESTRONGKAW dismantled GCA DESTROSA destroy GCA DESTROSAO destroyed GCA DESTROSO damage GCA DESTROZA destroy GCA DESU of his GCA DESUYO his/her GCA DESVENTAJA disadvantage GCA DESVIA avoid GCA DETALLES details GCA DETALYE details GCA DETALYES details GCA DETENE detain GCA DETENIDO detained GCA DETERMINA determine GCA DETRAS behind GCA DEVE should GCA DEVERAS truly GCA DEVERASAN truth GCA DEVIA stray GCA DEVOCION devotion GCA DEVOLVE return something GCA DEVOS yours GCA DEVOTO devout GCA DFICIL difficult GCA DHA leave GCA DI AMUN our GCA DI BA isn't it GCA DI MIO my GCA DI MIYO my GCA DI PUEDE cannot GCA DI PUWEDE cannot GCA DI PWDE cannot GCA DI SUYU his/her GCA DI TUYO your GCA DI TUYU your GCA DI2U your GCA DI from/by/with GCA DIA day GCA DIAKEL that GCA DIAL2N dialtone GCA DIALECTO dialect GCA DIALO never mind GCA DIALOGO dialog GCA DIALOGUO dialog GCA DIALTON dialtone GCA DIAMANTE diamond GCA DIAMON ours GCA DIAMUN our GCA DIANTRES shucks GCA DIAQUEL of that GCA DIAS days GCA DIASPORA diaspora GCA DIATOM our GCA DIATON ours GCA DIATUN our GCA DIBIDI divide GCA DIBIDIDA dividing GCA DIBIDIDO divided GCA DIBUHA design GCA DIBUHADA designing GCA DIBUHAW designed GCA DIBUHU design GCA DICEN say GCA DICIDI decide GCA DICIEMBRE December GCA DICIPLINA discipline GCA DICTADOR dictator GCA DIDIA daytime GCA DIDING ?DIDING GCA DIDIYA daytime GCA DIDOL ??DIDOL GCA DIENTE tooth GCA DIES ten GCA DIESE of/to that GCA DIETA diet GCA DIFERENCIA difference GCA DIFERENTE different GCA DIFFERENCIA difference GCA DIFFERENTE different GCA DIFFERENTES different GCA DIFICIL difficult GCA DIFICULTAD difficulty GCA DIFUNTO deceased GCA DIGNIDAD dignity GCA DIHALO forget it GCA DIIILA their GCA DIILA theirs GCA DIINYO yours GCA DIJALO leave it GCA DIKAW your GCA DIKIKAW serious GCA DIKIN broom ring GCA DIKIT close GCA DIKSYONARYO dictionary GCA DIKTA dictate GCA DIKTADA dictating GCA DIKTADOR dictator GCA DIKTADORA dictator GCA DIKTASYON dictation GCA DIKTAW dictated GCA DIKW your GCA DILA their GCA DILICAW serious GCA DILIHENSYA taken free GCA DILIHENSYAW taken free GCA DILIKAW seriosu GCA DILIRYA be delirious GCA DILIRYADA being delirious GCA DILIRYAW delirious GCA DILIRYO delirium GCA DILISAO ??DILISAO GCA DILITO crime GCA DIMEO my GCA DIMEYO my GCA DIMI my GCA DIMIO my GCA DIMITI resign GCA DIMIYO mine GCA DIMYO my GCA DINAMITA dynamite GCA DINANTE while ago GCA DINDIN wall GCA DINERO money GCA DINGDING house wall GCA DINIGRI become discolored GCA DINIGRIDO discolored GCA DINOCHE at night GCA DINUGUAN blood pudding GCA DINYO your GCA DIOS god GCA DIOSTE your GCA DIPENDE depend GCA DIPENSA defense GCA DIPERENCIA difference GCA DIPERENSIYA difference GCA DIPERENSYA difference GCA DIPERENTE different GCA DIPICIL difficult GCA DIPIENDE depends GCA DIPIERTA wake up GCA DIPIKULTAD difficulty GCA DIPISIL difficult GCA DIPLOMASIYA diplomacy GCA DIPOLMA diploma GCA DIPUNTA dead GCA DIPUNTO defunct GCA DIRECHO straight GCA DIRECTIVA directive GCA DIRECTOR director GCA DIREHI direct GCA DIREHIDO directed GCA DIREKSYON direction GCA DIREKTO direct GCA DIREKTOR director GCA DIRETCHO straight/law GCA DIRETSO straight/right GCA DIRIGI direct GCA DIRIHI direct GCA DIRIHIDA directing GCA DIRIHIDO directed GCA DIRITI melt GCA DIRITIDA being melted GCA DIRITIDO melted GCA DISARMA disarm GCA DISASTRE disaster GCA DISBIA avoid GCA DISCARGA unload GCA DISCIPLINA discipline GCA DISCO disco GCA DISCOBRI discover GCA DISCONOSIDOS unknown GCA DISCONTENTO upset GCA DISCRIMINASYON discrimination GCA DISCUBRI discover GCA DISCUBRIR discover GCA DISCULPA excuse GCA DISCULPAJAN excuse GCA DISCUTI discuss GCA DISCUTIR discuss GCA DISDI since GCA DISENTE decent GCA DISENTERIYA dysentery GCA DISENTONA be out of tune GCA DISENTONADA one out of tune GCA DISENTONAW out of tune GCA DISGRACIA disgrace GCA DISGUSTO displeasure GCA DISGUSTU disgust GCA DISI say GCA DISIDI decide GCA DISILACHA unravel GCA DISILACHADA unravelling GCA DISILAHAW unravelled GCA DISIMULA conceal intention GCA DISIMULAO concealed feelings GCA DISIOCHO eighteen GCA DISIPLINA discipline GCA DISIPLINADA disciplining GCA DISIPLINAW disciplined GCA DISIPULO disciple GCA DISIR say GCA DISISAIS sixteen GCA DISKANSA rest GCA DISKARTE pave the way GCA DISKITA ??DISKITA GCA DISKUBRI discover GCA DISKUBRIDO discovered GCA DISKUBRIMYENTO discovery GCA DISKULPA excuse GCA DISKURSO speech GCA DISKUSYON discussion GCA DISKUTI discuss GCA DISKUTIDO discussed GCA DISPENSA pantry/tolerate GCA DISPENSADA manner of excusing GCA DISPENSARYO medical clinic GCA DISPENSAW excused GCA DISPENSE excuse GCA DISPERTA wake up GCA DISPERTO awake GCA DISPIDI say goodbye GCA DISPIERTA wake GCA DISPIERTAO awake GCA DISPIERTO awake GCA DISPISIL difficult GCA DISPONE dispose of GCA DISPOSICION disposition GCA DISPOSISYON disposition GCA DISPUES after GCA DISPUESTO ready GCA DISPWESTO disposed GCA DISPYERTA awake GCA DISTANCIA distance GCA DISTANSIA distance GCA DISTANSIYA distance GCA DISTANT far GCA DISTINGUI distinguish GCA DISTORBA disturb GCA DISTORNILLA unscrew GCA DISTORNILLADA unscrewing GCA DISTORNILLADOR screwdriver GCA DISTORNILLAW unscrewed GCA DISTRAE distract GCA DISTRAIDA distracted GCA DISTRAIDO distracted GCA DISTRAKSYON distraction GCA DISTRIBUCCION distribution GCA DISTRIBUCION distribution GCA DISTRIBUHI distribute GCA DISTRIBUI distribute GCA DISTRIBUIDA distributed GCA DISTRIBUNI distribute GCA DISTRIBUSYON distribution GCA DISTRIBUYI distribute GCA DISTRIBWI distribute GCA DISTRIBWIDA distributing GCA DISTRIBWIDO distributed GCA DISTRUKSYON destruction GCA DISTRUWI destroy GCA DISTRUWIDA destroying GCA DISTRUWIDO destroyed GCA DISTURNADA sneeze GCA DISU his/her GCA DISUYO his/hers GCA DISUYU his/hers GCA DISVIA avoid GCA DISYEMBRE December GCA DISYU his/her GCA DITOYO your GCA DITU here GCA DITUYO yours GCA DITUYU yours GCA DIUSTE yours GCA DIUSTEDES your GCA DIUTAY small GCA DIVERTI make merry GCA DIVIDI divide GCA DIVIDIDO divided GCA DIVORCIO divorce GCA DIYA-DIYA daily GCA DIYA day GCA DIYALO never mind GCA DIYAS days GCA DIYES then GCA DIYOS god GCA DIYUTAY little GCA DKAW your GCA DKIEN whose GCA DKW your GCA DLE give GCA DLICDESA finesse GCA DLIKAO serious GCA DMI my GCA DMIO my GCA DMIU my GCA DMIYA my GCA DMIYO my GCA DMYO my GCA DNANTE before GCA DNDE where GCA DNOCHE at night GCA DNOTSE at night GCA DNTISTA dentist GCA DOBLA fold GCA DOBLADA folding GCA DOBLADILLO hem GCA DOBLADURA folding GCA DOBLAW folded GCA DOBLE-DOBLE in doubles GCA DOBLE-KARA double-faced GCA DOBLE double GCA DOCTOR doctor GCA DOCTORA doctor GCA DOCUMENTAO documented GCA DOCUMENTO document GCA DOKTOR-DOKTOR fake doctor GCA DOKTOR doctor GCA DOKTORA doctor GCA DOKUMENTA document GCA DOKUMENTADA documenting GCA DOKUMENTADO documented GCA DOKUMENTAW documented GCA DOKUMENTO document GCA DOL NA JUAJUY little chance of winning GCA DOL seem GCA DOLENSYA pains GCA DOLON fish species GCA DOLOR pain GCA DOLORIDA pained GCA DOLORIDO pained GCA DOLYAR dollar GCA DOMINA dominate GCA DOMINADA dominating GCA DOMINADOR dominant GCA DOMINADORA dominant GCA DOMINANTE dominant GCA DOMINGGO Sunday GCA DOMINGO Sunday GCA DOMINO dominos GCA DON title GCA DONA donate GCA DONACION donation GCA DONAO donated GCA DONCELLA maiden GCA DONDE-DONDE whereabouts GCA DONDE2 where GCA DONDE where GCA DONEYT donate GCA DONYA madam GCA DORA goldplate GCA DORADA gold plated GCA DORADO gold plated GCA DORAW gold plated GCA DORME sleep GCA DORMI sleep GCA DORMIDA sleepy GCA DORMIDO asleep GCA DOS-DOS in pairs GCA DOS two GCA DOSE twelve GCA DOSENA dozen GCA DOSI twelve GCA DO±A madam GCA DPEND depending GCA DPENDE depending GCA DPICIL difficult GCA DPOSIT deposit GCA DRAGO ?DRAGO GCA DRAGON dragon GCA DRAMA drama GCA DRAYBER driver GCA DRECHO straight GCA DREPENTE suddenly GCA DRETCHO directly/straight GCA DRETSO straight GCA DRETYO straight GCA DRIL drill/fabric GCA DRMI sleep GCA DRMIDO asleep GCA DROGA drug GCA DROGAS cheatings GCA DROGASIN cheater GCA DRUGAS cheat GCA DRUGASIN cheater GCA DSIR say GCA DSKANSA rest GCA DSOYO your GCA DSPERTA awake GCA DSPERTO awake GCA DSPIERTA awake GCA DSPIERTO awake GCA DSPUES after GCA DSTORBO disturb GCA DSTRBA disturb GCA DSU your GCA DSUU his GCA DSUYO your GCA DSUYU his GCA DSYU your GCA DTALYE detail GCA DTUYO your GCA DTUYU your GCA DU-UN press down GCA DUBLA fold GCA DUBLADA folded GCA DUBLADILLO hem GCA DUBLADURA folding GCA DUBLAW folded GCA DUCHA shower GCA DUDA doubt GCA DUDABLE doubtable GCA DUDOS* doubtful GCA DUDOSO doubtful GCA DUELE hurt GCA DUENDE owner GCA DUENIO owner GCA DUENO owner GCA DUENYO owner GCA DUERME sleep GCA DUGAH juice GCA DUGTUNG join end GCA DUHA-DUHA hesitant/vacillating GCA DUITAY small GCA DULCE sweet GCA DULIAN smelly fruit GCA DULING cross-eyed GCA DULSOR sweetness GCA DULUG linger GCA DULUGCAN ?DULUGCAN GCA DULUK harvest GCA DULUN swallow whole GCA DUMALAGA spring chicken GCA DUMINGO Sunday GCA DUMINGU Sunday GCA DUMIYO my GCA DUMPIAO ??DUMPIAO GCA DUMPUL dull GCA DUNCAAN landing place GCA DUNGGLAN choke GCA DUNGIS dirt smears GCA DUPLICA duplicate GCA DURA-DURA long while GCA DURA take long time GCA DURABLE durable GCA DURANTE during GCA DURME sleep GCA DURMI sleep GCA DURMIDA sleeping GCA DURMIDO asleep GCA DURMILO* sleepyhead GCA DURMILONA earring GCA DURMIW asleep GCA DURMYENDO sleeping GCA DURO-DURO somewhat hard GCA DURO hard GCA DUROL coconut corn dessert GCA DURU hard GCA DURUL native dish GCA DURYAN tropical fruit GCA DUWELE hurt GCA DUYAN hammock/cradle GCA DW apparently GCA DWAYA concubine GCA DWELE painful GCA DWELO mourning GCA DWENDE dwarf GCA DWENIO owner GCA DWENYO owner GCA DWETO duet GCA DWE±O owner GCA DWINA owner GCA DWLE hurt GCA DYABLO devil GCA DYACA ??DYACA GCA DYAKEL that one GCA DYALO never mind GCA DYAMON we GCA DYANA dawn serenade GCA DYARYO daily/newspaper GCA DYATON we GCA DYENTE tooth GCA DYES ten GCA DYESEN ?DYESEN GCA DYETA diet GCA DYMANTE diamond GCA DYOS god GCA DYUN immediately GCA DYUS juice GCA DYUSTE you GCA DYUSTEDED you GCA DYUTAY small GCA DYUTY small GCA E2 here GCA EBACUA evacuate GCA EBANGHELISTA evangelist GCA EBANGHELYO gospel GCA EBIDENSIYA evidence GCA EBIDENSYA evidence GCA EBILLA buckle GCA EBITA avoid GCA EBITADA avoiding GCA EBITAW avoided GCA EBO you GCA EBOL ??EBOL GCA EBON ??EBON GCA EBOS you GCA ECHA put GCA ECHO making/doing GCA ECHOR ?ECHOR GCA ECONOMIA economy GCA ECONOMICA economics GCA ECONTRA find GCA ECTARIA hectar GCA ECTARYA hectare GCA ED2 and for you GCA EDAD age GCA EDEFICIO building GCA EDIBOKADA one in the wrong GCA EDIFICIO building GCA EDITOR editor GCA EDUCACION education GCA EDUCADO educated GCA EDUKA educate GCA EDUKADA educated GCA EDUKASYON education GCA EDUKAW studied GCA EFECTIVO effective GCA EFECTO effect GCA EFFECTIVO effective GCA EFFECTO effect GCA EFFICIENTE efficient GCA EFICIENTE efficient GCA EGA showy GCA EGO show-off GCA EGOISTA selfish GCA EGUAL same GCA EGUALES equal GCA EHADA godchild GCA EHADO godchild GCA EHCONDE hide GCA EHECOTIVO executive GCA EHECUTIV* executive GCA EHEMPLO example GCA EHTE east GCA EJECUTIVO executive GCA EJEMPLO example GCA EJERCE perform duties GCA EJERCIO exercise GCA EJERCISIO exercise GCA EJERCITO army GCA EKIBOKA make a mistake GCA EKIBOKADA making a mistake GCA EKIBOKASYON equivocation GCA EKIBOKAW mistaken GCA EKIS-EKIS x-formed GCA EKIS x GCA EKLIPSE eclipse GCA EKONIMOKO economical GCA EKSAKTO exact GCA EKSAMEN test GCA EKSKLAMA exclaim GCA EKSPLIKA explain GCA EKSPLIKASYON explanation GCA EKSPLIKAW explained GCA EKSPRESA express GCA EKTARYA hectare GCA EL COSA YA RUBA loot GCA EL MAGA the GCA EL MGA the GCA EL the GCA ELADO frozen GCA ELAGO ?ELAGO GCA ELASTIKO rubber band GCA ELAW frozen GCA ELE he/she GCA ELEBA elevate GCA ELEBADA elevating GCA ELEBASYON elevation GCA ELEBAW elevated GCA ELECCION election GCA ELECION election GCA ELECSYON election GCA ELECTAO elected GCA ELECTRICIDAD electricity GCA ELEGIDO elected GCA ELEHIDO elected GCA ELEKSYON election GCA ELEMEN element GCA ELEMENTARIA elementary GCA ELEMENTARYA elementary GCA ELEMENTO element GCA ELEMENTOS elements GCA ELIGIDO elected GCA ELIMINA eliminate GCA ELLOS they GCA EMAN ??EMAN GCA EMBAJADA embassy GCA EMBALSAMA embalm GCA EMBALSAMADA embalming GCA EMBALSAMAW embalmed GCA EMBALSAMO embalming chemical GCA EMBARAZA embarrass GCA EMBARAZO embarrassment GCA EMBARCA embark GCA EMBARGO embargo GCA EMBARKA get on GCA EMBARKADA riding GCA EMBARKAW ridden on GCA EMBEH instead GCA EMBENENA poison GCA EMBENENADA poisoning GCA EMBENENAW poisoned GCA EMBES instead GCA EMBIA send GCA EMBIES instead GCA EMBIYA send through GCA EMBIYADA sending through GCA EMBIYAW sent through GCA EMBIYO sent through GCA EMBLANDA soften GCA EMBOLBE wrap GCA EMBOLBEDO wrapped GCA EMBOLTORYO wrapper GCA EMBONAHAN fight GCA EMBORACHA become drunk GCA EMBORACHADA becoming drunk GCA EMBORACHAW drunk GCA EMBORNAL culvert GCA EMBUDO funnel GCA EMBUELTO wrapped GCA EMBUENAMENTE well GCA EMBUSCADA search GCA EMBUSTER* liar GCA EMBUTIDO meat loaf GCA EMBUWENAMENTE good GCA EMBWELTO wrapped GCA EMBWENAMENTE good GCA EMBYA send GCA EMERGENCIA emergency GCA EMERHENCIA* emergency GCA EMERHENSIA emergency GCA EMERHENSYA emergency GCA EMFERMEDAD sickness GCA EMISARIO emissary GCA EMOTE ??EMOTE GCA EMPACHA have stomach indigestion GCA EMPACHADA stomach indigestion GCA EMPACHAW with indigestion GCA EMPACHO indigestion GCA EMPAKA pack up GCA EMPAKADA packing up GCA EMPAKAW packed up GCA EMPAKE packaging GCA EMPANADA small pie GCA EMPAS condoning debt GCA EMPASTA fill cavity GCA EMPASTADA dental treatment GCA EMPASTAW dentally treated GCA EMPASTO having cavity filled GCA EMPELLA animal entrailslining GCA EMPENYA hock GCA EMPENYADA hocking GCA EMPENYAW hocked GCA EMPENYO hocking GCA EMPERMA sick GCA EMPERMADA illness GCA EMPERMADAD sickness GCA EMPERMEDAD sickness GCA EMPERMERIYA irfirmary GCA EMPERMISO sickly GCA EMPERMO sick GCA EMPERMOSA nurse GCA EMPESA begin GCA EMPESADA beginning GCA EMPESANDO starting GCA EMPESAW started GCA EMPE±A hock GCA EMPE±ADA hocking GCA EMPE±AW hocked GCA EMPE±O hocking GCA EMPLASTA flatten GCA EMPLASTADA flattenting GCA EMPLASTAW flattened GCA EMPLASTE poultice GCA EMPLASTO poultice GCA EMPLEYA employ GCA EMPLEYADA employee GCA EMPLEYADO employee GCA EMPLEYAW employed GCA EMPLEYO employment GCA EMPOLLA blister GCA EMPOLLAW blistered GCA EMPOLVA cover GCA EMPORTANTE important GCA EMPRENTA print GCA EMPRENTE in front GCA EN KASA at home GCA EN MUERTE dying GCA EN PARTICULAR in particular GCA EN SEGUIDA* immediately GCA ENAGUA slip GCA ENAGWAS half-slip GCA ENAMORA woo GCA ENAMORADA in love GCA ENANTA yet GCA ENANTE before GCA ENANTES while ago GCA ENBENENA poison GCA ENBIES instead GCA ENBUELTO back up/involved GCA ENBUENAMENTE good GCA ENCABESA memorized GCA ENCABESAMIENTOS DEL NOTICIA headline news GCA ENCABEZA head GCA ENCAMBIO on the other hand GCA ENCAMINO en route GCA ENCANSA ?ENCANSA GCA ENCANTA enchant GCA ENCANTADA enchanted GCA ENCARGA take charge GCA ENCARGAO in charge GCA ENCARNACION incarnation GCA ENCASO in case GCA ENCAVEZA memorize GCA ENCEDE light GCA ENCENDIDO lighted GCA ENCERRA gums GCA ENCIMA above GCA ENCNTRA find GCA ENCOGE contract GCA ENCONTRA find GCA ENCONTRADA encounter GCA ENCONTRAJAN meeting GCA ENCUENTRA find GCA ENCUENTRO encounter GCA ENCUENTRUHAN encounter GCA ENCUNTRA find GCA ENDENANTE while ago GCA ENDENANTES a while ago GCA ENDEREZA rectify GCA ENDIABLA be furious GCA ENDOMONYA be deviled GCA ENDOMONYADA being deviled GCA ENDOMONYADO bedeviled GCA ENDOMONYAW bedeviled GCA ENDOMO±A be deviled GCA ENDOMO±ADA being deviled GCA ENDOMO±ADO bedeviled GCA ENDOMO±AW bedeviled GCA ENDORSA endorse GCA ENEMIGO enemy GCA ENEMORA fall in love GCA ENERO january GCA ENFERMA sick GCA ENFERMEDAD sickness GCA ENFERMO sick GCA ENFORSA force GCA ENFRENTA confront GCA ENFRENTE in front GCA ENFRIA cool GCA ENFRIAO cooled GCA ENGANCHA hook GCA ENGANIA cheat GCA ENGANYA cheat GCA ENGANYO encourage GCA ENGCUNTRA encounter GCA ENGGANCHA connect GCA ENGGANCHADA hooking GCA ENGGANCHAW hooked GCA ENGGANCHO hook GCA ENGGANYA cheat GCA ENGGASTE setting jewelery stone GCA ENGGORDA fatten GCA ENGGORDAW fattened GCA ENGGRANDE in big manner GCA ENGGRANDESIDA puffed up GCA ENGGRANDESIDO puffed up GCA ENGGRATA ingrate GCA ENGGRATO ungrateful GCA ENGGRESO revenue GCA ENGINERO engineer GCA ENGINGERO engineer GCA ENGINIERO engineer GCA ENGKAHE lace GCA ENGKANGGRENA be infected GCA ENGKANGGRENAW infected GCA ENGKANTA enchant GCA ENGKANTADA enchanted GCA ENGKANTADO enchanter GCA ENGKANTAW enchanted GCA ENGKANTO enchantment/fairy GCA ENGKANTU fairy GCA ENGKARGA mail order/take charge GCA ENGKARGADO in charge GCA ENGKARGAW in charge GCA ENGKARGO ordered GCA ENGKASO in case GCA ENGKLENGKE disabled GCA ENGKONTRA find GCA ENGKONTRADA finding GCA ENGKONTRAW found/met GCA ENGKUHI shrink GCA ENGKUHIDO shrunk GCA ENGKUNTRA encounter GCA ENGKUNTRAO encountered GCA ENGKUWENTRO encounter GCA ENGKWENTRO encounter GCA ENGRANDA get big GCA ENHORABUENA congratulations GCA ENKANTA enchant GCA ENKARGA entrust GCA ENKONTRA meet/find GCA ENKUNTRA find GCA ENKWENTRO meeting GCA ENMENDA reform GCA ENMENDAU corrected GCA ENMIENDA amendment GCA ENPENAW ??ENPENAW GCA ENPUWENAMENTE good GCA ENREDAU entangled GCA ENROL enroll GCA ENROLMEN enrollement GCA ENSALADA salad GCA ENSANCHA widen GCA ENSAYA practice GCA ENSAYADA practicing GCA ENSAYAW practiced GCA ENSAYO practice GCA ENSEA ?ENSEA GCA ENSEGIDA immediately GCA ENSEGUIDA without delay GCA ENSEGUIDAS immediately GCA ENSEMADA sugared roll GCA ENSENANSA teaching GCA ENSENYA teach GCA ENSENYADA teaching GCA ENSENYADO taught GCA ENSENYANSA teaching GCA ENSENYAW taught GCA ENSERA enclose GCA ENSERADA enclosing GCA ENSERAW enclosed GCA ENSE±A teach GCA ENSE±ADA teaching GCA ENSE±ANSA teaching GCA ENSE±AW taught GCA ENSIGADAS immediately GCA ENSIGUIDAS right away GCA ENSIYAS gums GCA ENSUSYA make dirty GCA ENSUSYADA making dirty GCA ENSUSYAW dirty GCA ENTABLA get away fast GCA ENTABLADO stage GCA ENTACTO intact GCA ENTAKTO in tact GCA ENTE ?ENTE GCA ENTENDE understand GCA ENTENDI understand GCA ENTENDIDA understanding GCA ENTENDIDO understood GCA ENTENDIHAN understand GCA ENTENDIJAN comprehending another GCA ENTENDIMYENTO understanding GCA ENTENDIO ??ENTENDIO GCA ENTERA bury GCA ENTERADA burying GCA ENTERAMENTE entirely GCA ENTERAW buried GCA ENTERBERI intervene GCA ENTERESADO interested GCA ENTERO whole GCA ENTERPRETA interpret GCA ENTERPRETE interpreter GCA ENTOHA conceive GCA ENTOHADA conceiver GCA ENTOHAW conceiver GCA ENTOHO conception GCA ENTOJA conceive GCA ENTOJADA having whims GCA ENTOJAU having desire GCA ENTOJO overwhelming whims GCA ENTONCES then GCA ENTONSES therefore GCA ENTRA enter GCA ENTRADA entrance GCA ENTRANTE incoming GCA ENTRAO entered GCA ENTRAR entrance fee GCA ENTRAW entered GCA ENTRAY ?ENTRAY GCA ENTRE-MEDYO between GCA ENTRE between GCA ENTREGA deliver GCA ENTREGADA deliver GCA ENTREGAO delivered GCA ENTREGAW delivered GCA ENTREGO delivery GCA ENTREMEDITA interferer GCA ENTREMES side dish GCA ENTREMETE interfere GCA ENTREMETIDO interferer GCA ENTRESWELO mezzanine GCA ENTRETANTO meawhile GCA ENTRETENE entertain GCA ENTRETENIDA entertained GCA ENTRETENIDO entertained GCA ENTRETENIMIENTO entertainment GCA ENTREVISTA interview GCA ENTUSIASMO enthusiasm GCA ENTYERO burial GCA ENVACION invasion GCA ENVENENA poison GCA ENVENENAU poisoned GCA ENVIA send GCA ENVIAO sent through another GCA ENVIDIA envy GCA ENVIDIOSO envious GCA ENVISTI stand up GCA ENVOLVE wrap up GCA ENVUELTO wrapped up GCA EPEKTIBO effective GCA EPEKTO effect GCA EPERA wait GCA EPIDEMIA epidemic GCA EPISODYO episode GCA EPISTOLA epistle GCA EQUIPAHE equipment GCA EQUIPAJE equipment GCA EQUIPO team GCA EQUIS-EQUIS drunken walk GCA EQUIVACAO mistaken GCA EQUIVOCA mistaken GCA EQUIVOCACION error GCA ERA GCA ERAMYENTAS tools GCA EREDA inherit GCA EREDERA heir GCA EREDERO heir GCA ERENSYA interitance GCA ERES are GCA ERLY early GCA ERMANA sister GCA ERMANAO ??ERMANAO GCA ERMANO brother GCA ERMANOS brothers GCA EROPLANO airplane GCA ERROR error GCA ES that GCA ESA that GCA ESCANDALO scandal GCA ESCANSA ?ESCANSA GCA ESCAPA escape GCA ESCAPADA escapade GCA ESCAPAO escaped GCA ESCAPE escape GCA ESCASES scarcity GCA ESCASO scarce GCA ESCLAVO slave GCA ESCOBA burch GCA ESCOGI choose GCA ESCONDE hide GCA ESCONDIDO hidden GCA ESCOWI choose GCA ESCRIBI write GCA ESCUCHAR listen GCA ESCUELA school GCA ESCUHI choose GCA ESCUHIDA ??ESCUHIDA GCA ESCUHIR choose GCA ESCUJI choose GCA ESCUJIDA ??ESCUJIDA GCA ESCUPI spit GCA ESCUPIDOR cuspidor GCA ESCUPITINA sputum GCA ESCURANA ??ESCURANA GCA ESCURIDAD darkness GCA ESCURO dark GCA ESE that GCA ESENDIO fire GCA ESFUERZO effort GCA ESI that GCA ESKABECHE pickled dish GCA ESKALAW having learned GCA ESKALDA learn lesson GCA ESKALDADA learning lesson GCA ESKALERA stairs GCA ESKALON stairs GCA ESKAMA scales GCA ESKAMADA removing scales GCA ESKAMAW scaled GCA ESKANDALO scandal GCA ESKAPA escape GCA ESKAPADA escaping GCA ESKAPARATE showase GCA ESKAPAW escaped GCA ESKAPO escape GCA ESKAPULARYO scapular GCA ESKARLATA rose variety GCA ESKARPIN slipper lining GCA ESKASES scarcity GCA ESKASO scarce GCA ESKINOL eskinol astringent#? GCA ESKLABA slave GCA ESKLABO slave GCA ESKNDE hide GCA ESKOBA broom GCA ESKOHE choose GCA ESKOHIDO chosen GCA ESKONDE hide/keep GCA ESKONDI hide GCA ESKONDIDO hidden GCA ESKOPETA shotgun GCA ESKOTADA low-necked GCA ESKOTAW low-necked GCA ESKRIBI write GCA ESKRIBIDA writing GCA ESKRIBIDO written GCA ESKRITO written GCA ESKRITORYO writing desk GCA ESKUCHA peep GCA ESKUCHADA peeping GCA ESKUCHAW peeped GCA ESKUELA school GCA ESKURISA shower GCA ESKUSAW toilet GCA ESKUWELA school GCA ESKWELA-ESKWELA playing school GCA ESKWELA school GCA ESKYERDA lefthand side GCA ESO that GCA ESOS those GCA ESPADA sword GCA ESPALKA ??ESPALKA GCA ESPALTA pave with asphalt GCA ESPALTADA paving GCA ESPALTAW asphalted GCA ESPALTO asphalt GCA ESPANTA be surprised GCA ESPANTADA being surprised GCA ESPANTAO frightened GCA ESPANTAW surprised GCA ESPANYA Spain GCA ESPANYOL Spanish GCA ESPANYOLA Spanish GCA ESPANYOLON Hispanophile GCA ESPARTERO ?EXPARTERO GCA ESPASYO slowly GCA ESPA±OL spanish GCA ESPA±OLA spanish GCA ESPA±OLON spanishlover GCA ESPECIAL special GCA ESPECIALMENTE specially GCA ESPEHO mirror GCA ESPEHYA look into mirror GCA ESPEHYADA looking into mirror GCA ESPEHYAW looked into mirror GCA ESPEJO mirror GCA ESPERA KUMIGO wait for me GCA ESPERA wait GCA ESPERADA waiting GCA ESPERANSA hope GCA ESPERANSAO hoped GCA ESPERANZA hope GCA ESPERANZAO hoped GCA ESPERAW waited GCA ESPERMA white candle GCA ESPERO hope GCA ESPESO thick liquid GCA ESPESYAL special GCA ESPESYALMENTE especially GCA ESPIRITISTA spiritism believer GCA ESPIRITU spirit GCA ESPLICA explain GCA ESPOLON cockspur GCA ESPONGHA powder puff/sponge GCA ESPONGHADA powdered up GCA ESPONGHAW spongy GCA ESPONGHYA apply powder GCA ESPOSA wife GCA ESPOSAS wives GCA ESPOSO spouse GCA ESPOSOS spouses GCA ESPRA wait GCA ESPUERSO effort GCA ESPUERSOS efforts GCA ESPUMA foam GCA ESPUMADA foamy GCA ESPUMAW foamy GCA ESTA stay GCA ESTABA was/had been GCA ESTABLECE establish GCA ESTABLESE establish GCA ESTABLESIDO established GCA ESTABLICIMIENTO establishment GCA ESTABLISA establish GCA ESTABLISHEMENTO establishment GCA ESTABLISHIMIENTO establishment GCA ESTABLISIMENTO establishment GCA ESTACION station GCA ESTAD ?ESTAD GCA ESTADA staying GCA ESTADO state GCA ESTADOS states GCA ESTAGKAW stagnated/clogged GCA ESTANGKA stagnate/clog GCA ESTANGKADA stagnation GCA ESTANSYA period of stay GCA ESTAR be GCA ESTARAS ??ESTARAS GCA ESTASORA ESTASORA#?? GCA ESTASYON station GCA ESTATUA statue GCA ESTATWA statue GCA ESTAVA was GCA ESTBA was GCA ESTE MAGA these GCA ESTE MGA these GCA ESTE this GCA ESTES ??ESTES GCA ESTIMAO estimated GCA ESTIRA pull GCA ESTIRADA pulling GCA ESTIRAW pulled GCA ESTMAGO stomach GCA ESTO this GCA ESTOMAGO stomach GCA ESTOPADO meat dish GCA ESTOPAO stuffed GCA ESTOPAW meat dish GCA ESTORBA disturb GCA ESTORBO hindrance GCA ESTORIA-ESTORIA stories/fantasies GCA ESTORIA story GCA ESTORYA story GCA ESTOS these GCA ESTOY I am GCA ESTPERA wait GCA ESTRABAGANSA grand display GCA ESTRANGER* foreigner GCA ESTRANGERO stranger GCA ESTRANIA wonder GCA ESTRANIAO wondered GCA ESTRANJERO stranger GCA ESTRANYA wonder GCA ESTRE ??ESTRE GCA ESTRECHO narrow GCA ESTRELLA star GCA ESTRELLADO fried egg GCA ESTRELLAS star GCA ESTRELLAW fried egg GCA ESTRETCHER stretcher GCA ESTRICTO strict GCA ESTRUENDO ?ESTRUENDO GCA ESTUDIA study GCA ESTUDIANTE student GCA ESTUDIAO studied GCA ESTUDIO study GCA ESTUDYA study GCA ESTUDYADA studying GCA ESTUDYANTE student GCA ESTUDYAW studied GCA ESTUDYO study GCA ESTUDYU study GCA ESTUPIDO stupid GCA ESTURBA disturb GCA ESTVA was GCA EVACUA evacuate GCA EVACUACION evacuation GCA EVACUANTE evacuee GCA EVACUAO evacuated GCA EVALUA evaluate GCA EVALUAO evaluated GCA EVANGELISA evangelist GCA EVIDENCIA evidence GCA EVITA avoid GCA EVITAO avoided GCA EVOS you GCA EWAN I don't know GCA EXACTO exact GCA EXAMINA examine GCA EXAMINACCION examination GCA EXEMPLO example GCA EXISTE exist GCA EXISTENCIA existence GCA EXITO success GCA EXPECTA expect GCA EXPERENCIA experience GCA EXPERENCIAO experienced GCA EXPERENSIYA experience GCA EXPERIENCIA experience GCA EXPERIENSA experience GCA EXPERIENSYA experience GCA EXPERIMENTO experiment GCA EXPERIYENSYA experience GCA EXPIRIENCIA experience GCA EXPLICACION explanation GCA EXPLOSIVO explosive GCA EXPORTA export GCA EXPRESA express GCA EXPRESAO expressed GCA EXPRESSA express GCA EXTENCION extension GCA EXTENDE extend GCA EXTREMISTA extremist GCA EYO I GCA EYRPORS air force GCA EYRPORT airport GCA FABRICA fabricate/factory GCA FACHA appearance GCA FACIL easy GCA FACILIDAD facility GCA FACILITA facilitate GCA FALDA skirt GCA FALLAO defective function GCA FALLO defect GCA FALSIFICA falsify GCA FALSIFICAU falsified GCA FALSO false GCA FALTA fail/lack GCA FAMA fame GCA FAMILIA family GCA FAMILIADA blood relatives GCA FAMILIARES close friends GCA FAMILYA family GCA FAMILYAL family GCA FAMOSO famous GCA FANTASMA phantom GCA FAROL lantern GCA FASTIDIA get fed up GCA FASTIDIAO fed up GCA FAVOR favor GCA FAVORECE favor GCA FAVORITO favorite GCA FE faith GCA FECHA date GCA FEDERACION federation GCA FELICITA congratulate GCA FELICITACION* congratulation GCA FELISITA congratulate GCA FELIZ happy GCA FERTILIZA fertilize GCA FIADOR guarantor GCA FIAMBRERA set of containers GCA FIANZA bond GCA FIDELIDAD fidelity GCA FIEL faithful GCA FIESTA party GCA FIJA look closely GCA FIJO fixed GCA FILA line GCA FILIPINAS Philippines GCA FILIPINO Filipino GCA FILO blade edge GCA FIN end GCA FINALIZA finalize GCA FINALMENTE finally GCA FINO fine/smooth GCA FIRMA sign/signature GCA FIRME always GCA FISCAL government attorney GCA FLACO thin GCA FLOJERAS idleness GCA FLOJO lazy GCA FLOR flower GCA FLOREAO full of flowers GCA FLORERO flower base GCA FLORES flowers GCA FON phone GCA FONDA food stall GCA FONDEA drop anchor GCA FONDERA food stall owner GCA FONDO bottom GCA FORMA form GCA FORMAL formal GCA FORSAO forced GCA FORZA force/to rape GCA FORZADOR rapist GCA FORZAO forced GCA FRACASA fail GCA FRACASAO failed GCA FRACASO failure GCA FRANKISA franchise GCA FRECUENTE frequent GCA FREI fry GCA FRENA apply brakes GCA FRENTE forehead GCA FRESCO fresh GCA FRI fry GCA FRIO cold GCA FRITADA meat stew GCA FRIYO cold GCA FRONTERA front line GCA FRUTA fruit GCA FRUTABLE bearing fruits GCA FRUTAS fruits GCA FUEGO fire GCA FUENTE fountain GCA FUERA outside GCA FUERSA power GCA FUERTE strong GCA FUERTES strong GCA FUERZA ARMADA armed forces GCA FUERZA AYRE air force GCA FUERZA force GCA FUNCION function GCA FUNDA pillow case GCA FUNDIDO melted metal GCA FUNDO fund GCA FUSIL gun GCA FUSILA shoot GCA FUTURO future GCA FWEGO fire GCA GA really GCA GABI taro GCA GACHA duck GCA GAD really GCA GAGA stupid GCA GAGAMBA spider GCA GAGERIAS dumb doings GCA GAGO stupid GCA GAHA ?GAHA GCA GAHIT small trail GCA GAHO citrus division GCA GAISANO Gaisano Store GCA GAJA ?GAJA GCA GALA formal GCA GALAMITON ware GCA GALAPCAN burstingnoise GCA GALAPUNG rice powder GCA GALAXIA galaxy GCA GALAY vine stems GCA GALE so GCA GALEH so GCA GALERIA gallery GCA GALLERA cockpit GCA GALLETAS cookies GCA GALLINA mother hen GCA GALLINERO chicken house GCA GALLITO chick GCA GALLO rooster GCA GALON gallon GCA GALUNG-GALUNG nose ring GCA GALUNG noise GCA GALUNGGUNG galunggung fish GCA GALYERA cockpit GCA GALYETAS cookies GCA GALYINA mother hen GCA GALYINERO chicken house GCA GALYITO chick GCA GALYO rooster GCA GAMIT use GCA GAMUSA chamois cloth GCA GAMUZA chamois GCA GANA appetite/gain/win GCA GANADA profit GCA GANADO inspired GCA GANADOR bigness/greatness/winner GCA GANAH win GCA GANANCIA profit GCA GANANSIYA earning GCA GANANSYA profit/gain GCA GANAO won GCA GANAW won GCA GANCHILLA crochet GCA GANCHILLADA crocheting GCA GANCHILLAW crocheted GCA GANCHILLO crochet hook GCA GANCHO hook GCA GANE let's see GCA GANEH let's see GCA GANGGA tease GCA GANGGIA gang up GCA GANGGYA gang up GCA GANGGYADA ganging up GCA GANGGYAW ganged up GCA GANON like that GCA GANSO goose GCA GANTA measuring unit GCA GAPAS eyeglasses/cotton GCA GARA grasp GCA GARABANSOS chickpeas GCA GARAHE garage GCA GARAMUSA disarranged GCA GARANTIA guarantee GCA GARANTID guaranteed GCA GARANTISA guarantee GCA GARANTISADO guaranteed GCA GARANTISAW guaranteed GCA GARAPATA animal tick GCA GARAPINYERA ice cream mixer GCA GARAPON glass jar GCA GARBANZO chick peas GCA GARBO airs in manner GCA GARBOSO gracefully GCA GARDEN-GARDEN playing at gardening GCA GARDEN garden GCA GARGANTA throat GCA GARGANTILLA chainnecklace GCA GARGARA gargle GCA GARGARYA gargle GCA GARGARYADA gargling GCA GAROTE beatinginstrument GCA GAROTYA beat GCA GAROTYADA beating GCA GARROTE big club GCA GARRUTA beat GCA GARUCHA cudgel GCA GAS gas/fuel GCA GASA gauze GCA GASGAS scrape GCA GASOLINA gasoline GCA GASPANG roughness GCA GASTA spend GCA GASTADOR spendthrift GCA GASTADORA spendthrift GCA GASTAR spend GCA GASTAW used up GCA GASTO expense GCA GASTOS expense GCA GASTOSO costly GCA GASUL liquified petro GCA GAT YO I really GCA GAT really GCA GATA coconut milk GCA GATCHO ?GATCHO GCA GATO cat GCA GATORGALLA wildcat#n GCA GATUNG start cooking fire GCA GATYA climb GCA GATYADA climbing GCA GATYAW climbed GCA GAYA-GAYA imitate GCA GAYOD really GCA GAYOT really GCA GAYUD really GCA GEMIQUIA sob silently GCA GENANSYA earnings GCA GENDE not GCA GENDEH not GCA GENERACION generation GCA GENERAL general GCA GENEROSO generous GCA GENIO temper GCA GENTE people GCA GERA war GCA GERILLA guerrilla GCA GERILLERO guerrilla GCA GERYA hurl GCA GERYADA hurling GCA GERYADOR hurler GCA GERYAW hurled GCA GIBA deteriorating building/bananas GCA GIGANTE giant GCA GIHAY strip GCA GIJAY strip GCA GIMIQUIA sob silently GCA GINATAAN coconut milk dish GCA GINDA get somewhere GCA GIPU gambling game GCA GISA saute GCA GISADA sauteing GCA GISANTES peas GCA GISAW sauteed GCA GISING awake GCA GITARA guitar GCA GIYA guide/lead GCA GIYADA guiding/leading GCA GIYAW guided/led GCA GIYERA war GCA GLE really GCA GLIT upset GCA GLORIA MACAPAGAL ARROYO Gloria Macapagal Arroyo GCA GLORIA glory GCA GLORYA glory GCA GLORYETA bower GCA GLUTON greedy GCA GNE let's see GCA GOBERNA govern GCA GOBERNADA governing GCA GOBERNADOR ruler GCA GOBERNADORA ruler GCA GOBERNAW governed GCA GOBERNOR governor GCA GOBIERNO LOCAL local government GCA GOBIERNO government GCA GOBYERNO government GCA GOGO tree bark GCA GOLE become aware of GCA GOLORIYAS fried pastry GCA GOLOSINAS candy GCA GOLOSO food lover GCA GOLP golf GCA GOLPE-GOLPE fist fight GCA GOLPE2 fist fight GCA GOLPE blow/once GCA GOLPYA hit GCA GOLPYADA hitting GCA GOLPYADOR hitter GCA GOLPYAW hit GCA GOMA rubber GCA GONG-GONG stupid GCA GORA hat GCA GORDA fat GCA GORDO fat GCA GORDOPAN very fat GCA GORDURA fatty tissues GCA GORGOHO wood weevil GCA GORGOJIAO attacked by wood grubs GCA GORGOJO wood grub GCA GOROTYAW beaten GCA GOTA drop GCA GOTERA drip GCA GOTO animal tripe GCA GOVERNA govern GCA GOVERNADOR governor GCA GOVIERNO LOCAL local government GCA GOVIERNO government GCA GRABA engrave/gravel GCA GRABADA engraving GCA GRABATA ?GRABATA GCA GRABAW engraved GCA GRABE serious GCA GRACIA grace GCA GRACIAS thank you GCA GRADAS gradated steps GCA GRADO grade GCA GRADU8 graduate GCA GRADUA graduate GCA GRADUADOS graduated GCA GRADUAO graduated GCA GRADUAW graduated GCA GRADWA graduate GCA GRADWADO graduated GCA GRADWAW graduated GCA GRADWAYSON graduation GCA GRADWEYT graduate GCA GRAMO gram GCA GRAMOS grams GCA GRAN great GCA GRANA grain GCA GRANADA pomegranate/grenade GCA GRANATE maroon GCA GRANDE big GCA GRANDOR size GCA GRANITO skin infection GCA GRANO grain GCA GRASA grease GCA GRASYA grace GCA GRASYAS thanks GCA GRASYOSA graceful GCA GRASYOSO graceful GCA GRAVA engrave/gravel GCA GRAVAO engraved GCA GRBE serious/wow GCA GRDUA graduate GCA GREBATA extract GCA GRESO thick GCA GREVATA extract/grab GCA GRIFO faucet GCA GRIPO faucet GCA GRIS cloth GCA GRITA shout GCA GRITADA shouting GCA GRITAHAN shout GCA GRITAW shouted GCA GRITERIA shout GCA GRITON shouter GCA GRITONA shouter GCA GRITOS shouts GCA GRNDE big GCA GROCERIA grocery GCA GROSOR thickness GCA GROTO grotto GCA GRUESO thick GCA GRUESOR thickness GCA GRUNYI growl GCA GRUNYIDA growling GCA GRUPADA group GCA GRUPO-GRUPO in groups GCA GRUPO group GCA GRUPU group GCA GRU±I growl GCA GRU±IDA growling GCA GRWESO thick GCA GSING awake GCA GSTA spend GCA GT really GCA GUACHI person pretending affection GCA GUACHINANGADAS acts of a guachi GCA GUACHINANGGO trickster GCA GUACHINANGO trickster GCA GUAPA good looking GCA GUAPO good looking GCA GUARDA keep GCA GUARDIA guard GCA GUBAT forest GCA GUD AM good morning GCA GUD PM good afternoon GCA GUDAM good morning GCA GUDNYT good night GCA GUDPM good afternoon GCA GUERA war GCA GUERILLA guerilla GCA GUERRA war GCA GUERRIA war GCA GUHERA bore a hole GCA GUIA guide GCA GUIDGUID grate tubers GCA GUIERRA war GCA GUINDA get there GCA GUINETE coconut palm covering GCA GUIPOS ?GUIPOS GCA GUIRIGAY commotion GCA GUIRING-GUIRING drunk GCA GUISA saute GCA GUISADO stir fried GCA GUISAO sauteed GCA GUITARRA guitar GCA GULAMAN gelatin GCA GULARBAL ?GULARBAL GCA GULAY vegetable GCA GULDURA intestine GCA GULLURIAS dainty morsels GCA GULO mess/confusion GCA GULPIA GCA GULU trouble/to cause trouble GCA GULUD hill GCA GULUSINA* candy GCA GULUSINAS candy GCA GULUT ?GULUT GCA GUMAMELA hibiscus GCA GUMITA vomit GCA GUMITADA vomit GCA GUMITORIO vomit GCA GUMUN tangled hair GCA GUNI ??GUNI GCA GURDURA fat GCA GURGWERO jugular vein GCA GUS2 pleasure GCA GUSANILLO tiny worm GCA GUSANO worm GCA GUSTA like GCA GUSTO pleasure GCA GUSTU like GCA GUTAPERCHA rubberlike substance GCA GUTAY-GUTAY threadbare GCA GUTYA drip GCA GUTYADA dripping GCA GUTYADERA leakage GCA GUTYADOR dripper GCA GUTYAW dripped GCA GUYABANO soursop GCA GUYABAS guava GCA GUYUD drag GCA GWADRA ??GWADRA GCA GWANCHINAGGO nonsensical GCA GWANDO when GCA GWANTES gloves GCA GWAPA good-looking GCA GWAPO good-looking GCA GWARDA keep GCA GWARDADA keeping safe GCA GWARDAW kept safe GCA GWARDIYA guard GCA GWARDYA guard GCA GWARDYADA guarding GCA GWARDYAW guarded GCA GWERO ?GWERO GCA GWPA good looking GCA GYOD really GCA GYOT really GCA GYT really GCA GYUD really GCA HA2D inform GCA HA2UD inform GCA HABAGAT southwest monsoon GCA HABAL news GCA HABANG while GCA HABIA had GCA HABLA speak GCA HABLANDO speaking GCA HABLAR talk GCA HABON soap GCA HABONA soap GCA HABONAW soaped GCA HABONERA soap case GCA HABUG cultivate GCA HABUL run after GCA HABULANG run after the other GCA HACAG tree trunk cut GCA HACE CASA build a house GCA HACE IMUT make use GCA HACE LAGAS chase GCA HACE LIOS mess GCA HACE PILIPIT wring GCA HACE SENYAS signal GCA HACE SE±AS signal GCA HACE SIPA game GCA HACE SUGSUG force one's way in GCA HACE SUHBU handfeed GCA HACE SUHPUN join GCA HACE TECAS cheat GCA HACE TRAPO wipe GCA HACE TUMPUK pile GCA HACE do/make GCA HACENDERO estate owner GCA HACER do/make GCA HACHA axe GCA HACHI sneeze GCA HACHING sneeze GCA HACIDA done/made GCA HACIENDA large estate GCA HACUT gather GCA HADO ?HADO GCA HAGTU sudden jerk GCA HALA pull/watch out GCA HALABAS cut grass GCA HALAGA value/price/cost GCA HALAY hang GCA HALEYA jam GCA HALIMBAWA for example GCA HALO-HALO sweetened dish GCA HALO empty inside/pestle GCA HALOS almost GCA HALTA filled GCA HALUGA loose GCA HAMBRE hunger GCA HAMBUG brag GCA HAMBUGERA show off GCA HAMBUGERO show off GCA HAMON ham GCA HAMPAS swipe GCA HAMPUL herb application GCA HAMUG dew GCA HAMUK dew GCA HANCAP dog's grab GCA HANDA prepare GCA HANDAH feint GCA HANGA admire GCA HANGAK staring GCA HANGGUL intense longing GCA HANGUL anxious GCA HANIP parasite GCA HAORA now GCA HAPAH roof GCA HAPAY financially broke GCA HAPDI biting sensation GCA HAPLUS loosen knot GCA HAPON Japan GCA HAPONESE Japanese GCA HAPU-IN asthmatic GCA HAPU asthma/wheeze GCA HARABE syrup GCA HARAG chicken group GCA HARAGAN glutton GCA HARANA serenade GCA HARANG block GCA HARANISTA serenader GCA HARDIN garden GCA HARDINERA gardener GCA HARDINERO gardener GCA HARENA sand GCA HARIDYA ?HARIDYA GCA HARIGI post GCA HARINA flour GCA HARMONIYA harmony GCA HARMONYO harmonium GCA HARTA satiate GCA HASE ESFURSO make an effort GCA HASE LIOS mess GCA HASE do GCA HASTA until/even GCA HATUD inform GCA HAUS house GCA HAWIT barely clinging GCA HAWLA cage GCA HAY NAKU oh my GCA HAY there is GCA HAYA wail GCA HAYAAN wailing GCA HAYAH wail GCA HAYANG lie flat GCA HBANG while GCA HBLA talk GCA HDE not GCA HECHO made GCA HECHOR guilty one GCA HECTARIA hectare GCA HEDE stink GCA HEDIONDO stinking GCA HEDOR stink GCA HEDYOND* smelly person GCA HEFE chief GCA HELE-HELE ambivalence GCA HEMPLO example GCA HEMPLOS examples GCA HEND not GCA HENDE BA isn't it GCA HENDE not GCA HENDI not GCA HENERAL general/generally GCA HENERASYON generation GCA HENTE person GCA HENYO temper/temperament GCA HEPE boss GCA HEREDERA heiress GCA HEREDERAS heiresses GCA HEREDERO heir GCA HEREDEROS heirs GCA HERERASION generation GCA HERI wound GCA HERIDA wound GCA HERIDO wounded GCA HERMANA sister GCA HERMANAS sisters GCA HERMANO brother GCA HERMANOS brothers GCA HERMITAO ?HERMITAO GCA HERMOSA beautiful GCA HERMOSURA beauty GCA HERVI boil GCA HERVIDO boiled GCA HESUCHRISTO Jesus Christ GCA HIBI dried shrimp/grimace/slanted GCA HIERBA herb GCA HIERVA boil GCA HIGANTE giant GCA HIJA daughter GCA HIJO son GCA HIKA-IN asthmatic GCA HIKA asthma GCA HIKAB yawn GCA HILA pull GCA HILACHA flint GCA HILADA pulling GCA HILAMON feel#c Visayan GCA HILAP have hunger pangs GCA HILAW pulled/raw GCA HILIG like GCA HILO thread GCA HIMAS massage GCA HIMAY shred vegetables GCA HIMNO hymn GCA HIMUS tidy up GCA HINANAKIT resentment GCA HINCA kneel GCA HINCHA swell GCA HINCHAO swollen GCA HINDE B not GCA HINDE not GCA HINDI BA isn't it? GCA HINDI not GCA HINGCA ??HINGCA GCA HINGKA kneel GCA HINGKADA kneeling GCA HINGKAW kneeling GCA HINHIN threadbare GCA HINLU smooth laundry GCA HINTAY wait GCA HINUGAS pig food GCA HINYEBRA gin GCA HIPA pant GCA HIPADA panting GCA HIPAW panting GCA HIPOCRITA hypocrite GCA HIPOTECAO mortgaged GCA HIRIDA injury GCA HIRIDO injured GCA HIRING ?HIRING GCA HISTORIA history GCA HITA crotch GCA HITAD stretch GCA HITAT stretch GCA HIWALAY separated GCA HIWI stretch GCA HMBRE man GCA HN2 together with GCA HND not GCA HNDE not GCA HNDI not/no GCA HNTE people GCA HNTO together GCA HOBEN young GCA HOBENES young people GCA HODE goddamn GCA HODENTYA curse GCA HODENTYAW cursed GCA HODIDA cursed GCA HODIDO cursed GCA HOJAS plant leaves GCA HOLEN marbles GCA HOMBRE man GCA HOMBRO shoulder GCA HOMSIK homesick GCA HONDO deep GCA HONESTO honest GCA HOO yes GCA HORA hour GCA HORAS hours GCA HORMA mould GCA HORNAL daily GCA HORNALERO day worker GCA HORNO oven GCA HORTILLAS ??HORTILLAS GCA HOSP hospital GCA HOSPITAL hospital GCA HOTA folk dance GCA HOTEL hotel GCA HOVEN young GCA HOVENES young people GCA HOY today GCA HOYANG weak#c Ceb GCA HOYO hole GCA HSTA until GCA HUANI ??#fruit type GCA HUBAS reduce liquid GCA HUBUG drunk GCA HUCAT search GCA HUDIDO condemned GCA HUDIYO Jew GCA HUEBES Thursday GCA HUEBO egg GCA HUEBOS eggs GCA HUEGO game GCA HUESO bone GCA HUEVOS egg GCA HUGA BARAHA play cards GCA HUGA play GCA HUGADA playing GCA HUGADOR gambler GCA HUGAW played GCA HUGETE toy GCA HUI escape GCA HUIDA elopement/flight GCA HUKAY burial hole/dig GCA HULA guess GCA HULAU seek shelter GCA HULIP patch roof GCA HULUM soak GCA HULYO July GCA HUMANO human GCA HUMBA roar GCA HUMBADA engine'snoise GCA HUMBAW roared GCA HUMO smoke GCA HUN2 along with GCA HUNAS low tide GCA HUNTO next to GCA HUNTU beside GCA HUNUS harvester share GCA HUNYO june GCA HURA swear GCA HURADA swearing GCA HURAMENTA go berserk GCA HURAMENTADO one gone berserk GCA HURAMENTAW gone berserk GCA HURAMYENTO swearing GCA HURAW sworn GCA HURGESA toy GCA HUSGA judge GCA HUSGADA judging GCA HUSGADO court GCA HUSGADOR judge GCA HUSGAW judged GCA HUSTA fit GCA HUSTADA measurement GCA HUSTAW made fit GCA HUSTISIA justice GCA HUSTISYA justice GCA HUSTO enough GCA HUSTU enough GCA HUTIK whisper GCA HUWEBES Thursday GCA HUWI escape GCA HUY hay GCA HUYA shame GCA HUYAIN bashful GCA HUYAP yawn GCA HWAHUY game of chance GCA HWEBES thursday GCA HWEBOS eggs GCA HWEGO game/set GCA HWES DE KUCHILLO martial law GCA HWES DE PRIMER INSTANSYA judge of first instance GCA HWES judge GCA HWETENG game GCA HWISYO wisdom/judgment GCA HWISYOSO wise GCA HYEDE malodorous GCA IBIT large lizard GCA IBITA avoid GCA IBITAO avoided GCA IBUS type of suman GCA ICHA put GCA ICHADA putting GCA ICHAW put GCA ICHURA JOVEN young looking GCA ICHURA looks GCA IDA'Y VUELTA back and forth GCA IDAY-BWELTA back and forth GCA IDAYVUELTA round trip GCA IDEA idea GCA IDEALISMO idealism GCA IDENTIFICA identify GCA IDENTIFICAO identified GCA IDEYA idea GCA IDOLO idol GCA IGADO liver GCA IGIT bit of feces GCA IGLESHA church GCA IGLESIA church GCA IGLESYA church GCA IGNORANSYA ignorance GCA IGNORANTE ignorant GCA IGUAL equal GCA IGUALA retainer fee GCA IGUALDAD equality GCA IGUALES equal GCA IGURIAS pretensions GCA IGWAL equal GCA IGWANA iguana GCA IHA daughter GCA IHADA godchild GCA IHINO ?IHINO GCA IHO son GCA IKA-CINCO fifth GCA IKA-KWATRO fourth GCA IKA-TRES third GCA IKAKUATRO fourth GCA IKAW you GCA IKE so what GCA IKW you GCA ILA their GCA ILACHA fiber GCA ILAMUN ILAMUN#?? GCA ILANUN coconut GCA ILAP evasion GCA ILBANA base in sewing GCA ILBANAW basted GCA ILIGAL USADA DEL illegal use of GCA ILIGAL illegal GCA ILO thread GCA ILUCION illustion GCA ILUMINA light up GCA ILUMINADA lighting up GCA ILUMINAW lighted up GCA ILUSTRA to illustrate GCA ILUSTRADA cultured/illustrating GCA ILUSTRADO cultured GCA ILUSTRAW cultured GCA IMAGEN image GCA IMAGINA imagine GCA IMAGINACION imagination GCA IMAHEN image GCA IMAHINA imagine GCA IMAHINASYON imagination GCA IMBAO edible seashell GCA IMBARKA embark GCA IMBASYON invasion GCA IMBAY-IMBAY walking GCA IMBAY walk GCA IMBENSYON invention GCA IMBENTA invent GCA IMBENTADA inventing GCA IMBENTAW invented GCA IMBENTO invent GCA IMBENTOR inventor GCA IMBENTORA inventor GCA IMBES instead GCA IMBESTIGA investigate GCA IMBESTIGADA investigating GCA IMBESTIGADOR investigator GCA IMBESTIGADORA investigator GCA IMBESTIGASYON investigation GCA IMBESTIGAW investigated GCA IMBIA send GCA IMBIAO sent GCA IMBIDIA jealousy GCA IMBISTI challenge GCA IMBISTIDA challenging GCA IMBISTIDO challenged GCA IMBISTIDOR challenger GCA IMBISTIDORA challenger GCA IMBISTIGA investigate GCA IMBITA invite GCA IMBITADA inviting GCA IMBITASYON invitation GCA IMBITAW invited GCA IMBIYA send GCA IMBIYAO sent GCA IMBONAMENTE well GCA IMBOSTERA liar GCA IMBUDO funnel GCA IMBUENAMENTE good GCA IMBUNAMENTE well GCA IMBUSTERIAS lies GCA IMBUSTERO liar GCA IMBYA send GCA IMEDIATALMENTE immediately GCA IMFERMEDAD sickness GCA IMFIERNO hell GCA IMITA imitate GCA IMITADA imitating GCA IMITADOR imitator GCA IMITADORA imitator GCA IMITASYON imitation GCA IMNO hymn GCA IMPAKTO fake GCA IMPASYENTE impatient GCA IMPEDIMENTO impediment GCA IMPEKSYON infection GCA IMPEKTA infect GCA IMPERDIBLE safety pin GCA IMPERMA sick GCA IMPERMEDAD disease GCA IMPERMO sick GCA IMPERSONAL impersonal GCA IMPERTINENTE impertinent GCA IMPERYAL imperial GCA IMPERYOR inferior GCA IMPIDI impede GCA IMPIDIDA impeding GCA IMPIDIDO impeded GCA IMPIDIMENTO impediment GCA IMPIERNO hell GCA IMPLEMENTA implement GCA IMPLEMENTACION implementation GCA IMPLIMENTA implement GCA IMPLORA implore GCA IMPLORADO imploring GCA IMPONE impose tax GCA IMPORMA inform GCA IMPORMACION information GCA IMPORMASYON information GCA IMPORTA import/worth GCA IMPORTACION importation GCA IMPORTANCIA importance GCA IMPORTANSYA importance GCA IMPORTANTE important GCA IMPORTAO imported GCA IMPORTASYON importation GCA IMPORTAW imported GCA IMPOSIBLE impossible GCA IMPRENTA print/printing press GCA IMPRENTE in front GCA IMPRETAW printed GCA IMPRIMI print GCA IMPRIYA cool GCA IMPRIYADA cooling down GCA IMPRIYAW cooled GCA IMPROVISA improvise GCA IMPRTANTE important GCA IMPUESTO* tax GCA IMPYERNO hell GCA IMUT economize GCA IMVIA send GCA IN PIYAGSANGKAHAN KU I'm sorry GCA IN4RM inform GCA IN4TANTE important GCA INAGWA rinse GCA INAGWADA rinsing GCA INAGWAW rinsed GCA INAHIN mother hen GCA INAMORA love GCA INANI rice stalks GCA INANTE recently GCA INANTES recently GCA INANTS recently GCA INAT stretch GCA INAUGURA inaugurate GCA INBIA send GCA INBIAW sent GCA INBUENAMENTE good GCA INCENDIA cause fire GCA INCENDIO large fire GCA INCHA swell GCA INCHADA swelling GCA INCHAO swollen GCA INCHASON swelling GCA INCHAW swollen GCA INCHILAO vexed GCA INCIA ?INCIA GCA INCIDENTE incident GCA INCIMA contract GCA INCINIA show GCA INCINYA show GCA INCLUHI include GCA INCLUHIDO included GCA INCLUI include GCA INCLUIDO included GCA INCLUJI include GCA INCLUJIDO included GCA INCLUYI include GCA INCONTRA find GCA INCUENTRO find GCA INCUJI to contract GCA INCUNTRA encounter GCA INCURRI incur GCA INDAY ??INDAY GCA INDEPENDENCIA independence GCA INDICA indicate GCA INDICAO indicated GCA INDISENTE indecent GCA INDIVIDUAL individual GCA INDIVIDUALES individuals GCA INDNDE where GCA INDULSAO ?INDULSAO GCA INDUSTRIA industry GCA INDUSTRIYA industry GCA INEKSYON inject GCA INFECTA infect GCA INFECTAO infected GCA INFERMEDAD sickness GCA INFIERNO hell GCA INFLUENCIA influence GCA INFORMA inform GCA INFORMACION information GCA INFORMES information GCA INFRASTACTURA infrastructure GCA INGAT take care GCA INGATZ take care GCA INGCUENTRO encounter GCA INGCUNTRA encounter GCA INGGIT jealous GCA INGGRATA ungrateful GCA INGGRATO ungrateful GCA INGKANSA ?INGKANSA GCA INGKONTRA find GCA INGKUNTRA find GCA INGKWENTRO meeting GCA INGLES English GCA INGRESO receipts GCA INGRESSO receipt GCA INHIBRE ginger GCA INHIERO engineer GCA INICIAL initial GCA INIKSYON injection GCA INITIA start GCA INKILINO tenant GCA INKLINA incline GCA INKLINADA inclining GCA INKLINASYON inclination GCA INKLINAW inclined GCA INKLUWI include GCA INKLUWIDA including GCA INKLUWIDO included GCA INKONTRA find GCA INKREYIBLE incredible GCA INKUNTRA find GCA INNOCENTE innocent GCA INOCENTE* innocent GCA INOLVIDABLE unforgettable GCA INOM drink GCA INOSENTE innocent GCA INPERMA sick GCA INPKSYON inspection GCA INQUILINO tenant GCA INSECTO insect GCA INSEGUIDAS immediately GCA INSENDYO fire GCA INSERTA insert GCA INSIGUIDAS instantly GCA INSIMA atop GCA INSINA teach GCA INSINDI light GCA INSINDIDA lighting up GCA INSINDIDO aflame GCA INSINIA teach GCA INSINYA teach GCA INSISTENTE insistent GCA INSISTI insist GCA INSISTIDA insisting GCA INSISTIDO insisted GCA INSIÑA teach GCA INSPECCION inspection GCA INSPECCIONA inspect GCA INSPECSYON inspection GCA INSPECTA inspect GCA INSPEKTA inspect GCA INSPEKTAW inspected GCA INSPEKTOR inspector GCA INSPEKTORA inspector GCA INSPIRA inspire GCA INSPIRACION inspiration GCA INSPIRASYON inspiration GCA INSPIRAU inspired GCA INSTALA install GCA INSTALASYON installation GCA INSTALAW installed GCA INSTITUCCION institution GCA INSTITUCION institution GCA INSTOLA install GCA INSTOLAO installed GCA INSTRUKSYON instruction GCA INSTRUMENTO instrument GCA INSTRUWI instruct GCA INSTRUWIDA instructing GCA INSTRUWIDO instructed GCA INSUGA air dry GCA INSULTA insult GCA INSULTADA insulting GCA INSULTAW insulted GCA INSULTERA insulter GCA INSULTERO insulter GCA INSULTO insult GCA INSUSIA dirty GCA INSUSIAO dirtied GCA INSUSYA make dirty GCA INSUSYAW dirty GCA INTACTO intact GCA INTELIGENTE intelligent GCA INTENCIONAO intentional GCA INTENDE understand GCA INTENDIDO understood GCA INTENDIHAN understand GCA INTENDIMIENTO understanding GCA INTENSIFICA intensity GCA INTERA entire GCA INTERES interest GCA INTERESADO interested GCA INTERESAO interested GCA INTERESAW interested GCA INTEREST interest GCA INTERIOR interior GCA INTERNA dorm resident GCA INTERNAL internal GCA INTERO entire GCA INTERPRETA interpret GCA INTERPRETASYON interpretation GCA INTERPRETE interpreter GCA INTERSECCION intersection GCA INTIERO entire GCA INTINDI understand GCA INTINDIHAN understand GCA INTREVISTA interview GCA INTRODUCI introduce GCA INTUMI becomenumb GCA INTUMICION numbness GCA INTUMIDA becomingnumb GCA INTUMIDO numbed GCA INUTIL useless GCA INVADI invade GCA INVENTA invent GCA INVENTARIO inventory GCA INVENTO invention GCA INVESTIGA investigate GCA INVESTIGACION investigation GCA INVESTIGASYON investigation GCA INVESTIGATION investigaion GCA INVESTIGATIONES investigations GCA INVIA CARTA send a letter GCA INVIDIA envy GCA INVISTI fight GCA INVITA invite GCA INVITACION invitation GCA INVITAO invited GCA INYO you/r GCA IO I GCA IPA rice chaff GCA IPIT hold down/pinch GCA IPITAN clip GCA IQUAL equal GCA IRAMYENTAS tools GCA IRBI boil GCA IRESPONSABLE irresponsible GCA IREYSER eraser GCA IRI wound GCA IRIDA wound GCA IRIDO wounded GCA IRMANO brother GCA IRU dog GCA IRVIDO boiled GCA ISCAPA escape GCA ISCAPAO escaped GCA ISCOBA brush GCA ISCONDE hide GCA ISCRIBI write GCA ISCUELA school GCA ISCUHI choose GCA ISCURO dark GCA ISCURU dark GCA ISIP lacking interest GCA ISIS tree GCA ISKAPA escape GCA ISKINA street corner GCA ISKONDE hide GCA ISKRIBI write GCA ISKUHI choose GCA ISKUHIDA choosing GCA ISKUHIDO chosen GCA ISKUPI spit GCA ISKUPIDA spitting GCA ISKUPIDOR cuspidor GCA ISKUPITINA spittle GCA ISKURANA rain clouds GCA ISKURO dark GCA ISKUWELA school GCA ISKWELA school GCA ISKYERDA left side GCA ISLA island GCA ISMIRA ?ISMIRA GCA ISNUMBRE ginger GCA ISPANTA frighten GCA ISPERA wait GCA ISPIRINA aspirin GCA ISPIRITU spirit GCA ISQUIERDA left GCA ISTABA was GCA ISTAMBAY stand by GCA ISTILLAS kindling GCA ISTILO style GCA ISTORBO bother GCA ISTORIA DE ANTES legend GCA ISTORIA story GCA ISTORYA story GCA ISTRELIAS stars GCA ISTRIKTO strict GCA ISTUDIA study GCA ISTUDIAO studied GCA ISTUDYA study GCA ISTUDYANTE student GCA ISYU issue GCA ITAY father GCA ITCHA put GCA ITCHURA look GCA ITSURA looks GCA ITTURA looks GCA ITU this GCA IVITA avoid GCA IWAS scram#c GCA IYAY aunt GCA IYO I GCA IYOY uncle GCA IZQUIERDA left GCA JAB job GCA JABON soap GCA JABONERA soap dish GCA JACKA ww2 Japanese currency GCA JADS judge GCA JAIHARI ?JAIHARI GCA JAK lifting device GCA JAKET jacket GCA JAKPAT luck GCA JALA-JALA drag GCA JALA pull GCA JALEA jelly GCA JALO never mind GCA JAM dessert GCA JAMON ham GCA JAMPER skirt GCA JANGGEL jungle GCA JANITOR cleaner GCA JAPAN Japan GCA JARDIN garden GCA JARDINERO gardener GCA JAULA cage GCA JEFE chief GCA JELI jelly GCA JELOS jealous GCA JENDEH no/not GCA JENERAL general GCA JENEREYSYON generation GCA JENEREYTOR generator GCA JENTE people GCA JENWARI january GCA JEPE boss GCA JET jet GCA JEYD jade GCA JEYSI jaycee GCA JINGGA ?JINGGA GCA JIP jeep GCA JIPNI jipni GCA JIRINGA syringe GCA JIRINGGUILLA small syringe GCA JOK joke GCA JOKER joker GCA JORGUESA toy GCA JORNAL journal GCA JORNALERO day laborer GCA JOVEN young GCA JOVENCILLO young looking GCA JOVENCITA young woman GCA JOVENCITO young man GCA JOVENES youth GCA JST just GCA JU jew GCA JUAJUY lottery GCA JUBILI jubilee GCA JUEGO play GCA JUEVES Thursday GCA JUEZ judge GCA JUGA play GCA JUGADOR player GCA JUGUETE toy GCA JUICIO sense GCA JULAY july GCA JULIO July GCA JULU-JULU groan GCA JULUM soak GCA JUN june GCA JUNIO June GCA JUNTA junta/together GCA JUNTO-JUNTO altogether GCA JUNTO2 altogether GCA JUNTO together GCA JUNTOJUNTO altogether GCA JUNTU together GCA JUNTUS together GCA JUNYUR junior GCA JURA swear GCA JURAMENTAO one who runs amok GCA JURAMENTO oath GCA JUS juice GCA JUSGA judge GCA JUSGADO judged GCA JUSTICIA justice GCA JUSTO just GCA JUTAY small GCA JUYA embarrassed GCA JUZGA judge GCA JUZGADO court GCA K TAL hello GCA K0NTAK contact GCA KA you GCA KABA finish GCA KABALLAS edible fish GCA KABALLO horse GCA KABALYO horse GCA KABAN cavan (=rice measurement) GCA KABANG-KABANG uneven coloring GCA KABANG uneven coloring GCA KABAR then GCA KABARET cabaret GCA KABATAAN* youth GCA KABAU turtle GCA KABAW water buffalo#c GCA KABE fit GCA KABESA head GCA KABESERA head position GCA KABESON headman GCA KABESOTE by memory GCA KABIBI fresh water clam GCA KABINETE cabinet GCA KABIT-KABIT connected GCA KABIT connect GCA KABLE cable rope GCA KABO corporal GCA KABRA goat GCA KABRON cuckolded husband GCA KACAL rap head GCA KACHA unbleached muslin GCA KACHICHAS athlete's foot GCA KACHUBUNG plant GCA KADA every/each GCA KADABES everytime GCA KADAKWALAN to each his own GCA KADENA DE AMOR flowering vine GCA KADENA chain GCA KADERA hip GCA KADIRI disgusting GCA KAGA defecate GCA KAGADA defecating GCA KAGANERA diarrhea GCA KAGANG germs GCA KAGAW itch mite GCA KAGAWAD member GCA KAGAWADS members GCA KAGI muslim leader GCA KAGON afflicted with diarrhea GCA KAGONA afflicted with diarrhea GCA KAGUID dog skin disease GCA KAGUINKING branches of bamboo GCA KAGUIRIN afflicted with kaguid GCA KAHA maybe/safe GCA KAHEL sweet orange GCA KAHERO cashier GCA KAHIDO ??KAHIDO GCA KAHIG rake GCA KAHINAAN weakness GCA KAHON DE MWELTO coffin GCA KAHON box GCA KAILAN when GCA KAILANGAN need GCA KAINGIN farming method GCA KAINGINERO farmer GCA KAKAH dirty GCA KAKAK hen's squawk GCA KAKAW cacao GCA KAL lime GCA KALABASA squash GCA KALABERA skull GCA KALABIT attract attention GCA KALABOSO prison GCA KALACHICHI calachuchee GCA KALADO cutwork embroidery GCA KALAM tickle GCA KALAMARES squid GCA KALAMBRE cramps GCA KALAMIDAD calamity GCA KALAN native stove GCA KALAS wasteful#c GCA KALAT disorderly GCA KALAW hornbill GCA KALAWANG rust GCA KALAYAD ??KALAYAD# (ASE KALAYAD) GCA KALAYAT mess GCA KALBARYO calvary GCA KALBO bald GCA KALDERA cauldron GCA KALDERO kettle GCA KALDO soup GCA KALENDARYO calendar GCA KALENTA heat GCA KALENTADA heating GCA KALENTAW heated GCA KALENTON hot-headed GCA KALENTURA fever GCA KALENTURAW feverish GCA KALIBUGAN pagan half-breed GCA KALICAT stir rice GCA KALIENTE hot GCA KALINGKING little finger GCA KALIS chalice GCA KALIWA left direction GCA KALIWETE lefthanded person GCA KALKULA calculate GCA KALKULASYON calculation GCA KALKULAW calculated GCA KALLA keep quiet GCA KALLADA quiet GCA KALLADISA quiet-natured GCA KALLADISO quiet-natured GCA KALLAW quieted down GCA KALLE street GCA KALLO blister GCA KALLOS spanish dish GCA KALMA calm GCA KALMANTE calming aid GCA KALOCOHAN foolishness GCA KALONGGO wart GCA KALOR heat GCA KALSADA road GCA KALSE ?KALSE GCA KALSITIN socks GCA KALSO wedge GCA KALSON pants GCA KALSONSILLO undershorts GCA KALUCUHAN foolishness GCA KALYA quiet GCA KALYAO quiet GCA KALYE street GCA KALYENTE hot GCA KAMA bed GCA KAMALI mistake GCA KAMANDAG poison GCA KAMANG crawl GCA KAMANSE jackfruit GCA KAMANTIGI flower GCA KAMANTING cassava GCA KAMAPNERO bell ringer GCA KAMARIN farm shed GCA KAMARON shrimp GCA KAMAROTE ship cabin GCA KAMATIS tomato GCA KAMBAL twin GCA KAMBIA change GCA KAMBIYA change GCA KAMBIYAO changed GCA KAMBRUS scratch GCA KAMBYA change GCA KAMBYADA change GCA KAMBYAW changed GCA KAMBYO change GCA KAME we GCA KAMEN ?KAMEN GCA KAMERA camera GCA KAMI LANG just us GCA KAMI we GCA KAMINA walk GCA KAMINADA coming GCA KAMINANDO walking GCA KAMINERO street cleaner GCA KAMINO road GCA KAMISA dress GCA KAMISADENTRO men's shirt GCA KAMISAY-CHINO man's shirt GCA KAMISETA undershirt GCA KAMISOLA housedress GCA KAMISOLIN undershirt GCA KAMISON chemise GCA KAMO you GCA KAMOTE sweet potato GCA KAMOTENG-KAHUY cassava GCA KAMPANA bell GCA KAMPANILLA little bell GCA KAMPANYA campaign GCA KAMPO-SANTO cemetery GCA KAMPO camp GCA KAMU you GCA KAMUSTA hello GCA KAMYA camia flower GCA KAMYAS sour fruit GCA KANA chinese berries GCA KANAL canal GCA KANALLA greedy GCA KANAMON us GCA KANAMUN us GCA KANARYO canary GCA KANASTRO basket GCA KANATON us GCA KANATUN us GCA KANAWAY northwest wind GCA KANDA et al GCA KANDADO padlock GCA KANDAW padlock GCA KANDELA candle GCA KANDIDATO candidate GCA KANDIIS dimple GCA KANDIS dimple GCA KANDONGGA neckerchief GCA KANDULI mudfish/muslim rite GCA KANELA cinnamon GCA KANGA bald GCA KANGGA sled GCA KANGGREHO crab GCA KANGHE porridge broth GCA KANGKANG akimbo GCA KANGNGA bald GCA KANIBAL cannibal GCA KANILA with/to them GCA KANILLA beef shank GCA KANINYO you GCA KANIñO you GCA KANO American GCA KANON boiled rice GCA KANSA become tired GCA KANSANSYA tiredness GCA KANSANSYO tiredness GCA KANSAO tired GCA KANSAW tired GCA KANSER cancer GCA KANSEROSO cancerous GCA KANSW tired GCA KANSYON song GCA KANTA sing GCA KANTADA singing GCA KANTATRIS singer GCA KANTAW sung GCA KANTIDAD quantity GCA KANTINA tin container GCA KANTO song/street corner GCA KANTOR singer GCA KANTOYAPLAYA seashore#n GCA KANUN cooked rice GCA KANUNUAN followers GCA KANYA bamboo/sugarcane GCA KANYAMASO netting GCA KANYO ?KANYO GCA KANYON cannon GCA KANYONASO cannon shots GCA KANYONERO cannonoperator GCA KAONG ?KAONG GCA KAPA cape/castrate/feel GCA KAPADA castrating GCA KAPAW castrated GCA KAPE coffee GCA KAPETERA coffee pot GCA KAPETERIYA coffee shop GCA KAPETERO coffee drinker GCA KAPETON coffee drinker GCA KAPILLA chapel GCA KAPILYA chapel GCA KAPITAL capital GCA KAPITAN captain GCA KAPITOLYO government building GCA KAPITULO chapter GCA KAPIUT clinging GCA KAPKAP grope GCA KAPON castrated GCA KAPONA castrate GCA KAPOTE raincoat GCA KAPRE ogre GCA KAPRICHO whim GCA KAPRICHOSA capricious GCA KAPRICHOSO capricious GCA KARA face GCA KARABALLA female carabao GCA KARABAW carabao GCA KARAHAY frying pan GCA KARAHO naughty GCA KARAKOL snail GCA KARAMBOLA free-for-all/cockfight GCA KARANG-KARANG dare GCA KARAOKE karaoke GCA KARAT bitter taste GCA KARATE karate GCA KARATULA signboard GCA KARAY-KRUS gambling game GCA KARAY ?KARAY GCA KARBURADOR carburetor GCA KARD card GCA KARDA ??KARDA GCA KARDENAL cardinal GCA KARDUME school of fish GCA KARERA high fee charger GCA KARERO race/career GCA KARETON push cart GCA KARGA carry/load GCA KARGADA load/carrying GCA KARGADOR porter GCA KARGANTE boring/annoying GCA KARGAW loaded/carried GCA KARGO cargo GCA KARINYO caress GCA KARINYOSA affectionate GCA KARINYOSO affectionate GCA KARISIMO very expensive GCA KARISTIYA scarcity GCA KARI±O caress GCA KARI±OSA affectionate GCA KARI±OSO affectionate GCA KARNABAL carnival GCA KARNAL blood relation GCA KARNE meat GCA KARNERO lamb GCA KARNO ??KARNO GCA KARO cart/expensive GCA KARPINTERO carpenter GCA KARSEL prison cell GCA KARSELADO imprisoned GCA KARSELAW imprisoned GCA KARTA letter GCA KARTERO letter carrier GCA KARTILLA beginner's reader GCA KARTON cardboard GCA KARWAHE carriage GCA KASA house/marry GCA KASADA married GCA KASADO married GCA KASALANAN fault GCA KASAMIEN2 wedding GCA KASAMIENTO wedding GCA KASAMYENTO marriage/wedding GCA KASANGCAPAN mixed belongings GCA KASANGKAPAN household things GCA KASANGKAPANG tools GCA KASAO married GCA KASAP rough GCA KASAP rough#n GCA KASAW married GCA KASERA landlord GCA KASEROLA saucepan GCA KASI almost/because GCA KASILLAS toilet GCA KASKA peel GCA KASKADA peeling GCA KASKADOR peeler GCA KASKARA fruit covering GCA KASKARO eggshell GCA KASKARUIN itchy GCA KASKAS in great hurry/rub GCA KASKASERO speed maniac GCA KASKAW peeled GCA KASKERO reckless driver GCA KASKO pillowcase GCA KASNGE porridge broth GCA KASO case GCA KASPAS dandruff GCA KASTANYAS chestnut GCA KASTA±AS chestnut GCA KASTELLANO Spanish language GCA KASTELYANO Spanish GCA KASTIGA punish GCA KASTIGADA punishing GCA KASTIGAW punished GCA KASTIGO punishment GCA KASTILLO castle GCA KASUY cashew GCA KATA newsy talk GCA KATALA parrot GCA KATALOGO catalog GCA KATEDRAL cathedral GCA KATERBA many GCA KATESISMO catechism GCA KATIG banca outrigger GCA KATING-KATING squat GCA KATINGKATING squat GCA KATOL mosquito coil GCA KATON primer GCA KATORSE fourteen GCA KATRE bed GCA KATUMBAL small red pepper GCA KAW you GCA KAWA cooking vessel GCA KAWAWA pitiful GCA KAWIT bamboo recptacle GCA KAWSA cause GCA KAY because GCA KAYA therefore GCA KAYIDA falling GCA KAYIDO fallen GCA KAYO you GCA KAYOD strive#c GCA KAYSA than GCA KAYUG grate GCA KAYUMAN crocodile GCA KAYUMAT nits GCA KA±A bamboo GCA KA±AMASO netting GCA KBA finish GCA KBAR finish GCA KBESA head GCA KBR then GCA KC because GCA KDA stay GCA KE ORA what time GCA KE how/what GCA KEBER mind/care GCA KEBRA break GCA KEBRADA breaking GCA KEBRADISO fragile GCA KEBRADURA breakage GCA KEBRANTA break up suddenly GCA KEBRANTADA breaking up GCA KEBRANTAW broken up GCA KEBRAW broken GCA KEDA live GCA KEDADA lodging#n GCA KEL that/because GCA KELANGAN need GCA KELAYA TASE PAYPAY fanning GCA KELAYA how GCA KEMA burn GCA KEMANERA in what manner GCA KEMODO2 ?however GCA KEMODO how GCA KEN who GCA KENDENG-KENDENG walking GCA KENDI candy GCA KENKOY joker GCA KEORA what time GCA KERE want GCA KESEHODA I don't care GCA KESILLO white cheese GCA KESO cheese GCA KETAL how are you GCA KEY because/fall GCA KGWD member GCA KI ORA what time GCA KI here GCA KICHURA how GCA KIDLAT lightning GCA KIEL that GCA KIEN* who GCA KIEORA what time GCA KIERE SILA they want GCA KIERE* want GCA KIERES you want GCA KIKI food on teeth GCA KIKIK nocturnal bird GCA KIKIL extort money GCA KILAO raw fish GCA KILAWIN raw GCA KILAYA how GCA KILO kilo GCA KILOMETRO kilometer GCA KILOMETROS kilometers GCA KIMA burn GCA KIMODO how GCA KIMONA women's costume GCA KIMONO Japanese dress GCA KINCHAY celery GCA KINDER kindergarten GCA KINGKE wick lamp GCA KINILAO raw fish GCA KINILIS rice water GCA KINSE fifteen GCA KINYENTOS five hundred GCA KIORA what time GCA KIRIDA kept woman GCA KIRLAT lightning GCA KISAME ceiling GCA KISAP-KISAP flicker GCA KISAP wink GCA KISKIS scrub GCA KITA we/remove GCA KITAAN long timeno see GCA KITADA removing GCA KITAW removed GCA KITIG tickle GCA KITIK tickle GCA KITONG leprosy GCA KIYERE want GCA KLABA nail GCA KLABADA nailing GCA KLABAW nailed GCA KLABITO littlenail GCA KLABO nail GCA KLARIDAD clarity GCA KLARINETE clarinet GCA KLARO clear GCA KLASE kind GCA KLERIGO clergy GCA KLIENTE client GCA KLIMA climate GCA KLINIK clinic GCA KLINIKA clinin GCA KLOSING schoolend GCA KMBERSA talk GCA KMBIA change GCA KMBO you GCA KMBYA change GCA KME we GCA KMGO me GCA KMI we GCA KMIDA food GCA KMIG* me GCA KMINA walk GCA KMISA shirt GCA KMNA walk GCA KMO you GCA KMPRA buy GCA KMPROMISO commitment GCA KMUSTA hi GCA KN with/to GCA KNA2N us GCA KNAMN us GCA KNAMON us GCA KNAMUN us GCA KNATN us GCA KNATON us GCA KNATUN us GCA KNDA et al GCA KNEL him GCA KNELE him GCA KNELI to him/her GCA KNESE that GCA KNIKAW to you GCA KNILA them GCA KNINA before GCA KNL him/her GCA KNLA with them GCA KNLE him/her GCA KNMON us GCA KNMUN us GCA KNOSE know GCA KNSAO tired GCA KNSAW tired GCA KNSE know GCA KNSTDES you GCA KNSUMI worried GCA KNTESTA answer GCA KNTESTADA answered GCA KNTGO you GCA KNTIGO you GCA KO I GCA KOBRA collect GCA KOBRADA collecting bill GCA KOBRADOR bill collector GCA KOBRANSA bill collection GCA KOCHE car GCA KODO elbow GCA KOHIDA catch GCA KOKAK frog croaking GCA KOKAL coconut farm GCA KOKALAN coconut grove GCA KOKANAL coconut grove GCA KOKETA coquette GCA KOKO coconut GCA KOLA glue/long train GCA KOLAYT lantern GCA KOLCHON mattress GCA KOLEBRA snake GCA KOLEHIYO college GCA KOLEHYADO college student GCA KOLEHYALA college student GCA KOLEHYO college GCA KOLEK COL collect call GCA KOLERA cholera GCA KOLGA hang GCA KOLGADA hanging GCA KOLGADURA hanger GCA KOLGAW hung GCA KOLGEYT toothpaste GCA KOLIHI detect GCA KOLOR color GCA KOLORAW red GCA KOLORETE rouge GCA KOLORIDO colored GCA KOLORYA become red GCA KOLORYADA coloring GCA KOLORYAW colored GCA KOLUMBRA perceive GCA KOMADRE parent-godparent relationship GCA KOMANDANTE commander GCA KOMANDER commandeer/commander GCA KOMBENTO convent GCA KOMBERSA talk GCA KOMBERSADA talking GCA KOMBERSYON conversation GCA KOMBERTI convert GCA KOMBERTIDA converted GCA KOMBIENE coming GCA KOMBINA combine GCA KOMBINASYON combination GCA KOMBINAW combined GCA KOMBO with you GCA KOMBOS with you GCA KOMBYENE coming GCA KOME eat GCA KOMEDOR dining room GCA KOMEDYA comedy GCA KOMEDYANTE comedian GCA KOMERSYANTE businessman GCA KOMERSYO commerce GCA KOMESTIBLE edibles GCA KOMESYANTE* salesman GCA KOMETA comet GCA KOMETE commit GCA KOMETIDO committed GCA KOMICO clown GCA KOMIDA food GCA KOMIGO me GCA KOMIKA comical GCA KOMIKADAS funny antics GCA KOMIKERO clown GCA KOMIKS comic books GCA KOMO how GCA KOMPADRE parent-godfather relationship GCA KOMPANIYA company GCA KOMPANYA accompany GCA KOMPANYERO companion GCA KOMPARA compare GCA KOMPARASYON comparison GCA KOMPARAW compared GCA KOMPARSA stringed instruments GCA KOMPAS rhythm GCA KOMPA±A accompany GCA KOMPA±ERO companion GCA KOMPESA confess GCA KOMPESADA confessing GCA KOMPESOR confessor GCA KOMPIRMA confirm GCA KOMPIRMADA confirming GCA KOMPIRMASYON confirmation GCA KOMPLETA complete GCA KOMPLETADA completing GCA KOMPLETAW completed GCA KOMPLETO complete GCA KOMPONE compose GCA KOMPORMA conform GCA KOMPORME conform GCA KOMPRA buy GCA KOMPRADA buying GCA KOMPRADOR buyer GCA KOMPRADORA buyer GCA KOMPRAW bought GCA KOMPYA trust GCA KOMUNIDAD community GCA KON ESE that GCA KON with GCA KONAKEL with it GCA KONAMBRE hungry GCA KONAMON us GCA KONAQUEL that GCA KONBO you GCA KONCHABA prearrange/connive GCA KONCHABADA prearranging/conniving GCA KONCHABAW prearranged GCA KONCHABO prearrangement/connivance GCA KONDENA condemn GCA KONDENADA condemned GCA KONDENADO condemned GCA KONDENASYON condemnation GCA KONDENAW condemned GCA KONDISYON condition GCA KONDO condo GCA KONDUKTOR conductor GCA KONDUSI lead GCA KONDUSIDA leading GCA KONDUSIDO led GCA KONEKSYON connection GCA KONEKTA connect GCA KONEKTADA connecting GCA KONEKTAW connected GCA KONEL him GCA KONELE him/her GCA KONESE that GCA KONESOS those GCA KONESTE this GCA KONKUNYO in laws GCA KONKU±O in laws GCA KONLE him GCA KONMIGO me GCA KONOSE recognize/know GCA KONOSIDO known GCA KONOSIHAN know each other GCA KONOSTDES to you guys GCA KONOSTE you GCA KONOSTEDES to you GCA KONPESYON confession GCA KONPESYONARYO confessional box GCA KONPORME agreeable GCA KONSAGRA consecrate GCA KONSAGRADA consecration GCA KONSAGRASYON consecration GCA KONSAGRAW consecrated GCA KONSEHA advise GCA KONSEHADA advising GCA KONSEHAL councilor GCA KONSEHAW advised GCA KONSEHO advice GCA KONSENSYA conscience GCA KONSENTI consent GCA KONSENTIDA consenting GCA KONSENTIDO consented GCA KONSENTIDOR permissive GCA KONSENTIDORA permissive GCA KONSENTIMYENTO consent GCA KONSENTRA concentrate GCA KONSENTRADA concentrating GCA KONSENTRASYON concentration GCA KONSENTRAW concentrated GCA KONSERBA conserve GCA KONSERBADA conserving GCA KONSERBASYON conservation GCA KONSERBAW conserved GCA KONSTABULARYO constabulary GCA KONSUELO consolation GCA KONSULTA consult/consultation GCA KONSULTADA consulting GCA KONSULTASYON consultation GCA KONSULTAW consulted GCA KONSWELO consolation GCA KONTA count GCA KONTADA counting GCA KONTADOR counter GCA KONTAHYA contaminate GCA KONTAHYADA contamination GCA KONTAHYAW contaminated GCA KONTAHYOSO contagious GCA KONTAK contact GCA KONTAMINA contaminate GCA KONTAMINADA contamination GCA KONTAMINASYON contamination GCA KONTAW counted/related GCA KONTENE contain GCA KONTENTA be content GCA KONTENTADA contented GCA KONTENTAW contented GCA KONTENTO contented GCA KONTESTA answer GCA KONTESTADA answering GCA KONTESTASYON answer GCA KONTESTAW answered GCA KONTGO with you GCA KONTIGO you GCA KONTINUA continue GCA KONTINUADO continued GCA KONTINWA continue GCA KONTINWADA continuing GCA KONTINWASYON continuation GCA KONTINWAW continued GCA KONTODO all GCA KONTRA-BIDA antagonist GCA KONTRA-GUSTO against one's will GCA KONTRA-PARTIDA opposing party GCA KONTRA against/enemy GCA KONTRALYO contrary GCA KONTRARYA go against GCA KONTRARYO enemy GCA KONTRATA contract GCA KONTRATADA contracting GCA KONTRATADO contracted GCA KONTRATAW contracted GCA KONTRATISTA contractor GCA KONTRATO contract GCA KONTRIBUSYON contribution GCA KONTRIBWI contribute GCA KONTRIBWIDO contributed GCA KONTROL control GCA KONTROLA control GCA KONTROLADA controlling GCA KONTROLAW controlled GCA KONYO female genitalia GCA KOPA goblet GCA KOPRA dried coconut GCA KOPRAS dried coconut GCA KOPYA copy GCA KOPYADA copying GCA KOPYAW copied GCA KORAL fence GCA KORASON heart GCA KORASONADA attraction GCA KORBATA necktie GCA KORCHETES hook and eye GCA KORCHO slippers GCA KORDON cord GCA KORE fast/run GCA KOREDOR passageway GCA KOREE run GCA KORENTA forty GCA KOREYA fan belt/korea GCA KOREYANA korean GCA KOREYANO korean GCA KORIDA balcony/running GCA KORNETA trumpet GCA KORNETIN trumpet GCA KORNETISTA trumpeter GCA KORNILLO bicuspid GCA KORO chorus GCA KORONA crown GCA KORONADA crowning GCA KORONASYON coronation GCA KORONAW crowned GCA KORONEL colonel GCA KORRE run GCA KORTA cut/overly shy GCA KORTADA cutting GCA KORTAPLUMA pocketknife GCA KORTAW cut GCA KORTE harvest time/cut of fabric GCA KORTEDAD shyness GCA KORTO short GCA KORTYA shape GCA KORTYADA shaping GCA KORTYAW shaped GCA KORYENTE current GCA KOSA KOSA what things GCA KOSA YA EL NOTIC* what's the news GCA KOSA YA L NOTIC* what's the news GCA KOSA thing/what GCA KOSAS belongings GCA KOSE sew/cook GCA KOSECHA harvest GCA KOSECHADA harvesting GCA KOSECHAW harvested GCA KOSETYA harvest GCA KOSTA coast/cost GCA KOSTADO side GCA KOSTAW lying GCA KOSTUMBRAW used to GCA KOSTUMBRE custom GCA KOSTURA sewing GCA KOSTURERA seamstress GCA KOSTURERO tailor GCA KOTCHE car GCA KO±O female genitalia GCA KRE believe GCA KREDO creed GCA KREIDO believing GCA KREMA cream GCA KRESE grow GCA KRESIDA growth GCA KRESIDO grown GCA KRESIMYENTO growth GCA KRESPON mourning band GCA KRESTAS cock's comb GCA KRIMEN crime GCA KRIMINAL criminal GCA KRISI grow GCA KRISIDA growth GCA KRISIDO grown GCA KRISIS crisis GCA KRISTAL crystal GCA KRISTIYANISMO christianity GCA KRISTIYANO christian GCA KRISTO christ GCA KRIYADA housekeeper GCA KRIYADO housekeeper GCA KRIYATURA child GCA KRIYAW housekeeper GCA KRONIKAL newspaper GCA KROSING road junction GCA KRUDO crude GCA KRUS cross GCA KRUSA cross GCA KRUSADA crossing GCA KRUSAW crossed GCA KRUSIPIHO crucifix GCA KSA thing/what GCA KSTUMBRE custom GCA KTA we GCA KTAL what's up GCA KUAJAY money GCA KUAKUAG evilnight bird GCA KUAN2 how many GCA KUAN GCA KUANDO when GCA KUANTO how many GCA KUAPIT pocket someone's money GCA KUAR2 room GCA KUATRO four GCA KUBA hunchback GCA KUBACHA hunchback GCA KUBAL callus GCA KUBALAN callous GCA KUBETA toilet GCA KUBRA collect GCA KUBRE-KAMA bed cover GCA KUBRE cover GCA KUBU hut GCA KUBYERTA ship deck GCA KUBYERTO covered GCA KUBYERTOS silver GCA KUCHARA spoon GCA KUCHARITA teaspoon GCA KUCHARITAS plant GCA KUCHARON soup ladle GCA KUCHILLADA knifing GCA KUCHILLO knife GCA KUCHINA unsanitary GCA KUCHINADAS filthy GCA KUCI cook GCA KUDETA coup d'etat GCA KUDKUD grate GCA KUDKURAN coconut grater GCA KUDYAPI muslim instrument GCA KUELYO neck GCA KUEN2 account GCA KUENTA account GCA KUENTO account GCA KUERNO horn GCA KUERPO body GCA KUGA choke GCA KUGITA octopus GCA KUHI catch GCA KUHIDA catch GCA KUHIDO caught GCA KUHIHAN tag#n GCA KUHIT hook forefinger GCA KUIDA careful GCA KUIDAW careful GCA KUKINA teasenaggingly GCA KUKINADA teasing GCA KUKINADOR teaser GCA KUKINADORA teaser GCA KUKINAW teasednaggingly GCA KUKUNG yokehook GCA KULA bleach GCA KULALING dirt GCA KULAMBITAY hang on GCA KULANG-KULANG crazy GCA KULANGUT dried mucus GCA KULANI gland swelling GCA KULAPUT jackfruit fiber GCA KULASISI small bird GCA KULEBRA snake GCA KULGA hang GCA KULINA hill GCA KULINTANG muslim instrument GCA KULINUT curly GCA KULIPAT tweak ears GCA KULIT annoy GCA KULITI sty GCA KULITYAW sty GCA KULO vagina#? GCA KULOB ?KULOB GCA KULPA fault/ at fault GCA KULPAW guilty GCA KULTURA culture GCA KULU buttocks GCA KULUB turn face down GCA KULUBOT wrinkles GCA KULUBUT wrinkles GCA KULUMBUT crumpled GCA KULUMPYO rocking chair GCA KULUMPYU rocking chair GCA KULUNGAN jail GCA KULUT curl the hair GCA KULYAKUNG red milliped GCA KUMBERSA converse GCA KUMBERSAO conversed GCA KUMBIDA invited GCA KUMBIENE deserving GCA KUMBO ??KUMBO GCA KUMBULSYON convulsion GCA KUMDA food GCA KUME eat GCA KUMGO me GCA KUMIDA food GCA KUMIGO me GCA KUMIGU to me GCA KUMPARA compare GCA KUMPARAO compared GCA KUMPAY fresh hay GCA KUMPAYAN hay field GCA KUMPLETO complete GCA KUMPLEYANYO birthday GCA KUMPLEYA±O birthday GCA KUMPLI comply with GCA KUMPLIDA rule follower GCA KUMPLIDO complied with GCA KUMPORMA conform GCA KUMPORME conform GCA KUMPRA buy GCA KUMTIGO you GCA KUMU crumple GCA KUMUH crush with hand GCA KUMULGA receive communion GCA KUMULGADA reception of communion GCA KUMULGATORYO communion rail GCA KUMULGAW received communion GCA KUMUNYON communion GCA KUMUSTA hello GCA KUN TIGO you GCA KUN to/with GCA KUNA crib GCA KUNAKEL that GCA KUNAMBRE hungry GCA KUNAMN us GCA KUNAMON us GCA KUNAMUN our GCA KUNAQUEL that GCA KUNATN us GCA KUNATON us GCA KUNATUN us GCA KUNDA ??KUNDA GCA KUNDAY-KUNDAY waving hand GCA KUNDAY move hands GCA KUNDUSI conduct GCA KUNEKTA connect GCA KUNEL him GCA KUNELE him GCA KUNESE with that GCA KUNESTE with this GCA KUNG if GCA KUNIKAW you GCA KUNIKW you GCA KUNILA them GCA KUNING ginger GCA KUNINYO you GCA KUNKW you GCA KUNLE with him/to him GCA KUNMGO me GCA KUNMIGO me GCA KUNOSE know GCA KUNSI prearrange winning GCA KUNSUMI worry GCA KUNSUMICION worry GCA KUNSUMIDA worrier GCA KUNSUMIDO worried GCA KUNSUMISION angry GCA KUNSUMISYON worry GCA KUNTA count GCA KUNTADA count GCA KUNTADOR meter GCA KUNTAK contact GCA KUNTAW counted GCA KUNTESTA answer GCA KUNTGO you GCA KUNTIGO you GCA KUNUSE know GCA KUNWARI pretend GCA KUNYADA sister-in-law GCA KUNYADO brother-in-law GCA KUNYAHAN butt horns GCA KUNYAW brother-in-law GCA KUNYU vagina#c GCA KUPUS shrink GCA KUPYA fez GCA KURA curate/cure GCA KURACHA cockroach GCA KURADA curing GCA KURAKUT corrupt GCA KURASYON cure GCA KURAW cured GCA KURBA curve GCA KURBADA curving GCA KURBAW curved GCA KURIPOT cheapskate GCA KURIPUT stingyAB GCA KURKUBADA hunchback GCA KURNYA gore GCA KURNYADA goring GCA KURPINYO corset GCA KURPI±O corset GCA KURSO diarrhea GCA KURSU course GCA KURSUNAD* interested GCA KURSYA have diarrhea GCA KURSYADA diarrhea GCA KURSYAW have diarrhea GCA KURTA-KURTA cut GCA KURTA cut GCA KURTADA cutting GCA KURTAW cut GCA KURTINA curtain GCA KURUDU half-cooked GCA KURYENTE power GCA KURYOSA curious GCA KURYOSIDAD curiousity GCA KURYOSO curious GCA KURYOSU beautiful GCA KUSA thing/what GCA KUSI cook/sew GCA KUSIDA sewing GCA KUSIDO cooked GCA KUSINA cook/kitchen GCA KUSINADA cooking GCA KUSINAW cooked GCA KUSINERA cook GCA KUSINERO cook GCA KUSINILLA small stove GCA KUSKUS-BALUNGUS trouble GCA KUSKUS scrub GCA KUSKUSMA confusing GCA KUSMUT making faces GCA KUSTILLAS ribs GCA KUSTIPAW colds GCA KUSTMBRE habit GCA KUSTUMBRE habit GCA KUTA fort GCA KUTCHILYO knife GCA KUTCHINTA ricecake GCA KUTIS complexion GCA KUTU louse GCA KUTUIN full of lice GCA KUWANDO when GCA KUWENTO story GCA KUWERNO horn GCA KUWERPO body GCA KUWIDA care GCA KUWIDAO care GCA KUWIDAW careful GCA KUWIGAN ??KUWIGAN GCA KUYA big brother GCA KU±ADA sister-in-law GCA KU±ADO brother-in-law GCA KU±AW brother-in-law GCA KWADERNO notebook GCA KWADRAW square-shaped GCA KWADRO frame GCA KWAKO smoking pipe GCA KWAKRADO square-shaped GCA KWALKYERA whoever/whatever GCA KWAN2 how much GCA KWAN whatchamacallit GCA KWANDO when GCA KWANTO how much GCA KWAR2 room GCA KWARENTA forty GCA KWARESMA lent GCA KWARTEL headquarters GCA KWARTO room GCA KWATRO four GCA KWEBA cave GCA KWEDAW careful GCA KWELLO collar GCA KWEN2 tell GCA KWENT2 tell GCA KWENTA account GCA KWENTISTA storyteller GCA KWENTO story GCA KWENTOR storyteller GCA KWERDAS instrument string GCA KWERNO animal horn GCA KWERO leather GCA KWERPO body GCA KWIDA take care GCA KWIDADA taking care GCA KWIDAO look out GCA KWIDAW careful GCA KWIDO carefulness GCA KWIDOSA careful GCA KWIDOSO careful GCA KWIDW look out GCA KWITIS firecracker GCA KWN2 how many GCA KWNDO when GCA KWNTO how much GCA KWRTO room GCA KWUIDAW careful GCA KY because GCA KYA big brother GCA KYAW-KYAW fuss GCA KYEN-KYEN whoever GCA KYEN who GCA KYERE* like/want GCA KYETO quiet GCA KYO you GCA L the GCA LA the GCA LABA wash GCA LABADA laundry GCA LABADURA yeast GCA LABAG clean coco tree GCA LABAHA razor GCA LABAKARA face towel GCA LABANDERA launderer GCA LABANDERO launderer GCA LABATIBA enema GCA LABATINDI wash and wear GCA LABAW washed GCA LABIDA life GCA LABIO lip GCA LABION thick lipped GCA LABIONA thick lipped GCA LABIOS lips GCA LABOR work GCA LABORATORI laboratory GCA LABRA whittle GCA LABRADA whittling GCA LABRADOR worker GCA LABRAW whittled GCA LABUD whip marks GCA LABUT concerned GCA LABUYO wild chicken/wild GCA LABUYU wild rooster GCA LABUYUIN ??LABUYUIN GCA LABYO lips GCA LABYON thick lipped GCA LABYONA thick lipped GCA LACATAN banana GCA LACTANG poisonous berries GCA LACTING hardwood core GCA LACTU coconut meat GCA LACUACHA play hooky GCA LADO beside GCA LADRA bark GCA LADRADA barking GCA LADRAW barked GCA LADRILLO brick GCA LADRON thief GCA LADRONA thief GCA LADRONADAS burglaries GCA LADRONICIA thievery GCA LAGA boil GCA LAGAG glutton GCA LAGAK greedy GCA LAGARI carpenter's saw GCA LAGAS chase GCA LAGASAN chase GCA LAGATIC twig snap GCA LAGKIT glutinous GCA LAGRIMAS tears GCA LAGRIMYA become tearful GCA LAGRIMYADA tearfulness GCA LAGRIMYAW tearful GCA LAGUNG uninvited guest GCA LAHYANG dried grains GCA LAKANG take big steps GCA LAKAS strength GCA LAKRE sealing wax GCA LALO especially GCA LAMA KUMIGO call me GCA LAMA call GCA LAMAN content GCA LAMAT ligament GCA LAMBE lick GCA LAMBIDA licking GCA LAMBIDO licked GCA LAMENTA lament GCA LAMITA halve GCA LAMITAD half piece GCA LAMPARA lamp GCA LAMPAS overtake GCA LAMPASEA wax floor GCA LAMPASO mop GCA LAMPASYA mop GCA LAMPASYADA mopping GCA LAMPASYAW mopped GCA LAMPIN diaper GCA LAMPINIG wasp GCA LAMPUS throw GCA LAMUK mosquito GCA LANA woolen cloth GCA LANCHA launch GCA LANCHIA launch GCA LANCIA stab GCA LANCIADA stabbed GCA LANDANG tapioca GCA LANDI coquettish GCA LANDING airfield GCA LANDUG slip GCA LANG just GCA LANGAW housefly GCA LANGGA favorite#c Ceb GCA LANGGAMAN rice cutter GCA LANGGOSTA locust GCA LANKAPE bed GCA LANKAY dried coconut palm GCA LANOTE abaca fibers GCA LANSA aim/fishy smell GCA LANSADA piercing GCA LANSADERA jewelry design GCA LANSAW pierced w GCA LANSETA small knife GCA LANSIA thrust with spear GCA LANSIADA strike of spear GCA LANSYA aim GCA LANSYADA piercing GCA LANSYAW pierced GCA LANTSA boat GCA LANZONES lanzones fruit GCA LAO side GCA LAPIDA tombstone/wasp GCA LAPIS pencil GCA LAPU2 fish GCA LAPUHAN green salad GCA LAPULAPU fish GCA LAQUACHA truant GCA LARANGA orange GCA LARANJA orange GCA LARGA let go GCA LARGABISTA telescope GCA LARGADA letting go GCA LARGAO on the loose GCA LARGAW let go GCA LARGO long GCA LARGOR length GCA LAS the GCA LASA catch with lasso GCA LASANG tell lies GCA LASING drunk GCA LASO ribbon GCA LASTIMA inflict wound/too bad GCA LASTIMADA inflicting wound GCA LASTIMAW wounded GCA LATA-LATA enormous GCA LATA can/limp GCA LATAH flat GCA LATAY cross bridge GCA LATAYBASURA trashcan#n GCA LATE throb GCA LATERIYAS canned goods GCA LATIDO throb GCA LATIGA beat GCA LATIGADA lashing GCA LATIGASO lashings GCA LATIGAW lashed at GCA LATIGO whip GCA LATIK roasted coconut GCA LATU edible seaweed GCA LAUGIT thin GCA LAUN old stock GCA LAUS worn out GCA LAVA wash GCA LAVABO washbowl GCA LAVADA laundry GCA LAVANDERIA laundry room GCA LAVIDA life GCA LAWA-LAWA spider web GCA LAWAY-LAWAY exuding sap GCA LAWAY saliva GCA LAWAYIN one salivating GCA LAWLAW low-waisted pants GCA LAYA-LAYA shake hard GCA LAYA ?LAYA GCA LAYAH matured coconut GCA LAYAS wander aimlessly GCA LAYASAN habitual aimlessness GCA LAYBRARI library GCA LAYLAY hang carelessly GCA LAYUGAN coconut tree GCA LAYUNG withered GCA LBA bring GCA LBTAB laptop GCA LE s/he GCA LEBA take GCA LEBANDAW got up GCA LEBANTA get up GCA LEBANTADA getting up GCA LEBNTA get u[ GCA LECAT darn GCA LECCION lesson GCA LECHE PLAN custard GCA LECHE milk/goddamn GCA LECHERA milk GCA LECHON roasted pig GCA LECHUGAS lettuce/goddamn GCA LEGA arrive GCA LEGADA arrival GCA LEGAL legal GCA LEGO later GCA LEHOS far GCA LEJANO far GCA LEJANOS far GCA LEJO far GCA LEJOS distant GCA LEKAT an expletive GCA LEKSYON lesson GCA LENGGE-LENGGE weak GCA LENGGUA tongue GCA LENGGWA tongue GCA LENGUA tongue GCA LENGUAGE language GCA LENGUAHE language GCA LENGUAJE language GCA LENGUE-LENGUE swinging left and right GCA LENTE lens/flashlight GCA LENTEHWELAS sequins GCA LENYA firewood GCA LEON lion GCA LEPENG ??LEPENG GCA LEPRA leprosy GCA LEPROSO leper/leprous GCA LESON lesson GCA LETCHE milk GCA LETRA letter GCA LETRATO picture GCA LEVANDO carrying GCA LEVANTA raise GCA LEY law GCA LEYENDA legend GCA LEYES laws GCA LEYIDA reading GCA LEYIDO read GCA LE±A firewood GCA LGA arrive GCA LIAMA call GCA LIBA 2 KUMIGO take me GCA LIBA TU KUMIGO take me GCA LIBA take GCA LIBAD crosseyed GCA LIBAT cross-eyed GCA LIBERADO liberated GCA LIBERDAD liberty GCA LIBERTAD liberty GCA LIBIANO lightweight GCA LIBOT walk around GCA LIBRA free GCA LIBRAW liberated GCA LIBRE free GCA LIBRO book GCA LIBUD walk around GCA LIBUT-LIBUT edible shellfish GCA LIBUT walk around GCA LIBYANO lightweight GCA LICENCIA license GCA LICENCIAS licenses GCA LICENSIA license GCA LICENSIAO licensed GCA LICHON roasted pig GCA LICHONADA pig roasting GCA LICHUGAS lettuce/goddamn GCA LIDER leader GCA LIDERATO leadership GCA LIDERES leaders GCA LIEBA take GCA LIEGA arrive GCA LIEVA take GCA LIGA arrive GCA LIGADA arrival GCA LIGAR arrive GCA LIGAW ??LIGAW GCA LIGAWAN pigpen GCA LIGERESA agility GCA LIGERO fast GCA LIGID-LIGID roll on floor GCA LIGID sidle GCA LIGIT-LIGIT ???LIGIT-LIGIT GCA LIGUAN honey bee GCA LIGUAT upturn GCA LIGUIT roll GCA LIHBUS edible mushroom GCA LIHERO fast GCA LIHI assure good harvest GCA LIHIYA lye GCA LIJERO fast GCA LIKBUS mushroom GCA LIKIDO liquid GCA LILA violet GCA LILIG clean underbrush GCA LILIP hemstitch GCA LIMA pile GCA LIMAS empty well of water GCA LIMBUNG idiot GCA LIMITA limit GCA LIMITADA limiting GCA LIMITAO limited GCA LIMITASYON limitation GCA LIMITAW limited GCA LIMITE limit GCA LIMON lemon GCA LIMONADA lemonade GCA LIMOSNA alms GCA LIMOSNERO beggar GCA LIMPIA clean GCA LIMPIESA cleanliness GCA LIMPIEZA cleanliness GCA LIMPIO clean GCA LIMPIYA clean GCA LIMPIYADO cleaned GCA LIMPIYO clean GCA LIMPYA clean GCA LIMPYADA cleaning GCA LIMPYADOR cleaner GCA LIMPYADORA cleaner GCA LIMPYAW cleaned GCA LIMPYESA cleanliness GCA LIMPYO clean GCA LINA sweet unfermented tuba GCA LINANG rice paddy final puddling GCA LINGA sesame seed GCA LINGAS ?LINGAS GCA LINGASA worry GCA LINIA line GCA LINTA leech GCA LINYA line GCA LIOS entanglements GCA LIOSO troublemaker GCA LIQUIDA liquidate GCA LIRYO lily GCA LISA nit GCA LISENSYA license GCA LISO smooth GCA LISOD uneasy GCA LISTA alert/list GCA LISTADA listing GCA LISTAW listed GCA LISTO alert GCA LISTON lining GCA LISUD unease/uneasy GCA LISUT difficult GCA LITIT calf GCA LITRO liter GCA LI±A line GCA LLA there GCA LLABE key GCA LLABERO keyholder GCA LLAMA call GCA LLAMADA act or calling GCA LLAMAO favorite GCA LLAMAW well-known/called GCA LLANO plain GCA LLANTA wheel GCA LLANTO crying GCA LLAVE key GCA LLAVERO keyring GCA LLEBA bring GCA LLEBADA bringing GCA LLEBAW brought GCA LLEGA arrive GCA LLEGADA arrival GCA LLEGAR arrive GCA LLEGAW arrived GCA LLEGO arrive GCA LLENA fill up GCA LLENADA filling up GCA LLENAW filled up GCA LLENO DE filled with GCA LLENO full GCA LLEVA carry GCA LLEVANDO carrying GCA LLEVAR take GCA LLI there GCA LLIBA carry GCA LLIGA arrive GCA LLIGAR arrive GCA LLIVA take GCA LLIVAO taken GCA LLOBE rain GCA LLORA-LLORA pretend cry GCA LLORA cry GCA LLORADA crying GCA LLORAW cried GCA LLORAY-LLORA crying GCA LLORON crier GCA LLORONA crier GCA LLOROSA crier GCA LLOROSO crier GCA LLOVE rain GCA LLUBISNA drizzle GCA LLUBISNADA drizzling GCA LLUBISNAW drizzled GCA LLUBYA rain GCA LLURA cry GCA LLURADA crying GCA LLUVIA rain GCA LMPYA clean GCA LNG just GCA LNGASA worry GCA LOAD phone charge GCA LOBAT low battery charge GCA LOCO food GCA LOCON prawn GCA LOD phone charge GCA LODEMAS the rest GCA LODO mud GCA LOGRA avail oneself GCA LOKA crazy GCA LOKO-LOKO crazy GCA LOKO2 crazy GCA LOKO crazy GCA LOKTON locust GCA LOKURA insanity GCA LOLA grandmother GCA LOLO grandfather GCA LOMO tenderloin GCA LONA canvas GCA LONG DISTANS long distance GCA LONGANISA pork sausage GCA LOOB inside GCA LOS DEMAS others GCA LOS light GCA LOSA porcelain GCA LOSDEMAS the others GCA LOTE lot GCA LOTERIYA lottery GCA LOTO game GCA LOWBAT low battery GCA LOWBT low battery GCA LRGA let go GCA LSTIMA hurt GCA LUBAG body dirt GCA LUBI grated coconut GCA LUBUG murky/sink/drown GCA LUCHA physical combat GCA LUCHADA struggling GCA LUCHAW struggled GCA LUCTA overripe grains GCA LUCURAS stupid things GCA LUCUT rolled up GCA LUEGO later GCA LUGAR place GCA LUGARES places GCA LUGI at a loss GCA LUGIT pry meat GCA LUGITAN tool GCA LUGUD body grime/wash GCA LUGUI unprofitable GCA LUGURAN rough stone GCA LUHA teardrop GCA LUHO luxury GCA LUHOSA luxurious GCA LUHOSO luxurious GCA LUHURIA lust GCA LUJO luxury GCA LUJURIA lust GCA LUJURIOSO lustful GCA LUKAY unopened coconut leaves GCA LUKOUT lookout GCA LUKURAS craziness GCA LULIT feeble GCA LUMA old GCA LUMLUM hatch eggs GCA LUMPAGI sit on floor GCA LUMPU crippled GCA LUMUS drown GCA LUMUT moss GCA LUNA-LLENA full moon GCA LUNA moon GCA LUNAR mole GCA LUNATICO lunatic GCA LUNES monday GCA LUNGGA ??LUNGGA GCA LUNGKAT ??LUNGKAT GCA LUNTUK full GCA LUNU molt GCA LUPIS abaca GCA LUS light GCA LUSES lights GCA LUSI goddamn/shine GCA LUSIDO shining GCA LUSLUS slide down GCA LUSUNG mortar GCA LUSUT sneak out GCA LUTAW-LUTAW floating about GCA LUTAW float GCA LUTO mourn GCA LUTU cooked GCA LUYA ginger/weak GCA LUYAT unripe GCA LUZ light GCA LWUA ?LWUA GCA LYABE key GCA LYAMA call GCA LYAMADA call GCA LYEBA carry GCA LYEGA arrive GCA LYENA fill GCA LYENO DE filled with GCA LYI there GCA LYIBA take GCA LYIGA arrive GCA LYURA cry GCA LYURAHAN cry GCA LYURAO cried GCA M4TANTE important GCA MA KATA talkative GCA MA ULING besooted GCA MAAMO tame GCA MAANGHIT having body odor GCA MAANTUD sun-scorched smell GCA MAARTE pretentious GCA MAASIN salty GCA MABAHU malodorous GCA MABANTUD sun-scorched smell GCA MABIENTO windy GCA MABISIO with vices GCA MABOLO fruit GCA MABUGAL braggart GCA MABULING dirty GCA MABUTI good GCA MABYENTO boastful GCA MACALAM ticklish GCA MACALASTIMA shame GCA MACALUYA weak GCA MACAPESTE annoying GCA MACARISAS laughable GCA MACASAP rough surface GCA MACETAS flower pot GCA MACHACA ??MACHACA GCA MACHAKA crumple GCA MACHAKADA crumpling GCA MACHAKAW toasted bread GCA MACHO male animal GCA MACHORA female animal GCA MACHORRA infertile animal GCA MACHUCA crush GCA MACHUKA hatch GCA MACHUKADA hatching GCA MACHUKAW hatched GCA MACION nation GCA MACQUINA machine GCA MACUNAT tough GCA MADERA wood GCA MADOYA fried bananas GCA MADRASTA stepmother GCA MADRE SUPERIORA mother superior GCA MADRE nun GCA MADRINA godmother GCA MADROGADA dawn GCA MADRUGA get up early GCA MADRUGADA dawn GCA MADUMPUL blunt GCA MADUNGIS dirty-faced GCA MADURA ripen GCA MADURADA ??MADURADA GCA MADURAW ripened GCA MADURO ripe GCA MAESTRA female teacher GCA MAESTRO male teacher GCA MAFUERSA powerful GCA MAFUERZA forced GCA MAGA ACTO DE TERRORISMO terrorist acts GCA MAGA BANDIDO bandits GCA MAGA BARBARO barbarians GCA MAGA CEMENTERIO cemeteries GCA MAGA DE BARRIO townsfolk GCA MAGA MOVIMIENTOS DE ARMAS arms deals GCA MAGA REBELDE rebels GCA MAGA REPORT reports GCA MAGA SOLDADO soldiers GCA MAGA SOLDAO soldiers GCA MAGA UBAN companions GCA MAGA UWEBO eggs GCA MAGA GCA MAGASPANG rough GCA MAGIC magic/to perform magic GCA MAGICIAN magic performer GCA MAGILIW love GCA MAGULO confused GCA MAGULU troublesome GCA MAHAPDI biting pain GCA MAHILIG fond GCA MAHINA weak GCA MAHINAY slow GCA MAHIRAP difficult GCA MAHQUIN although GCA MAILAP wild GCA MAIS corn GCA MAISAL cornfield GCA MAISAN cornfield GCA MAJOR best GCA MAJORIA majority GCA MAKA-UGUT causing frustration GCA MAKA cause GCA MAKAAWA pitiful GCA MAKACUNSUMI worrisome GCA MAKADIRI ??MAKADIRI GCA MAKADURMI tiresome GCA MAKAHUYA ashamed GCA MAKAKUNSUMI worrisome GCA MAKALASTIMA shame GCA MAKAMIEDO frightening GCA MAKAMIYEDO scary GCA MAKAMYEDO frightening GCA MAKAPERDE lose GCA MAKAPESTE pesty GCA MAKAPUNU coconut GCA MAKARABIA make angry GCA MAKARABYA enraging GCA MAKARAT stinging sensation GCA MAKARISA funny GCA MAKARISAS funny GCA MAKASAP rough GCA MAKASAP rough#n GCA MAKATRIK tricky GCA MAKATRISTE sad GCA MAKAUSAP speak GCA MAKAVERGUENZA shameful GCA MAKAW macao GCA MAKAYURA sad GCA MAKEDWELE painful GCA MAKINA machine GCA MAKINILIA typewriter GCA MAKINILLA typewriter GCA MAKOPA fruit GCA MAKSIN although GCA MAKUHUYA shameful GCA MAKULIT nagging GCA MAKULITGAYOT nagging GCA MAKUNAT tough GCA MAKUPA fleshy GCA MAL bad GCA MALA CARA ugly GCA MALA KARA ugly GCA MALA bad woman GCA MALABANOS eel GCA MALABU glutinous/unclear GCA MALABUYO tuba quality GCA MALACARA ugly GCA MALAGKIT sticky rice GCA MALAKARA ugly GCA MALAMAN fleshy GCA MALAMAYO damp cloth GCA MALANDI enticing GCA MALANDUG slippery GCA MALANSA fishy smell GCA MALANTIK gracefully curving GCA MALARYA malaria GCA MALAS ill fortune GCA MALASA boil eggs GCA MALASADA preparing half cooked food GCA MALASAW half cooked GCA MALATA soggy GCA MALAWA cobweb GCA MALAYO far GCA MALAYSIANO Malaysian GCA MALBARATA priced cheaply GCA MALBARATAW bad bargain GCA MALCAHIDA ?MALCAHIDA GCA MALDAD evil GCA MALDECI curse GCA MALDESIDO cursed GCA MALDICION malediction GCA MALDISI wish ill GCA MALDISYON curse GCA MALDITA damn GCA MALETA suitcase GCA MALETIN valise GCA MALHECHO not done right GCA MALI mistaken GCA MALICIA malice GCA MALICIOSO malicious GCA MALIGNO evil spirit GCA MALIHUG movable GCA MALIKI ??MALIKI GCA MALIKUT movable GCA MALING prostitute GCA MALINGASA worried GCA MALISMO very ill GCA MALISOD uneasy GCA MALISUD uneasy GCA MALISUD uneasy#?? GCA MALKRIYAW ill-mannered GCA MALO bad GCA MALODO muddy GCA MALOOY MALOOY#?? GCA MALPARAO suffered setback GCA MALPARI abort GCA MALPARIDA aborted GCA MALTRATA maltreat GCA MALTRATADA maltreatment GCA MALTRATAW maltreated GCA MALTRATO maltreatment GCA MALUBUG turbid GCA MALUNG muslim apparel GCA MALUNGKYA maul GCA MALUNGKYADA mauling GCA MALUTUNG crispy GCA MALUYA weak GCA MALUYAHIN pronephysical weakness GCA MALUYAIN frail GCA MAMA-AN betelnut containers GCA MAMA breast/mother GCA MAMADA sucking from breast GCA MAMANG mother GCA MAMAO ogre GCA MAMARYADA wavy GCA MAMELUCO child's jumpsuit GCA MAMESO ??MAMESO GCA MAMON cake GCA MAMONA large-breasted GCA MAN APLY apply GCA MAN APRVD approve GCA MAN BUHI MAN BUHI#?? GCA MAN CHAPA squeal GCA MAN CHARGE charge GCA MAN CUENTO talk GCA MAN ENJOY enjoy GCA MAN GUERRA make war GCA MAN HATUD inform GCA MAN HIGH BLOOD suffer a high blood pressure attack GCA MAN HIGHBLOOD suffer a high blood pressure attack GCA MAN KABIT concubine/to attach GCA MAN KNTAK contact GCA MAN KWENTO talk GCA MAN KWN2 talk GCA MAN LAPIS target shot GCA MAN LOAD charge phone GCA MAN MARIL hunt GCA MAN OFF turn off GCA MAN ON turn on GCA MAN PA appear GCA MAN POSING posturing vainly GCA MAN POSTURA posturing GCA MAN PUNA mend fishingnet GCA MAN RECIV receive GCA MAN REMIND remind GCA MAN SAMUK bother GCA MAN SEND send GCA MAN SUGSUG force one's way in GCA MAN SUHBU feed oneself GCA MAN TALK talk GCA MAN TEX* text GCA MAN TX* text GCA MAN UMIT be unwittingly involved GCA MAN USIK waste GCA MAN WARAS cause havoc GCA MAN-HIGH BLOOD suffer a high blood pressure attack GCA MAN GCA MANA GCA MANADA lots of GCA MANALO win GCA MANANA tomorrow GCA MANANANGGAL witch GCA MANANG elder sister GCA MANANGUETE tuba maker GCA MANAOANG ?MANAOANG GCA MANAUL ??MANAUL GCA MANBURACHO get drunk GCA MANCHA stain GCA MANCHADA staining GCA MANCHIKERO magician#n GCA MANCHIQUERO magician GCA MANCO one-handed person GCA MANDA command/order GCA MANDAMIENTO warrant GCA MANDATO order GCA MANDO command GCA MANEHA manage/drive GCA MANEHADA management GCA MANEHAW managed/drove GCA MANEHO management GCA MANEJA manage GCA MANEJO handling GCA MANERA manner GCA MANGA mango GCA MANGAS sleeve GCA MANGGA mango GCA MANGGAS sleeves GCA MANGGLE swamp GCA MANGGO handle GCA MANGGUSTIN mangosteen GCA MANGKO crippled arm GCA MANGKWENTO tell GCA MANGLA ??MANGLA GCA MANGLE mangrove GCA MANGO handle GCA MANI-OBRA manipulated maneuver GCA MANI peanut GCA MANIA mania GCA MANIACUL sex maniac GCA MANIANA tomorrow GCA MANIBELA steering wheel GCA MANICULU left handed GCA MANICURISTA manicurist GCA MANINAY godmother GCA MANIOBRA maneuver GCA MANIPULA manipulate GCA MANIPULAR manipulate GCA MANIVELA steering wheel GCA MANIYANA tomorrow GCA MANKULUB lie face down GCA MANKWEN2 tell GCA MANKWENTO tell GCA MANKWN2 tell GCA MANO hand GCA MANOK chicken GCA MANONG elder brother GCA MANSAMUK bother GCA MANSANAS apple GCA MANSELOS get jealous GCA MANSO meek GCA MANSTORIA tell GCA MANSUGAT hurt GCA MANSWELDO be paid GCA MANTA blanket GCA MANTEACH teach GCA MANTECA lard GCA MANTEKA lard GCA MANTEKADO with ample lard GCA MANTEKAW larded over GCA MANTEKILLA butter GCA MANTEKOSO full of lard GCA MANTEL tablecloth GCA MANTENE maintain GCA MANTENIDA maintained GCA MANTENIDO maintained GCA MANTENSION maintenance GCA MANTEVO ??MANTEVO GCA MANTILLA mantle GCA MANTO mantle GCA MANTON mantle GCA MANTRAS while#n GCA MANTSA stain GCA MANTX text GCA MANTXT text GCA MANTYANAK baby witch GCA MANUCIA spoil GCA MANUCIAO repeatedly handled GCA MANUSIYA spoil GCA MANUTENSYON maintenance GCA MANVISIT visit GCA MANYA tantrum GCA MANYANA tomorrow GCA MANYN tomorrow GCA MANYOSA tantrum thrower GCA MANYOSO tantrum thrower GCA MANYOSU want petting GCA MAPA map GCA MAPAHNUS stale smell GCA MAPAIT bitter GCA MAPILI choosy GCA MAPILIT sticky GCA MAPONO ??MAPONO GCA MAPROBLEMA problematic GCA MAPUERSA forced GCA MAPUNGAY dreamy-eyed GCA MAPURUL blunt GCA MAPUWERSA forced GCA MAQUINA machine GCA MAQUINISTA machine operator GCA MAR sea GCA MARAHOMSAR ?MARAHOMSAR GCA MARAKAS maracas GCA MARAMA selfish GCA MARANG tropical fruit GCA MARAVILLA marvel GCA MARAW tied up GCA MARCA mark GCA MARCAH mark GCA MARCHA march GCA MARCHADA marching GCA MARCHAH march GCA MARCHAW marched GCA MARCHO march GCA MAREJADA large wave GCA MARENG homosexual GCA MARENGGO sissy GCA MARIBALAN half-ripe GCA MARIDABLE married couple GCA MARIDO husband GCA MARIHADA waves GCA MARIJADA wave GCA MARIJUANA marijuana GCA MARINERA collar GCA MARINERO sailor GCA MARINO sailor GCA MARINOS sailors GCA MARIPOSA butterfly GCA MARISKO seafood GCA MARKA mark GCA MARKADA marking GCA MARMOLENO ??MARMOLENO GCA MARPIL ivory GCA MARPILAW ivory GCA MARSO March GCA MARTES tuesday GCA MARTILLA hammer GCA MARTILLADA hammering GCA MARTILLANO ??MARTILLANO GCA MARTILLASO hammering GCA MARTILLAW hammered GCA MARTILLO hammer GCA MARTINIKO spiny mudfish GCA MARTIR martyr GCA MARUN brown GCA MARYALOKA edge of tide GCA MAS BUENO better GCA MAS more GCA MASA dough/knead GCA MASADA kneading GCA MASAH knead dough GCA MASAHE massage GCA MASAMUK bothersome GCA MASAW kneaded GCA MASCARA mask GCA MASCIN although GCA MASCUTIA masticate GCA MASETAS flower pots GCA MASIBA glutton GCA MASIHAG transparent GCA MASILAW glaring GCA MASINGIT selfish GCA MASIPAG industrious GCA MASKA chew betelnut GCA MASKADA chewing betelnut GCA MASKARA mask GCA MASKAW chewed betelnut GCA MASKEN although GCA MASKI although GCA MASKIN COSA anything GCA MASKIN KIEN anyone GCA MASKIN KOSA anything GCA MASKIN QUIEN anyone GCA MASKIN although GCA MASKINA although GCA MASKN although GCA MASKUCHA chew GCA MASKUCHADA chewing GCA MASKUCHAW chewed GCA MASKULADO muscular GCA MASON freemason/stonecutter GCA MASQIN although GCA MASQUE even if GCA MASQUIN although GCA MASTIKA masticate GCA MASTIKADA masticating GCA MASTIKAW masticated GCA MASUERTE lucky GCA MASUNGIT sour-faced GCA MASUSTANSYA nutritious GCA MASYADA exaggerator GCA MASYAW overdoing GCA MATA HORA pass time GCA MATA close eyes/kill GCA MATABI talkative GCA MATACHING chancing GCA MATADA butchery GCA MATADERO butcher GCA MATAHBANG lacking taste GCA MATALAW cowardly GCA MATAMAD lazy GCA MATANSA killing GCA MATANZA massacre GCA MATAPUK breakable GCA MATARDA ??MATARDA GCA MATARI not glutinous GCA MATCHING butcher GCA MATERIALES materials GCA MATERYA become infected GCA MATERYAL material GCA MATRABAHO work GCA MATRAKA wooden clapper GCA MATRERO cunning GCA MATRIS womb GCA MATUMA having body lice GCA MATUMAL slow-footed GCA MAYA brown birds GCA MAYANA medicinal herb GCA MAYK microphone GCA MAYO May GCA MAYOR older/mayor GCA MAYORES elders GCA MAYORIA majority GCA MAYORIYA majority GCA MAYSTRA teacher GCA MAYSTRO teacher GCA MAZO mallet GCA MA[N~]ANA tomorrow GCA MA±A tantrum GCA MA±ANA tomorrow GCA MA±OSA tantrum thrower GCA MA±OSO want petting GCA MA±OSU want petting GCA MAÑANA tomorrow GCA MBIA send GCA MBIAW sent GCA MBONAMENTE good GCA MBOSTERO liar GCA MBUNAMENTE good GCA MCHO a lot GCA MDYO a little GCA MECANICO mechanic GCA MECHA wick GCA MECHADO beef dish GCA MEDALLA medal GCA MEDALLITA little medal GCA MEDALLON large metal GCA MEDEA ESTE Middle East GCA MEDECINA medicine GCA MEDECINE medicine GCA MEDI measure GCA MEDIA half GCA MEDIANIA middle of trip GCA MEDIANTE by means of GCA MEDIAS stockings GCA MEDICINA medicine GCA MEDIDA measurement GCA MEDIO DIA noon GCA MEDIO kind of GCA MEDIODIA noon GCA MEDIOS kinds GCA MEDISINA medicine GCA MEDROSA fearful GCA MEDYA-AGWA added corridor GCA MEDYA-NOCHE midnight GCA MEDYA-TALLE decorative lace GCA MEDYA half GCA MEDYANTE wish GCA MEDYAS socks GCA MEDYO middle/somewhat GCA MEDYODYA noon GCA MEDYU somewhat GCA MEDYUDIA noon GCA MEHCLAO mixed GCA MEHICO mexico GCA MEHIKANA mexican GCA MEHIKANO mexican GCA MEHOR better GCA MEHORA better/improve GCA MEHORADA improvement GCA MEHORAW bettered GCA MEJORA improvement GCA MEJORAH improve GCA MEJORAMIENTO improvement GCA MEKANIKO mechanic GCA MEKATE rope GCA MEKATI rope GCA MEKATILLO small rope GCA MELENCIO ??MELENCIO GCA MELON melon GCA MEME sleep GCA MEMORIA memory GCA MEMORIAS memories GCA MEMORYA memory/remember GCA MEMORYADA memorization GCA MENCIONA mention GCA MENCIONAO mentioned GCA MENEA move GCA MENGGUA remove/lessen GCA MENGGWA lessen GCA MENGGWADA lessening GCA MENGGWAW lessened GCA MENGUA diminish GCA MENOR minor/younger GCA MENORA lessen GCA MENORAO lessened GCA MENOS less GCA MENSAHE message GCA MENSAHERO messenger GCA MENSAJE message GCA MENSAJERO messenger GCA MENSIONA mention GCA MENSIONAO mentioned GCA MENSIYONAO mentioned GCA MENSWAL monthly GCA MENSYONA mention GCA MENSYONADA mentioning GCA MENSYONAW mentioned GCA MENTA blame GCA MENTABLE often mentioned GCA MENTADA blaming GCA MENTALIDAD mentality GCA MENTAO well-known GCA MENTAW blamed GCA MENTE mind/lie GCA MENTI lie GCA MENTIONA mention GCA MENTIONAO mentioned GCA MENTIRA lie GCA MENTIROSO liar GCA MENTRAS while GCA MENTRASTANTO while GCA MENUDENCIA pig innards GCA MENUDENSIA pig innards GCA MENUDO meat recipe GCA MENYA move GCA MENYADA moving GCA MENYANA tomorrow GCA MENYAW moved GCA MERCADO market GCA MERCEDARIAN ??MERCEDARIAN GCA MERECE deserve GCA MERENDA have snack GCA MERENDADA having snacks GCA MERENDAW had snacks GCA MERENGGE merengue GCA MERESE deserving GCA MERESIDO well-deserving GCA MERIENDA supper GCA MERITO merit GCA MERKADO market GCA MERKAW market GCA MERYENDA snack GCA MERYNDA snack GCA MES month GCA MESA table GCA MESCAL mix GCA MESCLA mix GCA MESCLAO mixed GCA MESES months GCA MESINOS ??MESINOS GCA MESITA table GCA MESKLA mix GCA MESKLADA mixing GCA MESKLAO mixed GCA MESKLAW mixed GCA MESKOLANSA melange GCA MESLAO ??MESLAO GCA MESTISA half breed woman GCA METE insert GCA METEDOR meddler GCA METEDORA meddler GCA METER meter GCA METIDO be involved GCA METRO meter GCA METROS meters GCA MEYOR mayor GCA MEZCLA mix GCA MGA 10 around 10 GCA MGA 11 around 11 GCA MGA 12 around 12 GCA MGA 2 around 2 GCA MGA 3 around 3 GCA MGA 4 around 4 GCA MGA 5 around 5 GCA MGA 6 around 6 GCA MGA 7 around 7 GCA MGA 8 around 8 GCA MGA 9 around 9 GCA MGA ALAS around GCA MGA GAMIT things GCA MGA HENTE people GCA MGA JENTE people GCA MGA UWEBO eggs GCA MGA the GCA MHALIN love GCA MHER wife GCA MI my GCA MIDEL ??MIDEL GCA MIDI measure GCA MIDICINA medicine GCA MIDIDA measurement GCA MIDIDO measured GCA MIDISINA medicine GCA MIDYU somewhat GCA MIEBRO member GCA MIEBROS members GCA MIEDO fear GCA MIEDUT afraid GCA MIEDUTIN coward GCA MIEMBRO member GCA MIEMBROS membes GCA MIENDUTIN afraid GCA MIENTRAS in the meantime GCA MIERCOLES Wednesday GCA MIERKULES Wednesday GCA MIG ??MIG GCA MIGO ?MIGO GCA MIHMO same GCA MIKATILYO string#n GCA MIKI chinesenoodles GCA MIKROBYO microbes GCA MIKROPONO microphone GCA MIL thousand GCA MILA-MILA sore eyes GCA MILA2 sore eyes GCA MILAGRO miracle GCA MILAGROS miracles GCA MILAGROSA miraculous GCA MILAGROSO miraculous GCA MILAMILA sore eyes GCA MILENIO millennium GCA MILES miles/thousands GCA MILITANTE militant GCA MILITAR military GCA MILITARI military GCA MILLIONES millions GCA MILLON one million GCA MILLONARYO millionaire GCA MILU wild cat GCA MILUWAO ??MILUWAO GCA MILYA mile GCA MILYON million GCA MILYONES millions GCA MIMING small kitten GCA MIMOS tantrums GCA MINA mine GCA MINDONGGO tripe GCA MINDONGO cow stomach GCA MINGAR watch hungrily GCA MINIMO least GCA MINISTRA administer GCA MINISTRADA servicing GCA MINISTRAW serviced GCA MINISTRO minister GCA MINTI lie GCA MINUTO minute GCA MINUTOS minutes GCA MINUTU minute GCA MINYA ?MINYA GCA MINYESTRAS spices GCA MIO my GCA MIRA look GCA MIRADA looking GCA MIRAHAN see GCA MIRAR look GCA MIRASOL sunflower GCA MIRON curious onlooker GCA MIRONA curious onlooker GCA MIS miss GCA MISA mass GCA MISALUCHA ??MISALUCHA GCA MISERABLE miserable GCA MISERIA misery GCA MISERYA misery GCA MISIONERO missionary GCA MISIONEROS missionaries GCA MISIS Mrs. GCA MISMO itself GCA MISTER Mr. GCA MISTERIO mystery GCA MISTERYO mystery GCA MISTERYOSA mysterious GCA MISTERYOSO mysterious GCA MISWA chinese ricenoodle GCA MISYON mission GCA MISYONERA missionary GCA MISYONERO missionary GCA MIT meet GCA MITAD half GCA MITING meeting GCA MIYA urinate GCA MIYADA ??MIYADA GCA MIYAO urine GCA MIYAW urine GCA MIYEDO fear GCA MIYEMBRO member GCA MIYEMBROS members GCA MIYERCOLES Wednesday GCA MIYERKULES Wednesday GCA MIYO mine GCA MIYON bed wetter GCA MKA DUELE makes it hurt GCA MKAHUYA ashamed GCA MKALASTIMA pitiful GCA MLAGRO miracle GCA MLISUD uneasy GCA MMANG mother GCA MN GCA MNADA a lot of GCA MNDA order GCA MNKULIT nag GCA MNKWNTO tell GCA MNLA Manila GCA MO2R motor GCA MOBE move GCA MOBIDA movement GCA MOBIDO moved GCA MOBIMIENTO movement GCA MOBIMYENTO movement GCA MODA fashion GCA MODEL model GCA MODELO sample GCA MODERA moderate GCA MODERADA moderate GCA MODERASYON moderation GCA MODERAW moderate GCA MODERN* modern GCA MODERNO modern GCA MODESTA modest GCA MODESTO modest GCA MODISTA modiste GCA MODO mode GCA MOHAO wet GCA MOHARES ??MOHARES GCA MOHER wife GCA MOHERES women GCA MOHO mold/moss GCA MOHON surveyor's landmark GCA MOJA wet GCA MOJAO wet GCA MOJER wife GCA MOJON stone lamppost GCA MOKOS mucus GCA MOLDE mold GCA MOLE grind food GCA MOLESTA bother GCA MOLESTADA bothering GCA MOLESTAW bothered GCA MOLESTIA nuisance GCA MOLESTIYA molest GCA MOLIDA grinding GCA MOLIDO ground GCA MOLINO grinder GCA MOMENTO moment GCA MOMENTOS moments GCA MOMORAYS memorize GCA MONEDA gold coin GCA MONGGO mongo beans GCA MONGHA cloisterednun GCA MONINA childlike loveliness GCA MONOPOLIA monopoly GCA MONTA mount horse GCA MONTADA mounting a horse GCA MONTANYA mountain GCA MONTAW mounted GCA MONTA±A mountain GCA MONTE mountain GCA MONTON pile GCA MONTONADA in excessivenumbers GCA MONTURA saddle GCA MONUMENTO monument GCA MORDE bite GCA MORDEDURA bite GCA MORDIDA bite GCA MORENA brown-skinned GCA MORGE morgue GCA MORI die GCA MORIR die GCA MORISKETA PUGO stale rice GCA MORISQUETA boiled rice GCA MORO Muslim GCA MOROS Muslims GCA MOROSO overdue account GCA MORTAL mortal GCA MORTUGO stupid GCA MOSCAS fly GCA MOSEYO museum GCA MOSGIT mosque GCA MOSKAS flies GCA MOSKE mosque GCA MOSKITERO mosquitonet GCA MOSKITOS mosquitos GCA MOSKUBADO unrefined sugar GCA MOSQUITERO mosquitonet GCA MOSQUITO mosquito GCA MOSTRA show GCA MOTIBO motive GCA MOTIVO motive GCA MOTO motorcycle GCA MOTON pulley GCA MOTOR engine/motorbike GCA MOTORCICLO motorcycle GCA MOTORISTA motorist GCA MOTORSICLO motorcycle GCA MOTORSIKLO motorcycle GCA MOVE move GCA MOVIMIENTO movement GCA MOVIMIENTOS movements GCA MOY very GCA MPERMA sick GCA MPERMO sick GCA MPORTANTE important GCA MRA look GCA MRIDO husband GCA MRKT market GCA MRYNDA dinner GCA MSG message GCA MSGE message GCA MSKI although GCA MSKIN although GCA MSKN although GCA MSMO itself GCA MTOR motor GCA MU you GCA MUCHACHA servant GCA MUCHACHO boy GCA MUCHAS many GCA MUCHISIMA* much GCA MUCHISUKI ??MUCHISUKI GCA MUCHO much GCA MUCHOS many GCA MUCHU much GCA MUDA dress up/unripe fruit GCA MUDADA dressing up GCA MUDAO dressed up GCA MUDASER ??MUDASER GCA MUDAW dressed GCA MUEBLE furniture GCA MUECAS grin GCA MUELAS molar GCA MUELLE spring GCA MUER2 dead GCA MUERTE death GCA MUERTO Y HAMBRE starving GCA MUERTO'Y HAMBRE starving GCA MUERTO dead/corpse GCA MUESTRA sample GCA MUGRE dirt GCA MUGUNG stupid GCA MUHA wet GCA MUHADA wetting something GCA MUHAW wet GCA MUHER woman/wife GCA MUHMUH fall on one's face GCA MUJA wet GCA MUJAU wet GCA MUJER woman GCA MUJERES women GCA MUKIM ??MUKIM GCA MULLERA fontanel GCA MULMUL fish GCA MULMURA MULMURA#?? GCA MULTA fine GCA MULTADA fining GCA MULTAW fined GCA MULTI multi GCA MULTIPLICA multiply GCA MULTO haunter GCA MULYERA fontanelle GCA MUMU ??MUMU GCA MUMUG gargle GCA MUNAT pockmarked GCA MUNDI ??MUNDI GCA MUNDIAL worldwide GCA MUNDO world GCA MUNDOHIN ??MUNDOHIN GCA MUNDUHIN bandit GCA MUNDYAL worldly GCA MUNEDA coin GCA MUNICIPIO municipality GCA MUNISIPYO municipality GCA MUNTA mount GCA MUNYECA doll GCA MUNYEKA doll GCA MURI die GCA MURIDA death@c GCA MURMURA murmur/criticize GCA MURMURADA murmuring GCA MURMURAW murmured GCA MURTUGO listless GCA MUSICA music GCA MUSIKA music GCA MUSIKERO musician GCA MUSIKO musician GCA MUSKITERO mosquitonet GCA MUSKITOS mosquito GCA MUSQUITO mosquito GCA MUSU snout GCA MUTA eye secretion GCA MUTCHACHA girl GCA MUTI ??MUTI GCA MUTIN secreting eyes GCA MUTUAMBRE ??MUTUAMBRE GCA MUY very GCA MU±EKA doll GCA MWEBLES furniture GCA MWEKAS grimace GCA MWELAS molar GCA MWELLE wharf GCA MWERTE death GCA MWERTO dead GCA MWESTRA sample GCA MYEDO fear GCA MYEDON fearful GCA MYEDONA fearful GCA MYEL honey GCA MYEMBRO member GCA MYENTRAS while GCA MYERDA feces GCA MYERKOLES wednesday GCA MYO my GCA MYSTERIO mystery GCA N KASA at home GCA N in GCA NA CASA at home GCA NA CIUDAD in the city GCA NA MAGA in the GCA NA MGA in the GCA NA PUEBLO in town GCA NA UNLAO to the other side GCA NA2 mother GCA NA in GCA NABAHA razor GCA NABIDAD nativity GCA NACE be born GCA NACIDO born GCA NACIMIENTO birth GCA NACION nation GCA NACIONAL national GCA NACIONES nations GCA NACORDA remembered GCA NADA nothing/swim GCA NADAH swim GCA NADAR swim GCA NADIE nobody GCA NADYE no one GCA NAGALIT upset GCA NAGUSAP talked GCA NAIDA ??NAIDA GCA NAKABAR finished GCA NAKU oh my GCA NALGAS buttocks GCA NAMAN GCA NAMNAM delicious GCA NAMUK mosquito GCA NANA-NANA playing mother GCA NANA mother GCA NANAH nose droppings GCA NANAY mother GCA NANGKA jackfruit GCA NANTES previously GCA NARA tree GCA NARANGHA large orange GCA NARANJA pomelo GCA NARANJITA orange GCA NARIS nose GCA NARS nurse GCA NASE be born GCA NASIDA born GCA NASIDO born GCA NASIMIENTO birth GCA NASIMYENTO birth GCA NASNAS all out effort GCA NASNASAN all out fight GCA NASYON nation GCA NATA fruit mold GCA NATIBO native GCA NATIN our GCA NATIVIDAD nativity GCA NATIVO native GCA NATURAL natural GCA NATURALMENTE naturally GCA NAVAJA razor GCA NAVEGA sail GCA NAYONA sow GCA NCESITA need GCA NCESTA need GCA NCONTRA meet GCA NCSITA need GCA NCTA need GCA NDE where GCA NECCTA need GCA NECECIDADES needs GCA NECESARIO necessary GCA NECESIDAD necessity GCA NECESIDADES necessities GCA NECESIDADES needs GCA NECESITA need GCA NECESITAO inneed GCA NECESSARIO necessary GCA NECESSITA need GCA NECICITA need GCA NECISITA need GCA NECITA need GCA NEGA deny GCA NEGATIB negative GCA NEGATIVO negative GCA NEGLIGENCIA negligence GCA NEGO deny GCA NEGOCIA trade GCA NEGOCIADOR negotiator GCA NEGOCIANTE trader GCA NEGOCIO business GCA NEGOSIANTE mercant GCA NEGOSIO business GCA NEGOSYANTE businessman GCA NEGOSYO business GCA NEGRA black GCA NEGRISKO blackish GCA NEGRO black GCA NEGRUSO blackish GCA NEMA ?NEMA GCA NEMAS ?NEMAS GCA NENA-NENA easily GCA NENENG young girl GCA NERBYA nervous GCA NERBYADA nervousness GCA NERBYAW nervous GCA NERBYOS nervous GCA NERBYOSA nervous GCA NERBYOSO nervous GCA NERVIA be unsure GCA NERVIOSO nervous GCA NESCICITA need GCA NESECITA need GCA NESECTA need GCA NESESARYO necessary GCA NESESIDADES needs GCA NESESITA need GCA NESESITAW needed GCA NESISITA need GCA NESISITAO needed GCA NESITA need GCA NEYBI navy GCA NEYMA ?NEYMA GCA NGA-NGA stupid look GCA NGAAB ??NGAAB GCA NGANGA chew betelnut GCA NGASA wishing for murder GCA NGAT-NGAT gnaw GCA NGILU set teeth on edge GCA NGIRIT stupid grin GCA NGIS-NGIS always laughing GCA NGISI grin GCA NGO-NGO nasal speech defect GCA NGUL-NGUL grumble GCA NGUS-NGUS dog's whimper GCA NGUSU snout GCA NGUT-NGUT throbbing pain GCA NIBERA icebox GCA NICHO neche GCA NICISITA need GCA NICITA need GCA NIDO nest GCA NIETA grandchild GCA NIETO grandchild GCA NIKI-NIKI small gnats GCA NIKKI ??NIKKI GCA NINAY godmother GCA NINGGUN none GCA NINGGUNOS none GCA NINGUN none GCA NINGUNOS no one GCA NINGUNU none GCA NINGUNUS no one GCA NINOR small fruit GCA NINOY godfather GCA NINYA child GCA NINYO child GCA NIPA palm GCA NIPAL palm grove GCA NISISITA need GCA NISITA need GCA NITU vine GCA NIVEL level GCA NI±A child GCA NI±O child GCA NKERE don't want GCA NKIERE don't want GCA NKNTRA find GCA NKONOSE doesn't know GCA NKONTRA find GCA NKONTRADA found GCA NMA there aren't GCA NMAS there aren't GCA NO HAY not have GCA NO no GCA NOAY nothing/none GCA NOBAYA ??NOBAYA GCA NOBEINTAY ninety GCA NOBELA novel GCA NOBENA novena GCA NOBENO ninth GCA NOBENTA ninety GCA NOBESYENTOS nine hundred GCA NOBIEMBRE November GCA NOBIO boyfriend GCA NOBIYEMBRE November GCA NOBLE noble GCA NOBYA sweetheart GCA NOBYEMBRE November GCA NOBYO sweetheart GCA NOBYOSKO love affairs GCA NOCHE-BWENA christmas eve GCA NOCHE night GCA NOCHES nights GCA NOCHESE be overtaken bynight GCA NOKERE don't want GCA NOKIERE don't want GCA NOKONOSE don't know GCA NOMA no more GCA NOMAS no more GCA NOMBRA nominate GCA NOMBRADA named GCA NOMBRAMIENTO appoint GCA NOMBRAO appointed GCA NOMBRAW named GCA NOMBRE name GCA NONOY young boy GCA NOPUEDE can't GCA NORMAL normal GCA NORTE north GCA NOSA BE doesn't know GCA NOSABE don't know GCA NOSABI don't know GCA NOSOTROS we GCA NOTA note/notice GCA NOTABLE notable GCA NOTADA noticing GCA NOTAH note GCA NOTARYO notary public GCA NOTAW well-known GCA NOTBUK notebook GCA NOTCHE night GCA NOTICIA news GCA NOTICIAS news GCA NOTICYA news GCA NOTIFICA notify GCA NOVEDAD novelty GCA NOVIA sweetheart GCA NOVIO sweetheart GCA NOWAY not GCA NPDE can't GCA NQUIRE don't want GCA NSBE don't know GCA NSIMA on GCA NTENDE understand GCA NTEREST interest GCA NTERO entire GCA NTICIA news GCA NTRA enter GCA NU no GCA NUANAY not yet GCA NUAY 2 you don't have GCA NUAY BOS you don't have GCA NUAY HUYAH shameless GCA NUAY KAMI we don't have GCA NUAY KIEN nobody GCA NUAY KITA we don't have GCA NUAY MAS no more GCA NUAY MS no more GCA NUAY P not yet GCA NUAY PA not yet GCA NUAY POTO nothing GCA NUAY QUIEN nobody GCA NUAY SILA they don't have GCA NUAY TU you don't have GCA NUAY YO I don't have GCA NUAY not have GCA NUAYMA not have GCA NUAYMAS no longer have GCA NUAYPA no more GCA NUBE clouds GCA NUBLAO cloudy GCA NUBLAW cloudy GCA NUBLINA fog GCA NUCONOSE doesn't know GCA NUEBE nine GCA NUEBO new GCA NUEMAS no longer have GCA NUESTR* our GCA NUEVE nine GCA NUEVO new GCA NUHAY none GCA NUKERE don't want GCA NUKIE RE doesn't want GCA NUKIERE don't want GCA NUKRE don't want GCA NUMA no more GCA NUMAS no more GCA NUMBRAO nominated GCA NUMBRE name GCA NUMERAW numbered GCA NUMERO number GCA NUNCA never GCA NUNGKA never GCA NUNKIERE doesn't want GCA NUNSBE doesn't know GCA NUNTYM noontime GCA NUPEDE can't GCA NUPUEDE can't GCA NUPUWEDE can't GCA NUPWDE can't GCA NUPWEDE can't GCA NUQUIERE doesn't want GCA NUQUIERRE doesn't want GCA NUSABE I don't know GCA NUSAY ?NUSAY GCA NUSAYO ??NUSAYO GCA NUSAYTA ?NUSAYTA GCA NUSBE I don't know GCA NUSNUS rub face GCA NUTRALISA neutralize GCA NUTRISYON nutrition GCA NUWAY CONECCION ENTRE there's no connection between GCA NUWAY MAS no more GCA NUWAY MS no more GCA NUWAY none/nothing GCA NUWAYMAS not GCA NUWEBE nine GCA NUWEMAS not GCA NWAY not have GCA NWAYMA no more GCA NWAYMAS no more GCA NWEBE nine GCA NWEBO new GCA NWERA daughter-in-law GCA NYEBE snow GCA NYET* grandchild GCA NYETA grandchild GCA NYETO grandchild GCA NYOR Mr. GCA NYORA Mrs GCA O SIGE goodbye GCA O or GCA OBE purple yam GCA OBEDECE obey GCA OBEDESE obey GCA OBEDIENCIA obedience GCA OBEDIENTE obedient GCA OBEDYENTE obedient GCA OBHETO object GCA OBISPADO bishop's residence GCA OBISPO bishop GCA OBJECTO object GCA OBLATO priest GCA OBLEYT priest GCA OBLIGA obligate GCA OBLIGACION obligation GCA OBLIGADA obligated GCA OBLIGAO obligated GCA OBLIGASYON obligation GCA OBLIGAW obligated GCA OBRA work GCA OBRADA taking effect GCA OBRADOR worker GCA OBRADORA worker GCA OBRAW took effect GCA OBRERO laborer GCA OBSERBA observe GCA OBSERBADA observing GCA OBSERBASYON observation GCA OBSERBAW observed GCA OBSERVA observe GCA OBSERVACION observation GCA OBSTRUI obstruct GCA OCASION occasion GCA OCASYON occasion GCA OCCUPA occupy GCA OCHENTA* eighty GCA OCHO eight GCA OCRA okra GCA OCTUBRE October GCA OCULAR ocular GCA OCUPA occupy GCA OCUPAO occupied GCA OCURI occur GCA ODYA hate GCA ODYADA hating GCA ODYO hatred GCA ODYOSA hateful GCA ODYOSO hateful GCA OFCE office GCA OFENDE offend GCA OFENDIDO offended GCA OFFICIALES officials GCA OFFICINA office GCA OFICIAL officer GCA OFICIALES officials GCA OFICINA office GCA OFICIO work GCA OFIS office GCA OFISINA office GCA OFISYAL official GCA OFRECE offer GCA OGOS august GCA OHAL button hole GCA OHALA I wish GCA OHALDRES slipper-shaped pastry GCA OHAS leaves GCA OHILLA hairpins GCA OHOS eyes GCA OI hear GCA OJALA I wish GCA OJOS eyes GCA OKASYON occasion GCA OKEY OK GCA OKO baby's cooing GCA OKSINHINADA zinc oxide GCA OKTUBRE October GCA OKUPA occupy GCA OKUPADA occupying GCA OKUPASYON occupation GCA OKUPAW occupied GCA OLA hello GCA OLBIDA forget GCA OLE again/smell GCA OLESTIA smelly GCA OLESTYA exude odor GCA OLESTYADA exuding smell GCA OLESTYAW exuding smell GCA OLLA earthen pot GCA OLOR smell GCA OLOROSO smelly GCA OLREDI already GCA OLTRAHA insult GCA OLVDA forget GCA OLVIDA forget GCA OLVIDAO forgotten GCA OMBLIGO navel GCA OMBRE male GCA OMBRERA shoulder band GCA OMBRILLO shoulder GCA OMBRO shoulder GCA OMBRON manly GCA OMENTA add GCA OMENTADA addition GCA OMENTAW added GCA OMENTO addition GCA OND where GCA ONDE where GCA ONDEL where GCA ONDO deep GCA ONOR honor GCA ONR2 a moment GCA ONRA2 a moment GCA ONRA honor GCA ONRADA honored GCA ONRATO a moment GCA ONRAW honored GCA ONSE eleven GCA ONYOK Onyok#c nickname for Romeo GCA OO yes GCA OPCNA office GCA OPERA opera/operate on GCA OPERACCION operation GCA OPERACION operation GCA OPERADA operated on GCA OPERADO opereated on GCA OPERADOR operator GCA OPERADORES operators GCA OPERAO operated on GCA OPERASYON operation GCA OPERAW operated on GCA OPICINA office GCA OPINION opinion GCA OPINYON opinion GCA OPIS office GCA OPISINA office GCA OPISYAL official GCA OPISYALES officials GCA OPONE oppose GCA OPORTUNAW had opportunity GCA OPORTUNIDAD opportunity GCA OPORTUNO opportunity GCA OPPORTUNIDAD opportunity GCA OPPOSITIONISTA oppositionist GCA OPRESE offer GCA OPRESIDA offered GCA OPRESIDO offered GCA OPRESIMYENTO offering GCA OPYO opium GCA ORA-ORADA last minute doings GCA ORA now/hour GCA ORADA hourly GCA ORAS hours GCA ORASYON prayer GCA ORASYONG angelus GCA ORDEN order GCA ORDENA ordain GCA ORDENADO ordained GCA ORDENANZA ordinance GCA ORDENASYON ordination GCA ORDENAW ordained GCA ORDER order GCA ORDINANSA ordinance GCA ORDINARIO ordinary GCA ORDINARYO ordinary GCA OREGANO oregano GCA OREHA ear GCA OREHAS ears GCA OREJAS ears GCA ORENOLA urine pot GCA ORGANISA organize GCA ORGANISAO organized GCA ORGANISASYON organization GCA ORGANIZA organize GCA ORGANIZACION organization GCA ORGANIZAO organized GCA ORGANO organ GCA ORGULLO pride GCA ORGULLOSA proud GCA ORGULLOSO proud GCA ORIGEN origin GCA ORIGINAL original GCA ORIHINA originate GCA ORILLA in a corner GCA ORILLANDO alongside GCA ORINOLA chamber pot GCA ORMO oven GCA ORNO oven GCA ORO gold GCA ORYENTE orient GCA OSCURIDAD darkness GCA OSCURO dark GCA OSO bear GCA OSPITAL hospital GCA OSTDES you GCA OSTDS you GCA OSTE your sir GCA OSTEDES you GCA OSTYA host GCA OTCHENTAY eighty GCA OTCHO eight GCA OTOMATIK automatic GCA OTOR author GCA OTORGA take responsibility GCA OTORGADA taking responsibility GCA OTORGAW took responsibility GCA OTORIDAD authority GCA OTRA BES again GCA OTRA BEZ again GCA OTRA VES again GCA OTRA VEZ again GCA OTRA other GCA OTRABE again GCA OTRABES again GCA OTRAHO insult GCA OTRAS others GCA OTRAVES again GCA OTRAVEZ again GCA OTRO MAS CLASE DE other kinds of GCA OTRO MAS KLASE DE other kinds of GCA OTRO PA others GCA OTRO-OTRO different kinds GCA OTRO other GCA OTROLAO other hand GCA OTROLAW other side GCA OTROS others GCA OTRULAO other side GCA OYE hear GCA OYENTE listener GCA OYI hear GCA OYIR hear GCA OYO hole GCA PA KIMDO in this way GCA PA2NG put over GCA PA yet GCA PAAMAN held for contingency GCA PAANO how GCA PAARIBA up GCA PAATRAS back GCA PABILING heavy piece GCA PABO turkey GCA PABOLBIDA ??PABOLBIDA GCA PABOR NO please don't GCA PABOR please GCA PABORESIDO favored GCA PABORITO favorite GCA PACENCIA patience GCA PACHA appearance/kick GCA PACHADA kicking GCA PACHAW kicked GCA PACIENCIA patience GCA PACIENTE patient GCA PACTANG corn cob GCA PACULUP lying face down GCA PADER wall GCA PADESE lack GCA PADPEYPER paper pad GCA PADRASTRO stepfather GCA PADRE-PADRE playing priest GCA PADRE father GCA PADRES fathers GCA PADRINO godfather GCA PAELLA Spanish dish GCA PAGA-PAGA open shelf GCA PAGA2 open shelf GCA PAGA pay/turn off GCA PAGADA paying GCA PAGADERO payable GCA PAGADOR payee GCA PAGANO pagan GCA PAGAO paid GCA PAGAPAGA open shelf GCA PAGASA hope GCA PAGAT ?PAGAT GCA PAGAW paid GCA PAGI rayfish GCA PAGINA page GCA PAGO payment GCA PAGOD tired GCA PAGPAG beat dust off GCA PAGSIW native dish GCA PAGUD grind teeth GCA PAGUI-PAGUI insect infestation GCA PAHAGAD hauling sled GCA PAHAGAT transport basket GCA PAHARIA hunt GCA PAHARILLO small bird GCA PAHARITO small bird GCA PAHARO bird GCA PAHARYA go bird hunting GCA PAHARYADA bird hunting GCA PAHARYAW bird hunting GCA PAHID wipe away GCA PAHINA page GCA PAHIT spread with fingers GCA PAHNUS stale smell GCA PAHUG-PAHUG rundown GCA PAHUG exaggerated boastings GCA PAHUK bluff GCA PAHUKERO boastful GCA PAINE harrow GCA PAIS country GCA PAISANO countryman GCA PAIT bitter GCA PAIZ country GCA PAJA cloth GCA PAJARDA ??PAJARDA GCA PAJAREA hunt GCA PAJAREADOR hunter GCA PAJARIA hunt GCA PAJARIADOR hunter GCA PAJARO bird GCA PAKANG beater GCA PAKARAS harrow GCA PAKAS split open GCA PAKEMO DO in this way GCA PAKEMODO how GCA PAKETE package GCA PAKIAO buying everything GCA PAKICHURA how GCA PAKILAYA how GCA PAKILYA how GCA PAKIMDO in this way GCA PAKIMODO in this way GCA PAKSYON similarity GCA PAKTORIYA factory GCA PAKU-PAKU inedible fern GCA PAKU edible fern GCA PAKULUB lie on stomach GCA PAKYAW buy wholesale GCA PALA-PALA shovel GCA PALA shovel/so GCA PALABARA word GCA PALABRA word GCA PALABRAS words GCA PALABUGASAN rice receptacle GCA PALACIO palace GCA PALADAR palate GCA PALAK ?PALAK#Ceb sound of heels GCA PALAKA frog GCA PALAKOL ax GCA PALAKPACAN hand clapping GCA PALAKPAK applaud GCA PALANGANA water basin GCA PALANGGA favored GCA PALANGGANA basin GCA PALANGGANITA small basin GCA PALAPA palm frond GCA PALAPALA overhead trellis GCA PALARA axe handle GCA PALARO* game GCA PALASYO palace GCA PALAY rice plant GCA PALAYAN rice field GCA PALAYAO nickname GCA PALAYAW nickname GCA PALAYERO rice bin GCA PALCO moviehouse balcony GCA PALDA skirt GCA PALETA trowel GCA PALETADA smoothing stage of cementing GCA PALI scar GCA PALIBUT ??PALIBUD GCA PALIDA pale GCA PALIGPIG ??PALIGPIG GCA PALIPIT fried pastry/twist GCA PALISO beating GCA PALISTROKES miscellaneous things GCA PALISTROQUES miscellaneous things GCA PALITAW pastry GCA PALITO DYENTE toothpick GCA PALITO stick GCA PALLA fail/linen cloth GCA PALLADA failure GCA PALLAW stalled motor GCA PALMA palm GCA PALMADA slap GCA PALMADIA slap GCA PALMADYA slap GCA PALMAS ??PALMAS GCA PALMERA plant pot GCA PALMO palm GCA PALO tree/wood GCA PALOMA dove GCA PALOS spankings GCA PALPA touch with palms GCA PALPADA palpating GCA PALPAW palpated GCA PALPITA throb GCA PALPITADA throbbing GCA PALPITAW palpitated GCA PALTA lack GCA PALTADA lack GCA PALTAW lacked GCA PALTERA midwife#n GCA PALTIK homemade gun#c Ceb GCA PALU start trek GCA PALUH YA start trek GCA PALUPO top ridge GCA PALYA dud GCA PAMANGKIN nephew GCA PAMARAN ??PAMARAN GCA PAMASAHE fare GCA PAMATU piece of flat stone GCA PAMBANSA* national GCA PAMILYA family GCA PAMILYAR familiar GCA PAMITIK guide line GCA PAMOSO famous GCA PAMPANG bank of river GCA PAMPARONADA ??PAMPARONADA GCA PAMUUN fishing line GCA PAN TOSTAO toasted bread GCA PAN bread GCA PANA arrow GCA PANADERIA bakery GCA PANAHON time GCA PANAL bumblebee/honeycomb GCA PANCIT noodles GCA PANDAG short GCA PANDAK stunted height GCA PANDAKAKE dwarfish GCA PANDAKI short GCA PANDANGGERA flowering shrub GCA PANDERETA tambourine GCA PANDERIYA bakery GCA PANDERO baker GCA PANDILLA gang GCA PANDITA muslim leader GCA PANG-PANG riverbank GCA PANGA big hook/jaw GCA PANGANAY eldest GCA PANGAS sow seeds GCA PANGGAS ??PANGGAS GCA PANGGINGGI game GCA PANGGUI grated cassava GCA PANGIL fang GCA PANGIT ugly GCA PANGPANG riverbank GCA PANIHBIT stripstie fronds GCA PANINOY godfather GCA PANIS spoiled food GCA PANKUMIDA for food GCA PANOCHA brown sugar GCA PANSABE ??PANSABE GCA PANSIT noodle dish GCA PANSITERIYA restaurant GCA PANSUL hasten ripening GCA PANSULAN ripened fruit GCA PANSUT smell of urine GCA PANTALAN pier GCA PANTALLA lampshade GCA PANTALON pants GCA PANTALONG pants GCA PANTANO marsh GCA PANTASMA apparition GCA PANTASTIKO fantastic GCA PANTE ??PANTE GCA PANTI underwear GCA PANTLAN pier GCA PANTORILLAS ankle GCA PANTUG balloon GCA PANTUJAN goal GCA PANUMBA cut down trees GCA PANUS spoiled#c GCA PANUT bald GCA PANWELO kerchief GCA PANYALAM fried rice cake GCA PANYITO handkerchief GCA PANYO BLANCO whitish skin fungus GCA PANYO-BLANGKO disease GCA PANYO handkerchief GCA PANYOLON kerchief GCA PAPA father GCA PAPAH feeding GCA PAPANG father GCA PAPAYA papaya GCA PAPEL paper GCA PAPELES papers GCA PAPELETA prescription GCA PAPELITO dosage GCA PAPERA mumps GCA PAPLIN cloth GCA PAPWA leafy shrub GCA PAQUEL that GCA PAQUEMODO how GCA PAQUI here GCA PAQUICHURA how GCA PAQUILAYA how GCA PAQUIMODO in this way GCA PAR pair GCA PARA D2U for you GCA PARA KUMIGO for me GCA PARA KUNELE for him/her GCA PARA KUNTIGO for you GCA PARA for/stop GCA PARABER in that case GCA PARADA parade GCA PARADAHAN stop/lot GCA PARADERO stopping place GCA PARAISO paradise GCA PARAJO ??PARAJO GCA PARAKI come here GCA PARALI from here GCA PARALISIS paralysis GCA PARALITIKA paralytic GCA PARALITIKO paratytic GCA PARALLA ??PARALLA GCA PARALYA there GCA PARANG like GCA PARAO standing GCA PARAQUI here GCA PARASITAS butterfly orchids GCA PARAW stopped GCA PARE friend GCA PARED wall GCA PAREGLA normal GCA PAREHA partner GCA PAREHO equal GCA PAREJO equal GCA PARENG friend GCA PARENTESKO relationship GCA PARES pairs GCA PARESE appear GCA PARI give birth GCA PARIDA lately delivered GCA PARIENTE relation by birth GCA PARIENTES parents GCA PARINDERA breeder GCA PARINKI cassava dish GCA PARKE park GCA PARLAURAN nipa shingle rib GCA PARLOR beauty shop GCA PARMACY pharmacy GCA PARMASYA pharmacy GCA PARMASYOTIKA pharmacist GCA PARMASYOTIKO pharmacist GCA PAROKYA parish GCA PAROL lantern GCA PAROLA lighthouse GCA PAROQUIANO parishoner GCA PARRAL trellis GCA PARRILLA stove grating GCA PARTE part GCA PARTERA midwife GCA PARTES parts GCA PARTI-PARTI informal party GCA PARTI divide/party GCA PARTICIPA participate GCA PARTICIPANTE participant GCA PARTICULARMENTE particularly GCA PARTIDA division GCA PARTIDO divided GCA PARTIHAN party GCA PARTIPARTI divide GCA PARTISIPANTE participant GCA PARTISYON partition GCA PARYENTE relative GCA PAS-PAS fast GCA PAS pass GCA PASA-TYEMPO leisure time GCA PASA pass GCA PASADA roadway GCA PASADAS roadways GCA PASADERO ?PASADERO GCA PASADO passed GCA PASADOR cloth/sanitarynapkin GCA PASAG ground stake GCA PASAGERO passenger GCA PASAHE fare GCA PASAHERO passenger GCA PASAHEROS passengers GCA PASAJE fare GCA PASAJERO passenger GCA PASAJEROS passengers GCA PASAJES fares GCA PASAK stake GCA PASAKALLE music introduction GCA PASALUBONG gift GCA PASALUBUNG gift GCA PASAO passed GCA PASAPORTE passport GCA PASAPORTES passports GCA PASAR pass GCA PASAS raisins GCA PASATIEMPO pastime GCA PASAW past GCA PASCUA christmas present GCA PASCUAS christmas season GCA PASE pass GCA PASEA take walk GCA PASENCIA patience GCA PASENCYA sorry GCA PASENSIYA excuse GCA PASENSYA patience GCA PASES pass GCA PASEYO going for walk GCA PASGUATE not important GCA PASI unhusked grain GCA PASIA enjoy GCA PASIBARA hand game GCA PASICAT showoff GCA PASIENTE patient GCA PASIENTES patients GCA PASIL easy GCA PASILLO passageway GCA PASINGIT slim chance of success GCA PASIPALA mistreat GCA PASKWA christmas/easter GCA PASMA becomefatigued GCA PASMADA being fatigued GCA PASMAW overly fatigued GCA PASMO extreme fatigue GCA PASO brief stopover/flowerpot/not take turn GCA PASPAS dust off/hurried GCA PASTIDYO fastidious GCA PASTILLAS sweets GCA PASTILYAS pill candy GCA PASTOR protestant minister/shepherd GCA PASTORES christmas carolers GCA PASUG bamboo container GCA PASUNGAN pig's trough GCA PASYA go for walk GCA PASYADA going for walk GCA PASYAW had taken walk GCA PASYENSYA patience GCA PASYENSYOSA patient GCA PASYENSYOSO patient GCA PASYENTE patient GCA PASYON story of christ GCA PATA leg GCA PATADA kick GCA PATAG plain GCA PATAH heavy footed GCA PATAK stain GCA PATAKARAN ??PATAKARAN GCA PATAKPATAK stain GCA PATAMPAT flat GCA PATAS tie GCA PATATAS potato GCA PATAWAD forgive GCA PATE including GCA PATENTE registered patent GCA PATI along with GCA PATICALAS make effort GCA PATICAN long handled brush GCA PATIENTE patient GCA PATIHAYA lying flat GCA PATIKAN ??PATIKAN#Ceb = patik = tattoo GCA PATILLA sideburns GCA PATILLERO ??PATILLERO GCA PATIO hard court GCA PATIS fish sauce GCA PATO-PATO ducklike GCA PATO duck GCA PATOK buck tooth GCA PATOLA enlongated fruit GCA PATRIA native country GCA PATRIOTICO patriotic GCA PATRIOTISMO patriotism GCA PATROL patrol GCA PATROLIA patrol GCA PATROLYA patrol GCA PATRON patron saint GCA PATRONA patron saint GCA PATRULLA patrol GCA PATRULYA patrol GCA PATUAD forward bent down GCA PATUJAN goal GCA PATUNG-PATUNG piles GCA PATUNG put something over GCA PATYA ??PATYA GCA PATYO patio GCA PAUK lazy GCA PAULUG behave in spoiled manner GCA PAULUGIN stubborn GCA PAULUGUIN spoiled person GCA PAUN bait GCA PAUNAY native picnic GCA PAUS hoarse GCA PAUT nipa shingle GCA PAVOR favor GCA PAYA-PAYA kneecap#n GCA PAYA coconut shell GCA PAYAG small hut GCA PAYAPAYA kneecap GCA PAYNA comb hair GCA PAYNADA combing hair GCA PAYNAW combed GCA PAYNETA comb GCA PAYO advice GCA PAYONG umbrella GCA PAYPAY fan GCA PAYPAYAN fan GCA PAYUNG umbrella GCA PA±ITO handkerchief GCA PA±O BLANCO whitish skin fungus GCA PA±O-BLANGKO disease GCA PA±O handkerchief GCA PA±OLON kerchief GCA PBOR NO please don't GCA PBOR please GCA PCENCYA sorry GCA PDI ask GCA PE faith GCA PEBRE liver sauce GCA PEBRERO February GCA PECA sin GCA PECADO sin GCA PECADOR sinner GCA PECAS freckles GCA PECHA date GCA PECHAY chinese cabbage GCA PECHO chest GCA PEDAL pedal GCA PEDASITO little bit GCA PEDASO piece GCA PEDAZO bit GCA PEDE can GCA PEDESTAL pedestal GCA PEDI ask GCA PEDIDO order of goods GCA PEGA whip GCA PEGADA whipping GCA PEGAW whipped GCA PEHCAO fish#c GCA PEHSA fish dish GCA PEINA comb the hair GCA PEINE comb GCA PEKA sin GCA PEKADILLO small sin GCA PEKADO sin GCA PEKADOR sinner GCA PEKAS freckles GCA PEKASIN freckled GCA PEKE fake GCA PELAHAN fight GCA PELDANYO stairstep GCA PELDA±O stairstep GCA PELEA fight GCA PELEADOR quarrelsome GCA PELEAJAN fight GCA PELIA fight GCA PELIAHAN fight GCA PELIEHO skin GCA PELIGRO danger GCA PELIGROSO dangerous GCA PELIKULA film/movie GCA PELLA fight GCA PELLADA fighting GCA PELLADOR quarrelsome GCA PELLADORA fighter GCA PELLAJAN fight GCA PELLEHO skin GCA PELLEJO skin GCA PELO hair GCA PELUKA wig GCA PELYA fight GCA PELYADORA fighter GCA PELYAHAN fight GCA PELYAHN fight GCA PELYEHO skin GCA PEMPOT ??PEMPOT GCA PENA pain GCA PENDEHA cuckolded spouse GCA PENDEHADA cuckolded spouse GCA PENDEHADAS foolishness GCA PENDEHADO cuckolded spouse GCA PENDEHO cuckolded spouse GCA PENDEJADAS stupid things GCA PENDEJO cuckolded spouse GCA PENDIENTE ?PENDIENTE GCA PENETRA penetrate GCA PENETRADA penetrating GCA PENETRASYON penetration GCA PENETRAW penetrated GCA PENG2 penis GCA PENGKA bunch GCA PENINSULA peninsula GCA PENITENCIA penitence GCA PENITENSYA penance GCA PENITENTE penitent GCA PENKA bananas GCA PENSA think GCA PENSABA thought GCA PENSABE thought GCA PENSADA thinking GCA PENSAMIENTO thought GCA PENSAMIYENTO thought GCA PENSAMYENTO thought GCA PENSANDO thinking GCA PENSAR think GCA PENSAW thought of GCA PENSION pension GCA PENSIONAO receiving pension GCA PENSYON pension GCA PENSYONADA pensioner GCA PENSYONADO pensioner GCA PEPE female genitalia GCA PEPINO cucumber GCA PEPITA seed GCA PER per GCA PERDE lose something GCA PERDICION perdition GCA PERDIDA lost GCA PERDIDO lost GCA PERDON pardon GCA PERDONA pardon GCA PERDONADA pardoning GCA PERDONAW pardoned GCA PERESOSA lazy/recliner GCA PERFECTO perfect GCA PERHWISYO harm GCA PERIODICO newspaper GCA PERIODIKO newspaper GCA PERIODISTA reporter GCA PERIODO period GCA PERJUDICA cause damage GCA PERJUICIO damage GCA PERLAS pearls GCA PERMA sign GCA PERMANECE remain GCA PERMANENTE permanent GCA PERMISO permission GCA PERMITI permit GCA PERMITIDA permitting GCA PERMITIDO allowed GCA PERMSO permission GCA PERO but GCA PEROK-PEROK small lamp GCA PERPORMA perform GCA PERRO dog GCA PERSERBASYAW preserved GCA PERSIGUI persecute GCA PERSOGA rope GCA PERSOGAH pasture roped animals GCA PERSOGAU pastured GCA PERSONA person GCA PERSONAHE personage GCA PERSONAHES people GCA PERSONAJE personage GCA PERSONAJES characters GCA PERSONAL personal GCA PERSONALAN personnel GCA PERSONALIDAD personality GCA PERSONALMENTE personally GCA PERSONAS persons GCA PERTENECE belong GCA PERUNA skin disease GCA PERYA fair GCA PERYODIKO newspaper GCA PERYODISTA newspaperman GCA PESA soup/weigh GCA PESADA weighing GCA PESADES pass by GCA PESADILLA nightmare GCA PESADOR weighing scale GCA PESAME condolence GCA PESAO heavy GCA PESAW heavy GCA PESCA fish GCA PESCADA fishing trip GCA PESCADOR fisherman GCA PESCAO fish GCA PESCAW fish GCA PESCUESO neck GCA PESKA fish GCA PESKADA fishing GCA PESKADOR fisherman GCA PESKAO fish GCA PESKAW fish GCA PESKERIYA fishery GCA PESKWESO neck GCA PESO peso/weight GCA PESOS pesos GCA PESTANYAS eyelashes GCA PESTA±AS eyelashes GCA PESTE pest GCA PESTEHOSO stinking GCA PESTILENSYA pestilence GCA PETACA wallet GCA PETATE sleepingmat GCA PETCHA date GCA PETICION petition GCA PETROLLO petroleum GCA PETROLYO petroleum GCA PETROMAKS pressure lantern GCA PETSA date GCA PETUNYA petunia GCA PEYNA comb GCA PEYNE comb GCA PEYNETA comb GCA PEYO ugly GCA PEYON worker GCA PEYOR worse GCA PEYOTON ugly GCA PEYTAW shaved GCA PHARMACIA pharmacy GCA PIANG lame GCA PICA pungent GCA PICAH peck/chop finely GCA PICAO ??PICAO GCA PICARDIA prank GCA PICARDIOSO prankster GCA PICHEL pitcher GCA PICHI press GCA PICHIDA pressing GCA PICHIDO pressed GCA PICHIDOR presser GCA PICHIPICHI ??#pichi2x GCA PICHON young dove/piglet GCA PICO bird beak GCA PICON one easily angered GCA PICOTEA strike with beak GCA PICURA try GCA PIDI ask GCA PIDIDA request GCA PIDIDO asked GCA PIDIGWENYA fond GCA PIDIGWENYO fond GCA PIDIGWE±A fond GCA PIDIGWE±O fond GCA PIDIMIENTO request GCA PIDIMYENTO asking for hand GCA PIEDECABRA crowbar GCA PIENSO I think GCA PIERDE lose GCA PIERNA leg GCA PIES feet GCA PIESA piece GCA PIESTA feast GCA PIHA look closely GCA PIHADA look closely GCA PIHADO surely GCA PIHAW looked closely GCA PIHO sure GCA PIJO fixed GCA PIKA-KARERA dash out GCA PIKA hot/sting/to peck GCA PIKADILLO meat dish GCA PIKARDIYA foolery GCA PIKIT ?PIKIT GCA PIKO-PIKO hand game GCA PIKO bird's beak GCA PIKON sensitive GCA PIKOY penis GCA PIKPIK put to sleep GCA PIKURA try GCA PILA-PILA line by line GCA PILA line/pound GCA PILADA pounding GCA PILANDUK liar GCA PILANTIK hit lightly GCA PILAPIL soil mounds GCA PILAW pounded GCA PILAY lame GCA PILDORA pills GCA PILIGRO danger GCA PILING bunch GCA PILIPINAS Philippines GCA PILIPINO Filipino GCA PILIT glue GCA PILLA naughty GCA PILLERIYAS fooleries GCA PILLO naughty GCA PILON mortar GCA PILOSOPA philosopher GCA PILOSOPIYA philosophy GCA PILOSOPO philosopher GCA PILOTILLA rice balls GCA PILOTO pilot GCA PILYA naughty GCA PILYO naughty GCA PIMBRERA food containers GCA PIMENTO fresh pepper GCA PIMENTON fresh pepper GCA PIMIENTA pepper GCA PIMYENTA black pepper GCA PIN end/pin GCA PINAKA most GCA PINAL final GCA PINGAS notched GCA PINGGA balancing pole/carry something GCA PINIPIG rice dish GCA PINO fine GCA PINTA paint GCA PINTADA painting GCA PINTAKASE neighbors helping GCA PINTAKASI neighbors helping GCA PINTAW painted GCA PINTO red wine GCA PINTOR painter GCA PINTURA paint GCA PINYA pineapple GCA PIPI dumb GCA PIPINA pick up GCA PIPINADA picking up GCA PIPINAW picked up GCA PIPINO cucumber GCA PIPITA seed GCA PIRATA pirate GCA PIRMA sign/signature GCA PIRMADA sign GCA PIRMAW signed GCA PIRME always GCA PIRMI always GCA PIRMISO excuse GCA PISA prick blister/flatten fruit/step GCA PISADA stepping on GCA PISARA blackboard GCA PISAW stepped on GCA PISIG splatter water GCA PISIK sprinkle water GCA PISO floor GCA PISON steamroller GCA PISOTEA trample GCA PISOTEYO marks of trampling GCA PISOTYA step on GCA PISOTYADA trampling upon GCA PISOTYAW trampled upon GCA PISTOLA pistol GCA PISU baby chick GCA PISUT uncircumcized GCA PITA blow whistle GCA PITADA blowing whistle GCA PITAKA purse GCA PITAW whistled GCA PITCHI squeeze GCA PITIK dot/hit with finger GCA PITIKAN slingshot GCA PITIKPITIK dotted GCA PITO-PITO whistlelike GCA PITO whistle GCA PITON unopened coconut flower GCA PIYAGSANGKAHAN sorry GCA PIYEDRA stone GCA PIYES feet GCA PI±A pineapple GCA PKILAYA how GCA PKILYA how GCA PKIMDO in this way GCA PKIMOKO in this way GCA PKITIURA how GCA PLACER pleasure GCA PLAKA record/thin GCA PLAKITA thin GCA PLAKITO thin GCA PLAKO skinny GCA PLANCHA iron GCA PLANCHADA ironing GCA PLANCHADOR ironing board GCA PLANCHAO pressed GCA PLANCHAW ironed GCA PLANGETYA hurl GCA PLANGGETIYA hurl GCA PLANGKETYA hurl something GCA PLANGKETYADA hurling object GCA PLANGKETYAW hurled GCA PLANGUETIA hurl GCA PLANGUETIYA hurl GCA PLANIA plan GCA PLANIAO planned GCA PLANO plan GCA PLANQUETA throwstick GCA PLANQUETIA hurl throwstick GCA PLANTA appearance/construct/site GCA PLANTADA constructing GCA PLANTAH set GCA PLANTAO planted GCA PLANTASYON plantation GCA PLANTAW constructed GCA PLANTAYPYE soles of feet GCA PLANTUDO dressed up GCA PLANYA plan GCA PLANYAO planned GCA PLANYAW planned GCA PLAS plus GCA PLASA plaza GCA PLASLAYT flashlight GCA PLASO time limit GCA PLASTIC plastic GCA PLAT flat GCA PLATA silver GCA PLATAFORMA platform GCA PLATAPORMA platform GCA PLATERA service plate GCA PLATERIYA silversmith shop GCA PLATERO silversmith GCA PLATIKA tell GCA PLATIKAW talked about GCA PLATILLO plate GCA PLATITO small plate GCA PLATO plate GCA PLAYA beach GCA PLAYS pliers GCA PLAZA public square GCA PLEMAS phlegm GCA PLNTSA iron GCA PLOHO slow GCA PLOHON slow-footed GCA PLOMO lead GCA PLORES flower GCA PLORYA flower GCA PLORYADA flowering GCA PLORYAW in flower GCA PLS please GCA PLUMA feather/pen GCA PLUMERO feather duster GCA PLYEGES pleats GCA PMAYAG agree GCA PNEUMONIA pneumonia GCA PNSA think GCA PNSABA thought GCA PNSABE thought GCA PNSBA thought GCA PNTALON pants GCA PNTY panty GCA POBLACION town center GCA POBLEMA problem GCA POBLEMAS problems GCA POBRE poor GCA POBRESA poverty GCA POCO-POCO slowly GCA POCO little GCA PODER powder GCA PODEROSO powerful GCA POGON stove GCA POGONERO stove user GCA POJAS page GCA POKITO little GCA POKO-POKO slowly GCA POKO2X little GCA POKO few GCA POLBO powder GCA POLBORA gunpowder GCA POLBORON molded delicacy GCA POLBORYA sprinkle with powder GCA POLBORYADA sprinkling GCA POLBORYAW powdered GCA POLBOS powder GCA POLEA pulley GCA POLICIA police GCA POLIS policeman GCA POLITICA politics GCA POLITICAL political GCA POLITICO politician/polite GCA POLITIKA politics GCA POLITIKERA clever GCA POLITIKERO clever GCA POLITIKO politician GCA POLIZA insurance policy GCA POLLITO baby chick GCA POLLO chick GCA POLOMENOS at least GCA POLTRI poultry GCA POLVO powder GCA POLVORA dust GCA POLVORIA powder GCA POLVORON sweet snack GCA POLVOS dust GCA POMADA pomade GCA PONDO depth/savings GCA PONE ABAJO belittle GCA PONE ADENTRO put in GCA PONE ARRIBA put on top GCA PONE ATENSIYON pay attention GCA PONE ATENSYON pay attention GCA PONE CULPA blame GCA PONE ENCIMA put on top GCA PONE ENTRE MEDYO insert GCA PONE JUNTO gather GCA PONE NA MEMORIA memorize GCA PONE PUESTA bet GCA PONE put GCA PONER put GCA PONIDA putting GCA PONO tree trunk GCA PONOGRAPO phonograph GCA PONTILLAS ?PONTILLAS GCA POPULACION population GCA POPULAR popular GCA POQUITO very little GCA POR DE MAS too much GCA POR QUE why GCA POR by/through GCA PORBENIR future GCA PORCASA because GCA PORCAUSA because GCA PORCIENTO percent GCA PORCION portion GCA PORESO so GCA POREXEMPLO for example GCA PORFIA dispute GCA PORFIAO obstinate GCA PORHEMPLO for example GCA PORJEMPLO for example GCA PORKASA about/because of GCA PORKAUSA because GCA PORKAWSA about/because of GCA PORKE why GCA PORKEMAN why GCA PORMA form GCA PORMADA forming GCA PORMAL formal GCA PORMALMENTE formally GCA PORMASYON formation GCA PORMAW formed GCA PORMEDIO by means of GCA PORON boatmovement GCA PORPOKO almost GCA PORPYA argue GCA PORPYADA argument GCA PORPYADOR arguer GCA PORPYAW argued GCA PORQE why GCA PORQUE because GCA PORSA force GCA PORSADA forcing GCA PORSAW forced GCA PORSEGUI pursue GCA PORSIGI carry out GCA PORSIGUI go ahead with GCA PORSO so GCA PORSOSO forceful GCA PORSYAKASO in case GCA PORSYENTO percent GCA PORTA behave well GCA PORTABOS loudspeaker GCA PORTAMIENTO behavior GCA PORTAMONEDA purse GCA PORTAVOS loud speaker GCA PORTERO porter GCA POSAS handcuff GCA POSIBILIDAD possibility GCA POSIBLE possible GCA POSIBLEMENTE possibly GCA POSIBLIMENTE possibly GCA POSICION position GCA POSING posturing vainly GCA POSISYON position GCA POSITIBO positive GCA POSITIVO positive GCA POSO-NEGRO septic tank GCA POSO well GCA POSOPIS post office GCA POSPAS rice porridge GCA POSPORO matches GCA POSSIBILIDAD possibility GCA POSSIBLE possible GCA POSTA bet/slice GCA POSTADA betting/slicing big fish GCA POSTAW bet/sliced GCA POSTE post GCA POSTIZO artificial GCA POSTOR bidder GCA POSTRE dessert GCA POSTURA well groomed GCA POSTURYA dress GCA POSTURYADA dressing GCA POSTURYAW dressed GCA POSTURYOSA being dressed GCA POSTURYOSO being dressed GCA POTABLE drinkable GCA POTAHE specific dish GCA POTAJE food GCA POTENTE powerful GCA POTO steamed rice cake/zero GCA POTONA voluptuous GCA POWEDE be able to GCA POZO well GCA PPANG dad GCA PRA for/to GCA PRACTICA practice GCA PRACTICAH practice GCA PRACTICAL practical GCA PRAKTIKA practice GCA PRAKTIKADA practicing GCA PRAKTIKANTE health officer GCA PRAKTIKAW practiced GCA PRAKTIS practice GCA PRANQUEZA franchise GCA PRANSES french GCA PRANSESA french GCA PRANSISKANO franciscan missionary GCA PRANSYA france GCA PRASKO 4 fluid ounces GCA PRAYBET private GCA PRAYMARI primary grades GCA PRBA try GCA PRBLEMA problem GCA PRBLMA problem GCA PRCURA how GCA PRECIO price GCA PRECIOS* precious GCA PRECIOSO precious GCA PRECISO precise GCA PRECURA how GCA PREDIKA preach GCA PREDIKADA preaching GCA PREDIKADOR preacher GCA PREDIKAW preached GCA PREGUNTA ask GCA PREGUNTAR ask GCA PREGUNTAS questions GCA PREKURA procure GCA PRELADO prelate GCA PREMIO prize GCA PREMYA award GCA PREMYADA awarding GCA PREMYAW given award GCA PREMYO award GCA PRENDA pawn/security GCA PRENDAH pledge GCA PRENDI learn GCA PRENDIW learned GCA PRENO brake GCA PRENSA water dam GCA PRENTE forehead GCA PREPARA prepare GCA PREPARACION preparation GCA PREPARADA preparing GCA PREPARAO prepared GCA PREPARASYON preparation GCA PREPARAW prepared GCA PRESA irrigation dam GCA PRESENCIA presence GCA PRESENSYA presence GCA PRESENTA present GCA PRESENTADA eager/presenting GCA PRESENTADO eager GCA PRESENTALMENTE presentable GCA PRESENTAMENTE presently GCA PRESENTAMIENTE presently GCA PRESENTASYON presentation GCA PRESENTAW presented GCA PRESENTE mind/present GCA PRESERBA preserve GCA PRESERBADA preserved GCA PRESERBADO preserved GCA PRESERBASYON preservation GCA PRESERVA preserve GCA PRESERVAO preserved GCA PRESIDENTA president GCA PRESIDENTE president GCA PRESION pressure GCA PRESKA too forward GCA PRESKO too forward GCA PRESO prison/prisoner GCA PRESTA borrow/lend GCA PRESTADA borrowing GCA PRESTADOR borrower GCA PRESTAMO incurring of debt GCA PRESTAO borrowed/lent GCA PRESTAU borrowed GCA PRESTAW borrowed GCA PRESUPUESTO of course GCA PRESYA appraise GCA PRESYADA appraising GCA PRESYAW expensive GCA PRESYO price/value GCA PRETENDE pretend GCA PRETENDYENTE suitor GCA PREVENI prevent GCA PRGNTA ask GCA PRGUNTA ask GCA PRI fry GCA PRIADA ?PRIADA GCA PRIBADO private GCA PRIBILEHYADA privileged GCA PRIBILEHYADO privileged GCA PRIBILEHYO privilege GCA PRICURA attempt GCA PRIGUNTA question GCA PRIGUNTADA asking GCA PRIGUNTAW asked GCA PRIGUTA ask GCA PRIGUTNA question GCA PRIHOLES string beans GCA PRIKURA how/try GCA PRIMA cousin GCA PRIMARYA primary level GCA PRIMER first GCA PRIMERA first GCA PRIMERO first GCA PRIMO cousin GCA PRINADA pregnant GCA PRINCESA princess GCA PRINCESITA little princess GCA PRINCIPAL principal GCA PRINCIPE prince GCA PRINCIPIA beginning GCA PRINCIPIANDO starting GCA PRINCIPIO beginning GCA PRINCIPYA start GCA PRINCPIA beginning GCA PRINIADA pregnant GCA PRINSESA princess GCA PRINSIPAL school principal GCA PRINSIPE prince GCA PRINSIPIA beginning GCA PRINSIPIANDO starting GCA PRINSIPIO start GCA PRINSIPIYA start GCA PRINSIPYA begin GCA PRINSIPYADA starting GCA PRINSIPYANDO starting GCA PRINSIPYAW started GCA PRINSIPYO beginning GCA PRINYADA pregnant GCA PRIO cold GCA PRIORIDAD priority GCA PRISION prison GCA PRITADA meat dish GCA PRITO fried GCA PRIVAD* private GCA PRIVADO private GCA PRIVILEGIAO privileged GCA PRIYELDAD coldness GCA PRIYO cool GCA PRI±ADA pregnant GCA PRKE because GCA PRKWSA because GCA PRMA sign GCA PRMI always GCA PRMISO permission GCA PRNGKA frank GCA PROA prow GCA PROBA try/taste GCA PROBANSA rehearsal GCA PROBANZA rehearsal GCA PROBECHA take advantage GCA PROBECHADA taking advantage of GCA PROBECHAW took advantage of GCA PROBECHOSO takes advantage of GCA PROBLEMA problem GCA PROBLEMOS problems GCA PROBLMA problem GCA PROCEDIMIENTO procedure GCA PROCESO process GCA PROCLAMA proclaim GCA PROCURA attempt GCA PRODUCI produce GCA PRODUCTO product GCA PRODUKTO product GCA PROGRAMA program GCA PROGRESA progress GCA PROGRESIVO progressive GCA PROGRESO progress GCA PROHIBE prohobit GCA PROHIBI prohibit GCA PROHIBIDO prohibited GCA PROHIMO fellow men GCA PROJECTO project GCA PROJIMO fellow creature GCA PROKLAMA proclaim GCA PROKLAMADA proclaiming GCA PROKLAMASYON proclamation GCA PROKLAMAW proclaimed GCA PROKURA try GCA PROMESA promise GCA PROMETE promise GCA PROMETIDA promised one GCA PROMETIDO promised one GCA PROMINENTE prominent GCA PROMOTOR promoter GCA PRONTO-PRONTO hurriedly GCA PRONTO quick GCA PRONUNCIA pronounce GCA PRONUNSYA pronounce GCA PRONUNSYADA pronouncing GCA PRONUNSYASYON pronunciation GCA PRONUNSYAW pronounced GCA PROPAGA propagate GCA PROPAGANDA propaganda GCA PROPASA go beyond GCA PROPENSO apt to GCA PROPESA profess GCA PROPESYON profession GCA PROPIEDAD property GCA PROPIO own GCA PROPONE propose GCA PROPOSA propose GCA PROPOSIMIENTO proposal GCA PROPOSITO intentional GCA PROPRIEDAD property GCA PROPUESTO proposal GCA PROPUESTOS proposals GCA PROPYEDAD property GCA PROPYO proper GCA PROSESYON procession GCA PROSPERIDAD prosperity GCA PROSPERO prosperous GCA PROTECCION protection GCA PROTEGE protect GCA PROTEHE protect GCA PROTEHIDA protected GCA PROTEJE protect GCA PROTEKSYON protection GCA PROTEKTA protect GCA PROTEKTOR protector GCA PROTEKTORA protector GCA PROTESTA protest GCA PROTESTADA protesting GCA PROTESTAH protest GCA PROTESTANTE protestant GCA PROTESTASYON protestation GCA PROTESTAW protested GCA PROVANSA rehearsal GCA PROVANZA rehearsal GCA PROVECHO benefit GCA PROVICION provision GCA PROVICIONES provisions GCA PROVINCIA province GCA PROVINCIAL provincial GCA PROVISIONES provisions GCA PROVOCA provoke GCA PROYECTO project GCA PROYECTOS projects GCA PROYEKTO project GCA PRSTA lend GCA PRUBA2 try GCA PRUBA try GCA PRUBADA trying GCA PRUBAW tried GCA PRUEBA proof GCA PRUNSI sew shirring GCA PRUNSIDA shirring GCA PRUNSIDO shirred GCA PRUTA fruit GCA PRUTADA bearing fruit GCA PRUTAS fruits GCA PRUTAW fruit bearing GCA PRWEBA proof GCA PRYETU black GCA PSHERO passenger GCA PTI along with GCA PUA guitar pick GCA PUASA Muslim fasting GCA PUBLICA publish GCA PUBLICAO published GCA PUBLICO public GCA PUBLIKA publish GCA PUBLIKADA making public GCA PUBLIKAW published GCA PUBLIKO public GCA PUCHERO stew GCA PUDRI rot GCA PUDRIDO rotten GCA PUEBLO town/people GCA PUED can GCA PUEDA can GCA PUEDE PENSA think GCA PUEDE can GCA PUEGO fire GCA PUENDE bridge GCA PUENTE bridge GCA PUERA CON more than GCA PUERA DE besides GCA PUERA MAS besides GCA PUERA except GCA PUERCO pig GCA PUERK* pork GCA PUERKO MONTE wild boar#n GCA PUERSA force GCA PUERTA door GCA PUERTE strong GCA PUERTO port GCA PUERZA power GCA PUES well GCA PUESTO place GCA PUGA-PUGA rush GCA PUGA wring GCA PUGAH squeeze dry GCA PUGAJAN hard timber GCA PUGARAN nest GCA PUGPUG beat GCA PUGUERA bonfire GCA PUGUG shriveled ear GCA PUHA push up bid GCA PUHPUH shell corn GCA PUIT buttocks GCA PUJA push up bid GCA PUKLA become pale GCA PUKOT fishnet GCA PUKPUK hammer GCA PUKUT fish GCA PULAG dropped fruit GCA PULANO polished GCA PULAW small pilot lamp GCA PULGADA inch GCA PULGADERA carpenter's stick GCA PULGAS animal lice GCA PULIDO neat GCA PULING speck of dust GCA PULIS policeman GCA PULISIYA police GCA PULISYA police force GCA PULITIKA politics GCA PULMON lungs GCA PULMONIA pneumonia GCA PULPITO pulpit GCA PULPUL sub-standard work GCA PULSEA feel pulse GCA PULSO pulse GCA PULSU pulse GCA PULSYA pulsate GCA PULSYADA pulsating GCA PULSYAW pulsated GCA PULUJAN knife handle GCA PULUN retrieve line GCA PULUNDAN spool GCA PULUPUT be curled around GCA PULYAS negative wish GCA PUMA smoke GCA PUMADA smoking/pomade GCA PUMADOR smoker GCA PUNA mend fishingnet/penis GCA PUNDIA dock GCA PUNDILLO crotch GCA PUNERARYA funeral parlor GCA PUNGA talking throughnose GCA PUNGAGANGO fruit stem GCA PUNGAL carabao with broken horn GCA PUNGANGU part of fruit GCA PUNGGOD pimple GCA PUNGGUD pimple GCA PUNGGUT pimples GCA PUNGKUL lame GCA PUNGOD pimple GCA PUNGPUNG bunch GCA PUNGUS hair in bun GCA PUNSADA sudden pulsation GCA PUNSUNA work/function GCA PUNSYON social affair GCA PUNSYONA function GCA PUNSYONADA functioning GCA PUNSYONAW operated GCA PUNTA tip/point out GCA PUNTAY-PYE kick GCA PUNTERIYA target GCA PUNTERYA ascertain GCA PUNTO point GCA PUNTOS points GCA PUNTU ant hill GCA PUNTUS points GCA PUNYAL dagger GCA PUNYALADA stab GCA PUNYETA profanity GCA PUNYETARA profanity GCA PUNYETASO sock GCA PUNYETAZO blow with fist GCA PUNYETE brass knuckle GCA PUNYETERO profanity GCA PUNYO fist GCA PUPILO boarder GCA PUPITRE school desk GCA PUPU shell out corn GCA PUPUG cock winning cockfight GCA PUPUNTA go GCA PUPUYU mudfish GCA PUQUITO very little GCA PURCGI take care of GCA PURESO therefore GCA PURFIA dispute GCA PURFIAO unreconciled GCA PURGA purgative GCA PURGADA administering purgative GCA PURGAH purge GCA PURGATORYO purgatory GCA PURGAW purged GCA PURIA waiting for cockfight GCA PURISIMA pure GCA PURO pure GCA PUROK district GCA PURPIA insist GCA PURPIAJAN deny#c GCA PURPYA ?PURPYA GCA PURSIGE take GCA PURSIGI proceed GCA PURSIGIDA proceeding GCA PURSIGIDO proceeded GCA PURSIGUI pursue GCA PURU pree GCA PUS pus GCA PUSAAN hen with stuck egg GCA PUSAK disagree GCA PUSAKA heirloom GCA PUSALI canal GCA PUSIL gun GCA PUSILA shoot with gun GCA PUSILADA gunshot GCA PUSILAW shot down GCA PUSOD navel GCA PUSTEMA boil GCA PUSTISO artificial GCA PUSTURA posture GCA PUSTURIOSO fashionable GCA PUSU banana heart GCA PUSUD navel GCA PUSUG ground bamboo GCA PUSUNG cocoon#c Tausug GCA PUSUT navel GCA PUTA prostitute GCA PUTAHE stew GCA PUTAK cluck GCA PUTIK mud GCA PUTINGAN lie GCA PUTPUT easily crumbled GCA PUTUG-PUTUG heartthrob GCA PUTUG burst GCA PUTURU future GCA PUTUS wrap coconut in leaf GCA PUTUT bed GCA PUTUTUY penis#c GCA PUWEDE PENSA think GCA PUWEDE can GCA PUWERSA force GCA PUYA nail tip GCA PUYU cowlick GCA PUYUG cowlick GCA PU±AL poniard GCA PU±ALADA stab GCA PU±ETA profanity GCA PU±ETARA profanity GCA PU±ETASO sock GCA PU±ETAZO blow with fist GCA PU±ETE brass knuckle GCA PU±ETERO profanity GCA PU±O fist GCA PWD can GCA PWDE can GCA PWEBLO town GCA PWED can GCA PWEDE can GCA PWEGO fire GCA PWENTE bridge GCA PWERA unless/outside GCA PWERKO pig GCA PWERKOYMONTE wildpig#n GCA PWERO out GCA PWERSA strength GCA PWERTA door GCA PWERTE strong GCA PWERTO opening GCA PWESTA bet GCA PWESTO position GCA PYADOR guarantor GCA PYADOSA pious GCA PYADOSO pious GCA PYANO piano GCA PYANSA guarantee GCA PYE foot GCA PYEDAD piety GCA PYEDRA stone GCA PYERNA leg GCA PYESA music GCA PYESTA feast GCA QANDO when GCA QIERE want GCA QIERO want GCA QNDO when GCA QUAL which GCA QUALIFICAO qualified GCA QUAN whatchamacallit GCA QUANDO when GCA QUANTO how manyu GCA QUARENTA* forty GCA QUARTO room/fourth GCA QUATRO four GCA QUE that GCA QUEBER mind/care GCA QUEBRA PEDASO-PEDASO break into parts GCA QUEBRA break GCA QUEBRADISO easily broken GCA QUEBRANTA break into pieces GCA QUEBRANTAO broken into uselessness GCA QUEBRAO broken GCA QUEDA MALO spoil GCA QUEDA stay GCA QUEJA complaint GCA QUEL that GCA QUELAYA how GCA QUELLO that GCA QUELLOS those GCA QUEMA fire GCA QUEMADA burned GCA QUEMAH burn GCA QUEMAO burned GCA QUEMODO how GCA QUEN who GCA QUERA want GCA QUERE want GCA QUERER want GCA QUERIDO love GCA QUERPO body GCA QUERRE want GCA QUESEJODA I don't care GCA QUESO cheese GCA QUESTIONA question GCA QUESTIONADO questioned GCA QUETAL MAN how are you GCA QUETAL how GCA QUI here GCA QUIDA stay GCA QUIDAW look out GCA QUIEDA stay GCA QUIEL that GCA QUIEN who GCA QUIERA want GCA QUIERE 2 you want GCA QUIERE TU you want GCA QUIERE-QUIERE fond of GCA QUIERE desire GCA QUIERER want GCA QUIERO I want GCA QUIERRE want GCA QUIETO still GCA QUIJADA jawbone GCA QUILAHJE how GCA QUILAYA how GCA QUIMODO how GCA QUINCENA fortnight GCA QUINCENAL fortnightly GCA QUINIENTOS five hundred GCA QUININA quinine GCA QUINSE fifteen GCA QUIRE 2 you want GCA QUIRE TU you want GCA QUIRE want GCA QUIRRE want GCA QUISAME ceiling GCA QUITA take away/we GCA QUITIK tickle GCA QUOTA quota GCA RABANOS radish GCA RABIA anger GCA RABIAH rage GCA RABIAO angry GCA RABIAW angry GCA RABIO angry GCA RABIYA angry GCA RABIYAW angry GCA RABIYO angry GCA RABO tail GCA RABYA angry GCA RABYADA getting angry GCA RABYAW angry GCA RABYOSA flirtatious GCA RACHA lucky period GCA RACHADA lucky period GCA RACIMO bunch GCA RACION ration GCA RADIO radio GCA RADYO radio GCA RAGUNYO scratch mark GCA RAGU±O scratch mark GCA RAHA crack something/bamboo piece GCA RAHADA cracking GCA RAHAW cracked GCA RAIZ plant roots GCA RAJA crack/ GCA RAJADURA crack GCA RALA grate GCA RALADA grating coconut GCA RALADOR grater GCA RALANDO EL COCO easy does it GCA RALANDO EL KOKO easy does it GCA RALO-RALO spaced GCA RALO rare GCA RAMA branch GCA RAMAN darn it GCA RAMPAGO darn GCA RANCHERIYA ranch GCA RANCHO ranch GCA RANGGO rank GCA RANGKA uproot GCA RANGO rank GCA RANSO rancid GCA RARAS rare GCA RASA race GCA RASAO levelled GCA RASCA scratchy GCA RASCAH scratch off GCA RASGUNYA scratch GCA RASGUNYADA scratching GCA RASGUNYAW scratched GCA RASGU±A scratch GCA RASGU±ADA scratching GCA RASGU±AW scratched GCA RASION ration GCA RASKA itchy/scratch GCA RASKADA scratching GCA RASKADOR scratcher GCA RASKAW scratched GCA RASKINA itchiness GCA RASKON lecher/oversexed GCA RASKONA lecher/oversexed GCA RASON reason GCA RASONABLE reasonable GCA RASPA scrape GCA RASPADA scraping GCA RASPADOR craping instrument GCA RASPAW scraped GCA RASQUINA itch GCA RASTRA drag GCA RASTRAW bad financial state GCA RASTRO trace GCA RASYON ration GCA RATAN rattan GCA RATILA damn it GCA RATITO short time GCA RATO moment GCA RATON rat GCA RAYA-RAYA striped GCA RAYA stripe GCA RAYADILLO fabric GCA RAYAH draw lines GCA RAYO lightning GCA RAYU ray GCA RAYUMA rheumatism GCA RAZON reason GCA RBIA angry GCA RBIAW angry GCA RBYA angry GCA RBYAW angry GCA RBYW angry GCA RCIBI receive GCA RE king GCA REAKSYON reaction GCA REAL real GCA REALIDAD reality GCA REALISA realize GCA REALIZA realize GCA REALIZAO realized GCA REBAHA bargain GCA REBAHADA bargaining GCA REBAHAW bargained GCA REBAHO bargain GCA REBAJA reduce rates GCA REBATA grab GCA REBATADA grabbing GCA REBATAHAN grabbing GCA REBATAW grabbed GCA REBATINYAS grabfest GCA REBATI±AS grabfest GCA REBELDE rebel/rebellious GCA REBENTA explode GCA REBENTADA explosion GCA REBENTADOR firecracker GCA REBISA revise GCA REBISADA reviewing o GCA REBISAW revised GCA REBISTA court case GCA REBOLBE return GCA REBOLBER revolver GCA REBOLBIDA returning GCA REBOLBIDO returned GCA REBOLLOS ??REBELLOS GCA REBOLUSYON revolution GCA REBULUSYON revolution GCA REBUSA prepare coating GCA REBUSADA preparing coating GCA REBUSADO caramelized coating GCA REBUSAW caramelized coating GCA RECAE relapse GCA RECAIDA relapse GCA RECAO message GCA RECEBI receive GCA RECELA have misgivings GCA RECELO misgivings GCA RECEPI recipe GCA RECHAZA reject GCA RECHINA grate GCA RECIBE receive GCA RECIBI receive GCA RECIBO receipt GCA RECIENTE recent GCA RECIO strong GCA RECIVI receive GCA RECLAMA complain GCA RECLAMO complaint GCA RECLAMOSO full of complaints GCA RECLASSIFICA reclassify GCA RECOGE gather GCA RECOHI gather GCA RECOMENDA recommend GCA RECOMMENDA recommend GCA RECOMMENDAO recommended GCA RECONCILIA reconcile GCA RECONOCE recognize GCA RECONOCIDO recognized GCA RECOSTA laze against GCA RECUBRI recover GCA RECUERDO remembrance GCA RECUHI get GCA RECUPERA recover GCA RECURSOS resources GCA REDITO interest GCA REDOBLA redouble GCA REDONDO round GCA REDONDYAW rounded GCA REDUCI reduce GCA REELIGI reelect GCA REFERI refer GCA REFINA refine GCA REFIRI referee GCA REFLEJA reflect GCA REFORMA reform GCA REFORMAH reform GCA REFRESCA refresh GCA REFRESCO refreshment GCA REFRIGERA refrigerate GCA REGA water GCA REGADA watering GCA REGADOR watering can GCA REGALA give gift GCA REGALADA giving gift GCA REGALAW given gift GCA REGALO gift GCA REGANA scold GCA REGANYA scold GCA REGANYADA getting angry GCA REGANYADAS scoldings GCA REGANYAO made angry GCA REGANYAW angry GCA REGANYO anger GCA REGANYOS scoldings GCA REGATYA bargain GCA REGATYADA bargaining GCA REGATYAW bargained GCA REGAW watered GCA REGA±A be angry GCA REGA±ADA getting angry GCA REGA±ADAS scoldings GCA REGA±AO made angry GCA REGA±AW angry GCA REGA±O anger GCA REGA±OS scoldings GCA REGION region GCA REGISTRA register GCA REGISTRO register GCA REGLA menstruation GCA REGLAMENTO regulation GCA REGLAMENTOS regulations GCA REGORDA belch GCA REGORDADA belching GCA REGORDAW belched GCA REGULA regulate GCA REGULAO regulated GCA REGULAR regular GCA REHABILITA rehabilitate GCA REHABILITAO rehabilitated GCA REHIMO regime GCA REHION region GCA REHIONAL regional GCA REHISTRA register GCA REHISTRADA registering GCA REHISTRADOR registrar GCA REHISTRAO registered GCA REHISTRAW registered GCA REI laugh GCA REINA queen GCA REJAS railings GCA REKADO spice GCA REKAYE have relapse GCA REKAYI have relapse GCA REKAYIDA relapsed GCA REKLAMA complain GCA REKLAMADA complaining GCA REKLAMADOR complainer GCA REKLAMAW complained GCA REKLAMO complaint GCA REKODO bend of a road or a river GCA REKOHE gather GCA REKOHIDA gathering GCA REKOHIDO gathered GCA REKONOSE examine medically GCA REKONOSIDO examined medically GCA REKORD record of papers GCA REKORDA remember GCA REKORDADA remembering GCA REKORDATORYO rememberance GCA REKULUTA beginner GCA REKUMBENE follow up GCA REKWA following GCA REKWERDO remembrance GCA RELASYON relation GCA RELEVA relieve of burden GCA RELEVO relief GCA RELIGIOSO religious GCA RELIHIYON religion GCA RELIHYON religion GCA RELIHYOSA religious person GCA RELIHYOSO religious person GCA RELLENA refill GCA RELLENADA refilling GCA RELLENAW refilled GCA RELLENO stuffed GCA RELO clock GCA RELOHERO watch repairer GCA RELOJ clock/watch GCA REMACHA rivet GCA REMACHADA riveting GCA REMACHADO riveted GCA REMACHAW riveted GCA REMACHE rivet GCA REMANGA roll up sleeves GCA REMANGAO rolled up GCA REMATA foreclose GCA REMATADA foreclosing GCA REMATAW foreclosed GCA REMATE final conclusion GCA REMBOLSA reimburse GCA REMEDIA remedy GCA REMEDIANTE habitual assistance GCA REMEDIO remedy GCA REMEDYA remedy GCA REMEDYADA remedying GCA REMEDYAW remedied GCA REMEDYO remedy GCA REMERKI towing GCA REMITI remit GCA REMOLLINO whirlpool GCA REMORKYA tow GCA REMORKYADA towing GCA REMORKYAW towed GCA REMPUJA jostle GCA REMUHA soak GCA REMUJA soak GCA RENDI yield GCA RENGO worn out GCA RENOVACCION renovation GCA RENTA rent GCA REPASA review GCA REPASADA reviewing GCA REPASAW reviewed GCA REPASO review GCA REPENTE sudden GCA REPETADA respecting GCA REPIKA ring bell GCA REPIKADA ringing bells GCA REPIKAW rung GCA REPIKE ringing of bells GCA REPINTIDO repenting GCA REPITI repeat GCA REPOLLO cabbage GCA REPORMAW reformed GCA REPORT report GCA REPORTA report GCA REPORTADA reporting GCA REPORTAW reported GCA REPORTER newspaperman GCA REPRAN motto GCA REPRESENTA represent GCA REPRESENTANTE representative GCA REPRESENTAO represented GCA REPRESKA refresh GCA REPRESKADA refreshing GCA REPRESKAW refreshed GCA REPRESKO refreshment GCA REPUBLICA republic GCA REPUHYO refuge GCA REQUESAS search GCA REQUIEIMIENTO requirement GCA REQUIRI require GCA REQUIZA search minutely GCA RESA pray GCA RESADA praying GCA RESAW prayed GCA RESBALA slip GCA RESBALADA slipping GCA RESBALAW slipped GCA RESBALISO slippery GCA RESBALOSO slippery GCA RESCATA ransom GCA RESCATE ransom GCA RESECA dry again GCA RESECADA well dried GCA RESELA resent GCA RESELADA resenting GCA RESELAW resented GCA RESELO resentment GCA RESERBA reservation/reserve GCA RESERBADA reserving GCA RESERBASYON reservation GCA RESERBAW reserved GCA RESERVA reserve GCA RESETA prescription GCA RESIBARYO receipt book GCA RESIBE receive GCA RESIBI receive GCA RESIBIDA receiving GCA RESIBIMYENTO reception GCA RESIBO receipt GCA RESIDENCIA residency GCA RESIDENTE resident GCA RESIENTE recent GCA RESIMO bunch of bananas GCA RESINTI resent GCA RESINTIDO resented GCA RESISTENCIA resistance GCA RESISTI resist GCA RESKATA redeem GCA RESKATADA redeeming GCA RESKATAW redeemed GCA RESKATE redeeming GCA RESO prayer GCA RESOLUCION resolution GCA RESOLVE resolve GCA RESPECTIVO respective GCA RESPETA respect GCA RESPETAW respected GCA RESPETO respect GCA RESPETOSO respectful GCA RESPONDE responsible/respond GCA RESPONDIDO responded/one responsible for GCA RESPONSABILIDAD responsibility GCA RESPONSABLE responsible GCA RESPONSIBILIDAD responsibility GCA RESPONSO response GCA RESPONSORYO responsorial rites GCA RESTASO remnants GCA RESTAURAN restaurant GCA RESTO rest GCA RESTORA restore GCA RESTORACION restoration GCA RESTORAO restored GCA RESTRO register GCA RESUCITA resuscitate GCA RESUELLO breath GCA RESUELYO breath GCA RESULLA breathe audibly GCA RESULLADA breathing GCA RESULLAW breathed GCA RESULTA result GCA RESULTADO result GCA RESULYA breathing GCA RESUSITA resuscitate GCA RESWELLO breath GCA RESWELYO breath GCA RESYO loud GCA RETIRA go home/retire GCA RETRADAW photographed GCA RETRATA take picture GCA RETRATADA photographing GCA RETRATISTA photographer GCA RETRATO picture GCA REUNI reunite GCA REUNION reunion GCA REVANCHA return encounter GCA REVELA show GCA REVENTA burst GCA REVISA revise GCA REY king GCA REYES kings GCA REYNA queen GCA REYNO kingdom GCA REZA pray GCA RI laugh GCA RIAL real GCA RIBAL rival GCA RICACHONA ?RICACHONA GCA RICB receive GCA RICHINA grate GCA RICIMO bunch GCA RICO rich GCA RIFA raffles GCA RIGODON quadrille GCA RIKA rich GCA RIKESA riches GCA RIKIRI require GCA RIKO rich GCA RIKOCHON very rich GCA RIKUHE gather GCA RIKUHI gather GCA RILES rails GCA RIMAS breadfruit GCA RIMPUA push GCA RIMPUHA push GCA RIMPUHADA pushing GCA RIMPUHAW pushed GCA RIMPUJA push GCA RINDI give in GCA RINDIDA giving in GCA RINDIDO surrendered GCA RINGKON corner GCA RINYON kidney GCA RIPA-RIPA game GCA RIPA raffle game GCA RIPIKA ring church bells/let go/go fast suddenly GCA RIPIKADA ringing church bells GCA RIPIKAW rung GCA RIPIKI bell peals GCA RIPINTI repent GCA RIPINTIDA repenting GCA RIPINTIDO repented GCA RIPINTO repent GCA RIPITER repeater GCA RIPITI repeat GCA RIPITIDA repeating GCA RIPITIDO repeated GCA RIPLE rifle GCA RIQUISA search minutely GCA RISA curl the hair/laughter GCA RISADAS laughter/curled hair GCA RISAS laughter GCA RISAW curled hair GCA RISIBARYO receipt book GCA RISIBI receive GCA RISIBIDA receiving GCA RISIBIDO received GCA RISIBIMYENTO reception GCA RISIBO receipt GCA RISIMO bunch of bananas GCA RISTOKRATA snobbish GCA RISULLA breathe audibly GCA RISWENYA smiling face GCA RISWENYO smiling face GCA RISWE±A smiling face GCA RISWE±O smiling face GCA RIYO river GCA RI±ON kidney GCA RMANO brother GCA ROBA steal GCA ROBADA stealing GCA ROBAW stolen GCA ROBO theft GCA ROBOS thefts GCA RODILLAS knees GCA ROGA pray GCA ROGADA praying GCA ROGAW prayed GCA ROMA rome GCA ROMANO roman citizen GCA ROMPE-KABESA puzzle GCA ROMPE-KANDAW sword fish GCA ROMPE tear GCA RONCA snore GCA RONCHAS swelling GCA RONCO hoarse GCA RONDA night watch GCA RONGKA hoarse GCA ROPA clothes GCA ROPERIYA closet GCA ROPERO laundry basket GCA ROSA rose GCA ROSAL gardenia GCA ROSARIO rosary GCA ROSARYO rosary GCA ROSAS rose bush GCA ROSCA screw thread GCA ROTAHE rags GCA ROTO torn GCA ROTONDA traffic landmark GCA ROTURA tears on clothes GCA RPLY reply GCA RSPONDO respond GCA RSULTA result GCA RUBA steal GCA RUBADA stealing GCA RUBADON ?RUBADON GCA RUBAW stolen GCA RUDILLAS knees GCA RUDO slow learner GCA RUEDA wheel GCA RUEGO request GCA RUKAY call chickens GCA RUMBO course GCA RUMOR rumor GCA RUNGKA snore GCA RUNGKADA snoring GCA RUNGKAW snored GCA RUPA clothes GCA RURAL rural GCA RUSO russian GCA RUSYA russia GCA RUTA route GCA RWEDA wheel GCA RWIDO noise GCA RYENDA reigns GCA RYUMA rheumatism GCA RYUMATIKA rheumatic GCA RYUMATIKO rheumatic GCA SAAN where GCA SABA banana GCA SABACAN lap GCA SABADISTA seventh day adventist GCA SABADO saturday GCA SABAKAN on one's lap GCA SABANA bedsheet/prairie GCA SABAO ??SABAO GCA SABAY-SABAY together as a group GCA SABAY in unison GCA SABE QUITA we know GCA SABE know GCA SABER knowledge GCA SABIDURIYA knowledge GCA SABIO wise GCA SABIONDO pretending to be wise GCA SABIT snag GCA SABLAYAN clothesline GCA SABLE saber GCA SABON soap GCA SABOR taste GCA SABOREA taste GCA SABORIAR taste GCA SABORYA taste GCA SABORYADA tasting GCA SABORYAW tasted GCA SABOTAJE sabotage GCA SABROSO tasty GCA SABULAG scattered GCA SABUT scatter GCA SABYONDO know-it-all GCA SACA take GCA SACADA pick GCA SACADOR picking tool GCA SACATE grass GCA SACO bag GCA SACOPE follower GCA SACRIFICA sacrifice GCA SACRIFICIO sacrifice GCA SACUDI beat GCA SACUDIDA beatings GCA SAGAHSAH mangrove post GCA SAGANG jaw GCA SAGAY ??SAGAY GCA SAGING banana GCA SAGINGAN banana orchard GCA SAGO starch GCA SAGOT answer GCA SAGRADO sacred GCA SAGRARYO sanctuary GCA SAGSAG stab GCA SAGUAN paddle GCA SAGUIN banana plant shoot GCA SAGUING banana GCA SAGWAN paddle GCA SAHA banana stalk GCA SAHADA slicing GCA SAHAW sliced GCA SAHBA cooking banana GCA SAHBIT slice off coco bud GCA SAHBUT weeds GCA SAHGANG jawbone GCA SAHIG slat flooring GCA SAHIS six GCA SAHLA strain liquids GCA SAHLUT catch liquid GCA SAHPA creek GCA SAHUMA apply fumes GCA SAHUMERIO practice of sahuma GCA SAIS six GCA SAJA slice GCA SAKA get GCA SAKADA pick GCA SAKATAL grassy area GCA SAKATE grass GCA SAKATERO grass cutter GCA SAKAW gotten GCA SAKEYO ransacking GCA SAKIT sick/hurt GCA SAKO sack GCA SAKOPE follower GCA SAKRAMENTO sacrament GCA SAKRIPIKA sacrifice GCA SAKRIPIKADA sacrificing GCA SAKRIPIKAW sacrificed GCA SAKRIPISYO sacrifice GCA SAKRISTAN altar boy GCA SAKRISTIYA sacristy GCA SAKSOPON saxophone GCA SAKUDI help fainter GCA SAKUDIDA helping someone GCA SAKUP be inadvertently included GCA SAKYUT pelvic thrust GCA SAL salt GCA SALA salt/living room GCA SALAAN strainer GCA SALADA salting GCA SALADO salty GCA SALAG bird'snest GCA SALAGINTO beetle GCA SALAGUBANG brown beetle GCA SALAH preserve with salt GCA SALAIT barb of fishhook GCA SALAK-SALAK mere luck GCA SALAK luck GCA SALAKAP fishing method GCA SALAKOT wide-brimmed hat GCA SALAMAT thanks GCA SALAMERA using double talk GCA SALANGGI walling material GCA SALAO salty/unlucky GCA SALAP skin of butchered animal GCA SALAPANG three pronged spear GCA SALAPU chance meeting GCA SALAPUNG butterfly orchid GCA SALAQAN strainer GCA SALAS living room GCA SALAW salty GCA SALAWAUN naughty GCA SALAWAYUN naughty GCA SALBA save GCA SALBABIDA lifesaver GCA SALBADA saving GCA SALBADOR savior GCA SALBAHE trickster GCA SALBASION salvation GCA SALBASYON salvation GCA SALBAW saved GCA SALCHICHAS canned sausage GCA SALE leave GCA SALEROSO graceful GCA SALI leave GCA SALIDA going out GCA SALIG depend upon GCA SALINAS saltworks GCA SALITRE saltpeter GCA SALMO pslam GCA SALMON salmon GCA SALMUERA pickled GCA SALPICA splash GCA SALPIKA sprinkle with salt GCA SALPIKADA sprinkling salt GCA SALPIKAW sprinkled with salt GCA SALSA sauce GCA SALTA jump GCA SALTADA jumping GCA SALTAHAN* ??SALTAHAN GCA SALTAO jumped GCA SALTAW jumped GCA SALTIMBANGKI always changing opinion GCA SALUBRE saltish GCA SALUD health GCA SALUDA greet GCA SALUDADA saluting GCA SALUDAJAN greeting GCA SALUDAW saluted GCA SALUDO salute GCA SALUGSUG piercing sliver GCA SALVA free from danger GCA SALVACION salvation GCA SALVADOR savior GCA SALVAJE savage GCA SAMAAN NG LOOB hurt feelings GCA SAMBON herbal plant GCA SAMBULAT scatter GCA SAMBULLI dive GCA SAMBULLIDA diving GCA SAMBULLIDO dived GCA SAMPALOC tamarind GCA SAMPALUC sour fruit GCA SAMPALUK tamarind GCA SAMPAY hang clothes GCA SAMPAYAN clothesline GCA SAMPAYOT flat buttocks GCA SAMPAYUT flat buttocks GCA SAMPINIG thorny bush GCA SAMPUCAN cockfight GCA SAMPUG cockfight GCA SAMPUKAN fight GCA SAMPULLA blister GCA SAMPULLAW blistered GCA SAMUG bother GCA SAMUK pester GCA SANA heal GCA SANAW healed GCA SANCUCHA parboil GCA SANCUCHAO parboiled GCA SANDAK ??SANDAK GCA SANDIG lean bodily GCA SANDIYAS watermelon GCA SANDO sleveless shirt GCA SANDUK ladle GCA SANGA branch/partner GCA SANGCALAN chopping board GCA SANGGA-SANGGA by pairs GCA SANGGA partner/pair/bar GCA SANGGADA preventing GCA SANGGANADAS nonsense GCA SANGGAW prevented GCA SANGGRA bleed GCA SANGGRADA bleeding GCA SANGGRAW bled GCA SANGGRE blood/edible fish GCA SANGGRINO bloody GCA SANGGUNIAN* consultation GCA SANGGUT curved knife GCA SANGIT snagged GCA SANGKALAN chopping board GCA SANGKUCHA blanch GCA SANGKUCHADA blanching GCA SANGKUCHAW blanched GCA SANGNGA tree limb GCA SANGRE blood GCA SANGUT sickle GCA SANITARIO sanitary GCA SANKALAN chopping board GCA SANKIL spear GCA SANTIGUA cross oneself GCA SANTIK strike a match GCA SANTISIMA saintly GCA SANTISIMO blessed sacrament GCA SANTO-SANTITO pretending to be holy GCA SANTO saint GCA SANTOL santol GCA SANTOLON saintly GCA SANTOS saints GCA SANTWARYO sanctuary GCA SAPA be loosened from connection GCA SAPADA being loosened GCA SAPAL grated coconut GCA SAPAO detached GCA SAPATERO shoemaker GCA SAPATILLA heeled step-ins GCA SAPATITOS baby booties GCA SAPATOS shoes GCA SAPAW loosed and separated GCA SAPIN cushioning layer GCA SAPLIT level off top GCA SAPOTE not well done GCA SAPSAP edible fish variety GCA SARAMPYON measles GCA SARDINAS sardines GCA SARGENTO sergeant GCA SARHENTO sergeant GCA SARIALA dessert GCA SARJENTO sergeant GCA SARNAS sores GCA SARNASIN full of sores GCA SARPULLIDO prickly heat GCA SARPULLIDOS prickly heat GCA SARSA sauce GCA SARSIA saute with tomatoes GCA SARSIAO sauteed with tomatoes GCA SARSYA saute GCA SARSYADA sauteing GCA SARSYAW sauted GCA SARUCHO saw GCA SARYALA coconut milk dish GCA SASAH parts of palm GCA SASTRE tailor GCA SASTRERA seamstress GCA SASTRERIYA tailoring shop GCA SASTRERO seamster GCA SATAN satan GCA SATANAS satan GCA SATIN satin GCA SATISPECHO satisfied GCA SATUNG game of sticks GCA SAU you GCA SAUMERYO ritual cure GCA SAWA fed up GCA SAWALI dried bamboo strips GCA SAWAY call for help GCA SAWSAW dip food particles GCA SAWSAWAN homemade sauce GCA SAYA ankle length skirt GCA SAYANG wasted GCA SAYIS six GCA SBADO Saturday GCA SBE know GCA SBOR taste GCA SBRA be over limit GCA SCAPA escape GCA SCUELA school GCA SE this GCA SEBO tallow/suet/beef fat GCA SEBOLLAS onion GCA SEBOLLON onion GCA SECA dry GCA SECAS long dry spell GCA SECCION section GCA SECO dry GCA SECONDARIA secondary GCA SECRETA plainclothes policeman GCA SECRETO secret GCA SECTOR sector GCA SEDA silk GCA SEDULA residence tax GCA SEGLAR secular GCA SEGUI follow GCA SEGUIDAS immediately GCA SEGUIENTE following GCA SEGUN according GCA SEGUNDA second GCA SEGUNDO second GCA SEGUNDU second GCA SEGURAO sure GCA SEGURIDAD security GCA SEGURO sure GCA SEHAS eyebrow GCA SEIS six GCA SEIZ six GCA SEJA eyebrow#n GCA SEJAS eyebrow#n GCA SEKA dry GCA SEKADA drying GCA SEKAS drought GCA SEKAW dried GCA SEKO dry GCA SEKRETA officer GCA SEKRETO secret GCA SELA be jealous GCA SELAHE sky GCA SELAJE ?SELAJE GCA SELDA cell GCA SELEBRA celebrate GCA SELEBRADA celebrating GCA SELEBRANTE celebrator GCA SELEBRASYON celebration GCA SELEBRAW celebrated GCA SELLADO stamped GCA SELLO postage GCA SELOS jealousy GCA SELOSA jealous GCA SELOSO jealous GCA SELYAMA named GCA SEMANA week GCA SEMANAL weekly GCA SEMANAS weeks GCA SEMBERGUENZA shameless GCA SEMBRA plant GCA SEMBRADA planting GCA SEMBRADOR sower GCA SEMBRAW planted GCA SEMEHA be similar GCA SEMEHADA being similar GCA SEMEHANSA similarity GCA SEMEHANTE similar GCA SEMEJA similar GCA SEMEJANSA resemblance GCA SEMEJANTE similar GCA SEMENTA cement GCA SEMENTADA cementing GCA SEMENTAW cemented GCA SEMENTERA farm GCA SEMENTERAS farms GCA SEMENTERIO cemetary GCA SEMENTERYO cemetary GCA SEMENTO cement GCA SEMESTRE semester GCA SEMILLA seedling GCA SEMILLERO seedbed GCA SEMILYA seed GCA SEMINAR seminar GCA SEMINARISTA seminarian GCA SEMINARYO seminary GCA SEMTMIEN2 feeling GCA SEN money GCA SENA have supper GCA SENADO Senate GCA SENADOR senator GCA SENCILLO spare change GCA SENIAS sign/signal GCA SENISA ashes GCA SENISAW grayish GCA SENISERO ashtray GCA SENOR sir GCA SENSILLO coins GCA SENTA sit down GCA SENTABO centavo GCA SENTADA sitting down GCA SENTADERA seat GCA SENTAW seated GCA SENTENCIA sentence GCA SENTI feel GCA SENTIDO felt/sense GCA SENTIDOKOMUN common sense GCA SENTIMENTAL sentimental GCA SENTIMENTON sensitive GCA SENTIMIEN2 feeling GCA SENTIMIENTO feeling GCA SENTIMYENTO feeling GCA SENTINELA centinel GCA SENTMIENTO feeling GCA SENYAL sign GCA SENYALA signal GCA SENYALADA signalling GCA SENYALAW signalled GCA SENYAS sign GCA SENYOR god/Mr. GCA SENYORA Mrs. GCA SENYORITA Miss/lazy GCA SEOR sir GCA SEPARA separate GCA SEPARACION separation GCA SEPARADA separating GCA SEPARASYON separation GCA SEPARAW separated GCA SEPARTA separate GCA SEPARTADA separating GCA SEPARTAHAN separate GCA SEPARTAW separated GCA SEPTIEMBRE September GCA SEPTIMO seventh GCA SEPULTURA tomb GCA SEQUIA long dry spell GCA SER be GCA SERA close/wax GCA SERADA closing GCA SERADO closed/locked GCA SERADURA lock GCA SERAO closed GCA SERAW closed/locked GCA SERBI serve GCA SERBISYO service GCA SERBISYOS services GCA SERCA near GCA SERCANO near GCA SERCANOS close GCA SERENA nymph GCA SERENATA serenade GCA SERENO night dew/night sentinel GCA SERIAL serial GCA SERIE series GCA SERIO seriously ill/serious GCA SERIOSO serious GCA SERKA approach GCA SERMON sermon GCA SERMONISTA sermon giver GCA SERTIPIKA certify GCA SERTIPIKADA certifying GCA SERTIPIKASYON certification GCA SERTIPIKAW certified GCA SERTIPIKO certificate GCA SERVESA beer GCA SERVI serve GCA SERVICIO service GCA SERVIDO served GCA SERVIDOR server GCA SERVIDORA waitress GCA SERVIR serve GCA SERYE series GCA SERYOSO serious GCA SESENTA* seventy GCA SESO brain GCA SETENTA seventy GCA SETYEMBRE September GCA SEYS six GCA SE±AL sign GCA SE±ALA signal GCA SE±ALADA signalling GCA SE±ALAW signalled GCA SE±AS sign GCA SE±OR god/Mr. GCA SE±ORA Mrs. GCA SE±ORITA Miss/lazy GCA SGING banana GCA SGOT answer GCA SHEMBRA sow GCA SHENTO hundred GCA SHINGA screwed GCA SI NA TIEMPO PAZ in times of peace GCA SI NECESITA if need GCA SI SIGUI KITA CONEL if we follow GCA SI TIENE CASO if there's a case GCA SI yes GCA SIBAK cut wood with an ax GCA SIBILYAN civilian GCA SIBORYO ciborium GCA SIBULAO ??SIBULAO GCA SICAD kick GCA SICALANG sweetened rice powder GCA SICAT-SICAT edible seashell GCA SIELO sky/heaven GCA SIEMBRA plant GCA SIEMBRADA sowing GCA SIEMBRADOR sower GCA SIEMBRAO cultivated GCA SIEMPRE always GCA SIEN money/hundred GCA SIENDO being GCA SIENTE feel GCA SIENTO feel GCA SIENTOS hundred GCA SIERRA saw GCA SIERTO sure GCA SIESTA afternoonnap GCA SIETE seven GCA SIEYEMBRA plant GCA SIGA smoke GCA SIGARIILO cigaret GCA SIGARILLO cigarette GCA SIGARILYO cigarette GCA SIGAY seashell GCA SIGBIN supernatural creature GCA SIGE keep on GCA SIGI-SIGI one after the other GCA SIGI continuous/go with GCA SIGIDA going with GCA SIGIDIDO one after the other GCA SIGIDITO one after the other GCA SIGIDO following the other GCA SIGLO century GCA SIGNIFICANTE significant GCA SIGNOS omen GCA SIGUE proceed GCA SIGUENDO following GCA SIGUI follow GCA SIGUIDORES followers GCA SIGUIENDO following GCA SIGUIENTE following GCA SIGUNDA second GCA SIGUNDO second GCA SIGUNDU second GCA SIGURA assure GCA SIGURADA assuring/self confident GCA SIGURADO sure GCA SIGURAO sure GCA SIGURAW sure GCA SIGURO maybe GCA SIGURU sure GCA SIGYENTE next GCA SIHAG transparency of cloth GCA SIHPUN nose droppings GCA SIHUT hand-held fishnet GCA SIKAD kick GCA SIKADA cicada GCA SIKALANG rice flour pastry GCA SIKAT plant's growth GCA SIKRETO secret GCA SIKSIK feel for nits GCA SILA they GCA SILANG ?SILANG GCA SILAW be bothered by glare GCA SILBATO car horn GCA SILBI serve GCA SILENCIO silence GCA SILENSYO silence GCA SILENSYOSO silent GCA SILLA chair GCA SILLON large comfortable chair GCA SILYA chair GCA SIM ?SIM GCA SIMARON untamed cattle GCA SIMBAHON ?SIMBAHON GCA SIMBERGUENSA shameless GCA SIMBERGUENZA shameless GCA SIMBOLO symbol GCA SIMBUG mixture of tubas GCA SIMENTERA farm GCA SIMILIA seed GCA SIMILYA seed GCA SIMINTERA farm GCA SIMINTERAS farms GCA SIMINTERERO cement worker GCA SIMPATIA sympathy GCA SIMPATICO congenial GCA SIMPATIKA pleasing GCA SIMPATIKO pleasing GCA SIMPATIYA sympathy GCA SIMPLE simple GCA SIMPLETON simple-minded GCA SIMPLICIDAD simplicity GCA SIMPYES centipede GCA SIN EMBARGO nevertheless GCA SIN iron roofing/without GCA SINCERIDAD sincerity GCA SINCERO sincere GCA SINCILLO simple GCA SINCO five GCA SINCUENTA fifty GCA SINDI light candle/turn on light GCA SINDIDA lighting candle/turning on light GCA SINDIDO lighted/turned on light GCA SINE movie house GCA SINGCO five GCA SINGCUENTA fifty GCA SINGKAMAS turnips GCA SINGKI slant-eyed GCA SINGKO five GCA SINGKUENTA fifty GCA SINGKWENTA* fifty GCA SINIGANG native dish GCA SINISA ash GCA SINKI chinese illegal entrant GCA SINKO five GCA SINO NI except# GCA SINO NI except#n GCA SINO PA who else GCA SINO who GCA SINSILIO change GCA SINTA feel/ribbon GCA SINTAG snap GCA SINTAO sitting down#n GCA SINTAS ribbon GCA SINTAW felt GCA SINTI feel GCA SINTIDA feeling GCA SINTIDO felt GCA SINTIMIENTO feeling GCA SINTIPYES centipede GCA SINTIR feel GCA SINTURA waist GCA SINTURON belt GCA SINU matured coconut GCA SIOPAO bun GCA SIPA game GCA SIPAN coconut husk GCA SIPILLA brush GCA SIPILLADA brushing GCA SIPILLAW brushed GCA SIPILLO brush GCA SIPIT thong GCA SIPITAN thong GCA SIPON cold GCA SIRA broken GCA SIRBI worth/serve GCA SIRBIDA serving GCA SIRBIDO served GCA SIRBIDOR server GCA SIRBIDORA server GCA SIRBILLETA tablenapkin GCA SIRBIYENTE servant GCA SIRILLAS ear wax GCA SIRKERA acrobat GCA SIRKERO acrobat GCA SIRKO circus GCA SIRU hiccup GCA SIRUH hiccup GCA SIRUHANO surgeon GCA SIRVE serve GCA SIRVI serve GCA SISTEMA system GCA SISTEMAS systems GCA SITA tryst GCA SITENTA seventy GCA SITIO place GCA SITSIT call someone GCA SITUACCION situation GCA SITUACION situation GCA SITUASION situation GCA SITUASYON situation GCA SITUWASION situation GCA SITWA situate GCA SITWADA situating GCA SITWADO situated GCA SITWASYON situation GCA SITYO place GCA SIYA s/he GCA SIYEMBRA sow GCA SIYEMPRE always GCA SIYENTO hundred GCA SIYENTOS hundreds GCA SIYESTA nap GCA SIYETE seven GCA SKA take out GCA SKIT sick/hurt GCA SKRE2 secret GCA SKUL school GCA SKWELA school GCA SLA they GCA SNTI feel GCA SNTIMIENT2 feeling GCA SNTMIENTO feeling GCA SOAM soup GCA SOBACO armpit GCA SOBERANO over and above GCA SOBERBIO proud GCA SOBERBYA proud GCA SOBERBYO proud GCA SOBORNO bribe GCA SOBRA extra/exceed GCA SOBRADA being excessive GCA SOBRANTE extra GCA SOBRE-KARGO one in charge GCA SOBRE-SALTO pulse acceleration GCA SOBRE envelope GCA SOBRECARGO supervisor GCA SOBRINA niece GCA SOBRINO nephew GCA SOCEDE succeed GCA SOCESO happening GCA SOCIEDAD society GCA SOCIO partner GCA SOCO fist blow GCA SOCORRO help GCA SOFOCA suffocate GCA SOL sun GCA SOLA alone GCA SOLAMENTE only GCA SOLAR piece of land GCA SOLB solve a problem GCA SOLDADO soldier GCA SOLDAO soldier GCA SOLDAW soldier GCA SOLDIA soldier GCA SOLDIADOR soldering iron GCA SOLEDAD solitude GCA SOLES dry season GCA SOLICITA solicit GCA SOLIDO solid GCA SOLITARIO solitary GCA SOLITARYO solitaire GCA SOLO alone/solo/torch GCA SOLPEYO solfeggio GCA SOLTA loosen GCA SOLTERA single GCA SOLTERITO alone GCA SOLTERO single GCA SOLUCION solution GCA SOLUSYON solution GCA SOLVA solve GCA SOM chinese food GCA SOMA view through window GCA SOMBRA shade GCA SOMBRERO hat GCA SOMBRIYO shady part GCA SOMETE submit GCA SOMETIDO submitted GCA SONA to sound GCA SONATA song GCA SONRI smile GCA SONRISA smile GCA SONSAKA take back GCA SONSAKADA taking back GCA SONSAKADOR one who takes back GCA SONSAKAW taken back GCA SONYA sound GCA SOPA sofa/soup GCA SOPAS soup GCA SOPLA blow/hit with fist GCA SOPLADA blowing GCA SOPLADOR blower/blow pipe GCA SOPLAW blown GCA SOPORTA support GCA SOPORTADA supporting GCA SOPORTAW supported GCA SOPOT maggot GCA SOPRANO soprano voice GCA SOQUIA hit with fist GCA SORBETE ice cream GCA SORCAP father/mother GCA SORCOP father/mother GCA SORI sorry GCA SORPRESA surprise GCA SORY sorry GCA SOSEDE happen GCA SOSESO happening GCA SOSPECHA suspicion/suspect GCA SOSPECHADA suspecting GCA SOSPECHAO suspected GCA SOSPECHAW suspected GCA SOSPECHO suspicion GCA SOSPECHOSA suspicious GCA SOSPECHOSO suspicious GCA SOSYO business partner GCA SOTANA habit GCA SOY I'm GCA SO±A sound GCA SPATOS shoes GCA SPECIALMENTE especially GCA SPERA wait/hope GCA SPIRITU spirit GCA SRKA close GCA SRPRESA surprise GCA STABA was GCA STAMBAY stand by GCA STATUA statue GCA STBA was GCA STDS you GCA STE this GCA STEDS you GCA STILO style GCA STORYA story GCA STRACTALMENTE strictly GCA STRANYA strange GCA STRICALMENTE strictly GCA STRICTO strict GCA STRIKTO strict GCA STUDYANTE student GCA SU their GCA SUABE smooth GCA SUAVE smooth GCA SUBA massage GCA SUBACO armpit GCA SUBADA massaging GCA SUBANDERA masseuse GCA SUBANDERA masseuse#n GCA SUBANDERO skilled in subada GCA SUBANG-SUBANG half-wit GCA SUBASTA auction GCA SUBAW massaged GCA SUBAY ant GCA SUBI go up GCA SUBIDA rising GCA SUBIDO risen GCA SUBLANG counter bad wish GCA SUBMARINO submarine GCA SUBRINA niece GCA SUBRINO nephew GCA SUBU mouthful GCA SUCAT transfer rice GCA SUCEDE happen GCA SUCESO event GCA SUCIEDAD dirt GCA SUCIO dirty GCA SUDA perspire GCA SUDADA sweating GCA SUDAW perspired GCA SUDOR perspiration GCA SUDOSA perspire GCA SUDOSO perspire GCA SUDSUD garden implement GCA SUEGRA mother-in-law GCA SUEGRAS mother-in-law GCA SUEGRO father-in-law GCA SUEGROS father-in-law GCA SUELAS shoe sole GCA SUELDO salary GCA SUENA dream GCA SUENIO dream GCA SUERTE luck GCA SUERTISTO lucky GCA SUFICIENTE sufficient GCA SUFRI suffer GCA SUFRIDO suffered GCA SUFRIMIENTO suffering GCA SUFRIR suffer GCA SUGERI suggest GCA SUGSUG forcible entry GCA SUHBA go upstream GCA SUHBO handfeed GCA SUHBU handfed morsel GCA SUHERI suggest GCA SUHESTION suggestion GCA SUHETA fasten GCA SUHETADA fastening GCA SUHETAW fastened GCA SUHETO one subject to GCA SUHIRI suggest GCA SUHMUT fed up GCA SUHPUN join cords GCA SUICIDIO suicide GCA SUITIK untrustworthy GCA SUJETA control GCA SUKI customer GCA SUKUT omen GCA SULANKANG chicken GCA SULAY-BAGYO banana GCA SULAY wooden prop GCA SULAYBAGUIO banana GCA SULDAO soldier GCA SULI born feet first GCA SULIH breech born baby GCA SULIRAP roofing shingles GCA SULSUL talk against another GCA SULSULERA talkative GCA SULSULERO talkative GCA SULTAN muslim leader GCA SULTERO bachelor GCA SULTEROS bachelors GCA SULU Sulu GCA SULUD fine-tooth comb GCA SULUH torch GCA SUMA sum GCA SUMADA summing up GCA SUMALPONG ??SUMALPONG GCA SUMAN glutinous rice delicacy GCA SUMASYON summation GCA SUMAW summed up GCA SUMBALI islamic rite GCA SUMBLERO hat GCA SUMI sink GCA SUMIDA sinking GCA SUMIDO sunk GCA SUMISO humble GCA SUMPING ?SUMPING GCA SUMPIT squirt GCA SUMPLICA entreat GCA SUMPLIKA implore GCA SUMUT grow tired GCA SUNA sound GCA SUNADA sounding GCA SUNAW sounded GCA SUNDALO soldier GCA SUNGAW nasal sound/cracked sound GCA SUNGAY horns of an animal GCA SUNGCAL dig GCA SUNGGAB grab suddenly GCA SUNGGUD be piqued GCA SUNGGUT be resentful GCA SUNGGUTIN being resentful GCA SUNGKIT pick fruits GCA SUNGURIN easily piqued GCA SUNIA dream GCA SUNIDA quality of sound GCA SUNIDO sound/sounded GCA SUNSUMAN appetizers GCA SUNTUG bump GCA SUNYA dream/sound GCA SUNYADA dreaming GCA SUNYAW dreamed GCA SUPERA serving dish GCA SUPERINTENDENTE superintendent GCA SUPERIOR* superior GCA SUPERVISA supervise GCA SUPLA blow GCA SUPLADO conceited GCA SUPLUT burst out GCA SUPORTA support GCA SUPORTER undergarment GCA SUPOT bag GCA SUPPORTA support GCA SUPPORTAO supported GCA SUPREM* supreme GCA SUPRI suffer GCA SUPRIDA suffering GCA SUPRIMIENTO suffering GCA SUPRIMYENTO suffering GCA SUPUKA suffocate GCA SUPUKADA suffocating GCA SUPUKAW suffocated GCA SUPUT paper bag GCA SUR south GCA SURAMBAO playing to lose GCA SURAMBAW playing to lose GCA SURSI mend clothes GCA SURSIDA mending clothes GCA SURSIDO mended GCA SURUJANO quack doctor GCA SUSCRIBI subscribe GCA SUSEDE happen GCA SUSESO tragic occurrence GCA SUSPECHA suspect GCA SUSPECHAO suspected GCA SUSPECHO suspect GCA SUSPECHOSO suspicious GCA SUSPENDE suspend GCA SUSPENDER suspenders GCA SUSPENDIDA suspending GCA SUSPENDIDO suspended GCA SUSPENSYON suspension GCA SUSPETCHA suspect GCA SUSPIRA sigh GCA SUSPIRADA sighing GCA SUSPIRASYON sighing GCA SUSPIRAW sighed GCA SUSPIRO sigh GCA SUSTA frighten GCA SUSTANCI sustenance GCA SUSTANSYA substance GCA SUSTEN2 sustenance GCA SUSTENE maintain firm/provide living GCA SUSTENIDA way living is provided GCA SUSTENIDO provided with a living/sharp GCA SUSTENTA sustain GCA SUSTENTADA sustaining GCA SUSTENTAW sustained GCA SUSTENTO sustenance GCA SUSTITUI substitute GCA SUSTO fright GCA SUSU snail GCA SUSYEDAD dirt GCA SUSYO dirty GCA SUTANA soutane GCA SUTIL stubborn GCA SUUD creep in GCA SUWAK cover of coconut GCA SUWELDO salary GCA SUWERTE luck GCA SUYO his/her GCA SUYU his/her GCA SU±A dream/sound GCA SU±ADA dreaming GCA SU±AW dreamed GCA SUÑA dream GCA SWABE gentle GCA SWAK coconut cover GCA SWEGRA parent-in-law GCA SWEGRO parent-in-law GCA SWEKOS wooden shoes GCA SWELAS soles GCA SWELDO salary GCA SWELO flooring GCA SWELTO loose GCA SWENYO dream/sleep GCA SWERO serum GCA SWERTE luck GCA SWETADOR hair clip GCA SWETER sweater GCA SWE±O dream/sleep GCA SWLDO salary GCA SYELO sky GCA SYEM ?SYEM GCA SYEMBRA plant GCA SYEMPRE always GCA SYEMRE always GCA SYENTO hundred GCA SYERIP sheriff GCA SYESTA siesta GCA SYET expletive GCA SYETE seven GCA SYMPRE always GCA SYO his/her GCA SYSTEMA system GCA SYUDAD city GCA TA HACE UN GRAN ESFUERZO PARA is making a big effort to GCA TA LE read GCA TA QUITA take away GCA TA GCA TAAKUSTA lying down GCA TAASE doing GCA TAAYUDA help GCA TABA fat GCA TABAKO cigar GCA TABAKU cigar GCA TABAS cut grass GCA TABERNAKULO tabernacle GCA TABIA pour GCA TABIRA turn GCA TABLA tie score/board GCA TABLEA tablet GCA TABLERIYA lumber mill GCA TABLETA tablet GCA TABLEYA chocolate tablets GCA TABLON plowed field GCA TABO scooping container GCA TACHADOR critical GCA TACHADORA critical GCA TACHI game GCA TACHING game GCA TACHO copper pan GCA TACLA clack GCA TACLOBO giant clam GCA TACO cue stick GCA TACON heel GCA TACQUI here GCA TADTAD chop GCA TADURMI sleep GCA TAEPERA wait GCA TAESPERA wait GCA TAGA big scar GCA TAGALOG Tagalog GCA TAGAT ??TAGAT GCA TAGOMETA vomit GCA TAGTAG be battered GCA TAGUMETA vomit GCA TAHA intercept GCA TAHADA waylaying GCA TAHAW intercepted GCA TAHBANG tasteless GCA TAHU ginger ale GCA TAHURI bean curd GCA TAHYA wound GCA TAHYADA wounding GCA TAHYAW wounded GCA TAINAMURA love GCA TAINTENDE understand GCA TAINTNDE understand GCA TAJIA slash with bolo GCA TAJIADA slashing cut GCA TAKAL measure GCA TAKI YA KAMI we are already here GCA TAKI is here GCA TAKIE is here GCA TAKILLA ticket booth GCA TAKILLERA ticket seller GCA TAKIRIT inclined sideways GCA TAKIYA here already GCA TAKLAS climb GCA TAKLOBO giant clam GCA TAKOBRA charge GCA TAKON heel GCA TAKSI taxi GCA TAKTAK shake container GCA TAKUKUNG native hat GCA TAKURI kettle GCA TAKURONG shade GCA TAKURUNG kerchief GCA TAL such GCA TALA is there GCA TALABANG challenge GCA TALABANGAN gang up GCA TALAGADAN muslim container GCA TALAHIB tall grass GCA TALAM wide tray GCA TALAMPAY small crabs GCA TALAMUKAN choke GCA TALANG ??TALANG GCA TALANGKA crabs GCA TALBUS young shoots GCA TALENTO talent GCA TALI is here GCA TALIA is there GCA TALIBA bring#c GCA TALIHTI gentle shower GCA TALING be stunned GCA TALISAY l tree GCA TALITI drizzle GCA TALLA is there GCA TALLE is there GCA TALLI is there GCA TALLIA there GCA TALOMO crawling weed GCA TALON2 waterfall GCA TALON heel GCA TALONARIO receipts GCA TALUCAP banana stalk GCA TALUKAP banana stalk GCA TALUNAN carcass of defeated cock/defeated candidate GCA TALUNG eggplant GCA TALUPI basket GCA TALYA is there GCA TALYI is here GCA TAMAD lazy/be lazy GCA TAMAL leaf-wrapped food GCA TAMALES spicy dish GCA TAMAN also GCA TAMANDA send GCA TAMBAG pile up GCA TAMBAK pile GCA TAMBAN sardine GCA TAMBAY stand by GCA TAMBIEN also GCA TAMBILIJAN green lizard GCA TAMBILIL swamp reed GCA TAMBILUG edible mangrove worm GCA TAMBIS edible fruit GCA TAMBOBO rice granary GCA TAMBOR drum GCA TAMBORETE small drum GCA TAMBORIN tambourine GCA TAMBU reed GCA TAMBUCHO pipe GCA TAMBULIG ??TAMBULIG GCA TAMBUTSO pipe GCA TAMEN also GCA TAMIN also GCA TAMIRA look GCA TAMPA pretend GCA TAMPAD flat GCA TAMPALASAN over bearing behavior GCA TAMPARAN full sun exposure GCA TAMPAT flat GCA TAMPIPI clothes chest GCA TAN PA pretend GCA TAN when in fact GCA TANAGUN ??TANAGUN GCA TANCUGU nape ofneck GCA TANDAG green pepper GCA TANDAY lean on GCA TANGA look upward GCA TANGAH look up GCA TANGAL mangrove tree GCA TANGAY ?TANGAY GCA TANGGILI timber tree GCA TANGGINGGI edible fish GCA TANGGO tango GCA TANGKAL animal cage GCA TANGKE tank GCA TANGKIK eel GCA TANGKUGU nape GCA TANGKUNG watercress GCA TANGKWENTO talking#c GCA TANGLAD lemon grass GCA TANKAL pigsty GCA TANKUNG swamp cabbage GCA TANOD guard GCA TANQUE tank GCA TANSE fishing line GCA TANSI green bird GCA TANSO brass GCA TANTEA feel GCA TANTIA feel GCA TANTO not as much GCA TANTYA palpate GCA TAPA jerky/cover GCA TAPADERA cover GCA TAPAFALTA used as cover GCA TAPAHAN copra kiln GCA TAPAL herbal medicines GCA TAPALODO car fender GCA TAPANG contaminate GCA TAPILUK twist ankle GCA TAPIS cloth GCA TAPISAN woven sieve GCA TAPLAK fall flat GCA TAPON cork GCA TAPOS then GCA TAPULAN lazy GCA TAQI is here GCA TAQUI is here GCA TAQUIE is here GCA TAQUILLA ticket booth GCA TARABYA get angry GCA TARAKITO edible fish GCA TARANTA be excited GCA TARANTADA excited GCA TARANTADO excited GCA TARANTAW excited GCA TARARAN malinger GCA TARAYA fishing method GCA TARDA long time/delay GCA TARDE afternoon GCA TAREA task GCA TARGET target GCA TARHETA card GCA TARIAN illegal cockfight GCA TARIFA tarrif GCA TARIMA speaker's platform GCA TARRAJA tool GCA TARRAYA fishnet GCA TASA sharpen/big cup/soup dish GCA TASADOR sharpener GCA TASITA cup GCA TASON large cup GCA TASTAS rip off sewn pieces GCA TATA father GCA TATAL kindling GCA TATAY father GCA TATIAO breeder cock GCA TATYAW ?TATYAW GCA TAUSI fermented black beans GCA TAUTIN provoker GCA TAWAG call GCA TAWAS metal GCA TAWASAN suhumerico with tawas GCA TAYA bet GCA TAYADA bet GCA TAYO LANG just us GCA TAYO we GCA TAZA cup GCA TAZON large soup bowl GCA TE you GCA TECAS cheatings GCA TECASIN cheater GCA TECHA roof GCA TECHO roof GCA TEDES you GCA TEHE weave GCA TEHIDA weaving GCA TEJE weave cloth GCA TEKNOLOHIYA technology GCA TELA cloth GCA TELAMETALIKA metal screening material GCA TELEBABAD long talk on phone GCA TELEBABAT long talk on phone GCA TELEBISYON television GCA TELEGRAMA telegram GCA TELEGRAPIA telegraph GCA TELEPNO telephone GCA TELEPON telephone GCA TELEPONEA telephone GCA TELEPONO telephone GCA TELEPONYA telephone GCA TELEPONYADA telephoning GCA TELEPONYAW telephoned GCA TELEPO±A telephone GCA TELEPO±ADA telephoning GCA TELEPO±AW telephoned GCA TELON stage curtain GCA TEMA theme GCA TEMBLA tremble GCA TEMBLADA tremble GCA TEMBLAW trembled GCA TEMBLERIT trembled GCA TEMBLOR earthquake GCA TEMERATURA temperature GCA TEMORA ??TEMORA GCA TEMPESTAD tempest GCA TEMPLA flavor GCA TEMPLADA blending GCA TEMPLAW bended GCA TEMPLETE temple GCA TEMPLO temple GCA TEMPORADA seasonal/periodic GCA TEMPORAL temporary GCA TEMPORALMENTE temporarily GCA TEMPORARIAMENTE temporarily GCA TEMPORARIMENTE temporarily GCA TEMPORARIO temporary GCA TEMPORARYO temporary GCA TEMPRAN* early GCA TEMPRNO early GCA TENAZA kitchen tongs GCA TENDE spread out mat GCA TENDERA shopkeeper GCA TENDERO storekeeper GCA TENE have GCA TENEDOR table fork GCA TENER have GCA TENIA had GCA TENIENTE lieutenant GCA TENKI immigration certificate GCA TENTA tempt/tease GCA TENTACION temptation GCA TENTADA tempting or teasing GCA TENTADOR teaser/tempter GCA TENTASYON temptation GCA TENTAW tempted/teased GCA TENYI dye GCA TERAPLINA fill with gravel GCA TERAPLINADA filling up wet places GCA TERAPLINAW filled up with soil GCA TERCER third GCA TEREMOTO earthquake GCA TERENO land GCA TERIBLE terrible GCA TERKA stubborn GCA TERKEDAD stubbornness GCA TERMINA terminate GCA TERMINAL depot/ending GCA TERMINAO ended GCA TERMINASYON termination GCA TERMINAW terminated GCA TERMINO end GCA TERMOMETRO thermometer GCA TERMOS thermos bottle GCA TERNO suit GCA TERORISMO terrorism GCA TERORISTA terrorist GCA TERORISTAS terrorists GCA TERRENO land GCA TERRIBLE terrible GCA TERRORISMO terrorism GCA TERRORISTA terrorist GCA TES test GCA TESA hit GCA TESORER* treasurer GCA TESORERIA treasurer GCA TESORERO treasurer GCA TESORO treasure GCA TESTAMENTO testament GCA TESTARUDO hard headed GCA TESTIGO witness GCA TESTIGWA witness/testify GCA TESTIGWADA witnessing/testifying GCA TESTIGWAW witnessed/testified GCA TETE feeding GCA TETENG woman's breast GCA TEX text GCA TE±I dye GCA TIA aunt GCA TIANGGE market GCA TIANGGUE market GCA TIANGI market GCA TIANGUE market GCA TIBI tuberculosis/television GCA TIBIHUN afflicted with tuberculosis GCA TIBIO lukewarm GCA TIBIONG temper GCA TIBOR large clay jar GCA TIBORON shark GCA TIBURON shark GCA TIBYO tepid GCA TIEMPO time/weather GCA TIEMPOS times GCA TIEN have GCA TIENDA store GCA TIENE BES sometimes GCA TIENE SUERTE lucky GCA TIENE VES sometimes GCA TIENE VEZ sometimes GCA TIENE have GCA TIENEBES sometimes GCA TIENEVES sometimes GCA TIENEYA have GCA TIENNE has GCA TIERA land GCA TIERRA earth GCA TIGRE tiger GCA TIHERA scissors GCA TIHERAS canvas cot GCA TIIS endure GCA TIIT creep silently GCA TIJERAS scissors GCA TIKA play peekaboo GCA TIKAS cheat GCA TIKASIN cheater GCA TIKET ticket GCA TIKI-TIKI rice bran GCA TIKI ?TIKI GCA TIKIN pole GCA TIKITIKI rice bran GCA TIKOY chinese rice cake GCA TIKU crooked GCA TIKUH crooked GCA TILAM-TILAM taste GCA TILAM taste GCA TIMBA tin container GCA TIMBAH pail GCA TIMBANG balance/one pair/n GCA TIMBRE electric doorbell GCA TIMBU on the bull's eye GCA TIMIH-TIMIH eat perfunctorily GCA TIMON boat rudder GCA TIMONEL helmsman/loser GCA TIMPAK break off/landslide/n GCA TIMUL ??TIMUL GCA TINA indigo GCA TINAGTAG rice delicacy GCA TINAHA earthen jar GCA TINAJA large jar GCA TINAPA smoked fish GCA TINDA store GCA TINDALO tree/good lumber GCA TINDERA salesperson GCA TINDERO salesperson GCA TINGGA lead GCA TINGKANG ?TINGKANG GCA TINGTING tiptoe GCA TINI dye GCA TININGCAL dried earth GCA TINOLA stew GCA TINTA ink GCA TINTURAYODO iodine GCA TINYENTE lieutenant GCA TINYI dye GCA TINYIDA dyeing GCA TINYIDO dyed GCA TIO uncle GCA TIPLAK give sudden scare GCA TIPON typhus GCA TIPUH having missing tooth GCA TIRA shoot GCA TIRABUSON hairstyle GCA TIRADA shooting GCA TIRADOR expert shooter GCA TIRAHAN residence GCA TIRANTE shoulder straps GCA TIRAW-TIRAW strewn GCA TIRAW thrown/shot/discarded GCA TIRIS kill louse GCA TIRO shot GCA TIROTEO shootings GCA TIROTEYO volley of shots GCA TIRROTEO shootings GCA TIRUHAN ??TIRUHAN GCA TISA chalk GCA TISIKA tubercular patient GCA TISIKO tubercular patient GCA TISIS tuberculosis GCA TISTIS very talkative GCA TISUD trip#c Ceb GCA TISUT trip over GCA TITI testicle GCA TITULADO titled/academically degreed GCA TITULO title GCA TITULOW titled/degreed GCA TIYA aunt GCA TIYEMPO time GCA TIYERA land GCA TIYO uncle GCA TIZA chalk GCA TIZON piece firewood GCA TI±I dye GCA TI±IDA dyeing GCA TI±IDO dyed GCA TKET ticket GCA TKI YO I am here GCA TKI is here GCA TLGA really GCA TLI is there GCA TLYA is there GCA TLYI is there GCA TME also GCA TMEN also GCA TMN also GCA TMPO weather GCA TMPRANO early GCA TMPRNO early GCA TNX thanks GCA TOALLA towel GCA TOCA touch/to play instrument GCA TOCADOR woman's dressing table GCA TOCAYO namesake GCA TOCINO bacon GCA TOCON prop GCA TODAS vanquished/given up GCA TODO EL DOS both GCA TODO JUNTO altogether GCA TODO-TODO everything GCA TODO all GCA TODOL DIA all day GCA TODOL all GCA TODONG ?TODONG GCA TODOS all GCA TOK talk GCA TOKA turn/touch/play instrument GCA TOKADA touching/playing instrument/demented GCA TOKADO demented GCA TOKAW touched/played instrument/demented GCA TOKO lizard GCA TOKWA bean curd GCA TOL bro GCA TOLDA canvas material GCA TOLERA tolerate GCA TOLOS small poles GCA TOMA drink GCA TOMADA wine drinking GCA TOMADOR drinker GCA TOMADORA drinker GCA TOMAHAN drink GCA TOMAO drunk GCA TOMAR take/drink GCA TOMATES tomatoes GCA TOMATIS tomato GCA TOMATO tomato GCA TOMAW drunk GCA TOMBOLA raffle GCA TOMBON anus/inflamation of anus GCA TOMON edible rootcrop GCA TONDOQUE banana GCA TONELADA ton GCA TONG blood money GCA TONIO ??TONIO GCA TONO tone/tune GCA TONTA stupid GCA TONTERIAS foolishness GCA TONTERIYAS foolishness GCA TONTO stupid GCA TOPAK ??TOPAK GCA TOPETIA chance meeting GCA TORE tower GCA TORMENTA suffer much GCA TORMENTO sufferings GCA TORNEA work lathe GCA TORNO lathe GCA TORO bull GCA TORPE stupid GCA TORPEDAD stupidity GCA TORPEZA stupidity GCA TORTA tart GCA TORTILLA omelet GCA TORTO ??TORTO GCA TORTOGOK stupid GCA TORTUGA turtle GCA TOS cough GCA TOSE cough GCA TOSEH cough GCA TOSIDA coughing GCA TOSPERINA coughing GCA TOSTA toast GCA TOSTADA toasting/toasted GCA TOSTADO toasted GCA TOSTAO toasted GCA TOSTAW toasted GCA TOTALMENTE totally GCA TOYO soybean sauce GCA TQI is here GCA TQUI is here GCA TRABAHA work GCA TRABAHADA work GCA TRABAHADOR worker GCA TRABAHO work GCA TRABAJA work GCA TRABAJADOR hard working/worker GCA TRABAJADORA worker GCA TRABAJANTE worker GCA TRABAJO work GCA TRABESA cross GCA TRABESADA crossing GCA TRABESAW crossed GCA TRABESURA crossroad GCA TRABHA work GCA TRABYESO movable/volatile GCA TRADICCION tradition GCA TRADICION tradition GCA TRADISYON tradition GCA TRADUCI translate GCA TRADUSI translate GCA TRAFFICO traffic GCA TRAFICO traffic GCA TRAFIKO traffic GCA TRAGA swallow GCA TRAGADA eating GCA TRAGAW swallowed GCA TRAGO swallow GCA TRAGON greedy GCA TRAHE suit GCA TRAHEDYA tragedy GCA TRAIDOR traitor GCA TRAINTA thirty GCA TRAJEDIA tragedy GCA TRAK truck GCA TRAKTOR tractor GCA TRAKTORA tractor GCA TRAMBULICA disturb GCA TRAMBULICAO disturbed GCA TRAMPA trap GCA TRANCA bar across window GCA TRANCAH bar GCA TRANGKA lock GCA TRANGKADA locking up GCA TRANGKAW locked GCA TRANGKILLA small lock GCA TRANQUILIDAD tranquility GCA TRANQUILO tranquil GCA TRANSFERI transfer GCA TRANSFIRI tranfer GCA TRANSPIRI transpire GCA TRANSPLANTA transplant GCA TRANSPORTACION transportation GCA TRAPAL canvas material GCA TRAPALES rags GCA TRAPICHE sugar mill GCA TRAPICHI small sugarcane mill GCA TRAPO rags GCA TRASA TRASA#?? GCA TRATA deal with GCA TRATADA dealing with GCA TRATAMIENTO treatment GCA TRATAMYENTO treatment GCA TRATAW dealt with GCA TRATO agreement GCA TRAVESA cross over GCA TRAVESURAS mischief GCA TRAVIESO spirited GCA TRAY bring over GCA TRAYDOR traitor GCA TRAYDORA traitor GCA TRAYSYON treachery GCA TRBAHA work GCA TRBHA work GCA TRBHO work GCA TRE three GCA TREINTA thirty GCA TREINTAY thirty GCA TREMULO tremulo GCA TREN train GCA TRENSAS braided hair GCA TRENTA thirty GCA TRENTAI thirty GCA TRENTAS braided hair GCA TRENTAY thirty GCA TRENZAS braided hair GCA TRES three GCA TRESE thirteen GCA TREYN train GCA TREYNTA thirty GCA TRIAL trial GCA TRIBO tribe GCA TRIBOS tribes GCA TRICYKOL tricycle GCA TRIDO three-day prayer GCA TRILLA thresh palay GCA TRILLANES ??TRILLANES GCA TRINCA tie up GCA TRINIDAD trinity GCA TRIPA intestines GCA TRIPILLA small intestines GCA TRIPLE triple GCA TRIPULANTE crew GCA TRISAHYO triple prayer GCA TRISTE sad/lonesome GCA TRISTESA sadness/loneliness GCA TRISTEZA grief GCA TRIUMFO triumph GCA TRIUNFA triumph GCA TRIUNFO triumph GCA TRIYANGGULO triangle GCA TROBADOR troubador/serenader GCA TROBOL trouble GCA TROMBLON ?TROMBLON GCA TROMBON trombone GCA TROMPESA bump into GCA TROMPESADA bumping into GCA TROMPESAW bumped into GCA TROMPETA trumpet GCA TROMPETERO trumpeter GCA TROMPO spinning toy GCA TRONA thunder GCA TRONCO tree trunk GCA TRONGCO ?TRONGCO GCA TRONGKO trunk GCA TRONO throne GCA TROPA troop GCA TROPAS troops GCA TROSO log GCA TRSTE sad GCA TRUAN young rascal GCA TRUBADOR troubador GCA TRUCUS noise GCA TRUENO thunder GCA TRUKUS unexpectednoise GCA TRUNA thunder GCA TRUNADA thundering GCA TRUNAW thundered GCA TRUNCHA dislocation GCA TRUWENO thunder GCA TSEKE check GCA TSENDA store GCA TSENE have GCA TSIENE have GCA TSINELAS slippers GCA TSISMIS gossip GCA TSISMOSA gossipy GCA TSNE have GCA TSUPER driver GCA TTAY father GCA TU you GCA TUAY edible seashell GCA TUBA coconut wine GCA TUBABA ride piggyback GCA TUBAW head kerchief GCA TUBERO pipe fitter GCA TUBIGAN game GCA TUBO tube GCA TUBOD spring GCA TUBU sugar cane GCA TUBUG wallow in mud GCA TUBUGAN waterhole GCA TUBUL strained facial expression GCA TUBURAN natural spring GCA TUCA touch/to play instrument GCA TUCAP patch GCA TUCINO bacon GCA TUDLING seed row GCA TUDUNG food cover GCA TUGATUG mountain ridge GCA TUGI yam GCA TUHUD knee GCA TUHUG thread aneedle GCA TUHUGAN skewer GCA TUKA peck/play instrument GCA TUKADA playing instrument GCA TUKAP patch GCA TUKAW played instrument GCA TUKTUK knock GCA TUKUD support GCA TULACUP stance GCA TULAOK crowing GCA TULATUD be sleepy GCA TULAY bridge GCA TULI circumcise GCA TULINGAN edible deep-sea fish GCA TULISAN bandit GCA TULO drip GCA TULTUL rascal/salt GCA TULU let drip GCA TULUD push GCA TULUN droplet/drip GCA TUMA body lice GCA TUMAHAN drinking place GCA TUMATIS tomato GCA TUMBA-LEBANTA up-and-down GCA TUMBA fall GCA TUMBADA falling GCA TUMBAH tomb GCA TUMBAHAN fall GCA TUMBALOBO one quickfall GCA TUMBAW falling GCA TUMPOK divide/put in one place GCA TUMPUK pile GCA TUNGAP gulp GCA TUNGAW itch mite GCA TUNGTUNG step on something GCA TUNKU kettle stand GCA TUNUK thorn GCA TUPA hit GCA TUPADA hitting GCA TUPAJAN touching each other GCA TUPAO suitable/hit GCA TUPAW hit/suitable GCA TUPIDO closely woven GCA TURBIAO troubled mind GCA TURISMO tourism GCA TURISTA tourist GCA TURISTAS tourists GCA TURMENTO torment GCA TURNILLO screw GCA TURNILYO screw GCA TURNO turn/take turns GCA TURON delicacy GCA TURSI blackened tobacco/twist ankle GCA TURSIDA twisting one's ankle GCA TURSIDO twisted ankle GCA TURSYAW twisted ankle GCA TURTILLA omelet GCA TURTUGA tortoise/stupid GCA TURU dense/dull GCA TURUK prick a blister GCA TURUS kill lice GCA TURUTUT small horn GCA TUSI ?TUSI GCA TUSIK nibble GCA TUSINO salted pork fat GCA TUSMUG dip for soaking GCA TUSO cruel GCA TUSTA toast GCA TUSTADA toasting GCA TUSTAO toasted GCA TUSTAW toasted GCA TUSTUS burnt rice crust GCA TUTUBI dragonfly GCA TUTUG rap GCA TUTUY poodle GCA TUUD tree stump GCA TUWAD bend over/bend backward GCA TUYO yours GCA TUYU become very sleepy GCA TWALLA towel GCA TWERKA screw GCA TWISYON tuition GCA TX text GCA TXT text GCA TY thank you GCA TYANGGE market GCA TYANGGERA marketer GCA TYANGGERO marketer GCA TYEMPO-TYEMPO from time to time GCA TYEMPO time GCA TYENDA store GCA TYENE-TYENE well-to-do#n GCA TYENE have GCA TYERA land GCA TYESA fruit/aloof GCA TYESO aloof GCA TYM time GCA UBAN gray hair/companion GCA UBAS grapes GCA UBE tubers GCA UBI tuber GCA UBN friend GCA UBOD edible palm shoot GCA UCLAT uproot GCA UGAT vein GCA UGERA smoke pile GCA UGUNG engine sound GCA UGUT be emotionally aroused GCA UHA newborn baby's cry GCA UHAY rice stalk GCA UHI hear GCA UHONG edible mushroom GCA UHUG thick mucus GCA UKAY stir GCA UKUY food specialty GCA UL-UL growl complainingly GCA ULAM food GCA ULAN-ULAN intermittent rain/rainy season GCA ULAN rain GCA ULBDA forget GCA ULBIDA forget GCA ULBIDADISA forgetful GCA ULBIDADISO forgetful GCA ULBIDAHAN forget GCA ULBIDAO forgotten GCA ULBIDAW forgot GCA ULBIDON forgetful GCA ULBIDONA forgetful GCA ULCERA ulcer GCA ULE rubberized cloth GCA ULI-ANUN forgetful GCA ULI again GCA ULIANON second childhood GCA ULIHI coming up last GCA ULIJI last place GCA ULING charcoal GCA ULITAO bananas GCA ULSER ulcer GCA ULTIKARYA skin rashes GCA ULTIMO last GCA ULTIMORA lately GCA ULTRAHA offend GCA ULTRAHADA offending GCA ULTRAHADOR one who offends GCA ULTRAHADORA one who offends GCA ULTRAHAW offended GCA ULTRAJA insult GCA ULTRAJADA insults GCA ULTRAJO insults GCA ULVDA forget GCA ULVID* forget GCA ULVIDA forget GCA ULVIDAO forgotten GCA UMAL not liking GCA UMALIN ugly GCA UMANG hermit crab GCA UMBI monkey GCA UMBLIGO navel GCA UMBUNAMENTE well GCA UMEDO humid GCA UMEDOR lining in cabinet GCA UMENTA save GCA UMIT be unwittingly involved GCA UMO smoke GCA UMPOCO little GCA UMPOKO a little GCA UMPUG bump one's head GCA UMPUKITING little bit GCA UMU humor GCA UMYA become smokey GCA UMYADA becoming smokey GCA UMYAW became smokey GCA UN one GCA UNA first/ahead GCA UNABES once GCA UNDE where GCA UNDI sink in GCA UNDIDA sinking GCA UNDIDO sunk GCA UNDRATITO while GCA UNDRATO a while GCA UNDYA sink in GCA UNDYADA sinking in GCA UNDYAW sank in GCA UNG the GCA UNI live together GCA UNIBERSAL universal GCA UNICO unique GCA UNIDA living together GCA UNIDAD unity GCA UNIDO united as man and wife GCA UNIDOS united GCA UNIFORME uniform GCA UNIKA only GCA UNIKO only GCA UNION union GCA UNIPORME uniform GCA UNIVERSIDAD university GCA UNLAO other side#c GCA UNO-UNO one by one GCA UNO one GCA UNOY OTRO one another GCA UNOY OTROS one another GCA UNPOKITO little bit GCA UNPOKO little GCA UNPUKITING little bit GCA UNR2 a moment GCA UNRA2 a moment GCA UNRATITI very short time GCA UNRATITITO a little while GCA UNRATITO a while GCA UNRATO moment GCA UNRTO moment GCA UNU what GCA UNYAS nail GCA UNYERO infection GCA UNYON union GCA UPA cud GCA UPAH buried GCA UPISINA office GCA UPISYO duty GCA UPU gourd GCA UPUNG bunch GCA UPUS butt GCA UPUT melt away GCA URAKAN wasteful eating GCA URBANIDAD good breeding GCA URHENTE urgent GCA URILLA sides/corner/nook GCA URILLANDO on the edge GCA URILYA shore GCA URINA urinate GCA URINES urine GCA URNA urn GCA USA EL CABEZA think GCA USA use GCA USABLE usable GCA USADA using GCA USANDO using GCA USANG chew GCA USAO used GCA USAR use GCA USAW used GCA USIK waste GCA USISA be overly curious GCA USISERA overly curious GCA USISERO overly curious GCA USO current style GCA USTDES you GCA USTDS you GCA USTE you GCA USTED you GCA USTEDES you GCA USTEDEZ you all GCA USURA usury GCA USURERO userer GCA UTAK brain GCA UTANG debt GCA UTARA northeast monsoon GCA UTAY-UTAY step by step GCA UTIL useful GCA UTILIDAD utility GCA UTILIZA utilize GCA UTRABIS again GCA UTROLAW other side GCA UTU loser GCA UTUK bone marrow GCA UTUT flatulence GCA UTUTIN flatulent GCA UTUY-UTUY laughing GCA UVAS grapes GCA UWAK crow GCA UWANG howl GCA UWEBO egg GCA UWEBOS eggs GCA UWI hear GCA UWIDA hearing GCA UWIDO sense of hearing/by ear/heard/adj/adj GCA UYI hear GCA UYUG shake object GCA UYUN get along well GCA U±AS nail GCA U±ERO infection GCA VACA cow GCA VACACION vacation GCA VACANTE vacant GCA VACATION vacation GCA VACIA empty/to pour GCA VACIO empty GCA VACUNA vaccination GCA VAINA scabbard GCA VAJILLA table service set GCA VALE promissorynote GCA VALENTIA courage GCA VALIDACION validation GCA VALIDO valid GCA VALIENTE brave GCA VALLE valley GCA VALOR value GCA VAMOS let's go GCA VANIDAD vanity GCA VARA run aground GCA VARADERO shipyard GCA VARIAS various GCA VARIOS various GCA VASALLO vassals GCA VASO drinking glass GCA VASTAGO offspring GCA VASTANTE enough GCA VAYA go GCA VAYAS go GCA VECES times GCA VECINIDAD vecinity GCA VECINO neighbor GCA VEHICULO* vehicle GCA VEINTE twenty GCA VEJES old age GCA VEJEZ old age GCA VELA have vigil/sail GCA VELACION vigil GCA VELADA evening musical GCA VELO veil GCA VELOCIDAD velocity GCA VENA vein GCA VENAO deer GCA VENDE sell GCA VENDIBLE saleable GCA VENDIDA bandaged GCA VENDIDO sold GCA VENE YA YO I'm coming now GCA VENE YA come GCA VENE come GCA VENENO poison GCA VENGA avenge GCA VENGANZA revenge GCA VENGATIVO vengeful GCA VENGGA come GCA VENIDA coming GCA VENIDERO future GCA VENTA sale GCA VENTAJA advantage GCA VENTAJOSO advantageous GCA VENTANA window GCA VENTERO ?VENTERO GCA VENTOSA hot air suction GCA VERDAD truth GCA VERDADERO true GCA VERDE green GCA VERGUENZA shame GCA VERIFICA verify GCA VERIJA genital region GCA VES time GCA VESES times GCA VESTIR dress GCA VETERANO veteran GCA VETERINARIO veterinarian GCA VEZ time GCA VIAHE trip GCA VIAJA to travel GCA VIAJE journey GCA VIAJERO traveller GCA VIANDA food GCA VIBO live GCA VICIO vice GCA VICIOSO vicious GCA VICTIMA victim GCA VICTORIA victory GCA VIDA life GCA VIDEO video GCA VIEHA old GCA VIEHO old GCA VIEJA old GCA VIEJO old GCA VIEN come GCA VIENE* come GCA VIENTO wind GCA VIENTRE belly GCA VIERNES Friday GCA VIGILA keep vigil GCA VIGILANTE vigilante GCA VIGILAO guarded GCA VIHILA vigil GCA VILLANCICO christmas carols GCA VINAGRE vinegar GCA VINIYA comenow GCA VINO wine GCA VINTA vinta GCA VINTIA winnow grains GCA VINTIADA winnowing GCA VINTIADOR structure for winnowing GCA VIOLA violate the law/to rape GCA VIOLACION violation GCA VIOLENCIA violence GCA VIOLENTE violent GCA VIOLENTO violent GCA VIRA turn around GCA VIRADA corner GCA VIRGEN virgin GCA VIRGUELAS small pox GCA VIRIJA genital region GCA VIRUELAS smallpox GCA VIRUS virus GCA VISAYAS Visayan Islands GCA VISION phantom GCA VISITA visit/visitor GCA VISITADA visit GCA VISPERAS evening before festival GCA VISTA sight GCA VIUDA widow GCA VIUDO widower GCA VIVA long live GCA VIVENDI ?VIVENDI GCA VIVENTE resident GCA VIVI live GCA VIVIENTE inhabitant GCA VIVIENTES survivors GCA VIVIR live GCA VIVO alive GCA VOLA fly GCA VOLADOR kite/high flying GCA VOLCA capsize GCA VOLUBLE inconsistent GCA VOLUNTAD free will GCA VOLUNTARIAMENTE voluntarily GCA VOLUNTARIO volunteer GCA VOLVE go home GCA VOMITA vomit GCA VOS you GCA VOSOTROS you guys GCA VOTA vote GCA VOTANTE voter GCA VOTO vote GCA VOY I'm going GCA VOZ voice GCA VULA fly GCA WAGWAG rice GCA WAK-WAK underworld creature/nocturnal bird GCA WAK crow GCA WALA NA no more GCA WALET wallet GCA WALING-WALING exotic orchids GCA WALING ?WALING GCA WARAS cause havoc GCA WARDE-WARDE happy-go-lucky attitude GCA WASAK shattered GCA WASU-WASU sloppy GCA WAWA pitiful GCA WAYR wire/telegram GCA WAYT white GCA WEBOS eggs GCA WELGA strike GCA WER where GCA WERPANA orphan GCA WERPANO orphan GCA WESO bones GCA WESTE west GCA WIKEND weekend GCA WISIO harm GCA WISYO harm GCA WLA no GCA WMSU WMSU (Western Mindanao State University) GCA WORI worry GCA WORID worried GCA Y and GCA YA ABAHA went down GCA YA ABAJA lowered GCA YA ABANDONA abandoned GCA YA ABANICA fanned GCA YA ABANIKA fanned GCA YA ABANTYA carried on GCA YA ABARKA took a responsibility upon onself GCA YA ABENTA had flatulence GCA YA ABERIGWA inquired GCA YA ABISA reported GCA YA ABLA SILA they said GCA YA ABLA YO I said GCA YA ABLA told GCA YA ABONA fertilized/paid GCA YA ABORESE were bored GCA YA ABRASA to embraced GCA YA ABRAZA embraced GCA YA ABRE opened GCA YA ABRI opened GCA YA ABUSA abused GCA YA ABUYA emerged suddenly GCA YA ACABA finished GCA YA ACAPARA cornered the supply GCA YA ACCEPTA accepted GCA YA ACCIDENTA had an accident GCA YA ACCOMMODA accommodated GCA YA ACCORDA reminded GCA YA ACEITE oiled GCA YA ACEPTA accepted GCA YA ACERCA approached GCA YA ACERTA guessed right GCA YA ACLARA clarified GCA YA ACOMODA accommodated GCA YA ACOMPANA accompanied GCA YA ACONSEJA advised GCA YA ACORDA reminded GCA YA ACOSTA lay down GCA YA ACOSTUMBRA accustomed GCA YA ACTITUD attitude GCA YA ACTUA acted GCA YA ACUDI assisted GCA YA ACUSTA went to bed GCA YA ADAPTA adapted GCA YA ADELANTA advanced GCA YA ADIBINA guessed GCA YA ADMINISTRA administered GCA YA ADMIRA admired GCA YA ADMIT admitted/allowed GCA YA ADMITI admitted/allowed GCA YA ADOPTA adopted GCA YA ADORA adored/worshipped GCA YA ADORNA decorated GCA YA AFECTA affected GCA YA AFRENDE learned GCA YA AGACHA bent forward/ducked GCA YA AGARA grasped GCA YA AGARRA got GCA YA AGASAHA honored someone with a feast GCA YA AGONISA agonized GCA YA AGRABYA felt resentful GCA YA AGRIYA became sour GCA YA AGUHERA bored a hole GCA YA AGUSA sharpened by whittling GCA YA AGWANTA endured GCA YA AHUNTA gathered GCA YA AKABA finished GCA YA AKLARA clarified GCA YA AKOMODA accommodated GCA YA AKOMPAñA accompanied GCA YA AKORDA remembered GCA YA AKOSTUMBRA were accustomed GCA YA AKSEPTA accepted GCA YA AKUDI went to the rescue GCA YA AKURDA remembered GCA YA AKUSA accused GCA YA AKUSTA lay down GCA YA ALABA praised GCA YA ALARGA lengthened GCA YA ALBOROKYA made noise GCA YA ALEGRA happy GCA YA ALERTA alerted GCA YA ALIBYA alleviated GCA YA ALKANSA reached GCA YA ALKILA rented GCA YA ALMARYA were dizzy GCA YA ALMURSA ate breakfast GCA YA ALSA lifted GCA YA ALUMBRA lit with a lamp GCA YA AMANESE dawned GCA YA AMARA tied with a rope or string GCA YA AMENASA threatened GCA YA AMIENDA amended GCA YA AMONESTA advised GCA YA AMULA sharpened blades GCA YA ANALIZA analzyed GCA YA ANDA YO I went GCA YA ANDA went GCA YA ANGGA showed a desire to be petted GCA YA ANGKAS hitched a ride GCA YA ANGKASAN hitched a ride GCA YA ANIMA animated GCA YA ANUD drifted GCA YA ANUNSYA announced GCA YA ANUT drifted GCA YA APACIGUA appeased GCA YA APAGA turned off a switch GCA YA APARECE appeared GCA YA APARESE appeared GCA YA APARTA set apart GCA YA APAS ran after GCA YA APASAN chased GCA YA APASIGWA appeased GCA YA APAYTA shaved GCA YA APELA appealed GCA YA APESTEA reeked GCA YA APEYTA shaved GCA YA APILA sharpened with the use of a file GCA YA APINA tuned an instrument GCA YA APLAKA appeased GCA YA APLASTA laid face down GCA YA APLICA applied GCA YA APOYO supported GCA YA APPROVA approved GCA YA APRECIA appreciated GCA YA APRENDE learned/studied GCA YA APRESYA appreciated GCA YA APRETA tightened GCA YA APROBA approved GCA YA APROBECHA took advantage of GCA YA APROPIA appropriated GCA YA APROVA approved GCA YA APROVECHA profited GCA YA APUNTA pointed out GCA YA APURA hurried GCA YA ARA ploughed GCA YA ARANGKA uprooted GCA YA ARASTRA dragged GCA YA AREGLA arranged GCA YA ARESTA arrested GCA YA ARIMA moved towards the speaker GCA YA ARIPINTI repented GCA YA ARMA armed GCA YA ARQUILA rented GCA YA ARRANCA pulled out GCA YA ARRASTRA dragged along GCA YA ARREA drove away GCA YA ARREBATA snatched or seize GCA YA ARREGLA arranged GCA YA ARREST arrested GCA YA ARRESTA arrested GCA YA ARRIA lowered as as a sail GCA YA ARRIMA approached GCA YA ARRINQUIN got pushed aside GCA YA ARRIPINTI repented GCA YA ARTYA acted with affectation GCA YA ARUNSA moved away GCA YA ARYA dismissed/fired GCA YA ASA roasted/ broiled GCA YA ASE KASO minded GCA YA ASE PAYPAY fanned GCA YA ASE made GCA YA ASEGURA assured GCA YA ASEKA approached GCA YA ASEMEHA looked alike GCA YA ASENSO advanced GCA YA ASENTA letted sediment settle GCA YA ASEPTA accepted GCA YA ASERKA approached GCA YA ASERTA ascertained GCA YA ASI PAYPAY fanned GCA YA ASISTI assisted GCA YA ASKYA felt disgusting GCA YA ASOMA viewed through a window GCA YA ASQUIA loathed GCA YA ASSIGNA assigned GCA YA ASUMA sum upped GCA YA ASUSTA frightened GCA YA ATACA attacked GCA YA ATAHA intercepted GCA YA ATAJA closed the way GCA YA ATAKA attacked GCA YA ATARANTA lost direction GCA YA ATRACA approached GCA YA ATRAE attracted attention GCA YA ATRAKA approached GCA YA ATRASA were late GCA YA ATREBE attempted GCA YA ATREVE dared/attempted GCA YA ATTENDE attended GCA YA ATUBANG faced another GCA YA AUMENTA increased GCA YA AUTORIZA authorized GCA YA AUXILIA helped GCA YA AVISA informed GCA YA AWMENTA added GCA YA AYAG sifted grains GCA YA AYUDA helped GCA YA AYUNA fasted from food GCA YA AYUSTA adjusted GCA YA BABA rode piggyback GCA YA BABAD soaked GCA YA BABAT marinated GCA YA BAGSAK dropped heavily GCA YA BAHA went down GCA YA BAILA danced GCA YA BAKSAK dropped abruptly GCA YA BAKUL surrounded GCA YA BALABAK blocked GCA YA BALANCEA balanced GCA YA BALANCIA balanced GCA YA BALANSYA balanced GCA YA BALDA sprained GCA YA BALDYA washed the floor GCA YA BALISCAT turned over GCA YA BALUT wrapped GCA YA BANA bathed GCA YA BANGGAH collided GCA YA BANKIA banked in gambling GCA YA BANQUETIA beat GCA YA BARA-BARA wandered aimlessly GCA YA BARAJA shuffled cards GCA YA BARE swept with a broom GCA YA BARIA got mentally disturbed GCA YA BARNISA varnished GCA YA BARRE swept GCA YA BARYA became confused GCA YA BASIA emptied GCA YA BASYA poured GCA YA BAT hit the ball GCA YA BATE beat in cooking GCA YA BAUTISA baptized GCA YA BAWI recovered GCA YA BAWTISA baptized GCA YA BAYLA danced GCA YA BAñA took a bath GCA YA BELA stayed awake GCA YA BENDE sold GCA YA BENDICI blessed GCA YA BENDISI blessed GCA YA BENGGA revenged GCA YA BERIPIKA verified GCA YA BIBI drank/lived GCA YA BIDBID tied up for carrying GCA YA BIENE came GCA YA BIGA flirted openly GCA YA BIKA sat with legs apart GCA YA BIKTI committed suicide GCA YA BINTUT showed off provocatively GCA YA BIRA turned GCA YA BISIA watched GCA YA BISTI wore GCA YA BISYA watched GCA YA BITAY hung from a hook GCA YA BITBIT carried GCA YA BITIN hung GCA YA BITING hung GCA YA BOBOTIA hit in the mouth GCA YA BOLBE went home GCA YA BOLEO mixed numbers GCA YA BOMBARDEA bombed GCA YA BOMBYA bombed GCA YA BORA erased GCA YA BORDA embroidered GCA YA BORRA erased GCA YA BOSTESA yawned GCA YA BOTA voted GCA YA BRILLA shone brilliantly GCA YA BRINCA jumped GCA YA BRINDA served food or snacks to visitors GCA YA BRINGKA jumped GCA YA BRODKAS broadcast GCA YA BROMA joked GCA YA BUGBUG beat up GCA YA BUGSAY paddled GCA YA BULCHA bulged GCA YA BULICAT disarranged while seeking something GCA YA BULTIA searched GCA YA BULTYA made the rounds GCA YA BUMITA vomited GCA YA BUNGGU collided GCA YA BUNGKA ripped GCA YA BUNGU bumped GCA YA BURLA mocked GCA YA BUSCA looked for GCA YA BUSKA looked for GCA YA BUTA threw away GCA YA BUTAPUNG fell heavily GCA YA BUUD fruited ripens artificially GCA YA BUYA emerged suddenly GCA YA BYAHA travelled GCA YA CACAP grabbed suddenly GCA YA CAE fell to the ground GCA YA CAGUT gnawed at a bone GCA YA CAHIG raked the ground GCA YA CALCULA calculated GCA YA CAMOTEA strove hard with little result GCA YA CANCELA cancelled GCA YA CANSA tired GCA YA CANTA sang GCA YA CAPA pruned GCA YA CAPAH caught with hands GCA YA CARCULA calculated GCA YA CARRIA carried away GCA YA CASAH married GCA YA CASTEA bred GCA YA CEDE gave away GCA YA CELA were jealous GCA YA CELEBRA celebrated GCA YA CEMENTA cemented GCA YA CENAH had supper GCA YA CEPILLA brushed GCA YA CERNE sifted grains GCA YA CERRA closed GCA YA CERTIFICA certified GCA YA CHAPUY-LAGUY ate and went without asking permission GCA YA CHATCHAT tattled GCA YA CHECKIA checked GCA YA CHEPERDE breakdown GCA YA CHEQUIA checked GCA YA CHILLA shrieked GCA YA CHINGGA had sex GCA YA CHIPLA whistled GCA YA CHIT cheated GCA YA CHOKA shook hands GCA YA CHORREA gushed GCA YA CHUCHA pierced/poke GCA YA CHUKA hatched eggs GCA YA CHULYA stuck out the tongue/teased GCA YA CHUPA sucked GCA YA CHUPLA whistled GCA YA CHURYA spurted GCA YA CINDIDO locked up GCA YA CITA cited GCA YA CIVILISA civilized GCA YA CLABA nailed GCA YA CLARIFICA clarified GCA YA COGE caught GCA YA COLAPSIA collapsed GCA YA COLECTA collected GCA YA COLLECTA collected GCA YA COLOCA put in place GCA YA COMBERZA conversed GCA YA COMETE committed GCA YA COMPARA compared GCA YA COMPETI competed GCA YA COMPIA trusted GCA YA COMPLACE pleased GCA YA COMPLETA completed GCA YA COMPLI complied GCA YA COMPONE repaired GCA YA COMPORMA conformed GCA YA COMPRENDE understood GCA YA CONCENTRA concentrated GCA YA CONCIERNE concerned GCA YA CONCLUI concluded GCA YA CONDUCI drove GCA YA CONECTA connected GCA YA CONFESA confessed GCA YA CONFIA trusted GCA YA CONFISCA confiscated GCA YA CONFORMA agreed GCA YA CONFRONTA confronted GCA YA CONPIRMA confirmed GCA YA CONSEJA advised GCA YA CONSIDERA considered GCA YA CONSIGUI attained GCA YA CONSINTI consented GCA YA CONSTRUHI constructed GCA YA CONSTRUI constructed GCA YA CONSULTA consulted GCA YA CONSUMI wore out GCA YA CONTEMPLA contemplated GCA YA CONTENE contained GCA YA CONTINUA continued GCA YA CONTRAVINI went against GCA YA CONTRIBUI contributed GCA YA CONTROLA controlled GCA YA CONVENCE convinced GCA YA CONVERSA talked GCA YA CONVERTI converted GCA YA CONVIDA invided GCA YA CONVIENE serves right GCA YA CONVINCI convinced GCA YA COOPERA cooperated GCA YA COPIA copied GCA YA COPYA copied GCA YA CORRE ran GCA YA CORREJI corrected GCA YA COSE sewed GCA YA CREA created GCA YA CRECE grew GCA YA CREE believed GCA YA CRITICAH criticized GCA YA CRUZA crossed GCA YA CUBRI covered GCA YA CUIDA cared GCA YA CUJI caught GCA YA CULIJIH discovered GCA YA CULTIVA cultivated GCA YA CULUMBRA single outed GCA YA CUMBERSA conversed GCA YA CUNTA told GCA YA CURA cured GCA YA CURTA cut GCA YA CUSU rubbed GCA YA DAGIT swept GCA YA DALAH willed not to do GCA YA DALDAL chattered GCA YA DALE gave GCA YA DALIH hurried GCA YA DAYAW went forth and sought contests GCA YA DAñA harmed or cast spells GCA YA DEBE owed GCA YA DEBERIYA it ought to had been GCA YA DECAE declined GCA YA DECIDE decided GCA YA DECIDI decided GCA YA DECLAMA declaimed GCA YA DECLARA declared GCA YA DECORA decorated GCA YA DEDICA dedicated GCA YA DEFENDE defended GCA YA DEHA left behind GCA YA DEJA left GCA YA DEKLARA declared GCA YA DEKORA decorated GCA YA DELETREYA spelt GCA YA DELIREA raved GCA YA DELIRYA were delirious GCA YA DEMONSTRA demonstrated GCA YA DEMORALISA demoralized GCA YA DEMOSTRA demonstrated GCA YA DENUNCIA denounced GCA YA DEPENDE defended GCA YA DEPORTA deported GCA YA DEPOSITA deposited GCA YA DERAMA overflowed/spilled GCA YA DERIHI directed GCA YA DESAGUA drained GCA YA DESAIRE rebuffed GCA YA DESAPARECE disappeared GCA YA DESAPARESE disappeared GCA YA DESAPROBA disapproved GCA YA DESARMA disarmed GCA YA DESARREGLA disarranged GCA YA DESATA detached GCA YA DESAYUNA ate breakfast GCA YA DESBELA kept vigil through the night GCA YA DESBIYA avoided GCA YA DESBRONA crumbled GCA YA DESCANSA rested GCA YA DESCONECTA disconnected GCA YA DESCONFIA mistrusted GCA YA DESCONOCE disowned GCA YA DESCUBRI discovered GCA YA DESEMBARCA disembarked GCA YA DESESPERA despaired GCA YA DESFALCA defalcated GCA YA DESGRASYA were disgraced GCA YA DESIDI decided GCA YA DESIGNA designed GCA YA DESKANSA rested GCA YA DESKARGA unloaded GCA YA DESKOMPASA overacted/overdid GCA YA DESKOMPYA distrusted GCA YA DESKWIDA were careless GCA YA DESLISA sprained a part of the body GCA YA DESMAYA fainted GCA YA DESNUDA undressed GCA YA DESPACHA dispatched GCA YA DESPEDI took leave GCA YA DESPERTA woke up GCA YA DESPIDI said goodbye GCA YA DESPRECIA despised GCA YA DESQUITA retaliated GCA YA DESTINA assigned GCA YA DESTORBA disturbed GCA YA DESTRAE amused GCA YA DESTRONGKA dismantled GCA YA DESTROZA destroyed GCA YA DESVIA avoided GCA YA DETENE detained GCA YA DETERMINA determined GCA YA DEVIA strayed GCA YA DEVOLVE returned something GCA YA DIBIDI divided GCA YA DIBUHA designed GCA YA DICIDE decided GCA YA DIKTA dictated GCA YA DILIRYA were delirious GCA YA DIMITI resigned GCA YA DINIGRI became discolored GCA YA DIREHI directed GCA YA DIRIGI directed GCA YA DIRIHI directed GCA YA DIRITI melted GCA YA DISARMA disarmed GCA YA DISBIA avoided GCA YA DISCARGA unloaded GCA YA DISCOBRI discovered GCA YA DISCUTI discussed GCA YA DISENTONA were out of tune GCA YA DISILACHA unravelled GCA YA DISIMULA concealed one's real intention GCA YA DISIPLINA disciplined GCA YA DISKANSA rested GCA YA DISKUBRI discovered GCA YA DISKUTI discussed GCA YA DISPENSE excused GCA YA DISPIERTA woke GCA YA DISPONE disposed of GCA YA DISTINGUI distinguished GCA YA DISTORBA disturbed GCA YA DISTORNILLA unscrewed GCA YA DISTRAE distracted GCA YA DISTRIBUI distribted GCA YA DISTRIBUNI distributed GCA YA DISTRIBWI distributed GCA YA DISTRUWI destroyed GCA YA DISTURNADA sneezed GCA YA DISVIA avoided GCA YA DIVERTI made merry GCA YA DIVIDI divided GCA YA DIYALO disregarded GCA YA DOBLA folded GCA YA DOKUMENTA documented GCA YA DOMINA dominated GCA YA DONA donated GCA YA DORA plated with gold GCA YA DORMI slept GCA YA DRIL drilled GCA YA DRUGAS cheated at games GCA YA DU-UN pressed down heavily GCA YA DUBLA folded GCA YA DUDA doubted GCA YA DUGTUNG joined end to end GCA YA DULUG lingered or delay GCA YA DULUN swallowed whole GCA YA DUNGGLAN choked GCA YA DUPLICA duplicated GCA YA DURA took a long time GCA YA DURMI slept GCA YA DYALO disregarded GCA YA EBACUA evacuated GCA YA EBITA avoided GCA YA ECHA put GCA YA EDUKA educated GCA YA EJERCE performed duties GCA YA EKIBOKA made a mistake GCA YA EKSPLIKA explained GCA YA ELEBA elevated GCA YA ELIMINA eliminated GCA YA EMBALSAMA embalmed GCA YA EMBARAZA embarrassed GCA YA EMBARCA embarked GCA YA EMBARKA embarked GCA YA EMBENENA poisoned GCA YA EMBIYA sent through GCA YA EMBLANDA softened GCA YA EMBOLBE wrapped GCA YA EMBORACHA became drunk GCA YA EMPACHA had stomach indigestion GCA YA EMPAKA packed up GCA YA EMPASTA filled a tooth cavity GCA YA EMPERMA got sick GCA YA EMPESA began GCA YA EMPEñA hocked GCA YA EMPLASTA flattened GCA YA EMPLEYA hired GCA YA EMPOLLA blistered GCA YA EMPOLVA covered with powder GCA YA ENAMORA wooed GCA YA ENCABEZA headed GCA YA ENCEDE lit GCA YA ENCOGE contracted GCA YA ENCUENTRA found GCA YA ENDEREZA rectified GCA YA ENDIABLA were furious GCA YA ENDOMOñA were deviled GCA YA ENDORSA endorced GCA YA ENFORSA forced GCA YA ENFRENTA confronted GCA YA ENFRIA cooled GCA YA ENGGANCHA hooked/connected GCA YA ENGGORDA fattened GCA YA ENGKANGGRENA were infected GCA YA ENGKANTA enchanted GCA YA ENGKARGA took charge of GCA YA ENGKONTRA found GCA YA ENGKUHI shrank GCA YA ENGKUNTRA encounter GCA YA ENMENDA reformed GCA YA ENROL enrolled GCA YA ENSANCHA widened GCA YA ENSAYA rehearsed GCA YA ENSERA enclosed GCA YA ENSEñA taught GCA YA ENSUSYA soiled GCA YA ENTABLA got away fast GCA YA ENTENDE understood GCA YA ENTERA buried GCA YA ENTERBERI intervened GCA YA ENTERPRETA interpreted GCA YA ENTOHA conceived GCA YA ENTRA entered GCA YA ENTREGA delivered GCA YA ENTREGADA delivered GCA YA ENTREMETE interfered GCA YA ENTRETENE entertained GCA YA ENVENENA poisoned GCA YA ENVIA sent GCA YA ENVIDIA envied GCA YA ENVISTI stood up to a challenge GCA YA ENVOLVE wrapped up GCA YA EREDA inherited GCA YA ESCAPA escaped GCA YA ESCRIBI wrote GCA YA ESCUHI chose GCA YA ESCUHIR chose GCA YA ESCUJI chose GCA YA ESCUPI spitted GCA YA ESKALDA learned one's lesson as a result of a past experience GCA YA ESKAMA removed fish scales GCA YA ESKAPA escaped GCA YA ESKOHE chose GCA YA ESKONDE hid/kept GCA YA ESKRIBI wrote GCA YA ESKUCHA peeped GCA YA ESPALTA paved with asphalt GCA YA ESPANTA were surprised GCA YA ESPEHYA looked into a mirror GCA YA ESPERA waited GCA YA ESPLICA explained GCA YA ESPONGHA sponged GCA YA ESPONGHYA sponged GCA YA ESTA stayed GCA YA ESTABA was/had been GCA YA ESTABLECE established GCA YA ESTABLESE established GCA YA ESTABLISA established GCA YA ESTANGKA clogged GCA YA ESTIRA pulled GCA YA ESTORBA disturbed GCA YA ESTRANIA wondered GCA YA ESTRANYA wondered GCA YA ESTUDIA studied GCA YA ESTUDYA studied GCA YA EVACUA evacuated GCA YA EVALUA evaluated GCA YA EVITA avoided GCA YA EXAMINA examined GCA YA EXPECTA expected GCA YA EXPORTA exported GCA YA EXPRESA expressed GCA YA EXPRESSA expressed GCA YA EXTENDE extended GCA YA FABRICA fabricated GCA YA FACILITA facilitated GCA YA FALSIFICA falsified GCA YA FALTA failed GCA YA FASTIDIA got fed up GCA YA FAVORECE favored GCA YA FELICITA congratulated GCA YA FERTILIZA fertilized GCA YA FINALIZA finalized GCA YA FIRMA signed GCA YA FONDEA dropped anchor GCA YA FORZA forced/to raped GCA YA FRACASA failed GCA YA FREI fried GCA YA FRENA applied brakes GCA YA FRI fried GCA YA FUSILA killed by shooting GCA YA GACHA ducked GCA YA GANA won GCA YA GANAH won GCA YA GANANCIA profited GCA YA GANCHILLA crocheted GCA YA GANGGA teased GCA YA GANGGYA ganged up GCA YA GARA grasped GCA YA GARANTIA guaranteed GCA YA GARANTISA guaranteed GCA YA GARGARYA gargled GCA YA GAROTYA beat with a cudgel GCA YA GARRUTA beat with a club GCA YA GASGAS scraped the surface GCA YA GASTA spent GCA YA GATUNG started cooking fire GCA YA GATYA climbed in a crawling manner GCA YA GAYA-GAYA imitated GCA YA GEMIQUIA sobbed silentlt GCA YA GERYA hurled GCA YA GIBA harvested bananas by cutting the banana tree GCA YA GIMIQUIA sobbed silently GCA YA GINDA got somewhere aimlessly GCA YA GISA sauteed GCA YA GIYA guided GCA YA GOBERNA governed GCA YA GOLE became aware of GCA YA GOLPYA hit with a blow GCA YA GOVERNA governed GCA YA GRABA engraved GCA YA GRAVA engraved GCA YA GREBATA extracted GCA YA GRITA shouted GCA YA GRUñI growled GCA YA GUARDA kept GCA YA GUHERA bored a hole GCA YA GUIDGUID grated tubers GCA YA GUINDA got there GCA YA GUISA sauted GCA YA GUMITA vomited GCA YA GUSTA liked GCA YA GUTYA dripped GCA YA GUYUD dragged GCA YA GWARDA kept GCA YA GWARDYA guarded GCA YA HABLA spoke GCA YA HABONA soaped GCA YA HABUG cultivated GCA YA HABUL ran after GCA YA HABULANG chased GCA YA HACE IMUT made the most use of GCA YA HACE LAGAS chased GCA YA HACE SEñAS signalled GCA YA HACE SIPA played sipa GCA YA HACE SUGSUG forced one's way in GCA YA HACE SUHBU handfed GCA YA HACE TECAS cheated GCA YA HACE TUMPUK piled GCA YA HACE made/did GCA YA HACHA axed GCA YA HACHI sneezed GCA YA HACHING sneezed GCA YA HACUT gathered in armfuls GCA YA HALA pulled and drag GCA YA HALABAS cut grass GCA YA HALAY hung on the clothesline GCA YA HAMBUG bragged GCA YA HAMPAS swiped with the hand GCA YA HANDAH feinted GCA YA HANGA admired GCA YA HANGAK staring absentmindedly GCA YA HANGGUL intense longing GCA YA HAPLUS loosened the knot GCA YA HAPU panted GCA YA HARANG blocked the way GCA YA HARTA satiated beyond normal appetite GCA YA HATUD conveyed personally GCA YA HAYA wailed GCA YA HAYAH wailed GCA YA HAYANG lay flat on one's back GCA YA HEDE stank GCA YA HERI wounded GCA YA HERVI boiled GCA YA HIBI grimaced when one begins to cry GCA YA HIKAB yawned GCA YA HILA pulled GCA YA HILAP had pangs of hunger GCA YA HIMAS massaged GCA YA HIMAY shredded leafy vegetables GCA YA HIMUS tidied up GCA YA HINCA knelt GCA YA HINCHA swelled GCA YA HINGKA knelt GCA YA HINLU smoothed out laundry GCA YA HIPA panted for breath GCA YA HITAD stretched GCA YA HITAT stretched GCA YA HIWI stretched diagonally GCA YA HODENTYA cursed GCA YA HUBAS reduced liquid GCA YA HUCAT searched for something GCA YA HUGA played/gambled GCA YA HUI escaped GCA YA HUKAY dug into the ground GCA YA HULA guessed GCA YA HULAU sought shelter GCA YA HULIP patched a roof GCA YA HULUM soaked GCA YA HUMBA roared GCA YA HURA swore GCA YA HURAMENTA went berserk GCA YA HUSGA judged GCA YA HUSTA made fit so there will be enough GCA YA HUTIK whispered GCA YA HUWI escaped GCA YA HUYAP yawned GCA YA IBITA avoided GCA YA ICHA put GCA YA IDENTIFICA identified GCA YA ILBANA base in sewing GCA YA ILUMINA lit up GCA YA ILUSTRA illustrated GCA YA IMAGINA imagined GCA YA IMAHINA imagined GCA YA IMBARKA embarked GCA YA IMBAY walked with a sway GCA YA IMBENTA invented GCA YA IMBENTO invented GCA YA IMBESTIGA investigated GCA YA IMBISTI challenged GCA YA IMBITA invited GCA YA IMBIYA sent GCA YA IMITA imitated GCA YA IMPEKTA infected GCA YA IMPIDI impeded GCA YA IMPLEMENTA implemented GCA YA IMPLORA implored GCA YA IMPONE imposed tax GCA YA IMPORMA informed GCA YA IMPORTA imported GCA YA IMPRENTA printed GCA YA IMPRIMI printed GCA YA IMPRIYA cooled GCA YA IMPROVISA improvised GCA YA IMUT economized GCA YA INAGWA rinsed GCA YA INAMORA loved GCA YA INAT stretched GCA YA INAUGURA inaugurated GCA YA INCENDIA caused a large fire GCA YA INCHA swelled GCA YA INCIMA contracted GCA YA INCINIA showed GCA YA INCINYA showed GCA YA INCLUHI included GCA YA INCLUI included GCA YA INCLUJI included GCA YA INCUJI contracted GCA YA INCUNTRA encountered GCA YA INCURRI incurred GCA YA INDICA indicated GCA YA INFECTA infected GCA YA INFORMA informed GCA YA INGKUNTRA encountered GCA YA INKLINA inclined GCA YA INKLUWI included GCA YA INSERTA inserted GCA YA INSINA taught GCA YA INSINDI lit GCA YA INSISTI insisted GCA YA INSIÑA taught GCA YA INSPECCIONA inspected GCA YA INSPECTA inspected GCA YA INSPEKTA inspected GCA YA INSPIRA inspired GCA YA INSTALA installed GCA YA INSTRUWI instructed GCA YA INSULTA insulted GCA YA INSUSIA dirtied GCA YA INSUSYA soiled GCA YA INTENDE understood GCA YA INTENSIFICA intensified GCA YA INTERPRETA interpreted GCA YA INTRODUCI introduced GCA YA INTUMI became numb GCA YA INVADI invaded GCA YA INVENTA invented GCA YA INVESTIGA investigated GCA YA INVIDIA envied GCA YA INVITA invited GCA YA IPIT pressed down GCA YA IRBI boiled GCA YA IRI wounded GCA YA ISCAPA escaped GCA YA ISCONDE hid GCA YA ISCRIBI wrote GCA YA ISCUHI chose GCA YA ISKAPA escaped GCA YA ISKONDE hid GCA YA ISKUHI chose GCA YA ISKUPI spitted GCA YA ISTUDIA studied GCA YA ISTUDYA studied GCA YA JALA-JALA dragged along GCA YA JALA pulled GCA YA JALO disregarded GCA YA JUGA played GCA YA JULU-JULU groaned GCA YA JURA swore GCA YA JUSGA judged GCA YA JUZGA judged GCA YA KABE fit GCA YA KABIT-KABIT connected or joined together GCA YA KABIT connected GCA YA KACAL rapped the head with the knuckles GCA YA KAGA defecated GCA YA KAHIG raked GCA YA KALABIT called with the finger GCA YA KALAM tickled GCA YA KALENTA heated GCA YA KALICAT stirred cooking rice GCA YA KALKULA calculated GCA YA KALLA kept quiet GCA YA KALYA quieted GCA YA KAMANG crawled GCA YA KAMBIYA changed GCA YA KAMBRUS scratched as a cat does GCA YA KAMBYA changed GCA YA KAMINA walked GCA YA KANSA tired GCA YA KANTA sang GCA YA KAPA castrated/groped GCA YA KAPKAP groped GCA YA KAPONA castrated GCA YA KARANG-KARANG dare GCA YA KARGA carried GCA YA KASA married GCA YA KASKA peeled GCA YA KASKAS scraped ice/hurried GCA YA KASTIGA punished GCA YA KATING-KATING squatted GCA YA KAWSA caused GCA YA KAY fell GCA YA KAYA carried on GCA YA KAYUG grated GCA YA KEBRA broke GCA YA KEBRANTA broke up suddenly GCA YA KIKIL extort money from another GCA YA KISAP-KISAP flickered GCA YA KISAP winked GCA YA KISKIS scrubbed or scrape GCA YA KITA removed GCA YA KITIG tickled GCA YA KITIK tickled GCA YA KLABA nailed GCA YA KLABADA manner of nailing GCA YA KOBRA collected/charged GCA YA KOLGA hung GCA YA KOLIHI detected GCA YA KOLORYA became red GCA YA KOMANDER commandeered GCA YA KOMBERSA talked GCA YA KOMBERTI converted GCA YA KOMBINA combined GCA YA KOME ate GCA YA KOMETE committed GCA YA KOMPARA compared GCA YA KOMPAñA accompanied GCA YA KOMPESA confessed GCA YA KOMPIRMA confirmed GCA YA KOMPLETA completed GCA YA KOMPONE composed GCA YA KOMPORMA conformed GCA YA KOMPRA bought GCA YA KOMPYA trusted GCA YA KONCHABA prearranged GCA YA KONDENA condemned GCA YA KONDUSI led/guided GCA YA KONEKTA connected GCA YA KONOSE recognized GCA YA KONSAGRA consecrated GCA YA KONSEHA advised GCA YA KONSENTI consented GCA YA KONSENTRA concentrated GCA YA KONSERBA conserved GCA YA KONSULTA consulted GCA YA KONTA counted GCA YA KONTAHYA contaminated GCA YA KONTAMINA contaminated GCA YA KONTENE contained GCA YA KONTENTA were content GCA YA KONTESTA answered GCA YA KONTINUA continued GCA YA KONTINWA continued GCA YA KONTRARYA contracted GCA YA KONTRATA contracted GCA YA KONTRIBWI contributed GCA YA KONTROLA controlled GCA YA KORE ran GCA YA KORTA cut GCA YA KORTYA shaped by cutting out the desired form GCA YA KOSTA cost GCA YA KRE believed GCA YA KRESE grew GCA YA KRUSA crossed GCA YA KUAPIT pocketed someone's money GCA YA KUBRE covered GCA YA KUDKUD grated GCA YA KUGA choked someone with one's hands GCA YA KUHI caught GCA YA KUHIT held forefinger in shape of hook GCA YA KUKINA teased naggingly GCA YA KULA bleached GCA YA KULAMBITAY hung on GCA YA KULGA hung from a hook GCA YA KULIPAT tweaked the ears GCA YA KULUB turned face down GCA YA KULUMBUT kept warm by curling up GCA YA KULUT curled the hair GCA YA KUMERSA conversed GCA YA KUMPLI complied with GCA YA KUMPORMA conformed GCA YA KUMU crumpled with the fist GCA YA KUMUH crushed with the hand GCA YA KUMULGA received communion GCA YA KUNDAY waved the hand GCA YA KUNDUSI conducted GCA YA KUNSI prearranged winning in game GCA YA KUNSUMI worried GCA YA KUNTA counted GCA YA KUNTADA counted GCA YA KUPUS shrank GCA YA KURA cured GCA YA KURBA curved GCA YA KURNYA gored GCA YA KURSYA had loose bowel movements GCA YA KURTA-KURTA cut into pieces GCA YA KURTA cut GCA YA KUSI pinched/sewed GCA YA KUSINA cooked GCA YA KUSKUS scrubbed GCA YA KUSMUT made grimaces GCA YA KUWIDA cared GCA YA KWIDA took care GCA YA KYERE wanted GCA YA LABA laundered GCA YA LABAG cleaned coco tree GCA YA LABRA whittled GCA YA LACUACHA played hooky GCA YA LADRA barked GCA YA LAGA boiled GCA YA LAGAS chased GCA YA LAGRIMYA became tearful GCA YA LAHYANG sun-dry grains GCA YA LAKANG took big steps GCA YA LAMBE licked GCA YA LAMENTA lamented GCA YA LAMITA halved GCA YA LAMITAD half pieced GCA YA LAMPAS overtook and go beyond GCA YA LAMPASEA waxed the floor GCA YA LAMPASYA mopped GCA YA LAMPUS threw on the ground GCA YA LANCIA stabbed GCA YA LANDUG slipped GCA YA LANSA aimed/pierced GCA YA LANSIA thrust with a spear GCA YA LANSYA aimed or pierce with a lance GCA YA LARGA letted go GCA YA LASA caught with a lasso GCA YA LASANG told tall tales GCA YA LASTIMA inflict a wound GCA YA LATAY crossed a bridge GCA YA LATE throbbed GCA YA LATIGA whipped GCA YA LAVA washed GCA YA LAYA-LAYA shook hard GCA YA LAYAS wandered aimlessly GCA YA LAYLAY hung carelessly GCA YA LE read GCA YA LEBANTA rose from bed or a sitting position GCA YA LEVANTA raised GCA YA LIBRA liberated GCA YA LIBUD walked around perimeter GCA YA LIEVA took GCA YA LIGID-LIGID rolled around GCA YA LIGID sidled GCA YA LIGUAT upturn with crossbar GCA YA LIGUIT rolled GCA YA LILIG cleaned underbrush GCA YA LIMAS emptied a well of water GCA YA LIMITA limited GCA YA LIMPIA cleaned GCA YA LIMPIYA cleaned GCA YA LIMPYA cleaned GCA YA LINGASA were restless GCA YA LIQUIDA liquidated GCA YA LISTA listed GCA YA LLAMA called GCA YA LLEBA brought GCA YA LLEGA arrived GCA YA LLENA filled up GCA YA LLEVA carried GCA YA LLIVA take GCA YA LLOBE rained GCA YA LLORA-LLORA pretended to cry GCA YA LLORA cried GCA YA LLOVE rained GCA YA LLUBISNA drizzled GCA YA LLUBYA rained GCA YA LLURA cried GCA YA LOGRA availed oneself of GCA YA LUBUG sunk/drowned GCA YA LUCHA struggled against another GCA YA LUGIT pried meat off a shell GCA YA LUGUD rubbed off body grime GCA YA LUMLUM set hen to hatch eggs GCA YA LUMPAGI sat on floor or ground GCA YA LUMUS drowned GCA YA LUNU molted GCA YA LUSI shone or glow GCA YA LUSLUS slid down GCA YA LUSUT sneaked out GCA YA LUTAW floated GCA YA LUTO mourned GCA YA LYIBA took GCA YA LYIGA arived GCA YA LYURA cried GCA YA MACHAKA crumpled GCA YA MACHUCA crushed GCA YA MACHUKA hatched GCA YA MADRUGA got up at early dawn GCA YA MADURA ripened GCA YA MALASA boiled eggs until half cooked GCA YA MALASADA processed of preparing half cooked food GCA YA MALBARATA priced cheaply GCA YA MALDECI cursed GCA YA MALDISI cursed GCA YA MALPARI aborted GCA YA MALTRATA maltreated GCA YA MALUNGKYA mauled GCA YA MAMA suckled GCA YA MAN CHAPA squealed GCA YA MAN GUERRA made war GCA YA MAN LAPIS target a shot GCA YA MAN MARIL hunted GCA YA MAN POSTURA posturing GCA YA MAN PUNA mended a fishing net GCA YA MAN SUGSUG forced one's way in GCA YA MAN SUHBU fed oneself GCA YA MAN UMIT were unwittingly involved GCA YA MAN WARAS caused havoc GCA YA MANCHA stained GCA YA MANDA ordered/sent GCA YA MANEHA managed/drove GCA YA MANEJA managed GCA YA MANIPULA manipulated GCA YA MANKWENTO told GCA YA MANTENE maintained/supported GCA YA MANUCIA spoiled GCA YA MANVISIT visited GCA YA MARCAH marked GCA YA MARCHA marched GCA YA MARCHAH marched GCA YA MARKA marked GCA YA MARTILLA hammered GCA YA MASA kneaded GCA YA MASAH kneaded dough GCA YA MASCUTIA masticated GCA YA MASKA chewed betel nut GCA YA MASKUCHA chewed GCA YA MASTIKA masticated GCA YA MATA killed/winked GCA YA MATERYA became infected GCA YA MAñOSO showed a desire to be petted GCA YA MAñOSU showed a desire to be petted GCA YA MEDI measured GCA YA MEHORA improved GCA YA MEJORAH improved GCA YA MEMORYA memorized GCA YA MENCIONA mentioned GCA YA MENEA moved GCA YA MENGGWA lessened GCA YA MENGUA diminished GCA YA MENSIONA mention GCA YA MENSYONA mentioned GCA YA MENTA blamed GCA YA MENTI lay GCA YA MENTIONA mentioned GCA YA MENYA moved GCA YA MERECE deserved GCA YA MERENDA snacked GCA YA MESCLA mixed GCA YA MESKLA mixed GCA YA METE inserted GCA YA METIDO were involved GCA YA MEZCLA mixed GCA YA MIDI measured GCA YA MINGAR watched hungrily with mouth agape GCA YA MINISTRA administered GCA YA MINTI lay GCA YA MIRA looked/saw GCA YA MIT met GCA YA MIYA urinated GCA YA MOBE moved GCA YA MODERA moderated GCA YA MOJA wet GCA YA MOLE ground GCA YA MOLESTA bothered GCA YA MOLESTIYA molested GCA YA MOMORAYS memorized GCA YA MONTA mounted on a horse GCA YA MORDE bit GCA YA MORI died GCA YA MOVE moved GCA YA MUDA dressed up GCA YA MUHA wet GCA YA MUHMUH fell on one's face GCA YA MUJA wet GCA YA MULTA imposed a fine GCA YA MUMUG gargled GCA YA MUNTA mounted GCA YA MURI died GCA YA MURMURA murmured GCA YA NACE KOMIGO I was born GCA YA NACE were born GCA YA NADA swam GCA YA NADAH swam GCA YA NASE KUMIGO I was born GCA YA NASE were born GCA YA NAVEGA sail GCA YA NECESITA needed GCA YA NEGA denied GCA YA NEGOCIA traded GCA YA NERBYA became nervous GCA YA NERVIA were unsure GCA YA NESESITA needed GCA YA NGANGA chewed betel nut GCA YA NGASA acted as though wishing for the death of another GCA YA NGAT-NGAT gnawed GCA YA NGILU set the teeth on edge GCA YA NGISI grinned GCA YA NGUL-NGUL grumbled GCA YA NICISITA needed GCA YA NOCHESE were overtaken by night GCA YA NOMBRA nominated GCA YA NOTA noticed GCA YA NOTADA noticing GCA YA NOTAH noted GCA YA NOTIFICA notified GCA YA NUSNUS rubbed face against hard surface GCA YA OBEDECE obeyed GCA YA OBEDESE obeyed GCA YA OBLIGA obligated GCA YA OBRA took effect GCA YA OBSERBA observed GCA YA OBSERVA observed GCA YA OCUPA occupied GCA YA OCURI occurred GCA YA ODYA hated GCA YA OFENDE offended GCA YA OFRECE offered GCA YA OI heard GCA YA OKUPA occupied GCA YA OLE smelled GCA YA OLESTYA reeked GCA YA OLVIDA forgot GCA YA OMENTA added GCA YA ONRA honored GCA YA OO defecated GCA YA OPERA operated on GCA YA OPONE opposed GCA YA OPRESE offered GCA YA ORDENA ordained GCA YA ORGANISA organized GCA YA ORGANIZA organized GCA YA ORIHINIA originated GCA YA OTORGA took responsibility GCA YA PACHA kicked GCA YA PAGA paid GCA YA PAGPAG beat the dust off GCA YA PAGUD ground teeth while asleep GCA YA PAHARYA went bird hunting GCA YA PAHID wiped away with a swiping action GCA YA PAHIT spread with fingers or knife GCA YA PAJAREA hunted GCA YA PAKAS split open for salting GCA YA PAKULUB lay on one's stomach GCA YA PAKYAW bought wholesale GCA YA PALAKPAK applauded GCA YA PALIPIT twisted GCA YA PALISO beat GCA YA PALLA failed GCA YA PALMADIA slapped with palm GCA YA PALMADYA slapped with the hand GCA YA PALPA touched GCA YA PALPITA palpitated GCA YA PALTA lacked GCA YA PALU started trek GCA YA PALUH YA started trek GCA YA PANGAS sowed seeds GCA YA PANUMBA cut down trees GCA YA PARA stopped GCA YA PARESE appeared GCA YA PARI gave birth GCA YA PARTI divided GCA YA PARTICIPA participated GCA YA PAS passed GCA YA PASA passed GCA YA PASEA took a walk GCA YA PASIPALA mistreated GCA YA PASMA became overly fatigued GCA YA PASPAS dusted off GCA YA PASYA strolled GCA YA PATICALAS made intense effort GCA YA PATUNG put over GCA YA PAULUG behaved in spoiled manner GCA YA PAYNA combed hair GCA YA PAYPAY fanned GCA YA PECA sinned GCA YA PEDI asked GCA YA PEGA whip GCA YA PEINA combed the hair GCA YA PEKA sinned GCA YA PELEA fought GCA YA PELLA fought GCA YA PELYA fought GCA YA PENETRA penetrated GCA YA PENSA thought GCA YA PERDE lost something GCA YA PERDONA pardoned GCA YA PERJUDICA caused damage GCA YA PERMITI permitted GCA YA PERPORMA performed GCA YA PERSIGUI persecuted GCA YA PERSOGAH pastured roped animals GCA YA PESA weighed GCA YA PESCA fished GCA YA PESKA fished GCA YA PEYNA combed GCA YA PICAH pecked/chopped finely GCA YA PICHI pressed GCA YA PICOTEA struck with the beak GCA YA PIDI asked GCA YA PIHA took a close look GCA YA PIKA-KARERA dashed out GCA YA PIKA stung/pecked GCA YA PIKPIK paid a baby to sleep GCA YA PIKURA tried GCA YA PILA pounded GCA YA PILANTIK hit lightly with a stick GCA YA PINGGA carried with a pole GCA YA PINTA painted GCA YA PIPINA picked up GCA YA PIRMA signed GCA YA PISA pricked/stepped GCA YA PISIG splattered GCA YA PISIK sprinkled water GCA YA PISOTEA trampled GCA YA PISOTYA stepped on GCA YA PITA blew a whistle GCA YA PITCHI squeezed GCA YA PITIK flicked GCA YA PLANGKETYA hurled GCA YA PLANIA planned GCA YA PLANQUETIA hurled GCA YA PLANTA built GCA YA PLANTAH set GCA YA PLANYA planned GCA YA PLATIKA told GCA YA PLORYA flowered GCA YA POLVORIA powdered GCA YA PONE ATENSIYON paid attention GCA YA PONE ATENSYON paid attention GCA YA PONE CULPA blamed GCA YA PONE put GCA YA PORFIA disputed GCA YA PORMA formed GCA YA PORPYA argued GCA YA PORSA forced GCA YA PORSEGUI pursued GCA YA PORSIGUI went ahead with GCA YA PORTA behaved well GCA YA POSTA bet GCA YA POSTURYA dressed up and groom oneself GCA YA PRACTICAH practice GCA YA PRAKTIKA practiced GCA YA PRAKTIS practiced GCA YA PREDIKA preached GCA YA PREGUNTA inquired GCA YA PREMYA awarded a prize GCA YA PRENDAH pledged GCA YA PRENDI learned/studied GCA YA PREPARA prepared GCA YA PRESENTA presented GCA YA PRESERBA preserved GCA YA PRESERVA preserved GCA YA PRESTA lent GCA YA PRESYA appraised GCA YA PRETENDE pretended GCA YA PREVENI prevented GCA YA PRI fried GCA YA PRICURA attempted GCA YA PRIGUNTA asked GCA YA PRINCIPYA started GCA YA PRINSIPYA began GCA YA PROBA tried/tasted GCA YA PROBECHA took advantage of GCA YA PROCLAMA proclaimed GCA YA PROCURA attempted GCA YA PRODUCI produced GCA YA PROHIBI prohibited GCA YA PROKLAMA proclaimed GCA YA PROKURA tried GCA YA PROMETE promised GCA YA PRONUNCIA pronounced GCA YA PROPAGA propagated GCA YA PROPASA went beyond GCA YA PROPESA professed GCA YA PROPONE proposed/suggested GCA YA PROTEGE protected GCA YA PROTEHE protected GCA YA PROTEJE protected GCA YA PROTEKTA protected GCA YA PROTESTAH protested GCA YA PROVOCA provoked GCA YA PRUBA tasted/tried GCA YA PUBLICA published GCA YA PUBLIKA published GCA YA PUDRI rot GCA YA PUGA wrung out GCA YA PUGAH squeezed dry GCA YA PUGPUG beat GCA YA PUHPUH shelled corn GCA YA PUJA pushed up the bid GCA YA PUKLA became pale or ashen GCA YA PUKPUK hammered GCA YA PUKUT fished with a net GCA YA PULSEA felt the pulse GCA YA PULSYA pulsated GCA YA PULUN retrieved a line GCA YA PULUPUT were curled around something GCA YA PUMA smoked GCA YA PUNA mended a fishing net GCA YA PUNDIA docked GCA YA PUNSYONA functioned GCA YA PUNTA pointed out GCA YA PUNTERYA ascertained GCA YA PURFIA disputed GCA YA PURGAH purged GCA YA PURPIA insisted GCA YA PURSIGI proceeded GCA YA PURSIGUI pursued GCA YA PUSAK disagreed/resisted GCA YA PUSILA shot with a gun GCA YA PUSTURA postured GCA YA PUTAK clucked GCA YA PUTUG burst GCA YA QUEBRA broke/failed GCA YA QUEBRANTA broke into pieces GCA YA QUEDA stayed GCA YA QUEMAH burnt GCA YA QUESTIONA questioned GCA YA QUIDA stayed GCA YA QUIERE desired GCA YA QUITA took away GCA YA QUITIK tickled GCA YA RABIAH raged GCA YA RAHA cracked something GCA YA RAJA cracked/split GCA YA RALA grated GCA YA RANGKA uprooted GCA YA RASCAH scratched off GCA YA RASGUñA scratched with a claw GCA YA RASKA scratched because of itchiness GCA YA RASPA scraped GCA YA RASTRA dragged GCA YA RAYAH drew lines GCA YA REALISA realized GCA YA REALIZA realized GCA YA REBAHA bargained GCA YA REBAJA reduced rates GCA YA REBATA grabbed GCA YA REBISA revised GCA YA REBOLBE returned GCA YA REBUSA prepared coating GCA YA RECAE relapsed GCA YA RECEBI received GCA YA RECELA had misgivings GCA YA RECHAZA rejected GCA YA RECHINA grated GCA YA RECIVI received GCA YA RECLAMA complained GCA YA RECLASSIFICA reclassified GCA YA RECOGE gathered GCA YA RECOMENDA recommended GCA YA RECOMMENDA recommended GCA YA RECONCILIA reconciled GCA YA RECONOCE recognized GCA YA RECOSTA lazed against GCA YA RECUBRI recovered GCA YA RECUPERA recovered GCA YA REDOBLA redoubled GCA YA REDUCI reduced GCA YA REELIGI reelected GCA YA REFERI refered GCA YA REFINA refined GCA YA REFLEJA reflected GCA YA REFORMAH reformed GCA YA REFRESCA refreshed GCA YA REFRIGERA refrigerated GCA YA REGA watered GCA YA REGALA gave as a gift GCA YA REGATYA bargained GCA YA REGAñA were angry/scolded GCA YA REGISTRA registered GCA YA REGORDA belched GCA YA REGULA regulated GCA YA REHISTRA registered GCA YA REI laughed GCA YA REKAYE had a relapse GCA YA REKAYI had a relapse GCA YA REKLAMA complained/reclaimed GCA YA REKOHE gathered GCA YA REKONOSE examined medically GCA YA REKORDA remembered GCA YA REKUMBENE reconvened GCA YA RELEVA relieved GCA YA RELLENA refilled GCA YA REMACHA riveted GCA YA REMANGA rolled up GCA YA REMATA foreclosed GCA YA REMEDIA remedied GCA YA REMEDYA remedied GCA YA REMITI remitted GCA YA REMORKYA towed GCA YA REMPUJA jostled GCA YA REMUHA soaked GCA YA REMUJA soaked GCA YA RENDI yielded GCA YA REPASA reviewed GCA YA REPIKA ringed the bell GCA YA REPITI repeated GCA YA REPORTA reported GCA YA REPRESENTA represented GCA YA REPRESKA refreshed/rested for a while GCA YA REQUIRI required GCA YA REQUIZA searched minutely GCA YA RESA prayed GCA YA RESBALA slipped GCA YA RESCATA redeemed GCA YA RESECA dried again GCA YA RESELA resented GCA YA RESERVA reserved GCA YA RESIBI received GCA YA RESINTI resented GCA YA RESISTI resisted GCA YA RESKATA redeemed GCA YA RESOLVE resolved GCA YA RESPETA respected GCA YA RESPONDE responded GCA YA RESTORA restored GCA YA RESULLA breathed GCA YA RESULTA resulted GCA YA RESUSITA resuscitated GCA YA RETIRA retired GCA YA RETRATA took a picture GCA YA REUNI reunited GCA YA REVELA showed GCA YA REVENTA burst GCA YA REVISA revised GCA YA REZA prayed GCA YA RI laughed GCA YA RICHINA grated GCA YA RIKIRI required GCA YA RIMPUHA pushed GCA YA RIMPUJA jostled/pushed GCA YA RINDI yielded GCA YA RIPIKA ringed church bells/let go GCA YA RIPINTO repented GCA YA RIPITI repeated GCA YA RIQUISA searched minutely GCA YA RISA curled the hair GCA YA RISIBI received GCA YA RISULLA breathed audibly GCA YA ROBA stole GCA YA ROGA prayed GCA YA ROMPE tore/broke GCA YA RONCA snored GCA YA RUBA stole GCA YA RUKAY called chickens GCA YA RUNGKA snored GCA YA SABE knew GCA YA SABIT snagged GCA YA SABOREA tasted GCA YA SABORYA tasted GCA YA SABUT scattered/got snagged GCA YA SACA took/got GCA YA SACRIFICA sacrificed GCA YA SACUDI beat GCA YA SAGSAG stabbed GCA YA SAHBIT sliced off end of coco bud GCA YA SAHLA strained GCA YA SAHLUT strained GCA YA SAHUMA applied medicated fumes to body GCA YA SAJA sliced GCA YA SAKA got GCA YA SAKRIPIKA sacrificed GCA YA SAKUDI helped someone who has fainted GCA YA SAKUP were inadvertently included GCA YA SALA salted/filtered GCA YA SALAH preserved with salt GCA YA SALBA saved GCA YA SALE went out/left GCA YA SALI got out GCA YA SALIG depended upon GCA YA SALPICA splashed GCA YA SALPIKA sprinkled with salt GCA YA SALTA jumped GCA YA SALUDA greeted GCA YA SALVA freed from danger GCA YA SAMBULAT scattered GCA YA SAMBULLI dived into water GCA YA SAMPAY hung from a clothesline GCA YA SAMPULLA blistered GCA YA SAMUG bothered GCA YA SAMUK pestered GCA YA SANA healed GCA YA SANCUCHA parboiled GCA YA SANDIG leant bodily on a wall GCA YA SANGGRA bled GCA YA SANGKUCHA blanched GCA YA SANTIGUA crossed oneself GCA YA SANTIK struck a match GCA YA SAPA were loosened GCA YA SARSIA saute with tomatoes GCA YA SARSYA sauted GCA YA SASAH separated parts of palm GCA YA SAWAY called for help GCA YA SAWSAW dipped GCA YA SECA dried GCA YA SEGUI followed GCA YA SELA were jealous GCA YA SELEBRA celebrated GCA YA SEMBRA planted GCA YA SEMEHA were similar GCA YA SEMENTA cemented GCA YA SENA took supper GCA YA SENTA sat down GCA YA SENTI felt GCA YA SEPARA separated GCA YA SEPARTA separated GCA YA SERBI served GCA YA SERKA approached GCA YA SERTIPIKA certified GCA YA SERVI served GCA YA SEñALA signalled GCA YA SIBAK cut wood GCA YA SIGI went with GCA YA SIGUE proceeded GCA YA SIGUI followed GCA YA SIGURA assured GCA YA SIKSIK felt for nits GCA YA SILAW were bothered by a glare GCA YA SINDI lit/turned on GCA YA SINTA felt GCA YA SINTI felt GCA YA SIPILLA brushed GCA YA SIRU hiccuped GCA YA SIRUH hiccuped GCA YA SIRVE served GCA YA SIRVI served GCA YA SITSIT hissed GCA YA SITWA situated GCA YA SIYEMBRA sowed GCA YA SOFOCA suffocated GCA YA SOLB solved a problem GCA YA SOLDIA soldiered GCA YA SOLICITA solicited GCA YA SOLTA loosened/freed GCA YA SOLVA solved GCA YA SOMA viewed through a window GCA YA SOMETE submitted GCA YA SONA sounded GCA YA SONRI smiled GCA YA SONSAKA took back GCA YA SOPLA blew/hit GCA YA SOQUIA hit with fist GCA YA SOñA sounded GCA YA SUBA massaged GCA YA SUBI went up GCA YA SUCEDE happened GCA YA SUDA perspired GCA YA SUENA dreamt GCA YA SUFRI suffered GCA YA SUGERI suggested GCA YA SUHBA went upstream GCA YA SUHERI suggested GCA YA SUHETA fastened GCA YA SUHIRI suggested GCA YA SUHPUN joined cords GCA YA SUJETA controlled GCA YA SULSUL argued GCA YA SUMI sank GCA YA SUMPIT squirted GCA YA SUMPLICA entreated GCA YA SUMPLIKE implored GCA YA SUMUT grew tired GCA YA SUNA sounded GCA YA SUNGCAL dug GCA YA SUNGGAB grabbed GCA YA SUNGGUD were piqued GCA YA SUNGGUT were resentful GCA YA SUNGKIT picked fruits GCA YA SUNTUG bumped GCA YA SUPERVISA supervised GCA YA SUPLA blew GCA YA SUPLUT burst out GCA YA SUPORTA supported GCA YA SUPPORTA supported GCA YA SUPRI suffered GCA YA SUPUKA suffocated GCA YA SURAMBAO played to lose GCA YA SURSI darned GCA YA SUSCRIBI subscribed GCA YA SUSEDE happened GCA YA SUSPECHA suspected GCA YA SUSPENDE suspended GCA YA SUSPIRA sighed GCA YA SUSTA frightened GCA YA SUSTENE provided a living GCA YA SUSTENTA sustained GCA YA SUSTITUI substituted GCA YA SUUD crept in GCA YA SUñA dreamed/sounded GCA YA TABAS cut grass GCA YA TABIA poured GCA YA TADTAD chopped to pieces GCA YA TAGTAG were battered traveling GCA YA TAHA intercepted GCA YA TAHYA wounded GCA YA TAJIA slashed GCA YA TAKLAS climbed GCA YA TAKTAK shook container GCA YA TALABANG challenged GCA YA TALABANGAN gang upped GCA YA TALAMUKAN choked GCA YA TALING were stunned GCA YA TAMPA pretended GCA YA TANDAY leant on GCA YA TANGA looked upward GCA YA TANGAH looked up GCA YA TANTEA felt GCA YA TANTIA felt GCA YA TANTYA palpated/felt with the palm GCA YA TAPANG contaminated GCA YA TAPLAK fell flat GCA YA TARANTA were excited GCA YA TARARAN malingered GCA YA TARDA delayed GCA YA TASA sharpened with a pencil GCA YA TASTAS ripped off GCA YA TAYA bet GCA YA TECHA roofed GCA YA TEHE wove GCA YA TEJE wove cloth GCA YA TELEGRAPIA telegraphed GCA YA TELEPONEA telephoned GCA YA TELEPOñA telephoned GCA YA TEMBLA trembled GCA YA TEMBLADA trembled GCA YA TEMPLA mixed/seasoned food GCA YA TEMPLAW mixed/blended GCA YA TENDE spread out GCA YA TENE had GCA YA TENTA tempted/teased GCA YA TERMINA terminated GCA YA TESA hit GCA YA TESTIGWA witnessed/testified GCA YA TEñI dyes GCA YA TIIT crept silently GCA YA TIKA played peekaboo GCA YA TIKAS cheated GCA YA TILAM-TILAM tasted GCA YA TILAM tasted cooking food GCA YA TIMBANG balanced GCA YA TIMIH-TIMIH ate perfunctorily GCA YA TIMPAK broke of piece of parapet GCA YA TINGTING tiptoed GCA YA TINI dyes GCA YA TIPLAK gave sudden scare GCA YA TIRA shot GCA YA TIRIS killed a louse GCA YA TISUT tripped over GCA YA TIñI dyes GCA YA TOCA touched/played GCA YA TOKA turned/touched GCA YA TOLERA tolerated GCA YA TOMA drank GCA YA TORMENTA suffered much GCA YA TORNEA worked a lathe GCA YA TOSE coughed GCA YA TOSTA toasted GCA YA TRABAJA worked GCA YA TRABESA crossed GCA YA TRADUCI translated GCA YA TRADUSI translated GCA YA TRAGA swallowed GCA YA TRAMBULICA disturbed GCA YA TRANCAH barred GCA YA TRANSFERI transferred GCA YA TRANSFIRI transferred GCA YA TRANSPIRI transpired GCA YA TRANSPLANTA transplanted GCA YA TRATA dealt with GCA YA TRAVESA crossed over GCA YA TRILLA threshed GCA YA TRINCA tied up GCA YA TRIUNFA triumphed GCA YA TROMPESA bumped into GCA YA TRONA thundered GCA YA TRUNA thundered GCA YA TUBABA rode piggyback GCA YA TUBUG wallowed in mud GCA YA TUCA touched/played GCA YA TUCAP patched GCA YA TUHUG strung up/threaded a needle GCA YA TUHUGAN skewered GCA YA TUKA pecked/played a musical instrument GCA YA TUKTUK knocked GCA YA TULATUD nodded off GCA YA TULI circumcised GCA YA TULO dripped GCA YA TULU let drip GCA YA TUMBA fell GCA YA TUMBAHAN fell GCA YA TUNGAP gulped GCA YA TUNGTUNG stepped on GCA YA TUPA hit GCA YA TURUK pricked a blister GCA YA TURUS killed lice GCA YA TUSIK nibbled GCA YA TUSMUG dipped for soaking GCA YA TUSTA toasted GCA YA TUTUG rapped with knuckles GCA YA TUWAD bent over GCA YA TUYU became very sleepy GCA YA TYENE had GCA YA UCLAT uprooted GCA YA UGUT aroused GCA YA UKAY stirred GCA YA UL-UL growled GCA YA ULBIDA forgot GCA YA ULBIDAHAN forgot GCA YA ULTRAHA offended GCA YA ULTRAJA insulted GCA YA ULVIDA forgot GCA YA UMIT were unwittingly involved GCA YA UMPUG bumped the head GCA YA UMYA became smokey GCA YA UNDYA sank in GCA YA UNI lived together GCA YA UPUT melted away GCA YA URINA urinated GCA YA USA used GCA YA USANG chewed GCA YA USISA were overly curious GCA YA UTILIZA utilized GCA YA UWI heard GCA YA UYI heard GCA YA UYUG shook an object GCA YA UYUN got along well GCA YA VACIA emptied/to poured GCA YA VARA ran aground GCA YA VELA had a vigil/sailed GCA YA VENDE sold GCA YA VENE YA came GCA YA VENE came GCA YA VENGA avenged GCA YA VERIFICA verified GCA YA VERIJA genital region GCA YA VIAJA travelled GCA YA VINTIA winnowed grains GCA YA VIOLA violated the law/raped GCA YA VIRA turned around GCA YA VIRIJA genital region GCA YA VISITA visited GCA YA VIVI lived GCA YA VOLA flew GCA YA VOLCA capsized GCA YA VOLVE went home GCA YA VOMITA vomited GCA YA VOTA voted GCA YA VULA flew GCA YA WARAS caused havoc GCA YA YO I already GCA YA YURA cried GCA YA ZAMBULLI dived GCA YA ZONA closed for military search GCA YA already GCA YAKAN Yakan GCA YALAMA called GCA YALLAMA called GCA YAN that GCA YANO easy#c Ceb GCA YANTA-YANTA barefooted GCA YANTA wheel GCA YARDA yard GCA YAWAT something useful GCA YAYA nursemaid GCA YAYAY painful GCA YAYO I already GCA YELO ice/color yellow GCA YEMA egg yolk/delicacy made from egg yolk GCA YERBA herb GCA YERNA daughter-in-law GCA YERNO son-in-law GCA YERO iron GCA YERRO metal GCA YO MISMO myself GCA YO I GCA YOGA yoga GCA YOYO yoyo GCA YUGO yoke GCA YUGU yoke GCA YUK ukelele GCA YUKALILI ukelele GCA YUNQUE anvil GCA YURA cry GCA ZACATAL grassland GCA ZACATE grass GCA ZAGALA young girls in religious plays GCA ZAKATE grass GCA ZALAMA demonstrations of care GCA ZALAMERIAS demonstrations of care GCA ZALAMERO one who does zalama GCA ZAMBO Zamboanga GCA ZAMBOANGA Zamboanga GCA ZAMBOANGUE* Zamboangueno GCA ZAMBULLI dive GCA ZAMCELCO ZAMCELCO (Zamboanga Electric Company) GCA ZAMSURECO ZAMSURECO (Zamboanga del Sur Electric Company) GCA ZAPATERO shoemaker GCA ZAPATILLA shoes GCA ZAPATOS shoes GCA ZBGA Zamboanga GCA ZC Zamboanga GCA ZMBGA Zamboanga GCA ZONA close for military search GCA ZUMBIDO zooming sound GCA ZUMO juice GCA ±OR Mr. GCA ±ORA Mrs. GCA